First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1536: Sword pick 4 seas




With the sound of the war drums, the Dragon King of the East China Sea wore a brocade robe, against the dragon's head, looking towards Zhongtu, speechless for a long time.

The tenth day!

The Dragon King of the East China Sea stood by the beach and waited for Li Shimin for ten days. When the last ray of sunlight disappeared from the sky, the Dragon King of the East China Sea knew that the other party would really not come.

"Haha!" Donghai Dragon King suddenly smiled: "Sure enough, the human race today is different from before!"

"The Terran is too arrogant. There used to be Matsu restrained. I can't let go of the Terran. Now Mazu is practicing in retreat. It happened that the Terran counterattacked and landed ashore, let the Terran know the reputation of my Dragon! Know why my Dragon inherited it. Forever!" Beihai Dragon King smiled coldly.


The East China Sea Dragon King waved his hand suddenly.


With the sound of the horn, the tide rolled up in an instant and swept toward the shore.

The squally wind rolled up in the sky, and the black and oppressive clouds forced away toward the middle earth.


Sun Quan looked into the distance with his hands on his back, looked at the cloud head rising in the East China Sea, and smiled coldly: "Strike!"

Countless shrimp soldiers and crabs commanded by the waters of the Yangtze River invaded the territory where the Dragon King of the Yellow River was located.

"Can there be movement at the door?" Li Shimin said with a gloomy expression.

"Return to your Majesty, the Taoist door is still missing, and the mountain cannot be closed!" Chungui Jundao.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Li Shimin clapped his hands one after another, his eyes full of coldness: "The Dao Sect is so excessive, then I can't blame me. When the war is over, I will definitely cut off the Dao Sect's right to inherit the Orthodoxy!"

Li Shimin is angry


This incident was caused by your sects, but now at a critical moment, you are actually picking up and throwing all the pots to me. Li Shimin has been taken a fool, how can there be no anger in his heart?

"If the order is passed down, all armies will be dispatched. Never teach the Hai Clan to invade ordinary people." Li Shimin's eyes rolled with anger.

"Yes!" A soldier quickly ordered.

The Taoist Emperor Fengdu sat on the highest point of Yinshan Mountain, his eyes looked at the demon-arguing East China Sea: "Should we really not take action?"

"Don't worry, this matter is the calculation of the general governor, and the general governor will naturally take care of the aftermath!" Sanfu boy drank the drink unhurriedly: "But you should also be prepared. If there is any accident, it is better to save it sooner. "

Emperor Fengdu nodded, and said to the ghost generals under his hands: "Gather generals!"


The waves were overwhelming, and the earth-shaking tsunami swept toward the shore, rolling out dozens of miles in an instant, and swept across the human village with the sound of wind and thunder.


No hundreds of surnames cried and cried and ran away.

The poultry panicked and scurrying around.

A figure appeared in mid-air without knowing when, just like that with his hands on his back, quietly watching the stormy sea.

Slowly, a finger stretched out and swiped lightly in the void.

Finger Painting Tianhe

A mighty galaxy lay between the waves and the village.

The stars are shining in the galaxy, and the infinite galaxies are flowing, letting the sea surge, after submerging into the galaxy, there is no trace.

The sea is boundless, and the starry sky is boundless.

"Dragons of the Four Seas, dare to commit crimes against my human race!" Zhang Bairen's words were cold and murderous in his eyes.

"Zhang Bairen!" Looking at Zhang Bairen who wandered through the void, the East China Sea Dragon King's eyes were red: "You get out of my way, if you dare to block my way today, my king will never die with you!"

"Oh? Not dying?" Zhang Bairen suddenly smiled inexplicably: "You are so brave! You dare to attack my Human Race Continent and cause chaos in my Human Race Continent."

"Zhang Bairen, the human race is killing my dragon in the future, and you are asking your human race to give me an explanation." The North Sea Dragon King roared to the sky.

"Explain? What's the explanation? Kill it! It was originally a loach in the sea, but it happened to go to the land to make trouble, and who would be blamed for being slaughtered?" Zhang Bairen said indifferently.

"Asshole, the Azure Dragon King is the future of my dragon clan, your human heavenly palace dare to kill the Azure Dragon King, no matter what, you must give me an explanation!" The voice of the Dragon King in the South China Sea was gloomy, and the waves in the sky turned into ice sculptures.

"Hmph, according to what you said, back then, when you were thinking about me, do you have to give me an explanation?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Don't talk nonsense. Either return to the sea or die here. Wait for your own choice! "

"Too much deception! It is simply too much deception!" Nanhai Dragon King's eyes rose with anger: "Zhang Bairen, do you really think that my sea clan is afraid of you? Back then, I waited for you to do it because of Ma Zu's restraint and unable to do my best. Now that Matsu retreats and waits for the day of shocking Rui, if you are not acquainted, today this place is where your bones are buried."

"Haha! Your Excellency is not the first to say that to me!" Zhang Bairen's sun rose up all over his body, and the void under his feet turned into liquid.

"Take it to death!" The Dragon King of the Four Seas turned into a real body at this time, all of them are real dragons of thousands of feet long. Compared with Zhang Bairen, he is simply a trivial ant.

Under a claw, the void freezes.

"Sun God Fist!" Zhang Bairen mobilized the sun's will, and suddenly punched out: "Ten days to refine the sky!"

Under this fist, the sea water turned into cloud and mist, the ice evaporated in an instant, and the mist was rolled up. Zhang Bairen was like the sky, and hit the East China Sea Dragon King’s paw with a fist, actually shaking the East China Sea Dragon King away. .

The smell of grilled meat filled the sky, and the scales on the paws of the East China Sea Dragon King continued to melt, turning into liquid dripping to the ground.

Countless fish and shrimps turned into powder.

"Kill!" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously, and he slammed a punch, and the void twisted at this moment, as if the sun had come, shrouded toward the dragon kings.

"Four Elephants!"

The Dragon King of Four Seas spit out a dragon ball the size of a house, and in an instant it was in harmony with a certain rhythm between the heavens and the earth, and the power of the heavens and the earth descended towards Zhang Bairen.

Spring thunder bursts, everything comes to life!

As long as he is hit by this spring thunder, Zhang Bairen must be the broken end of Yang Shen.

"The universe is great in the sleeves" Zhang Bairen's sleeves seemed to cover a space and time, and he moved lightly towards the Dragon King of Four Seas.

Chunlei exploded in Zhang Bairen's sleeves, and then disappeared.

Zhang Bairen showed a weird color in his eyes, touched his black arm, and nodded: "There are indeed some doorways!"

"Boy, don't be careless. The origin of the Four Seas Dragon King is bound by a strange force and cannot be displayed. You must not be careless" Shaoyang Emperor's voice sounded in Zhang Bairen's ears.

"Huh? Original Seal?" Zhang Bairen glanced at the Dragon King on the opposite side in surprise, the universe shook in his sleeves, and wanted to put away the Dragon King.

"Bitter winter!"

The dragon ball rotates, seeming to reverse the laws of heaven and earth.


When the cold air passed, everything was frozen and turned into lifelike statues.


But how overbearing is Zhang Bairen's sun god? Even if his physical body is worth a little sun, although this ice cold power is weird, it is not as good as his sun power.

"Skillful, can you only wait for this kind of means?" Zhang Bairen showed a mockery in his eyes, and the petals flowed around his body: "Invert the yin and yang, and the world is reversed!"

When the time and space were reversed, the Dragon King of the Four Seas only felt a shock all over his body, and when he opened his eyes he had reached the depths inland, outside Chang'an City.

"not good!"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas showed fear in his eyes at this time, and they displayed their supernatural powers to flee back to the Four Seas.

Inland, without the blessing of the power of the four seas, he and others are definitely not Zhang Bairen's opponents.

"Go? Did you leave?" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly, took out the sword from his waist, and gently flicked the long sword out of its sheath, Zhang Bairen flicked the blade: "In order to kill the dragon, I have been preparing for a long time!"

Cut out with a sword, the sky is dim.

Time and space seem to be frozen under this sword.


With a burst of fire, Zhang Bairen retracted his sword and looked at the escaped Dragon King of the Seas, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "What a hard dragon ball."

Dragon Ball is indeed hard, and actually blocked his own sword.

It's a pity that Zhang Bairen's sword is not so easy to pick up. The four dragon **** have left a faint sword mark, and the sword aura is attached to it. It can be said that it is more difficult to expel it.

The sharp sword aura, even if they knew that Zhang Bairen's sword aura was sharp, the four dragon kings never thought that Zhang Bairen could break his dragon ball.

"Come again!" Zhang Bairen flicked the long sword in his hand and turned into plum blossoms, tracing aisles in the air, and then chasing the Sihailong King.

"Zhang Bairen, you have to deceive people too much! If the time is not right, I have to wait for you to watch it!" Sihai Dragon King fled in embarrassment, but had no choice but to sacrifice the dragon ball again to meet Zhang Bairen's sword spirit.


Along the way to sparks, Zhang Bairen stepped out, twisting the void under his feet, blocking the front of the East China Sea Dragon King: "Old Dragon King, where to go! Let's stay here today!"

The sword of Zhang Bairen flooded the universe.

"Too much deception!" Donghai Dragon King took it with his palm, but saw a spear in his hand, and then suddenly greeted Zhang Bairen's sword spirit.


With one sword cut out, Zhang Bairen's long sword was shocked.

"Zhang Bairen, my spear was refined by the ancestors of the dragon clan in the past, how can you destroy it!" The dragon king's spear of the East China Sea turned into three thousand suddenly swept away the black clouds and forced Zhang Bairen to be unable Don't go back.

"Interesting!" Zhang Bairen stroked the long sword in his hand, his eyes showed the taste of scrutiny: "This treasure is good!"

A treasure that can resist his sword aura without damaging it is indeed a rare supreme treasure.


Zhang Bairen's swords merged into one, the sonic boom sounded, and a rainbow light passed around the spear, and instantly came to the front of the Dragon King of East China Sea.




In the blink of an eye, the two sides made a hundred moves, only to see Zhang Bairen's long sword split and turned into an infinite technique, and the blood mist burst into the void in an instant.

Although the long spear in the hand of the Dragon King of the East China Sea is powerful, it has a loose martial arts. With the power of the whole world, it directly crushes the enemy and relaxes the martial arts training.

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