First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1577: Li Shimin means

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes: "Actually, this seat is also very disappointed. You have swallowed the dragon energy of Turks and Western Regions, but you did not expect that you only have this ability."

"Hehe, if you want to see my ability, then I will fulfill you!" Li Shimin shook his robe, his body energy returned to its peak state in an instant, and then jumped straight up to Qingming, his whole body roared and twisted. Seeing that his figure was blurred for a while, then an emperor's brocade robe and a crown of peace came from nothing and slowly put on Li Shimin.


Very majestic!

At this time, Li Shimin seemed to have become the spokesperson of heaven and earth, and every move was blessed by heaven and earth's mighty power, with infinite magical powers and infinite mana converging in his body, and then twisted and released in an instant, heaven and earth became his land.

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

The mighty dragon spirit enveloped the Eight Wastes, spreading towards the outside of Chang'an City, and the people of the world knelt to the ground wherever they passed, and kept kowtow.

"Do you know why the emperor is the emperor?" Li Shimin looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and his voice was filled with endless majesty, as if it could forbid the universe.

The dragon gas shattered all the magic, and the Yangshen real person above Chang'an City forced the Yangshen to return to the body at this time. The ancestors of each family stood up in shock and looked at Chang'an City with their eyes.

The Blessed One retreated and left Chang'an City, not daring to take Li Shimin's edge directly.

At this time, even if the Blessed One had to shun Li Shimin, it can be seen that at this time, his mighty power, the power of the waves, and the power of the law are beyond everyone's imagination.

In a few breathing spaces in Chang'an City, all the practitioners walked completely, only the martial arts masters still stopped in place, standing in the imperial city watching the progress of the war.

In the void, Li Shimin looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and the tiger pout sword roared, and the devilish energy covered the entire imperial capital: "Zhang Bairen, your death date is here!"

"You actually have such power!" At this moment, Zhang Bairen's expression finally started to become solemn, and Li Shimin, who was facing this time, showed an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

"Hahaha, hahaha, you know! But now it's too late, if in daylight, I can't kill you, you may still have some hope of comeback, but now is the night, you can't be resurrected, see you today How to survive this catastrophe!" While talking, Li Shimin's tiger soul knife smashed the void, rolled up a ten-foot-high wind and wave, and slashed towards Zhang Bairen.

"What a powerful Dragon Qi of the emperor, no wonder Chi You was so awkward that he was defeated in the past. On the martial arts cultivation, Emperor Xuanyuan is still a level behind Chi You, but facing the power of the dragon Qi of the emperor, he has to be restrained and suppressed. , How can you tell Chi You not to feel aggrieved in your heart?" Zhang Bairen thought to himself, at this moment he somewhat understood Chi You's mood during the battle.

Obviously I am better than you. Obviously I have cultivated the immortal body for a long time, but even like this, I can't do the other party's emperor dragon qi in general. This is simply too deceitful!

The emperor Dragon Qi is a hang!

Chi You feels that he is already very powerful for being immortal, but it is still far behind the opening of Emperor Xuanyuan!

It's too far!


What is aggrieved?

I am obviously stronger than you, but I can't beat you!

Zhang Bairen looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes, with a mocking look in his eyes: "The Dragon Qi of the emperor is a foreign thing after all. Even if you can defeat me today, what about after today? Can the Western Regions and Turks surrender to you all the year round?"

"It doesn't take much time, as long as you beheaded tonight, then everything is enough" Li Shimin's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen's whole body suddenly turned into a big fireball, but he saw a golden light covering all his orifices, covering it in an instant, and ten golden crows' shadows danced on the light cover.

Xuanyuan Sword could not be used, but Zhang Bairen was not without weapons.


The Tiger Soul knife slashed on the Ten Days' shield. Under the weakening of the dragon's energy, Zhang Bairen's body shield was dimmed, and it was cut to pieces in an instant, and then it continued to cut to his waist.

"Dead! You rebel die to me!" Li Shimin sneered with a grim face.

"Thorns~~~" Mars splashed all over, Zhang Bairen flew out, stabilized his figure in the air, looked down at his waist, the transparent chain was burning with the sun's sacred fire, running through Zhang Bairen's body and all his eyes, asking him to absorb it all the time The power of the great day.

This is the supreme treasure forged by the emperor himself. It has been smelted for thousands of years by the sun star, and the power of ten golden crows has been smelted. It is almost unbelievable and beyond imagination.

The emperor forged this treasure in preparation for reversing the long river of time. Although the tiger soul knife is so fierce, it is only the body of Lu Wu, plus the blood of countless nine li beings, it is not worthy to chain shoes.

When the knife fell, the Hupei Dao was flying, and Li Shimin stood in a mess in the void.

"Is this the second son's method? Is there anything else?" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Shimin lightly with a pair of eyes.

"I am the ninety-five supreme, gathered the world's aura, how can you not break your defense!" Li Shimin looked at the Tiger Soul Saber speechlessly.


At this moment, the Henan realm was agitated, and then I saw a wave of demonic energy rising into the sky.

The devil has started, it is the wailing of the ancestral vein!

"Bold demon gods, dare to covet my ancestral veins in the middle earth, it's a sin worthy of death!" Zhang Bairen, even though he had expected, at this time really saw the demon gods do not know how to live or die, and did not know the number of days to act on the ancestral pulse, but still couldn't help it. Anger rushed into the sky.

With a palm stretched out, Zhang Bairen's chain forced Li Shimin back, and he was about to head towards the ancestral line of Zhongtu.

"General Governor, today is the day of the battle between you and me. Why do you retreat without a fight? How can you leave the field casually before the final battle has been determined?" Li Shimin blocked Zhang Bairen with a horizontal knife, regardless of whether tonight. In any case, it is the only chance to kill Zhang Bairen, and Zhang Bairen must not be allowed to leave.

"Li Shimin, that is the ancestral line of Zhongzhou, you have to think about it clearly! If there is a problem with the ancestral line of Zhongzhou, my Han family lineage will be over!" Zhang Bairen looked anxiously and angrily scolded Li Shimin.

"Huh, whatever the Zhongzhou ancestral veins, I only know that I will kill you tonight! Jiangshan is punched out by fists, how can it be pinned on the vague ancestral veins?" Li Shimin's eyes were cold: "Don't worry. Long-winded, come quickly!"

far away

Bodhidharma looked at World Zun: "Master, are we going to take action?"

"Zhongzhou ancestral line is the foundation of the Han family. It is the root of the Han family occupying the world. If it is not broken or established, the ancestral line of the Han family in Zhongzhou will not be destroyed. How can a new ancestral line be born? My ancestral line belongs to Buddhism born? I hope that this Han family's ancestral vein will be destroyed, and I will be able to take root in Middle-Earth, instead of becoming rootless duckweed like this," Blessed Master said unhurriedly.

Hearing the words of the World Venerable, Bodhidharma nodded when he heard the words: "Master is good to calculate, the Han family ancestral veins are destroyed, my Tianzhu can just share a cup of energy. When the new ancestral veins are formed in the future, it will also be an opportunity for my Tianzhu and Buddhism. what."

"Yes! Yes! That makes sense!" World-honored smiled.

"However, we don't make a move because we have a plan, but why don't those old antiques of Dao Sect make a move?" Bodhidharma was puzzled.

"Now these old guys are sleeping in reincarnation, and they can't beat others in the Fa. Instead, they were cut off for nothing and ruined their Taoism. What about the real bodies? They are enlightened in reincarnation and are reluctant to come out. These old guys are all in reincarnation. Waiting, whoever can't keep his breath first will jump out first and ruin the whole life of hard cultivation" Chungui Jun shook his head.

"Sir, are you here too?" The world-zun saluted the Chungui Jun.

"Watching the excitement, just watching the excitement" Chunguijun smiled calmly.

"Yeah, it's really lively this time. Everything is in one place. I'm afraid that the barbarians on the grassland can't sit still and want to run out to join in the fun." Dharma said with a smile.

"I said ancestor, you still don't take action?" Sanfu boy looked at Zhang Heng: "That's the middle-earth ancestral vein. Once it is destroyed, the consequences will be immeasurable."

"Oh? Really?" Zhang Heng's eyes showed a smile that was not a smile. A pair of eyes looked at Lu Jingxiu and others not far away: "You are all outstanding at a The old man is really late in reincarnation. If it’s too late to wake up, you should hurry up."

"My ancestor is joking. I can't wait for more than a thousand years of cultivation. I won’t be able to reach the ancestor’s magical powers. Even if I take action and awaken my true body, it’s just a useless effort to quell disasters! At that time, I will not only surrender to the demon god, but even my own. All the hard work of a lifetime is abolished, it's not worth it!"

"Yes! That's right! Old ancestors, you can do it." At this moment, the Taoists shirk each other, and at such a critical moment when the day of shock is about to come to the world, who wants to break Taoism and miss the fairy?

You have seen everything through the reincarnation for a long time, and the lives of the people are like grass, so what can you do if you save them?

Will they appreciate you?

They are indeed grateful to you, but if you are a little uncomfortable, the people will turn their faces and scold you, even the eight generations of your ancestors can hardly escape.

"What to do? Let's just consume it like this?" Lingbao ancestor said with some anxiety.

"Actually, I don’t think it’s a big deal if the ancestral veins are destroyed. The ancestral veins were destroyed and the earth was robbed, and the people were displaced. Only when I save the people in the fire and water can I show the kindness of our people and gain the people’s faith and gratitude. , May be able to make a fortune before Jingrui, even if Dao Guo is fulfilled," Deng Yin said at this time neither overcast nor overwhelming.

Deng Yin was beheaded at the beginning, but now another Dharmakaya has regained consciousness. He returned, sitting in the mountain and interjected softly.

"Nonsense, how can I do such a despicable thing if the practitioners take Kuang and support the world as their own duty? If so, don't be worthy of merit," Yin Gui snarled.

Deng Yin closed his mouth when he heard the words and lowered his head and said, "The ancestor, what do you say? Since you have this intention, how about you do it? That's all your merits."


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