First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1582: Devour ancestral veins

The six reincarnation discs were made by the human race that Chi You sold to the demon **** in order to obtain the support of the demon **** before the battle of the deer. It has an incredible ability to restrain all the supernatural powers and all the methods of the human race.

The six reincarnation discs actually grabbed food from the tiger's mouth, forcibly pulled the coffin out of the tomb of chaos, and then rolled in and had to escape.

"Want to go! Where is it so easy!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flowed with murderous intent, Zhu Xian Jianqi intertwined in his body, and the murderous intent had already moved, and he was about to stay here.

This place is the void between the two worlds of Yin and Yang, jumping out of the world, not among the five elements, the devil is not able to sense the universe here, and his ability is greatly reduced. It is the best time to kill the devil.

"Stop!" There was a familiar sound from inside the Yinsi, and only Xu Fu's words came from the ghost gate: "The chief governor must not attack the six reincarnation plates. The six reincarnation plates are the origin of the world. Once damaged, the human race will definitely Suffering. If I hadn't been scrupulous about these six reincarnation discs, I would have had the upper hand in the Yinsi a long time ago, and I would still be as fearful as I am now. The ancestral pulse of the world is turbulent, and most governors are still in charge of the ancestral veins. "

"Now that the ancestral veins are pulled out, I am waiting for the Yinsi to become rootless duckweed, and I hope that the governor will comfort the ancestral veins as soon as possible, otherwise His Majesty the First Emperor will not be able to continue! These six reincarnation discs cannot bear the sword energy of the governor, Before a proper method has been figured out, the six reincarnation discs must not be detrimental." Xu Fu's anxious voice came, and Zhang Bairen could not help but stop his movements. The six reincarnation discs had already taken the opportunity to escape.

"How is the Yinsi?" Zhang Bairen stood in front of the ghost gate.

"You quickly restore a stable humanitarian order. I have been implicated in the damage to my ancestral veins. The stability of Yang Shi is the greatest support for me, and I will supervise everything!" Xu Fu's voice gradually weakened, slowly The ghost gate disappeared: "Remember, you must not step into the ghost gate for half a step. The Yinsi has already reached the black hand into the world. Although the Yinsi is difficult, after all, it has gathered countless masters of my human race, and it is still possible to persist. On the contrary, the human world needs a master to be in control, so you must not make any mistakes."

When the words fell, the screams of killing sounded in the ghost gate, and Xu Fu's voice disappeared.

"Guimenguan!" Zhang Bairen looked at Guimenguan with a pair of eyes, and there was a dignified look in his eyes. Hearing the killing sound still in his ears, Zhang Bairen knew that there must be a peerless battle in the Guimenguan.

It's a pity that there is nothing I can do about it.

"What should I do with the ancestral veins?" Zhang Bairen returned to the Yang world, looking at the ancestral veins in his hand, with a dignified look in his eyes.

"Swallow! As long as you swallow this ancestral vein, you can condense half of the sun divine body. There are very few people in this world who can kill you!" Emperor Shaoyang's voice sounded in Zhang Bairen's ears: "You are now strong. Strong, but it is not without weakness. The cultivation level is not enough. The realm is not enough, and it can only be made up by the **** channel method. As long as there is enough combat power, regardless of the realm, it can suppress the world and frighten the aliens. This is the right thing. ."


Zhang Bairen was taken aback: "This is the ancestral line of Zhongzhou. If I swallow it, what should I do if there are no hundreds of people in Zhongzhou?"

"Since the ancestral vein is pulled out, there is no reason to take it back. I have never heard that the root of the tree is cut off, and it can be connected back. Now you must swallow the ancestral vein to increase your strength, or you can leave it to the ancestral vein. Gradually volatilize between heaven and earth. It should be noted that if the old ancestral vein does not disappear, the new ancestral vein of Zhongzhou will not be born. According to the volatilization speed of this ancestral vein, it is not a mere mere decades to return to the world for hundreds of years. I don’t know. Can the underworld be able to hold it for a hundred years!" The words of Emperor Shaoyang were full of bewitching.

have eaten?

Zhang Bairen held the Zhongzhou ancestral vein in his palm. At this moment, the sky was flashing, but he saw Bodhidharma driving the light of the Buddha: "The governor, this Zhongzhou ancestral vein is very important. If the governor feels that he cannot handle it, how about leaving it to the monk? "

"You monk, the demon **** took action before, but you didn't see you out there. Now that the demon **** is driven away by me, do you think my sword is not sharp enough?" Zhang Bairen's words were cold, as if it were two knives, and swept across the body of the Lord. : "If you dare to be long-winded, I will cut your golden body now and send you to the Yin Cao Jifu to help my human race."

World Honored Hearing this smiled, but he did not retreat. Instead, he looked into the distance, and saw Zhang Heng, San Fu, Lu Jingxiu and other Taoist masters coming from the Sun God.

"Are you thinking about getting a piece of the pie? This dragon vein is really a hand!" Zhang Bairen suddenly used the technique of heaven and earth, and the dragon vein in his hand kept shrinking, and he took it in his hand and turned it into the length of Michelle, stuffing it into his mouth. "I’ve worked hard, how can you get your share? Anyway, this dragon vein can’t be reconnected back. Rather than let it dissipate between the heavens and the earth, it’s better to complete me. In the future, the middle-earth will be protected by me. Isn’t it better than this? It’s much better to have a group of fake, noble and unreliable old ways?" Zhang Bairen's eyes are cold, what is the ancestral vein?

The ancestral vein is the condensed of the earth's spirituality, the sacred ground, the natural treasures of the earth, the condensing of thousands of years since the Huangdi Xuanyuan asked Chiyou, and the infinite power has been gathered in it, which is the accumulation of thousands of years. Regardless of the martial artist or the most powerful person, I dare not say that I become immortal after swallowing this dragon vein, but it is not far away.

How can Zhang Bairen swallow all these benefits?

This kind of benefit is not to say that it is the Blessed One. Anyone who comes here will be jealous. Swallowing the ancestral veins, that is a step to the sky.

Seeing Zhang Bairen opened his mouth and wanted to swallow the ancestral veins, Zhang Heng and others were immediately anxious: "Captain, shut up! Please also shut up!"

"Also ask the Governor to show mercy and stop!"

The veterans rushed over crying and crying, Zhang Heng said with a sad face: "I said the great monk, why don't you stop him?"

"Hurry up and stop him!" Sanfu boy jumped.

"Haha!" World Zun shook his head: "The governor is not an improper person. How could he really swallow the dragon veins? He must be scaring people!"

In this way, the World Zun watched Zhang Bairen swallow the dragon veins into his abdomen, and the smile on his face gradually solidified: "Are you serious?"

"Stop! Stop! This is the ancestral vein, I can't swallow it!" Seeing Zhang Bairen swallow the last piece of ancestral veins in his belly, the smile on World Venerable's face disappeared, and he could no longer sit still: "Stop it, Middle-earth has been good for thousands of years, how can you swallow it?"


Zhang Bairen hiccuped and swallowed his ancestral veins forcibly. He only felt that his body would be burst by this force. He looked at the Blessed One who was about to shoot, and the sword in his hand was dazzling: "Why? Rui Hu?"

"I..." Blessed One jumped: "Why did you really swallow it!"

"Zhang Bairen, how dare you swallow your ancestral veins and spit it out to me quickly!" Zhang Heng waited for the veteran to fly, and fell close, staring at Zhang Bairen angrily.

"Why? Do you think I'm a bully? Why can the devil swallow it, but I can't swallow it?" Zhang Bairen carried his hands and secretly operated Dao Gong, constantly digesting the ancestral veins in his body: "I can't swallow the ancestral veins, should I leave it to you? Wait for the villain? It's a big joke!"

"Nonsense, I'm going to swallow the ancestral veins, and I'm waiting to get the ancestral veins back! You quickly spit out the ancestral veins for me" Zhang Heng stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Bairen's sleeves.



Zhang Bairen fisted Zhang Heng away, his eyes were full of anger: "Old Taoist, don't push your nose on your face, shame on your face. You are my elder, but how do I act, how can I allow you to make trouble? At that time, you didn't dare to make a move, facing the devil god, you didn't even dare to put one fart, and now your ancestral veins are in my hands... You all popped out one by one, I'm really strange, could it be that the governor looked so bullied. What a deception!"

"I count three. If you don't leave, don't blame me for destroying the Tao fruit of your first life, and telling you to re-enter the reincarnation!" Zhang Bairen's mana fluctuated, his sword light flowed, and he looked at everyone murderously.

"You dare to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor!" Zhang Heng stood up trembling and pointed at Zhang Bairen with trembling palms.

"Hehe, what can you do if you deceive the master and destroy the ancestor? My blood is flowing in my body. There is no blood of your Zhang family for a long time! If you say I deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, then I will ask you, Zhongzhou ancestral vein is my lifeblood in China. It was obtained by my ancestors of the Han family, who was surmounted by thorns and thorns, the **** of devil, and the war chiyou. You waited for your own immortality, but ignored the life and death of my Han family. Isn’t it deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor? Forgot the glory of the ancestor, you are also worthy of waiting Talk to me about deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor? It’s so funny!” Zhang Bairen’s eyes flashed coldly: “When the enemy came, you all turned into tortoises, and the enemy was driven away by me. You started to stand up and gesticulate and start embarrassing me, wanting For a piece of the pie, where is there such a good thing in the world?"

While talking, Zhang Bairen stretched out a finger: "Three counts, I only count three. If you don’t leave, then you will stay here. Don’t blame me for being ruthless and disregarding the past. mutual affection."

"Bairen, your move is too much. Longmai is related to the life and life and aura of the people in Zhongzhou. How can you swallow it? How is this action different from the devil?" Lu Jingxiu said helplessly.

"Why didn't you talk to the devil before this? The devil swallowed it, I can't swallow it?" Zhang Bairen sneered coldly, "One!"

"Bairen, I did have some improprieties in waiting before, but it was not at the critical moment..."

"The ancestral veins have been pulled out, and it is not yet the critical moment?" Zhang Bairen gave Sanfu boy a cold look: "Two!"

"This dragon vein really can't be swallowed. I don't have to think about it for thousands of years if I want to derive a dragon vein. This is the good fortune of my Zhongzhou for thousands of years..." Zhang Heng was anxious.

"Three!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his third finger: "Go or not?".


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