First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1615: Child play rebellion

Since it is an acting, how could Hou Junji really assassinate the kings and make Li Shimin cut off his sons and grandchildren?

So, without any doubts, this matter failed!

Li Chengqian has been kept in captivity by his eldest grandson Wugou for decades, and has never experienced any world. In the end, his calculations are not as good as those old guys who have gone through the storm.

Not to mention Hou Junji, even Li Tai couldn't match him.

Chang'an City shook, Li Shimin was furious!

The kings were assassinated one after another. The five soldiers and horses of the entire Chang'an City were dispatched one after another.

"Failed?" Looking at Hou Junji who was kneeling on the ground, Li Chengqian sat on the ground as he was struck by lightning, "The general made the shot himself, how could he fail? How could he fail?"

"His Royal Highness, you and I underestimated Li Tang's aura, the kings are not exhausted, and they want to assassinate against the sky. It is really harder!" Hou Junji's mouth showed a bitterness.

He opened the bow without turning his head back, and he Hou Junji also embarked on a road of no return.

"That...that...what should I do now?" Li Chengqian said without a master.

"Cheng Qian, you actually did such a rebellious thing, your father will never spare you! If you rush to Zhuojun to take refuge at this time before the matter has not been investigated, you may be able to escape!" Changsun Wuji walked in from outside the gate.

Hou Junji's expression changed when he heard the words. If Li Chengqian were taught to escape to Zhuojun, there would be endless troubles in the future.

"Uncle!" Looking at the grandson Wuji, Li Chengqian was full of joy at first, but then revealed a murderous intent: "Have you heard what we said?"

"If you repent and seek refuge in Zhuo County, no one in the world can harm you! People in the rivers and lakes are unpredictable, and loyalty is hard to distinguish. You must not go on the road of no return, no one will be able to save you at that time!" Ji looked at Li Chengqian with an unprecedented seriousness.

"The assassination of kings must not be leaked out. This is a big deal to lose your head!" Li Chengqian looked at Changsun Wuji with a pair of eyes, but sneered at Changsun Wuji's words: "I am the future leader of Li Tang, the future The whole Li Tang Jiangshan is mine, it's all mine! Who can teach me to give up Jiangshan and go to Zhuojun?"

"Please also uncle help me. Let's work together to plan, and we can be a little more sure!" Li Chengqian looked at the grandson Wuji: "Uncle is always witty, resourceful and resourceful, he is the emperor's think tank. It has a decisive effect, and I hope Uncle will help me!"

While talking, Li Chengqian went straight to his knees: "As long as my uncle assists me on the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the grandson family will surely soar into the sky and become the top sect of Li Tang."

Changsun Wuji lowered his head and swept across Li Chengqian, then sighed: "Since I have heard the Prince's secret, if I dare to say'no', I am afraid it will be difficult to walk out of the East Palace today.

Li Chengqian was silent, apparently tacitly acquiescing to what Changsun Wuji had said. If Changsun Wuji hadn't done his own thing, he could only cruelly leave Changsun Wuji here today.

"His Royal Highness, the National Uncle is definitely not the kind of tongue-in-cheek, and the National Uncle is the maternal uncle of His Royal Highness. Your Royal Highness must not be rude! Doesn't it make the people of the world laugh when it is spread out?" Hou Junji said: "We are in trouble now It’s better to imprison the eldest grandson Guojiu, and it won’t be too late to release Guojiu until the palace affairs are settled.

"Hou Junji, you are really determined to find a way to get dark!" Changsun Wuji suddenly yelled, "You have to consider the consequences yourself!"

Hou Junji pressed his lips, remained silent, and said after a while, "Just do it!"

"Hou Junji! You bastard, if you do this, you will kill everyone! Li Chengqian is the only heir of the governor. What will happen if he dies? It must be a landslide, and the governor will start fighting. Enter Chang'an City! Sweeping the world, your family will go against the sky, and you will not end well! You will not end well!" Changsun Wuji was screaming, but he was dragged down by the guards after all.

Li Chengqian looked at Hou Junji with a pair of eyes, and after a while, he pondered, "Who is Zhuojun, really makes me so jealous?"

"Dread? It's more than just a jealous! If it's not scary, why should I toss with you indiscriminately here!" Hou Junji sneered in his heart, but said calmly: "It's just a prince, no matter how big it is. Can he be bigger than the emperor?"

"Yes!" Li Chengqian nodded, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, and said calmly: "Since we are about to start an incident, I don't know where to start?"

"The old man can gather five thousand soldiers and horses. The guardian of the Xuanwu Gate is the old man's partial general. The old man can open the Xuanwu Gate. We will enter the palace from the Xuanwu Gate and imprison the emperor. !" Hou Junji's words were unspeakably relaxed, as if seeking to usurp the throne was as simple as drinking cold water.

What Hou Junji said was simple and easy. Li Chengqian didn't think too much about it. He said to the outside: "Come on, go and fetch the armor of your Highness. Your Highness will commit suicide and enter the Xuanwu Gate, and take away thousands of miles!"


The guards left, and Hou Junji clasped his fists in a salute: "His Royal Highness, I will go down and prepare. Let's get up today. I'm afraid it will change if it is too late. If your Majesty finds out the real culprit, you and I are both a capital crime. ."

Li Chengqian nodded and began to put on his armor.

in the afternoon

The setting sun was approaching dusk, and suddenly a group of people rushed out of the Prince's Mansion and went straight to the Xuanwu Gate.

The cold light in the eyes of the guard at Xuanwu Gate, looked at Hou Junji, and nodded: "Open the gate!"

Five thousand people?

Not to mention the guards in the palace, it is said that Li Shimin's martial arts cultivation is thorough, and that these five thousand people are not enough for Li Shimin to stuff his teeth.

It is a pity that Li Chengqian has not been in contact with martial arts since he was a child, so naturally he would not know the way.


The sound of killing shocked the universe, and the five thousand army rushed into the Xuanwu Gate, only to see the Xuanwu Gate suddenly closed, turning the five thousand soldiers into a turtle in the urn.

A divine machine crossbow with flickering cold light protruded from the city wall and aimed at the five thousand army.

"No, there is an ambush! We are in the trick!" Hou Junji exclaimed.

Li Chengqian was shocked when he heard the words, and when he looked at the shimmering crossbow, he felt cold and weak, and he fell straight under the horse.

"Hou Junji, do you know that you are guilty?" Li Shimin didn't know when he was on the top of the city, looking down at the five thousand people in the Xuanwu Gate.

"Father, the babe is convicted! The babe is convicted! The babe was only bewitched by Hou Junji, and he did something wrong for a while, and asked the emperor to forgive the child once!" Li Chengqian fell to his knees, his body trembling constantly, The sound was full of horror.

"Father Tiger and Dogzi!" Looking at Li Chengqian who was kneeling on the ground, Li Shimin couldn't help but shook his head, secretly saying that Wu Gu, the long-term grandson, had a good intention.

Hou Junji was silent, but stood proudly at the moment.

"Cheng Qian, I treat you not badly. Although you are not my own children, I treat you better than your own children, and I even want to pass on Li Tang's future to you. Why do you want to do this? Why can't you wait? You disappointed me too much!" Li Shimin swept across Li Chengqian with a pair of eyes, and his eyes were full of tears of heartache.

"Father! Father! Please forgive your son, the son is just a moment of confusion! Father, please spare! Father, please spare!" Li Chengqian wailed repeatedly.

All the way into the palace, even the long sword has not been out of the sheath, everything has disappeared invisible.

Hou Junji did not resist and let Li Shimin lock the pipa. As for Li Chengqian being pressed into the prison, all this will not be mentioned for the time being.

"Aftermath!" Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui: "You Aiqing think, how should I deal with the aftermath now?"

The officials were silent and heard Fang Xuanling say after a while: "The abolition of the crown prince Li Chengqian cannot be merciless. Hou Junji has contributed to Li Tang and sent him to the frontier for atonement!"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui are not fools either. Everything today reveals strange things. Hou Junji only relied on five thousand soldiers and horses to seek the usurpation. What are you kidding about?

"Pass the letter to the general governor and tell him to come to the capital to tell!" Li Shimin turned and walked out of the Taiji Hall with a cold face.

It was already late at night when the book of Li Shimin came.

Zhang Bairen crawled out of Queen Xiao’s bed and walked into the living room: "What's the matter?"

Xiaohu's expression was tense: "Chang'an was shocked, and Li Chengqian and Hou Junji failed to rebel, and now they have all gone to jail."

"What?" Zhang Bairen snatched the letter, and then frowned: "There is no sense of secret in my heart, this is abnormal!"

"Li Chengqian rebelled?" Zhang Bairen frowned, and slowly tapped his fingers on the case. After a while, he said, "I know!"

Chang'an City

Li Shimin, Yuchi Jingde and other generals were sitting at the same place, their eyes were full of worry: "You said, who in Zhuojun can't help but raise troops to enter Chang'an?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Now that the chief governor is a mud bodhisattva, it is hard to protect himself. He has been severely injured. There is still time to do it with us?" Du Ruhui said: "However, according to the temper of the chief governor, blackmailing some benefits is inevitable. Yes! Let’s not endure the turmoil. Zhuojun is full of enemies in all directions. Goryeo and Turkic are all watching, and he can’t bear any turmoil either. Your Majesty is worried!"

It is indeed too much to worry. Li Chengqian recognized the thief as his father. Although Zhang Jingan was reincarnated, Zhang Bairen was still extremely disappointed with him.

"It's a pity! It's a pity that after the reincarnation of his first life, he ended up like this, his character has been hard to change, this is my fault!" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, looked at the rising sun in the east, and sighed.

"What do you plan to do, sir?" Empress Xiao arranged for Zhang Bairen.

"Things have already happened. Naturally, I have to find a way to make up for all losses." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a strange light: "No matter how he jumps, I never want to jump out of the chess game I set. What should I do to let Li Shimin dispel the doubts in his heart? ?"

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