First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1627: All things to do

?Good mantis catching cicada and oriole behind!

Facing the powerful and domineering Zhang Bairen, a gloomy look appeared in the eyes of the world-zun.

Zhang Bairen didn't take it seriously. You wanted to kill me, and the account of uniting the demon gods to besie me was not calculated. Since you can murder me, can't I count you?

Listening to Bodhidharma's words, the Blessed One ignored Zhang Bairen and turned to look at the scene: "Today the Mahayana Buddhism and Zen will have to fight each other. If the Mahayana Buddhism wins, the Zen Buddhism will fall into the Mahayana Buddhism in the future. If Zen wins, Mahayana Buddhism belongs to Zen Buddhism."

"If that's the case, let's talk about the Tao!" Guan Zizai stepped out of Chang'an without any haste, came to the Cuiping Mountain, and sat cross-legged: "I wonder if you guys want to discuss the Tao with me?"

At this time, the Daomen Gaozhen saw a good show, and they rushed over to join in the fun, with interest in their eyes.

Dao Sect was stunned by Zen Buddhism, and I never thought that Mahayana Buddhism would insert a tank horizontally again, and it would actually make things worse and worse, and the situation has escalated.

After all, it is about the contest between the Mahayana Buddhism and the Xiaocheng Buddhism. Both sides must discuss a high and low. In the future, the Mahayana Buddhism and Zen can only exist in the world.

"I'm coming!" The five ancestors of Zen came together and sat opposite Guan Zizai. At this time, the five ancestors were surrounded by the Buddha's light and pressed toward Guan Zizai.

Guan Zizai only smiled when he saw this, and countless Buddhist scriptures manifested all over his body. The forty-eight great aspirations flowed indefinitely, representing endless cause and effect.

Two different essences of Buddha light intertwined and collided in one place, and all the visions of the river and the sea were shrouded in Cuiping Mountain. At this time, the birds and beasts in Shangzhong were fortunate to have a glimpse of the sky full of Buddha light, and they would immediately enlighten the Dharma and enlighten their wisdom. Enter the road of spiritual practice.

If people who pass by the ordinary can see the essence of Buddhism, they will inevitably develop the root of wisdom and step into the path of practice.

Mahayana Buddhism is not only to practice by oneself, but also to save all beings and to practice together with them.

Zen Buddhism is not the case, Zen Buddhism and Taoism are actually no different, only that one person becomes an immortal and becomes an ancestor and transcends the world, nothing more.

The doctrines of the two parties are only in contact, and they immediately see each other.

In terms of grandeur and courage, one person becomes immortal and detached, how can tens of millions of people become immortal and detached?

On the meaning of Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism merged Taoism and Zen into one furnace. At this time, Guan Zi pinched the seal technique with both hands, and a smile appeared in his eyes. The sky is full of Buddha's light and the five ancestors are covered: "Everyone, if I become Immortal, you can surpass the five of you, and all the Zen sects will ascend to heaven with me and live forever. But your Zen sect is only one person who can become a celestial being. You still have to struggle in reincarnation, and it is difficult to get rid of the suffering of reincarnation. Why bother? Only when my Mahayana Buddhism spreads throughout the world and my Mahayana Buddhism goes to the immortal, it is a win-win situation for everyone."

As soon as he said this, the five ancestors hesitated in his heart, felt the mighty power of the infinite vehicle, and his belief in immortality was constantly swaying.

What did you do?

Isn't it for becoming a fairy?

However, if anyone in Zen Buddhism can become an immortal, the one who has the most chance to become an immortal is the Blessed One, then Bodhidharma, and finally it will be their fifth ancestor's turn.

As the five ancestors know the situation on the earth today, this is probably the last time that the world has shocked Rui, and the next is the Great Tribulation of Nine Provinces. It is hard to say whether Middle-earth will continue to belong to the earth in the future.

There is no time, there is really no time!

The five ancestors are the leaders who suppressed the Tianjiao of the Dao Sect era and told him to give up the opportunity to become immortals. He was unwilling in his heart!

Not reconciled!

The Blessed One can become a celestial being, but he and others can only watch it eagerly, not being detached, and ultimately enduring the suffering of reincarnation.

The idea of ​​the five ancestors is shaken, and the intent of Mahayana Buddhism cannot be faked.

While the Blessed One changed his color, Bodhidharma stepped forward with a voice like tiger, leopard and thunder: "You five should not be confused by the Mahayana Buddhism. How difficult is it to become an immortal? Being an immortal by one person is already a blessing to invite heaven. It is a wishful thinking to bring countless believers together to ascend into a fairy! Do you believe in such hopeless things?"

What do people fear most?


What people fear most is that there is no hope!

As long as there is hope, there is motivation for goals.

The Buddha's light of the fifth ancestor converged in an instant, and then he bowed to Guan Zi: "Your Excellency the Dharma is superb, and the unpredictable is difficult to defeat. Your Excellency won!"


The world-zun's palm suddenly clenched, and the sonic boom resounded through the mountains, and the birds fainted in shock.

"The five of you disappointed me too much!" Bodhidharma stepped onto the high platform and gave Wuzu a cold look.

The fifth ancestor lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Bodhidharma's eyes.

"The monk asks for your advice, and learns the exquisiteness of Mahayana Buddhism!" Bodhidharma did not want to tell the onlookers to read a joke, waved his hand to signal the fifth ancestor to step back, and then turned around and bowed to Guanzi.

"Dharma, why are you stubborn? What this seat said to the five ancestors before is also applicable to you! If there are immortals in this life of Zen Buddhism, it is only the world-zun. After this shock, will this Zhongzhou still exist in the future? It’s hard to say, why are you stubborn and stubborn? My Mahayana Buddhism is exquisite and you have seen it with your own eyes. It is the detachment of countless people, not just one person in your sect..."

"Don't tell me, I have the heart of Bodhi. It is absolutely difficult for you to confuse the thoughts in my heart. Mahayana Buddhism is really terrible. My few disciples and grandchildren who are not effective have been bewitched by you and abandoned Zen. The monk is here to teach your master!" Without saying anything, the Dharma from behind rises up into the sky and turns into an endless Buddha light. Within it, the infinite Zen scriptures flow indefinitely, evolving into endless miracles such as fairies, bodhisattvas, bhikkhus, Buddhas, and pure land, and all the profound meanings of Zen flow in it.

"Shizun, do you want to go on the wheel of Zen? One by one, delay the time, and all monks and monks will go for a walk. I am afraid that this argument will not end because of the old days!" Zhang Bairen looked at Bodhidharma with a pair of eyes.

"Huh, what's the matter with you?" The World Honored snorted coldly, ignoring Zhang Bairen, but looking at the scene with nervous eyes and talking.

Discussing Dao is different from fighting method. It is more witty and clumsy. I am afraid that this view is extremely comfortable and difficult. This time the bet is a bit reckless.

The World Venerable glanced at Zhang Bairen without a trace, and began to beat the drums in his heart: "It's a bit bad, this Mahayana Buddhism is indeed very evil."

"Mahayana Buddhism can tolerate all beings in the heaven and earth. Gods, ghosts, and people are all in it. How can it not tolerate a single Zen?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a contemplative look: "Mahayana Buddhism is indeed extraordinary, combining Taoism and Zen. Essence, and then innovate through the old, mysterious and wonderful."

In the field

The Buddha's light circulates around the body, sometimes there are the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, and sometimes there are Taoist scriptures, but then I see that the meaning of the scriptures turns into the profound meaning of Zen.

It is ethereal and uncertain, invisible and invisible, and has been invincible.

A drop of cold sweat shed from Bodhidharma's temples. At this time, Bodhidharma put his hands together, just chanting the scriptures continuously, deducting his own Dharma.

The Dharma of the two sides were constantly clashing, and it took a while to see Bodhidharma's expression change. He actually saw his own shadow in the Mahayana Buddhism of Guan Zizhen.

In the process of discussing the Tao with oneself, the other party absorbs the profound meaning of Buddhism that belongs to oneself, and then contains it into a furnace.

"The more you talk about the Dao, the other party will only get stronger! If this continues, sooner or later, I will lose! Not to mention it is me, even if I change to the Blessed One, as long as he gives the other time, the other party can steal the Blessed Dharma and Sutras. Summarized into one furnace."

Bodhidharma finally changed his color and noticed something wrong.

What kind of opponent is the most desperate in the world?

As long as you can't kill the enemy in seconds, the convenience will continue to learn from your experience, and sooner or later can defeat you, you say you are never desperate?

Never despair?

Endless despair arose in Bodhidharma's heart. He was unable to defeat Guan Zizai. As time went on, Guan Zizai understood and absorbed the meaning of his own Buddhist scriptures, and then defeated himself after the old and the new.

"Amitabha, you have lost!"

Bodhidharma was distracted for a while, and Guan Zi seized the opportunity to fix the loophole in his mind and defeat it in one fell swoop.


Blessed One's Discoloration

Bodhidharma’s Dharma has to be passed on to the Blessed One. In terms of the understanding of the Dharma, Bodhidharma is at least half of that of the Blessed One, but he fell so quickly, even faster than the previous five ancestors. It’s simply too dare. Believe.

No wonder

Guan Zizai absorbed the thoughts of the five ancestors, and defeating Bodhidharma at this time was nothing more than a matter of course. On the contrary, it was much easier than before.

Who is the fifth ancestor? No less than the outstanding people of Bodhidharma, everyone has their own unique views on Buddhism.

"Amitabha Buddha" Bodhidharma folded his hands together, standing on the bluestone without speaking, but looking at the far-away Blessed One with his eyes.

"Your Excellency, please" Guan Zizai looked at the Blessed One.

"Girl, don't deceive people too much. If you are anxious, everyone should tear their skins. Don't think about it." Bodhidharma stared at Zizai with his eyes.

Guan Zizai ignored Bodhidharma, but smiled at the Blessed One with his eyes.

"Go Now that the heroes are in front of you, how can we act like this, thinking that we can't afford to lose?" The world-zun is the founder of Buddhism, after all, he wants to show his face. Then I came to Guan Zizai and looked at Guan Zizai with a pair of eyes: "You are very good! Apart from the chief governor in this world, you are the only one who can enter the sight of my Dharma."

"Thank you, World Honored One for your praise," Guan Zizai said indifferently, "Shall we start discussing the Tao?"

"It's too easy to break, you have to think carefully. It's still too late to stop. This seat will never pursue your previous offense." The Blessed One twirled the rosary in his hand unhurriedly: "If you close your hand, I can let it go. Mahayana Buddhism, and allows you to preach in Middle-earth."

After hearing this, Guan Zizai swept his eyes up and down the Blessed One, and after a while he suddenly smiled, "Is the Blessed One afraid?"

"Afraid? What am I afraid of?" World Zun shook his head.

"You are afraid of losing in my hands" Guan Zizai pointed out mercilessly.

"I just saw that you are a manufacturable material, and I am afraid that you will collapse your faith because of the theory!"

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