First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1630: Lost

Why didn't the powerful family fail for thousands of years?

In addition to the supreme masters who are still alive in the world and fighting against the Yin Division, it is also because the family of the family has woven into a large tangled web. You are in me and you are in me. I can’t distinguish the boundaries between each other. Start the whole body.

If you want to destroy the royal family of Taiyuan, then you will face the counterattack of the entire family.

This big net created over the past millennia cannot be broken by a single individual, because this net has become a contemporary order, the order that governs the people has been integrated into the bones of the people.

This net is already in contact with the people and order. Even if the immortal comes to the world, it will be difficult to reverse.

Hearing what Li Shimin said, the World-Honored One sighed: "Your Majesty is really smart, but there is one thing you really guessed wrong."

"Oh?" Li Shimin was taken aback when he heard the words.

"The general governor of Ji Wushuang, I was indeed taken advantage of by Guan Zizai, and accidentally overturned the ship in the gutter. In the past, the war of General Governor Jian Yi Wushuang, there is still a residual sword energy in my body that destroys the vitality. I'm mad at my insight, otherwise this kind of thing will happen?" While talking, I saw the Blessed One slowly stretch out his finger, a drop of red blood exuding Buddha nature slowly penetrated from the skin, blooming endlessly. Buddha light.

Within the Buddha's light, there seems to be a hazy and endless world evolving and intertwining, but the next moment a sword aura bursts out, and the world collapses in a moment and the country is shattered.

Li Shimin changed his color in astonishment: "The Buddha's good means deliberately left his sword qi in his body to realize the weakness of the governor. This perseverance is beyond my generation."

"No solution! This is the power of the law, the power of the innate gods, what can I do even if I stay in the body? I still can't find a way to restrain it." The blood evaporated, the sword qi dissipated, and the world sighed: " I lost my wife and broke down again. This time I lost a lot of money, but I just wanted to find some compensation and try to recover the loss."

"World Lord, forgive my disciple to say something that shouldn't be said, do you really want to merge with Mahayana Buddhism?" Li Shimin's eyes showed a touch of worry.

The World Honored Li Shimin was confused when he heard the words and laughed but did not speak.

With a word, it's hard to chase after a horse. How can you regret it when you reach the realm of the world-zun?

It's just that, when the merger takes place, and how long it takes to merge, you can deal with it.

"Captain, Zhang Xiaocao is here!"

In the early morning of Zhuojun, the cold wind was whistling in the mountains and forests. Zhang Bairen was lazily basking in the sun in the yard with tiger skins, only to see Xiaohu rushing in.


A gleam of golden light in the sky was as fast as lightning, and a fierce wind blew up, causing the body to sway from side to side. It rolled up Zhang Bairen's scattered hair and fell on his shoulders.

Qiao Yingzi has become a climate, and the golden scales all over his body are majestic. It is five or six times larger than that of the past. It looks like a big and aggressive rooster.

"Capital Governor, you are a clever eagle. You have returned to your ancestors and turned into a golden winged roc!" Ying Wang's head stretched out from the courtyard and looked at the extraordinary golden eagle on Zhang Bairen's shoulder, with envy in his eyes. The color.

The Golden Winged Roc is an ancient monster, or an innate monster, with the power of ancestral blood in its body, and it has incredible abilities.

At this time, the Golden Winged Dapeng had half of the dragon in his mouth, just like eating insects, and it was a pleasure to eat.

"Sihailong clan? When I, the Golden Winged Dapeng, go further, sooner or later, I will completely wipe out the Sihailong clan!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed disdain.

"This clever eagle is good fortune, it's just a description of the mortal species, but it has been supplied by countless elixir by the governor, fed by the gods, and washed with the power of the sun, and the blood has returned to the ancestors by six points. It is really a good opportunity." Looking at the Qiao Yingzi on Zhang Bairen's shoulder, his eyes turned green.

Zhang Bairen couldn't comment on hearing this. The Eagle King is not a master in Zhuojun now, he can only be said to be an ordinary master.

In Zhuojun, only Zhidao can be called the word ‘master’.

"You said Zhang Xiaocao is here? What is he here for?" Empress Xiao stood beside Zhang Bairen and said to Xiaohu: "Invite her in."

"I don't want to see her, this woman can't support the wall with mud, it's really embarrassing, how can I face Uncle Zhang?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed helplessness.

"It is because of Zhang Jingan that you have to meet" Empress Xiao said with a smile.

Not long after, I heard a whistling sound like a hurricane on the ground, and a pink sedan chair came towards the small courtyard. The four sedan chairmen were full of energy, and they were all martial artists with perfect bones.

The sedan chair stopped in front of the small courtyard, and Zhang Xiaocao, who was wearing brocade, walked down the sedan chair. The lotus step swayed infinitely. The people are still the same people, but everything has changed.

Looking at the Fengshen Yuli Zhang Bairen, the majesty revealed the charming Queen Xiao, Zhang Xiaocao's eyes showed a touch of emotion: "You are happy in Zhuojun, stirring the wind and the rain in the mountains and the mountains, and the pride is infinite."

"What are you doing?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Xiaocao with a pair of eyes: "If you want to kill me, it will be in vain. If you want to use the former kindness to kill me, I am not the kind of foolish person. I owe it. Uncle Zhang’s, will eventually make up for it in the future."

"Well, you and I are also family friends, can't I come to see you?" Zhang Xiaocao stepped into the yard, looking at the simple, clean but very delicate courtyard, like a rural farmhouse, Zhang Xiaocao There was a touch of emotion in his eyes: "How long did I think about this kind of farming life, men plowing and weaving women, hunting and plowing the fields, that was the day of my dreams."

"If you want to live like this, it's not too late, everything is still too late," Zhang Bairen said with his hands on his back.

"But all this was ruined by you, my teacher was destroyed by you, countless elders died tragically, and senior sisters and sisters were displaced. You changed my life! You ruined all my dreams!" Murderous circulation in Zhang Xiaocao's eyes.

"Hehe, you are not the kind of person who can live a light life at all. Back then, there was a lot of grievances and grievances between me and Baihuagu. I don't want to say more. But Uncle Zhang stayed in Zhuojun until his death, but you didn't come. See you, if you want to live a light life, then you can...but you finally married into Yuwenshu!" Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Xiaocao with a pair of eyes.

"Hmph, you killed my husband and ruined my family. You are justified!" Zhang Xiaocao glared at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen was silent, he couldn't refute this sentence.

My mother and son are indeed harmful to the Zhang family!

"Do you regret it? Don't you feel guilty in your heart?" Zhang Xiaocao looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, his eye circles gradually became red and swollen.

"Regret? Guilt?" Zhang Bairen said silently, after a while: "The four of us ate the last meal and didn't make the next one. I don't know if I would starve to death that day. The only thing I regret was You shouldn’t have asked that Daoist to take you away."

Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Xiaocao with a pair of eyes: "Back then, you were the most hopeful of the four of us to survive, and survive for us! It's a pity, who would have thought that the development of the world is so unpredictable that it has reached such a point!"

"As for Yuwen Chengdu? I can kill even close relatives, not to mention the Yuwen Chengdu who is right with me! What regrets do I have!" Zhang Bairen sneered.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! These years you have been trying to make changes with your own little power, but you still failed. Facing the general trend of the world, you can't change anything!" Zhang Xiaocao was smiling, smiling. Unspeakable mockery.

"Nothing has changed?" Zhang Bairen shook his head, looking at the prosperous Zhuo County, the place where millions of people live. He has changed too much in recent years, just inconspicuous.

"Sister, the superintendent is actually pretty good..." He Tiantian walked out and stood beside Zhang Bairen for some unknown time.

"Tian Tian!" Looking at He Tiantian, Zhang Xiaocao's eyes were red and swollen, and he ran over to hug He Tiantian: "How are you all these years? He didn't bully you, right?"

"Sister, the governor has principles!" He Tiantian smiled bitterly: "Why can't you let it go? Can't let it go? The Hundred Flower Valley back then is gone, and the disciples who are scattered have already had their own lives. Let go, why can't you let go?"

Why can't you let it go?

"My little sister has already stepped into the realm of Yangshen under the guidance of the governor a few years Since then, she has got rid of the suffering of reincarnation. Sister, your cultivation base has been pulled down over the years, you should look back!" He Tiantian Holding Zhang Xiaocao with red and swollen eye circles.

"You have already proved the Yangshen?" Zhang Xiaocao was taken aback when he heard the words, and he let go of He Tiantian. After looking at the opponent for a while, he said with a sense of disappointment: "Unexpectedly, the younger junior sisters who were inferior to mine have become enlightened. , You are the first noble person in Baihua Valley to achieve Yangshen. If you know, you must be very happy!"

Yang Shen, the greatest dream of a spiritual practitioner is a fairy road!

He Tiantian is inferior to himself in terms of qualifications and practice time, but now he has already proven himself as Yang Shen. How can Zhang Xiaocao not lose it?

From now on, the two pavilions of Xianfan and Fan no longer fear the suffering of reincarnation, and the mystery in the womb can be regarded as an alternative longevity.

"Oh!" Zhang Xiaocao was emotionally depressed. After a long silence, he looked at Zhang Bairen: "Three days later, I will be married to the emperor of the court. When the emperor of the court pardons me as a queen, you and my family have a great friendship. I hope you can join me. Wedding."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaocao patted He Tiantian on the shoulder: "Practice hard, Baihuagu's future depends on you!"

After the words fell, Zhang Xiaocao turned away in despair, and soon the sedan chair disappeared in the cold wind.

"Senior Sister, you don't want to die! A monk's ascending to the position of queen will cause backlash from heaven and earth!" He Tiantian shouted anxiously.

Then turned to look at Zhang Bairen: "Captain, you will save her! You must find a way to save her!"

"Save her? All this is her own choice. Seeking benevolence and benevolence, how can I help?" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

ps: If you have a book shortage, I recommend you to read the book "Heaven Is Poisonous" written by the apprentice of Jiu Ming.

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