First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1641: Twelfth lunar month 23

The twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, the northern year.

There is no joy in the little years of the poor, and the poverty remains the same. Grass roots and bark, what happiness do you want people to have?

Xiao Nian is no different from usual!

For wealthy people, the same is true for Chinese New Year and not New Year. How about Chinese New Year? But how about the year? It's not that there is wine and meat all at once, and there is no difference between Chinese New Year and not New Year.

But for Langya Zhuge, this young year is definitely not easy. No one can ignore Zhang Bairen's post, no matter whether you are a clan or a family in the world.

Snowflakes fell in the sky, and Nanyang Zhuge was nervous at this time. Although there was a banquet, there was no sense of joy.

"Langya Wang's house is here!"

"Hedong Cui's house is here!"


"Master Beitian is here!"

"Master Nantian is here!"


"Lianshan Road!"

"Fahua sees it!"

"Admiral Wei Chi Jingde and Cheng Yaojin are here!"

The originally tense and empty yard, with the arrival of people one after another, began to smell of fireworks and became more popular.

"I have seen the general!" Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, the patrons of Langya Zhuge's family, invited them into their seats, scanned the hall right now, and held up their wine glasses: "Everyone, today is the new year, let's take a swig."

At this time, the hall was full of people, and nearly a hundred people from all the major families, sects, and Taoist temples gathered here. The famous forces in China have already gathered here.

Although the world's noble families may not have one mind, they are definitely one mind when facing Zhang Bairen.

Everyone drank a glass of wine and looked at the head of the Zhuge family in the hall, waiting for him to speak.

The Patriarch of the Zhuge Family has a sad look on his face: "You guys are here today, and the reason has been explained in the post. My Zhuge Family thank you colleagues for coming to my Zhuge Family to support you. This glass of wine is done!"

After speaking, he drank a glass of wine, then dropped the glass, his face solemnly said: "The acting style of the chief governor Zhang Bairen, I won’t say much about it here. You can see it, or experience it personally. I wait for the family to inherit. What is it? One is the network and wealth that several generations have painstakingly managed, and the other is the ever-lasting inheritance. But now Zhang Bairen wants to seek to seize the seven-star art passed down by the ancestors of my Zhuge family, this is to destroy my Zhuge family Bloodline, what do you think of my Zhuge family?"

Today is Zhuge's family, and tomorrow it may be the next one, or even myself.

So Zhuge Patriarch’s words fell, and all the heroes in the field were all in love with each other. The Langya Patriarch’s face solemnly said: "This world's rules are set by my family's family. No one can break the rules of my family's family and abandon me. A family of powerful families play alone! Even if the chief governor is extremely powerful, he must act according to the rules."

"That's right, with so many people sitting here, how can Zhang Bairen take away the secret technique of your family's inheritance? Don't worry, Xiongtai, don't worry, you can rest assured!" Patriarch Chen's eyes showed a touch of unrest: "Everyone, I can't wait. The chief governors have broken them one by one, and the brothers should work together to break the gold!"

"That is, if you continue like this, if you come to the door one by one in the future, won't I wait to exterminate the clan sooner or later? After losing the art of inheritance, how can I wait for the clan to gain a foothold in the world?"

"No matter how arrogant Zhang Bairen is, and no matter how powerful Zhuojun is, how can he fight the world with his own strength?" An ancestor of the Sun family was full of cold light.

"That's right, I'm going to see what I have to say after that Zhang Bairen arrives! We will never agree to take care of it!" The ancestor of the Qian family had a gloomy face, and his eyes were full of torrential rain and dark clouds brewing.

"That is, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. There is absolutely no reason for us to agree to such a rude request!"

The hall was full of noisy and noisy clamors, and all the big-time furniture was filled with righteous indignation. Today Zhang Bairen can ask for Zhuge's secret technique, and tomorrow he can ask for his own secret technique. This wind must not grow.




The sound of clapping hands came from outside the hall, and everyone followed the sound to see, all shivering in an instant, like a chill.

A figure in purple clothes stood on the steps of the hall at some unknown time. At this moment, he swept across the group of heroes, clapping their hands without joy and sorrow: "Okay! It really is very good! Very good!"

Zhang Bairen walked slowly into the hall, swept past the heroes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"General Governor, if you come to my Zhuge's house for a drink, welcome to my Zhuge's family, if you want to seize my Zhuge's inheritance secret technique, it is absolutely impossible!" Patriarch Zhuge's eyes were full of determination and perseverance, directly breaking the topic, no The slightest mess.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked at the Zhuge Patriarch above with a pair of eyes: "I haven't asked your name yet."

"The old man is Zhuge Liufeng, the contemporary patriarch of the Zhuge family." The middle-aged man looked resolute, and his eyes revealed a hard and iron will.

"Oh? Don't talk about your Zhuge family's secret skills, just say that your ancestor Zhuge Liang of the Zhuge family almost hurt my life for Empress Chen a few days ago. This account is in front of all the heroes today, and the Governor has to make a clear calculation with the Zhuge family." Zhang Bairen slowly ascended to the main seat, carrying his hands on his back and said: "Everyone, Empress Chen killed my wife and concubine, so that my wife and concubine's soul was scattered. Is it wrong to supervise him to kill him?"

There was silence in the lobby, and the group of heroes who were called noisy before were all silent.

Anyone can speak harsh words behind their backs, but if you put harsh words in front of you, it's a second stunner. Now that the Zhuge family hasn't made the cut off, how can everyone come out first?

As for what Zhang Bairen said, everyone was even afraid to answer.

Is it wrong?

Naturally it is correct, but no one dares to speak easily. It is precisely because it is correct that Zhang Bairen must have something to say.

If you speak at this time, somersault will plunge into it, but it is not good.

Seeing that no one was talking to match himself, Zhang Bairen looked at Zhuge Liufeng with a pair of eyes: "You said, Empress Chen asked my lover to fly away, and I want to take it out of my soul, too much?"

Zhuge Liufeng was silent, it was not easy to answer this, no answer was right.

"When is the injustice reported? I have to be forgiven and forgive. The governor will kill him and call him reincarnation. Why should he let his soul fly away!" Zhuge Liufeng replied with a more secure answer.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen tilted his head to look at Zhuge Liufeng: "According to you, if I slaughter Zhuge's family today, you Zhuge's family will not be allowed to seek revenge from me in the future. After all, when is the retaliation? Isn't it?"

Zhuge Liufeng was silent when he heard this, but he didn't dare to take it. Zhang Bairen was moody and irritated. Who knows if he will violently hurt people next second.

"Say? Why don't you say it?" Zhang Bairen stared at Zhuge Liuyun.

The heroes are silent, the lobby is like a pool of stagnant water, turbulent waves are constantly brewing in the dark.


Too strong!

Everyone thought about Zhang Bairen's various threats and temptations, but they never thought that Zhang Bairen was so powerful and domineering and ruthless.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Zhang Bairen coughed fiercely, and there was a lot of wind in the hall, causing the dishes and banquet soup to spill on the floor.

An imperceptible blush appeared on his face, revealing a smear of morbid redness.

"I wanted to kill Empress Chen, but I never thought that the ancestor of the Zhuge family would actually stop me and want to take my life!" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed coldly: "Although my foundation has been severely damaged, it is definitely not left to you. Kneaded soft persimmon! The Zhuge family must give me an explanation today, otherwise... It's no wonder that this seat is ruthless!"

"The governor has cut off a law body of our ancestors, which has damaged a hundred years of cultivation. What does the governor want from my Zhuge family? Don't you want to deceive people too much!" An elder suddenly stood up, his eyes full of haze.

"Excessive? Haha! More excessive things are still to come! The governor is too much, isn't your Zhuge family too much? If I can't beat your ancestor, wouldn't I die for nothing? Since I cut your Zhuge family alive, Come down, then your Zhuge family will have to bear the anger of the governor!" Zhang Bairen suddenly took a palm shot, and the void rolled up endless ripples and turmoil, and the murderous intent flowed in his eyes. Not waiting for the ancestor's reaction, a palm was already in his heart Place.


The sun **** was raging, the ancestor instantly turned into ashes, and the soul was also scattered.

"Zhang This is my Zhuge's house, you are too much!" Zhuge Liufeng's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Excessive?" Zhang Bairen's eyes turned murderously: "More excessive things are still to come, today I am afraid that your Zhuge family will be removed from Zhongtu!"

The secret technique?


Looking for an excuse to destroy your Zhuge family, is it easy to get the secret technique by yourself?

"Zhang Bairen, even if you kill my Zhuge family to death, the Seven Star Secret Art will never be handed over to you!" Zhuge Liufeng's eyes were full of cold light: "Do you think you can destroy my Zhuge family bloodline? Just wait for yin and yang. The world is broken, and the blood of my Zhuge family will stand in the world again. Seven-star fate is the foundation of my Zhuge family, and my Zhuge Liuyun will never become a sinner of Zhuge family."

"Good! Good! Good! It is really righteous, I don't know if everyone in your Zhuge family is not afraid of death!" As he said, Zhang Bairen took a palm of his hand and patted an elder of the Zhuge family.

"The general governor is merciful, the Zhuge family is important, and the governor has grievances, grievances, and revenge, why bother with the innocents of the Zhuge family?" Yuchi Jingde and Cheng Yaojin jumped out and stood in front of Zhang Bairen.

At this time Zhuge Liufeng sat a few times in front of the case, took out a simple yellow bamboo slip from his sleeve, looked at the raging fire in the brazier, and threw the bamboo slip in without a word.

"Do you want to intervene in the grievances of this seat?" Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed coldly.

"Capital Governor, although your martial arts reach the sky and the Taoism is endless, but the act of destroying the people and the family is too much!" The Patriarch of the Langya King's family said: "I wait for the family members to be angry, if you are not angry, even if you are not angry Aristocratic families are slaughtered! I'm afraid you don't have the courage! Ha ha!"

ps: Add more start to the leader of "Chu Mengyao's Dream".

First more.

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