First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1644: Axillary

Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes when he heard the words: "What is the difference between a person living for one life and living for a thousand generations? Don't cause you to get karma because of me. Your Zhuxian sword way is the avenue of killing. You have tolerated these years. It’s just for the sake of one day when Zhuxian Sword Dao becomes successful, and I won’t fall into the killing Dao by the Zhuxian Sword Dao. But the evil aura you have now makes me so scared, worried, and sad."

"What are you afraid of! I have some understanding now, what about Slaughter Avenue? I am not still me?" Zhang Bairen stroked the green silk in Empress Xiao's ear: "I didn't know that the emperor's dragon gas could be washed away, but I could only keep my eyes open. Watching Lihua leave by my side a little bit, now that I have a chance, how can I not fight for it!"

"Human being in this world is a contend for words! Survival, cultivation, immortal roads are contended, if people don’t fight, what is the difference with salted fish?" Zhang Bairen stroked Empress Xiao’s cheek, "Don’t say anything. , I have my own opinions in my heart. People can’t help themselves in the world, and how can they go through the road of killing? If the world can be made to fear and respect me, I would rather turn into the road of killing."

Having said this, Zhang Bairen closed his eyes, and there was a struggling in his eyes, and a black air in his eyebrows kept rising.

Empress Xiao gently stretched out her finger, smoothed Zhang Bairen's frowning brows, and slowly lay down in Zhang Bairen's arms, with a touch of helplessness in her eyes: "The way you look now makes me scared! So scared!"

The killing continues!

Zhuge's thousand-year-old family died in a single day, and it immediately shook the world. The family members of the big family were in danger, people inside and outside China were in panic, and waves continued to brew in the dark.

"How dare! How dare he act like this..." Li Shimin gritted his teeth while standing on the pavilion.

Yuan Shoucheng sighed: "Your Majesty, the general governor has been enchanted. In the future, there will be a demon even more terrifying than Zhang Bairen. I am afraid that Li Tang will not live in peace in the future."

"He has cultivated to such a realm, how could he be enchanted!" Li Shimin's eyes were full of disgust.

Hearing this, Yuan Shoucheng smiled bitterly, it was not you who caused it! If you don't pour the Dragon Qi of the emperor into Zhang Bairen's body, and you want to obliterate Zhang Bairen's foundation, how can something like this happen today?

The news of Zhang Bairen's enchantment is not a secret, at least it is not a secret for those big family members, a panic spreads silently, and regrets continue to fluctuate in his heart.

regret! Sad!

Knowing this a long time ago, why bother to calculate Zhang Bairen?

Even the people of the big family members hated Li Shimin together. You said that you want to kill Zhang Bairen, but your hands and feet are not clean. Instead, Zhang Bairen has become a demon!

Zhang Bairen is not Jing Wushuang. Jing Wushuang has become a demon. If Zhang Bairen is in a demon, he will explode several times, hundreds of times in strength. Who is his opponent inside and outside China?

Big trouble!

This is the same feeling for everyone!

More trouble than the destruction of the Zhuge family.

"The Governor"

Yuan Tiangang came to Zhang Bairen with a bitter face, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Bairen: "You don't need to say, I understand all these things!"

Yuan Tiangang was silent, and then cautiously said: "The Governor, are there something wrong with you now?"

"Me? What's wrong with me? It's better than ever. I wanted to do some things before. Now I am invincible in the world. Who am I afraid of! I should have let go of my hands long ago!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back. His eyes were full of spirits.

Looking at Zhang Bairen who was laughing weirdly, Yuan Tiangang's body suddenly became cold, with a panic in his eyes, then he lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Capital Governor, something is not good!" Luo Shixin hurried to Zhang Bairen's side.

"What? Can't even catch a child?" Zhang Bairen snorted coldly.

"It stands to reason how a child could escape the palm of the governor's hands, but that Yuan Shoucheng broke the governor's major event..." Luo Shixin glanced at Yuan Tiangang, then hesitated and refused to speak.

"Hey" Yuan Tiangang's heart beat, and an unpleasant feeling rose in his heart. Zhang Bairen said solemnly: "Say! Who dares to hinder the superintendent of the capital now?"

"That Zhuge Liufeng unexpectedly ran into the Gongsun sisters. The vitality that Yuan Shoucheng instructed for Yuan Tiangang is the Gongsun sisters. Only the Gongsun sisters can persuade the governor!" Luo Shixin whispered: "Sister Gongsun's sword practice is real. It’s extraordinary, and the brothers do not dare to really do anything with each other, so it is inevitable that they will be restrained."

"Sister Gongsun? How did you involve them!" Zhang Bairen frowned, and a stern expression appeared in his eyes: "It's really a bunch of rice buckets."


Facing the earth-shattering murderous intent, Zhuge Liufeng flees desperately, with traces of dried tears hanging on his childish cheeks, and his eyes are full of panic.

The clothes had been shaved and tattered by the branches, and the matte cheeks were full of gray dust. Only the hatred in his eyes was shocking.

It's all dead!

The guards by his side kept dying, and the old servant at home desperately delayed the master of listening to the wind, and only then gave himself a chance.


All demons!

They are not humans, the killing under the black iron surface and the cold light on the cold iron surface made Zhuge Liufeng desperately squeeze the last trace of strength in his body.

If you don't run, you will die!

Even though the last bit of strength in the body has been exhausted, Zhuge Liufeng still flees desperately. Thinking of the corpses that fell under the butcher knife, Zhuge Liufeng has tears in his eyes, and they must not let their sacrifices be wasted.


Flee desperately!

The blood blisters had been worn out on the soles of the feet, but Zhuge Liufeng still didn't realize it. Compared with his life, the blisters were trivial.

"Why? Why?" Zhuge Liufeng's eyes were full of puzzlement.

Suddenly, everything changed overnight. Because of that post, Zhuge's family had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The young master of his Zhuge family, and one of the top leaders of the Middle-earth Continent in the future, instantly became a lost dog who kept escaping for his life.

At this time, Zhuge Liufeng was three points worse than a beggar.

"Zhuge Liufeng, don't run away, if you don't practice martial arts, don't practice true energy, how can you escape from our brother's palm?" Luo Shixin hung in the back unhurriedly, seeming to be teasing a mouse with a cat in his eyes. Taunting: "If you are obediently restrained and caught, for the sake of your youth and ignorance, the general governor may give you a way out, so that your Zhuge family's blood will not be cut off."

Without answering Luo Shixin's words, Zhuge Liufeng still flees desperately.

Suddenly I saw Lu Zhuanxi Bridge, a small boat drifting in the water, the sword energy of the sky rolled up, and a rainbow light came towards Luo Shixin to kill:

"A group of brawny men embarrassing a child is shameless!"

The sword light was like a rainbow, turning into a starry sky, and it seemed that the Big Dipper was falling, and the mood of life and death continued to flow, slashing towards Luo Shixin and the dozens of heavenly masters.

Luo Shixin still sees the gods now, not dare to underestimate this sword aura, can only pause: "Your Excellency, who dare to take care of my Zhuojun's nostalgia."

"Zhuojun? Are you from Zhuojun? Where is Zhang Bairen?" Gongsun Xiaoniang's voice sounded.

When Luo Shixin heard the words, his heart moved, and there were not many people in the world who dared to call the chief governor to blame the heart.

A group of people came to the lake, but saw that Zhuge Liufeng had been led into the boat. At this time, a girl in green was standing on the bow of the boat with a sword in her arms, looking at the masters of Heaven.

"Seven Star Sword!" Looking at the sword in Gongsun Xiaoniang's arms, it seemed that there was a hazy starlight, and Luo Shixin's expression suddenly became dignified. It was indeed the sword of Zhang Bairen that year. The relationship between the girl in front of her and her governor is not ordinary, and things are difficult to handle.

Luo Shixin wished to slap himself and told you not to do anything before, now you are in trouble!

Blooming branches and leaves!

"Since the girl knows my governor and has a seven-star sword in her hand, she has an extraordinary relationship with my governor. This child is a repeat offender in Zhuo County. Naqin's offense is returned!" Luo Shixin respectfully clasped his fists.

Aunt Gongsun hugged the child and looked at the panic, tears, and helplessness in Zhuge Liufeng's The nature of a woman could not help but burst out: "Even if it is an imprisonment, great things cannot involve a child. On the body. You go back to the chief governor, if you are wronged, you have a debt, why bother with a child."

It's not just Sister Gongsun, who has changed anyone, but anyone with a little conscience, watching Zhuge Liufeng with a sad and miserable face, can't help but feel sympathy in his heart.

Why should an adult’s fault involve an innocent child?

Luo Shixin looked ugly after hearing this: "Girl, this child is the remnant of Zhuge's family. If it is let go, there will be serious problems in the future..."

"Don't say any more, the grievances of adults must not be involved in the child. How big is the chief governor, how can he put a child in his eyes? Go back to the chief governor and say that this child is saved by our grandson and sister! "

While talking, Aunt Gongsun flicked her sleeve, and Qingzhou was already gone in an instant.

"Girl, if you insist on doing this, you can't blame it!" Luo Shixin was immediately anxious when he saw this scene, a firework bomb in his hand rose into the sky, and the next moment he stepped on waves to chase the boat.


Jian Guanghan, the pure to extreme sword light, forced Luo Shixin to retreat.

At this time, for countless days, the guards followed the fireworks bounce from all directions and surrounded the small boat.

"The person on the boat is the fiancée of the chief governor, so don't hurt him at all!" Luo Shixin said quickly.


Don't hurt anything?

How to fight this?

You can only hit me, but I can't hit you!

In hesitation, the boat had already broken through the heavy siege, the sword light circulated and forced the guards back, and then disappeared into the river.

"My lord, what should I do? This is tricky!" A guard looked at Luo Shixin.

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