First Class Taoist Gate

: Everyone is a dad, can't afford it

Thank you "Feng Junzi Haoran" and "Chu Mengyao's Dream" for another leader award!

Does the boss open a mine? Please, don't give a reward! Tell your father to be generous? ! ! !

Thank you "Please call me your uncle", "Where are all the good names", "Her back", "Jun Junhong", "Who is it", "Osmanthus fragrans 6113", "Yueyu Binghen" classmates Wan reward!

How much more do you owe? How much more do you owe?

Are you bullying too much?

Everyone is a dad, and there are mines at home, so I can't afford it! Can't afford it!

Please don't give me a reward, please? Dads! ! ! Please!

Please give me a reward, don’t change it, I’m sorry, add it...I’m still tired, my finger is about to break, please! The weather is really cold, let alone moving! More still!

Dads, have you let me go? Please!

I call your father! ! ! Please! ! ! Good you guys! Oh oh...

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