First Class Taoist Gate

: I owe more calculations, bow and thank everyone for your reward.

Yesterday the leader even more:

"Chu Mengyao's Sun"

"The gentleman of wind is awe-inspiring"

"Cows do not drink water"

Wanshang: "Yixiuxiu 666", "Yueyu Bingshen", "Kill them, kill them", "White tea Qinghuan, don't be unintentional", "Yixiu ice", "00 Liangliang 00", "Can not be without meat" "Books" "Cangshui Chair Leaning on the Rails" "Brother Five Colors" "A series of numbers without a name (three million rewards "Sogra has no bottom vvv" "I am willing to lock my heart for you (two million rewards "Wandering world"

"Only count the ten thousand rewards plus change, the ordinary rewards are not calculated"

The above are only yesterday's, and the day before yesterday has not been counted. The day before yesterday, I probably owe how many roots, I don't remember, I can't finish it during the New Year!

Everyone has a mine at home, I really can't afford it, don't give a reward...I can't finish it! ! ! I coded last night until three in the morning, my waist couldn't straighten up in the morning, and I coded again at eight.

If you continue to reward, you will lose me, really! ! ! Everyone, will you be rewarding when I have finished adding it? Please don't give a reward!

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