First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1652: Solar fetus

The news of Li Shimin was too fast, and it was almost time that a crisis arose in Zhang Bairen's heart. This kid was really not easy. He did everything without any leaks. What happened last night, he knew the news so soon.

Knowing that Empress Xiao is pregnant, apart from himself, I am afraid that only the maid, who takes care of Empress Xiao's diet and daily life, is Li Shimin's ability to put his hands in Zhuojun. This ability is admirable.

I really admire it. Some things are not acceptable. Even Zhang Bairen can't compare Li Shimin's hand.

"Why did the second son come to Zhuojun?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of gloom.

Li Shimin looked at Li Shimin earnestly with a pair of eyes, and then said: "I heard that Madam is pregnant with a female child, and there are countless princes under my knees. I want to supervise a marriage with Dadu. I don't know what the Dadu will do?"

"Getting married?" Zhang Bairen showed a sneer on his face: "Your Li family has the blood of Hu people, and you are worthy to be married to my Zhang family? The blood flowing in my Zhang family's blood is divine blood, which is comparable to that of the Li family in your area? "


Unconcealed contempt!

Li Shimin's face was pale when he heard the words, but he had to accompany an ugly smile: "I naturally know that Gao Pan, but we will benefit from cooperation. The governor should think carefully about it."

"No need to think about it, Zhang Bairen acts magnanimously between the world and the earth. When do I need to rely on the marriage of my children to gain a foothold in the world?" Zhang Bairen smiled disdainfully in his eyes, and then slowly turned around: "Your Majesty, please come back. My girl is Goddess, how can you marry ordinary people like your Li family?"

Despising Li Shimin for a while, Zhang Bairen turned and walked into the house, leaving Li Shimin, Yuchi Jingde, Cheng Yaojin and others standing in the courtyard with ugly faces.

"Your Majesty" Wei Chi Jingde said.

"Hey, I was irritated by the two who were involved in the New Year's Eve, but the matter is human, as long as there is a heart, there is always hope!" Li Shimin glanced at the two confidantes apologetically and walked outside the door: "Under the world, the only people who are qualified to look down on the royal family are the Zhuojun family. It is precisely because of this that the more we must marry Zhuojun."

"Zhang Bairen has no children under his knees. As long as we get married, the world will eventually belong to my Li family." Li Shimin walked out of Zhuojun with a gloomy expression.

"The governor is too arrogant!" Cheng Yaojin said boredly.

"He has that arrogant capital." Yuchi Jingde shook his head: "There is purple light flowing in the eyebrows of the governor. If I am not mistaken, the governor must be cultivating a powerful supernatural power. Although the governor has damaged the foundation, But the ability still exists and no one can be underestimated."

"Yes, Zhang Bairen has cultivated another supernatural power with terrifying power. Although I don't know the root, I can detect the extraordinary through the vision." Li Shimin shook his head.

The divine channel method has not yet been completed and cannot cover up the vision. The vision can be seen as the fluctuation of the law between heaven and earth. If you want to cover up the effort, it is better to just reveal it directly.

After leaving Li Shimin away, Zhang Bairen wandered around the room with his hands on his back, and then said to his shadow: "Take care of your hands and feet. The Governor does not want his every move to be monitored at any time."

"Yes!" Jing Wuming heard the words and left.

"Pure Yang Ziqi, I have already felt the breath of pure Yang Ziqi, and I still need my destiny as soon as possible to cultivate the supreme Dafa." Zhang Bairen turned and walked towards the mountains and said to Empress Xiao: "All the New Year greetings are blocked. Well, just say I’m practicing in retreat and I don’t have time to meet guests."

Inside the house

Empress Xiao looked at the back in the cold wind and sighed softly, then slowly sat down:

"A person's life, joy and sorrow, parting, how short! Only practice is the way to detachment. If you grow up, baby, you must practice hard and become a master like your father."

Sitting cross-legged, Zhang Bairen pinched the tactics in his hands, and the next moment the sun chain involved the Sun Yuan Ling, entered Zhang Bairen's soul, and merged into Zhang Bairen's three souls and seven souls.

In the small world

The divine nature constantly deduces the various profound meanings of Dafa, and uses a world to deduct the exercises, and only Zhang Bairen can do it with a chance against the sky.

"The elemental spirit that devours the sun gave birth to my own sun elemental spirit. Only in this way can I replace the soul of the sun and control the power of the sun for my use. In fact, the biggest secret of the sun is the growth rings. If anyone can control the growth rings, Can grasp the whole world, through the ancient, modern and future" Zhang Bairen silently closed his eyes.

Time is slowly passing by, one day, two days, three days... a month has slipped away in a blink of an eye.

If you ask about the flute, Xiang Ziyan once learned to dance for a long time.

Yuan Ti!

Zhang Bairen noticed the primordial fetus in his body, and gave birth to a primordial fetus in his Yang God. This primordial fetus was transformed by the soul of the sun. At this time, Zhang Bairen only felt that he seemed to have a mysterious feeling with the sun. , The power of the sun reverberates in his body, and he will be blessed by the sun all the time.


Zhang Bairen has sensed the power of Ziqi!

Wandering around on her own Yuan Tire, lingering and circling.

This power is supreme and noble, strong to yang, and its power is no less than the power of the law that Zhang Bairen understood.

In other words, the sun itself is the evolution of the law of the sun from heaven and earth, the form of the law of sun.

"But I still can't comprehend the Big Dipper's life-defying technique!" Zhang Bairen looked at the Big Dipper in the night sky with dignity in his eyes, revealing a touch of emotion.

I could not comprehend the fate of the Big Dipper.

Slowly came to the old ancestor Shaoyang. At this time, the ancestor Shaoyang was meditating with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes when he heard the footsteps. He turned around for a moment, and his eyes were full of surprise: "You succeeded."

"I have understood the sun's chaos, but why can't I comprehend the seven-star rebellion?" Zhang Bairen looked at Shaoyang Patriarch.

The ancestor Shaoyang was silent when he heard the words, and his eyes scanned Zhang Bairen's body, as if he saw the purple air current lingering around Zhang Bairen's body.

Although this airflow was insignificant and difficult to detect, the ancestor Shaoyang was aware of it.

"The sun is the lord of thousands of stars. The reason why you failed to comprehend the seven-star rebellion technique is because you have not cultivated enough solar purple energy," Shaoyang ancestor said.

"Don't lie to me, otherwise you should know the consequences of lie to me!" Zhang Bairen glanced at Old Ancestor Shaoyang before turning away.

The words of the ancestor Shaoyang Zhang Bairen were speechless. It seemed that the ancestor Shaoyang was right. The purple sun energy in his body was indeed not enough.

No one knows how big it is!

The reason for the rebuttal of Patriarch Shaoyang made Zhang Bairen unable to find an excuse to attack.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, the ancestor Shaoyang shook his head: "I also do it for your own good. Since you have obtained the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, you have inherited the fate of the Emperor of Heaven. Once the Jing Rui descends, the Tai Yin will wake up. The battle of fate is about to begin. Who can help you? You are the hope of my Zhang family. The great cause of the emperor has fallen on you. The heroic spirits of the ancestors of the Zhang family are pinned on you. I will be disappointed."

Zhang Bairen couldn't tell the truth from the words of the ancestor Shaoyang, but he had no choice but to continue walking on.

After cultivating the purple energy of the sun, there is a glimmer of hope to comprehend the art of the Big Dipper's rebellion. If you don't practice, you can't do anything!

Zhang Bairen is like a person who fell into a desperate situation in the water. Even if he knew that a straw could not save his life, he had no choice.

What if there is a miracle?

"When did I begin to believe in miracles!" Zhang Bairen stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the Big Dipper in the distance, lost in thought.

People only believe and hope for miracles when they are powerless.

"It turns out that I am just an ordinary mortal, I am not omnipotent!" Zhang Bairen fell into silence.

Only when you have experienced despair, will you be in awe of the universe.

"When a person is strong and poor, there are people who can not be saved." Zhang Bairen sighed, disappearing into the mountain breeze.

"What's the matter?" Looking at Zhang Bairen's frowning brows, Empress Xiao greeted her and lay down in Zhang Bairen's arms.

Hearing the words, Zhang Bairen was silent, with a slight finger force, holding Empress Xiao in his arms, Zhang Bairen fell into silence.

"Don't force yourself too much" Empress Xiao looked at Zhang Bairen with wonderful Zhang Bairen shook her head after hearing this, "There must be a way, there must be a way!"

The second morning

Empress Xiao opened her eyes, there was no figure in the bed, but she was taken aback. Touching the vacant bed beside him, staring at the curtain in a daze.


In the small temple

There were screams and screams

"Zhang Bairen, you must not die! You must not die!"

"You die family!"

"I curse you for being killed!"

Zhuge Liuyun's screams sounded, shocking everyone who heard it.

Thousands of knives?

Burning fire?

Soul pumping?

Zhang Bairen walked into the ruined temple and saw the broken meat in that place. Zhuge Liufeng was cut by thousands of swords, burned by fire, and suffered all kinds of pain, but the scraped flesh healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, it was death. Can't drop.

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

Perceiving the aura of Zhang Bairen's coming in, Zhuge Liufeng's empty eye sockets flowed with blood and water, and his voice was horrified: "Kill me! Kill me!"

Zhang Bairen looked at the maddened grandmother Gongsun with a pair of eyes silently, with a touch of pity in his eyes.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! I want you to suffer all the torture between heaven and earth!" Aunt Gongsun tortured Zhuge Liufeng with a disheveled hair, and the red soldering iron fell on Zhuge Liufeng's eyes and mouth, and the aroma of barbecued meat filled the temple. The smell of disgust caused Zhang Bairen to frown.

"Auntie!" Zhang Bairen came forward and shouted.

But Aunt Gongsun didn't look back, she still continued her actions.

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