First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1654: White hair in the wind

"If you can help the aunt to repair her soul, Zhang Bairen will have a good return!" Zhang Bairen stared at the world-zun with a pair of eyes.

"Why are you reluctant to be sober? Why are you reluctant to face the facts?" The World Zun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and looked at the white hair spreading from his temples: "In fact, you know in your heart that there will be no other than reincarnation. The second method can repair her soul. Only a little awakening of Suhui in the reincarnation can restore her soul."

Shizun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Why don't I want to take the opportunity to blackmail you? It's a pity that although I count countless things, I have my own principles, and I don't just talk about methods."

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent, standing on the top of Songshan Mountain with his hands on his back.

Blessed One came to Zhang Bairen and patted Zhang Bairen on the shoulder: "You are the person who has the most hope to become an immortal. I also hope to have great cause and effect with you, but I cannot lie to you."

Having said this, the World-Honored One looked hesitant: "I don't know if I should tell you something."

"What's the matter, but it's okay to say it, mother-in-law!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

Shizun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Look at the starry sky! You recently looked at the Big Dipper, but you have never observed the nine stars, nor have you seen the abnormal movement of Mercury!"

In Zhang Bairen's eyes, the sun and fire circulated, the blue sky and white sun reflected the infinite void, a pair of eyes swept across the void world, and then his pupils suddenly shrank: "How come!"

Mercury is approaching the mainland!

If Mercury originally appeared to be only the size of a fist, it is now the size of two fists, and in Zhang Bairen's perception, Mercury is still coming fast toward the mainland.

The divine power of the Qinglong star turned, showing the posture of the Qinglong spitting beads. I saw that Mercury became the dragon ball in the mouth of the Qinglong, and the Mercury was forcibly deflected by the power of the Qinglong and came towards the mainland.

"Someone forcefully moved the Azure Dragon Constellation, what is he going to do?" Zhang Bairen's expression became solemn.

"You also know that I have an eye for cultivation, and I can see the past and the present, the past and the present!" World Zun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Want to know why Zhuge Liufeng did not follow the script designed by Yuan Shoucheng and Zhuge's elders, but to Gongsun Xiaoniang. Do you want to know where the knife that swallowed the soul of Gongsun Xiaoniang came from?"

"You know? Tell me!" Zhang Bairen stared at the World Venerable with a pair of eyes.

"If I guessed correctly, the old antique in the depths of the East China Sea is about to be resurrected. Back then, when the old man went out of Hangu Pass, do you think it was really that simple?" Shizun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"What do you want to say?" Zhang Bairen looked at World Zun solemnly.

"The water in this world is too deep, even the immortal sometimes can't do anything." The Blessed Venerable turned slowly and sat down cross-legged: "What happened, you must rely on yourself to find the answer. I will not say, let alone help you. Everything depends on you."

"You..." Zhang Bai was benevolent and wanted to stamp his feet. Is there anyone who does this? Halfway talking, this is to give people alive to death.

Zhang Bairen tapped his belt with his fingers and looked at the starry sky with a pair of eyes, and his eyebrows were slightly calm: "When the sky falls, there is a tall man against it. As long as the Sihailong clan does not embarrass me, Zhuojun, even if the Sihailong clan wants to destroy the world, I will take care of it. Nothing."

Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of dignity, and he walked out slowly: "I can't even take care of my own affairs, there is no time to mix these important events."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You haven't finished talking, don't leave..." Looking at Zhang Bairen, the World Venerable couldn't sit still immediately: "The Four Seas Dragon Clan has a deep heritage, we are discussing it... "

Unfortunately, Zhang Bairen ignored the words of the world-zun.

"Master, what do you do now? The dragon race is not small this time. I think there is a calamity in Middle-earth this time. Don't even think about staying out of it!" Bodhidharma came to the world-zun with a gloomy expression.

"You ask me, what can I do?" The world-zun looked gloomy and tossed his sleeves: "What's happening in Beiman Mountain?"

"The recent deployment of troops from Beiman Mountain is not small, especially the Mahayana Buddhism who wants to save all sentient beings. This is robbing Beimanshan's rice bowl, I am afraid that the one from Beiman Mountain will not be able to sit still!" Dharma Road.

"It's okay if you have done one early, if you can transform the ghosts of Beiman Mountain, you can strengthen my Buddhist heritage, you go and invite Guan Zi to come to me to discuss the Tao." The World Venerable said with a slight hesitation.

Bodhidharma took the order and left, and soon saw Guan Zi in white fluttering on the Buddha's light, and landed on the opposite side of the World-Honored One: "The Buddha invited me, but what instructions do you have?"

"I didn't dare to be commanded, but there is something to tell your Excellency." The World Venerable's eyes looked at Guan Zizai with brilliant eyes: "I don't know how the Bodhisattva looks at Beiman Mountain?"

"Beiman Mountain?" Guan Zizai's eyes moved and he fell into thought.

The Blessed One said unhurriedly: "Sixty percent of the ghosts in the world enter Beimang, 30% into Buddhism, and 10% become lone ghosts and wild ghosts between the heavens and the earth. Enough for your dharmakaya to become a great success in ten years, and you are expected to become immortals!"

"Beimang Mountain is subordinate to the Daomen. I am afraid it is inappropriate to rush to the west, and I have to follow the journey to the west to learn the scriptures. I am afraid that this matter will be powerless." Although Guan Zizai was heartbeat, he was unwilling to branch out: "Moreover, wherever the governor did not express his position, I'm not easy to do it either."

"The bodhisattvas who worry about it are nothing more than Taoism and the governor. The governor is now trapped by love. If he can't wake up, the catastrophe of heaven and man will not be far away!" The Lord said with a smile, "Where can the governor have time to care about us!"

"As far as Beiman Mountain... one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Buddhism and Beiman Mountain will have to do a match after all. We can't attack Beiman Mountain. What if Beiman Mountain takes the initiative to provoke us?" : "The dragon race will soon take a big move. By then, there will be countless deaths and injuries among all beings in the world. If you can't control the capital, it will not only be the capital, but the entire Taoist sect."

Guan Zi was silent when he heard the words.

"Orthodox controversy, no mercy! There is no room for retreat!" The world-zun looked at Guan Zizai with a pair of eyes: "The time has come for you to die, don’t forget your big aspirations."

"I see it, I also made big aspirations back then. If it weren't bound by the big aspirations, I would have enlightened and finally passed away." The World Venerable's eyes were full of sorrows: "The forty-eighth big aspiration! I was like you back then, and it was also the 48th National Congress Great vision."

"With Zhang Bairen's aptitude, he will be immortal in this life without accident. What will you do then?" World Zun looked at Guan Zizai with a pair of eyes.

"If Beimang Mountain takes the initiative to provoke me to Buddhism, it might not be impossible for me to take action on this matter." Guan Zi muttered for a long time, twisting his rosary and lowered his eyebrows.

"Okay, what you are waiting for!" The World Venerable slapped his face suddenly.

Pulling Guan Zizai on the thief boat is equivalent to pulling Zhang Bairen on the boat. With the power of oneself, Guan Zizai, and Zhang Bairen, what difficulties can't be overcome?

In fact, now it’s okay to think that Zen Buddhism is included in Mahayana Buddhism, but it’s quite comfortable. With the power of oneself and Zhang Bairen, how about the resurrection of those old guys? It's not about being suppressed obediently.

With the mountain breeze blowing, Zhang Bairen walked on the mountain path, looking at the fog in the sky, his eyes were full of depression.

Suddenly Zhang Bairen's footsteps stopped, a pair of eyes looked at the white figure in the distance, floating like an immortal blocking Zhang Bairen's path.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Bairen saw an acquaintance, a person who was not familiar with.

"Look at you, what is it like now? Where is the spirited spirit in the past?" Zhang Muli looked at Zhang Bairen on the blue stone.

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and after a while he said, "Aren't you already stepping into the realm of heaven and humanity?"

"Heaven and humans are also humans," Mother Zhang said, then walked down the bluestone and came to Zhang Bairen's side, tidying up Zhang Bairen's scattered clothes: "Since you have already set foot on the road of heaven and humans, you can only move forward without going back, otherwise you must There is a fate of heaven and man."

A mirror slipped from the sleeve and placed it in front of Zhang Bairen's face: "Look at what you look like now."

Zhang Bairen took the mirror. At this time, all of his black hair on the temples had been dyed white, making the whole person white with an evil charm.

"If the sky is sentimental and the sky is old, the heavens and humans should not be hurt by love!" Mother Zhang sighed.

"Since the gods are ruthless, why should you wake me up?" Zhang Bairen put down the mirror The previous day, the police magic fairy divination will have calamities derived from the world. This calamity should be on you, you Go to the East China Sea to meet Mazu as soon as possible to find out the reason! "Mother Zhang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"How I act, naturally have opinions, Jinghuan fairy dared to point fingers at me, is it impatient to live?" Zhang Bairen's expression is cold: "Go and tell her that the calamity of the middle-earth has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to worry about those troubles. Matter. Middle-earth is the middle-earth of a family of powerful families. You can tell the family of powerful families about this matter. If Jinghuan is impatient to live, I can send her on the road."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen coldly hummed and turned and left: "Since he has cultivated heaven and humanity, he can honestly submerge in the mountains, and dare to point fingers at me? Those who point fingers at me are dead!"

Seeing Zhang Bairen's back, Mother Zhang sighed, and then followed up and said: "You are worried about Aunt Gongsun's injury. I think there may be a solution to this matter."

Zhang Bairen heard the words and shook his head immediately: "I don't want to have the slightest involvement with the fantasy road. If I ask the aunt to join the fantasy road, it would be better to reincarnate."

Zhang Bairen turned to look at Mother Zhang: "You choose to abandon your husband and abandon your son and join the illusion road. I have no right to interfere. That is your freedom. But the illusion road dare to confuse and confuse anyone around me, don’t blame me. The ugly words are at the forefront, and the blood will flow into a river when the time comes. No wonder I didn't remind you.

After speaking, Zhang Bairen disappeared in the mountains and forests, leaving Mother Zhang to stand there for a long time without speaking.

The mountain breeze came, and no one saw it, and a strand of white hair slowly appeared at the temples of Zhang's mother.

ps: Make up for the leader "Chu Mengyao's Sun".

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