First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1660: Palace in the sun

When people are powerful and poor, even the innate gods cannot do everything, let alone human beings?

Just like now, Zhang Bairen is definitely not counted that Emperor Fengdu actually has a treasure like Sanguang Shenshui, let alone that Emperor Fengdu will count on Nie Yinniang.

At this time, the Yangshen of the Old Demon of Black Mountain was standing outside Lanruo Temple, with a pair of eyes looking towards Zhuojun, with a hint of hesitation.

Such a big thing happened in Zhuojun, shouldn't I go there to join in the fun?

Zhang Bairen had his hands on his back, his eyes looked far away, his fingers tapped on his belt, and he looked at the vast starry sky, and he was intoxicated for a while.

If you have not entered the starry sky, you will never know how beautiful the starry sky is, or how moving the starry sky is.

Especially the Great Zhoutian Star Divine Art, at this time, it is rapidly comprehending and progressing at an incredible speed.

Zhang Bairen walked in the space channel unhurriedly. Although he had entered the Sun Star from the perspective of ten golden crows before, it was completely different from the arrival of his own soul.

The sun, the moon, and the stars are all hazy and completely different.

A different kind of sentiment flowed in my heart.

Zhang Bairen walked slowly, then waited tens of thousands of miles away and had to stop.


The intense heat seemed to be able to melt his Yang God, even with Zhang Bairen's cultivation base, at this time he had to stop, and a shadow of death rose in his heart.

There are still tens of thousands of miles away from the sun, but Zhang Bairen can no longer bear this power. I really don't know what magical powers and Dao methods the Emperor Tian had when he descended on the sun star.

The footsteps stopped, and the next moment Zhang Bairen Yang Shen was surrounded by purple qi, and all the power released by the sun was absorbed by the purple qi when he approached Zhang Bairen's body for three feet.

There was a burst of coolness, and Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of surprise: "It turns out that the purple qi has such an effect, but it is also right... I have absorbed some of the sun's origin after all, although compared to the entire soul of the sun, it is nowhere near the sea. Li, but the origin of the sun is the origin of the sun."

Zhang Bairen remained silent, and continued to walk towards the Sun Star. As he got closer and closer to the Sun Star, he had already felt the call in the dark, and the hazy palace was gradually and clearly visible at this time.

Zhang Bairen felt the call from the mansion in the sun star.

After walking five hundred miles, Zhang Bairen suddenly stopped, his eyes looked at the sun star five hundred miles away, and there was a heavy touch in his eyes, and he couldn't walk anymore.

Even with the blessing of the sun's origin, Zhang Bairen could not go on at this time.

The power of the sun is too strong, and it is no longer what Zhang Bairen's sun **** can protect.

Zhang Bairen looked at the mansion in the sun with a solemn expression, and silently closed his eyes: "I have already come here, five hundred miles away from the sun, there must be a way! There must be a way!"

If the void temperature is still so, isn't the surface temperature of the sun star even more terrifying?

Moreover, the power of the Sun Star is extremely unstable, and there are constantly various frightening natural disasters and explosions. A little carelessness will cause the situation to be wiped out. Even Daruo's true body will be erased by this terrifying power.

Zhang Bairen came from later generations. He naturally knew that the sun was equivalent to an atomic pile, and nuclear fusion was taking place all the time. The horror of this force was simply not something he could resist.

This is not just one or two nuclear fusions, but dense nuclear fusions that are constantly happening every minute and every second.

Zhang Bairen looked at the sun star earnestly with a pair of eyes: "Am I going to stop here?"

It's all here, but it stops outside the sun and stars. How can Zhang Bairen be reconciled in his heart?

"Golden Crow!"

When Zhang Bairen thought, there were bursts of golden crows crying in the distance, and then bursts of crows came from the depths of the sun star. The ten golden crows seemed to be ten little suns, opening up the fire of the sun **** below. Zhang Bairen rushed over.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! My way is complete!" Zhang Bairen laughed up to the sky, and then saw his Yang God instantly disperse, the three souls and seven souls were submerged into the body of ten golden crows, and then the ten golden crows turned around in the next moment. Converged in one place and turned into a vague figure, rushing towards the sun and stars quickly.

With the protection of ten golden crows, Zhang Bairen would naturally not be afraid of the fire of the sun god. He saw that the golden crow seemed to be the king in the flames. With a cry, he instantly opened up the sea of ​​fire, and the billowing heat wave accompanied the flame impact across the golden crow’s body. For Zhang Bairen, it was a destructive force, but for the Golden Crow, it was like a spring breeze.


The space trembles, and as Zhang Bairen approaches, he will discover the majestic and mighty mansion of the Emperor of Heaven.

The mansion of the Emperor of Heaven occupies a radius of thousands of miles, and the ground is paved with floor tiles of unknown material. Even under the impact of the bursting and manic Sun God, it is still as stable as a mountain without the slightest ripple.

Sweeping over the Sun Star, looking at the endless palace faults, a sense of intimacy came, and Zhang Bairen didn't even think about it. Yang Shen directly drilled out of the Jin Crow's body and landed in the palace faults.


It was still maddening by the external storm, but when it was three feet close to the dojo, all was absorbed by the dojo and turned into a force to maintain the operation of the dojo.

Stepping on the floor tiles, a burst of comfort that penetrated into the soul poured into Zhang Bairen's heart.

Unprecedented comfort, just like the refinement of the soul. Every moment there is a breath in this floor tile that constantly penetrates into Zhang Bairen’s soul, purifying and tempering Zhang Bairen’s three souls and seven souls, even before that breath enters the sun. God's embryo is absorbed by the embryo.

"Interesting! Interesting!" Zhang Bairen swept across the continuous palace fault with his hands on his back, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he pointed out: “This palace fault gives me a very different feeling.”

Chang'an City

The Fourth Patriarch stood outside the city of Chang'an at this time, with a solemn expression in his eyes: "The Lord wants me to sit down in Songshan, as if today's son suddenly asked to preach, I am afraid something is wrong..."

Three ancestors looked at Chang'an City with a pair of eyes, and after a while he said helplessly: "Your Majesty summoned, how can I not come? Let's go in and talk to your Majesty. As for what major problems occur in the outside world? What's wrong."

"That's the truth." The other ancestors nodded together, and then entered the palace in turn.

Outside Chang'an City

The Emperor Fengdu watched the Fifth Patriarch enter Chang'an City, with a sneer in his eyes, and disappeared in place.




Li Chengqian panted heavily and looked at the scorching sun in the sky with his eyes. There was edema on his bloated figure, and his eyes were full of fatigue at this time.

A touch of madness circulated in Li Chengqian's eyes: "It is simply fantastic to want me to suffer crime in Lingnan. Even if I die, I will never go to Lingnan to suffer crime."


Li Chengqian used his own talent, the sun and the fire, when the guards were unprepared, burned a group of people to death, and then escaped.

Who could have imagined that Li Chengqian, who has always seemed to have no martial arts skills, actually mastered such domineering supernatural powers as the sun god?

The warrior who escorted Li Chengqian was only a realm of seeing the gods, and the rest was the realm of bone-changing, how could he withstand the power of the sun god?

Fortunately, seeing the martial artist is indeed extraordinary. Although he was hit hard by the sun **** fire, he still escaped his life and kept chasing Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian was not able to deal with the hard-hit martial artist.

"Prince, don't run away. Your majesty has ordered you to go to Lingnan to reform and reflect. You still don't want to break free and resist. Isn't it the king's land in the whole world? Isn't it the king's court, where can you escape?" Not far from Li Chengqian, a person who saw the martial artist was panting, and was chasing after one step and three moves. The whole body was bloody, and he couldn't see the appearance of a person.

The injuries seemed serious, but they were all skin and flesh injuries. Although it caused trouble to his actions, he could recover with enough time.

Although the guards were angry at Li Chengqian's harshness, they did not dare to be rude to Li Chengqian. The prince was the prince, and even if he was abolished, he would still be the prince.

Li Chengqian ran wildly without looking back.

"The donor seems to be kind." Daoxin, who is walking and accumulating merit, naturally noticed the two people you chased after me. Daoxin is a real Buddhist figure. Although Li Chengqian was abolished as a prince, his aura remained the same. exist.

Looking at the huge aura on Li Chengqian's body, and then at the guards who are **** and devilish, there is a move in confidence, it seems that this is an opportunity.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian bypassed Daoxin without saying a word, and continued to rush to the distance without choosing his way.

"My Mitofu" said Daoxin was very interesting, and blocked the guards: "This benefactor, dare to continue to commit murder in front of the monk, it is too much to look at the monk."

It's no wonder that Daoxin misunderstands him. One is an ordinary person with no foundation, and the other is a **** and wicked guard. Who do you think Xin believes?

"Dead bald donkey, let me go!" The guard was anxious, punched Daoxin.


The light of Buddha flowing on Daoxin's body flew the guard.

Touching the previous wound, the guard grinned with pain, and stared at Tao Xin with a pair of eyes: "Great monk, you dare to fight the court, you are bored! Do you know who that person is? That person is Former prince Li Chengqian, if you get lost by him, just wait to eat it off!"

Seeing that it was not Daoxin's opponent, the guards could only speak harshly.

"What?" Hearing this, Daoxin suddenly felt a ‘thump’ in his heart, and the secret path was not good, as if he was accidentally involved in trouble.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't chase people back quickly!" The guard glared at Mage Daoxin.

The time the two talked has changed again in the field.

"Hey, where is there a temple?" Suddenly Li Chengqian's eyes lit up and he rushed into the temple.

ps: The leader of the "Gentleman of Wind" is even more. Yipindaomen

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