First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1668: The hurried dragon king!

Looking at the Xihai Dragon King who was taken away, the Beihai Dragon King suddenly became angry.

At any rate, your world-honored person is also a good player with a name and a surname between the world and the earth. He is one of the few powerful people who have a thorough cultivation base. Such a despicable and shameless sneak attack is simply deceiving.

With a roar, the North Sea Dragon King showed the form, and suddenly controlled the power of the innate divine water, and rushed towards the world.

If in the outside world, the North Sea Dragon King may not really be the enemy of the World Zun Yihe, but this place is the ocean accumulated by the innate divine water, and the dragons can naturally master the power of the world's ten thousand waters. At this time, Zhang Bairen can borrow the power of the endless innate divine water in the Dantian. , Even stunned the world.

In fact, the Blessed One was also fainted with anxiousness. The Da Ri Dharma body was extremely important to him, and no one was allowed to get involved. Seeing the Xihai Dragon King moved his mind on the sun fragments, the Blessed One could of course not sit still.

Glancing at the North Sea Dragon King, the Blessed One is too lazy to talk with him, and his mind is all placed on the sun fragment:

"I still need to get out of here quickly. I don't know why there is always a sense of anxiety in my heart. It seems that something ominous is approaching, and a catastrophic disaster is imminent!"

Ignoring the North Sea Dragon King, the branch in the hands of the World Zun continued to brush away from the sun fragment above, hoping to take this treasure back.

"Don't think about it! It's so deceitful that we don't put our brothers in the eyes!" The Blessed One's move is simply to tilt the nose of the North Sea Dragon King. This is a naked ignorance, ignoring our brothers.

You are not afraid of our brother's sneak attack, you go to collect the treasure first, you simply don't put our brother in your eyes.

what is this?

Ignore, despise, and don't treat it as an opponent at all.

This is indeed the case. It's like a fight between two people. One of them concentrates on going all out, while the other is eating the fruit leisurely and playing casually. Who can stand it?

This is disrespect! This is contempt!

At this time, the Dragon King of the West Sea also rushed into the sky, rolled up the waves of the innate divine water, and slapped towards the world-honored: "World-honored, you are too much, you such a powerful person also shamelessly attacked!"

At this time, the two dragon kings took advantage of the vast and infinite innate divine water, forcing the world-zun to return to defense, and his hands were folded to burst out infinite Buddha light, blocking the monstrous wave.

"Heavenly Eight Voices!"

Facing the dragon clan powerhouse, the world-zun unexpectedly displayed the dragon clan's unique knowledge.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea spit out dragon balls, and countless sky thunders bloomed: "You dare to look down on our brother! Today's sun fragment, you can't get it anyway!"

"Idiot, Zhang Bairen must have a plan. I will put down my grievances for a while and take the sun fragment and go out, and then discuss the distribution..." The world-zun forced the two dragon kings back with his magical powers, and the branch in his hand gently swept the sun fragment. , And then the smile solidified on his face, and the void around the sun fragment was distorted, and then ten golden crow phantoms were slowly hanging down in the distorted void, guarding the periphery of the sun fragment.

The power of the Blessed One’s blow was unable to break through the guardianship of the ten golden crows. At this time, his eyes were full of surprise. Although the two dragon kings restrained most of his power, it is reasonable to say that his casual blow is not a piece of the sun to withstand. of.

"This kid is so capable. He actually fits the sun fragments with the surrounding void, and integrates them with the immeasurable innate divine water in his dantian. Yin and Yang coexist and coexist, and infinite power is bred in it. If you want to capture this fragment , We have to break this void. This is too difficult! Too difficult!" World Venerable’s expression is solemn. Dan Tian is the root of a person and the embodiment of Zhang Bairen’s cultivation. It's not difficult, but at this time the two dragon kings are entangled in themselves, it is as difficult as climbing to break the void.

"Huh, go outside to discuss the ownership of the treasure? Is our brother your opponent outside?" Beihai Dragon King smiled coldly and disdainfully: "Your militancy is too clumsy. Our brother discovered this treasure first. Can I give it to you?"

"Dragons and this seat can be regarded as allies. As long as the two of you can give me this fragment, this game promises that you will never find the trouble of the two in the future, and how about helping the Sihai dragons to win the ancestral line of Zhongzhou?" The Buddha's light in the palms of the two dragon kings circulates indefinitely. Thousands of scriptures have turned into a bronze wall and an iron wall, blocking them in front of them.

"Master, you are also a powerful person, and our brothers will not show off with you. As long as you give this treasure to our brothers for a hundred years, let me and other brothers understand the way of combining water and fire, and we will naturally give this treasure in the future." Xihai Dragon King said with a gloomy expression.

When these words fell, the Blessed One's face was immediately frozen, and his anger gradually rose.


A hundred years of Jingrui had already come, and by then, even if oneself cultivated the Dahi Dharma body, what would happen?

The day lilies are cold!

"No, this thing will be given to me for ten years first. Ten years will be enough for this seat to cultivate into the Great Sun Tathagata Dharma body, and it won't hurt to give you this fragment at that time!" The World Venerable shook his head and decisively rejected the words of the Sihailong King.

"Oh? In that case, you can only see the real chapter? Our brother is here today, you can't take the sun fragment! I will wait for the other two brothers to arrive later, see how you are waiting for my opponent, when the sun fragment is not You want to let it out obediently? Why are you?" The North Sea Dragon King glanced at World Zun leisurely, but he was not in a hurry. The longer the delay, the better for him.

Hearing the words, the World Honored had a gloomy face, and was about to say something. He suddenly raised his head, and his eyes looked upward, as if he could see through the chaos and mist, and through the endless void.

An earth-shattering, murderous intent that runs through the sun and the moon came out from the upper dantian ancestor. Although it was only a aftermath, it made the World Venerable panic and felt that a catastrophe was imminent.

However, even if the World-Honored One was exhaustive, he would never have thought that Zhang Bairen would be frantic and act on everyone, killing all the ancestors who had entered his body.

Although vigilance arose in my heart, he still turned around and looked at the other two dragon kings unhurriedly: "Second, there must be a big change in Shangdantian, otherwise, why did the ancestor Meixin be so murderous? You and me now I should work together to overcome the difficulties, breaking through the barriers and taking the treasures to leave this place. I don't know why there is always an ominous premonition in my heart."

The North Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King looked at each other. At this time, under the earth-shattering murderous intent, the scales of the two dragon kings stood up one after another, their eyes were full of creepy colors, as if they were frightened birds.

But if you just give up the fight for treasures like this, you will cooperate with the Blessed One. Once you get out of the pubic area, without the support of Innate Divine Water, the Four Seas Dragon King wants to win the Blessed One, it is simply a dream!

When the Blessed One takes the initiative, it is really hard to say whether the treasure belongs to himself and others, and whether he is worthy of himself and others.

"If you want to take the treasure, there is no problem, but it is necessary for the World Honored to agree to understand this treasure with my brothers for a hundred years..." The North Sea Dragon King is not a fool, feeling that there is something wrong with the atmosphere at this time, and he feels anxious in his heart. Then he sneered in his eyes.

"Impossible! It's just a idiot dream!" The world-zun exploded his hair: "This is absolutely impossible, there is no room for negotiation! If you wait for the brothers to be stubborn, then stop blaming Buddha for my cruelty to suppress you!"

Murderous intent flowed in the eyes of the Lord, and the ominousness in his heart became more and more urgent. Regardless of other things, the world opened in the palm of the Lord, and the Buddha kingdom in the palm was suppressed towards the two dragon kings.

The Buddha's light sang in the sky, and then I saw countless singing voices from the universe in the palm of the world-zun, shrouded in the North Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King.



The Blessed One will forcefully suppress the two dragon kings.


The two dragon kings drove the dragon ball and rolled up the monstrous waves to the world-honored one: "Great monk, our brother is not muddled. Anyone can bully."


Just as the two sides were preparing to engage in a confrontation, a **** thunder fell from the void, and saw the East China Sea Dragon King and the South China Sea Dragon King fall down from the middle dantian in embarrassment, fleeing desperately, as if there was something terrifying behind them, and their eyes were full of horror. , Hesitate.

"Run! Run!" Looking at the two dragon kings below, the East China Sea Dragon King roared sternly, before he had time to explain, he kept running away with the power of milking.

At this time, the barriers between the middle dantian and the upper dantian and the lower dantian were blasted open. Although the Zhuxian Sword Formation was put away, the tragic murderous intent was earth-shattering. It seemed that Yang Shen was about to explode, and a bleak murderous intent hit his face. Come.

"Things are bound to change!" The World Venerable's expression changed wildly, ignoring the sun fragments in the void, and suddenly stretched out a branch in his hand, tearing the void in Zhang Bairen's body straight away.

The Blessed One has lived for a thousand years, how can he not have a few brushes?

If there is not much skill, it would have fallen into the past.

The blood and tears dripped from Zuqiao Neihui's eyes, and the unprecedented signs all told the Lord that the crisis of death was approaching.

"Big brother, what's the matter?" Xihai Dragon King asked puzzled.

"Hurry up!" Without a word, the Dragon King of East China Sea drove toward the passage opened by the World Honored One.


The Dragon King of Xihai and the Dragon King of Beihai happily four brothers of their own have ruled the world for hundreds of years. When did they ever see their elder brother so miserable and embarrassed? Was turned into a bereaved dog?

Lost dog?

It is indeed a bereaved dog!

The four brothers have been together for so many years, when have they seen the East China Sea Dragon King be so embarrassed?

"What happened?" Beihai Dragon King asked.

Did not answer the words of the North Sea Dragon King, at this time the two dragon kings will be able to eat milk, where is there still time to speak?

Above the ancestral aperture

Zhang Bairen looked at the dragon ball in front of him divinely, with a touch of confusion in his eyes, and then looked at the four dragon kings who had desperately escaped. The cold voice did not contain the slightest emotion: "Want to leave?"

ps: Thanks to the leader of the "Chu Mengyao Dream" classmates for their rewards. Let's add one more for now, and I will make up next month. I really won't move anymore...

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