First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1669: World death

The Blessed One is worthy of being the Blessed One. The autumn wind did not move the cicada's foresight. The moment he saw the East China Sea Dragon King and the South China Sea Dragon King escape in embarrassment, he had already noticed something wrong and started to break the void in Zhang Bairen's body. A void channel was opened from Zhang Bairen's navel. Want to escape to the outside world.

As for the sun fragment, you can't even care about your life at this time. What sun fragment is needed?

The crisis of death, an unprecedented crisis of death, swept his entire mind. At this time, the Blessed One’s Yang God tightened and all thoughts disappeared. Only ‘escaping’ became the only thought at this time.

The higher the cultivation level, the more sensitive to the crisis, especially when the Blessed One sees his eyes bleeding and tears, the Blessed One knows that something is in trouble!

An unprecedented crisis, an unprecedented trouble!

Since practicing, the Blessed One has gone through countless calamities, the Han family has destroyed the Buddha several times, and he has been shattered by others, but he has never encountered such a crisis.

"It's really going to fall!"

An inexplicable fear and crisis arose in the heart of the Blessed One.

"Want to leave? What do you think of my physical body?" Zhang Bairen showed a mockery in his eyes, and the next moment he flicked his fingers, the void distorted, and countless sword qi in his hand swept across the sky.

Zhu Xian Jian Qi!

The Zhuxian sword spirit rushing out of the Zhuxian Sword Picture rushed down the dantian formidable, trying to punish the rebellious party in the lower dantian.

The physical body belongs to Zhang Bairen. For every meridian, every inch of skin, and every drop of blood in the physical body, Zhang Bairen has absolute control over time and space and distance.

The overwhelming and mighty sword aura, even the World-Honored One, was horrified, and there was a touch of horror in his eyes: "What a terrifying murderous intent!"

Sword Qi is not sword Qi, but kills the robbery!

Zhu Xian Jian Qi was originally a kind of calamity between heaven and earth, and one of the killing calamities of sentient beings.

No one has escaped the calamity!

The void passage has been opened, and the Blessed One even saw the water outside and touched the salty smell of the water.

Even as long as he took that step gently, he could easily escape from his body.


The distance of one step is not a problem for the World-Honored One on weekdays, but at this time it has become a corner of the world.

The Blessed One has no time to take that step.

The Blessed One can't get out, let alone the Dragon King of Four Seas?

The Four Seas Dragon King's cultivation is far inferior to that of the World Honored One, and naturally he can't move forward.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up!" Donghai Dragon King's heart was roaring frantically, as long as he was giving himself a tenth of the breath, he could escape from there.

Unfortunately, no one will give him ten breaths!

"The old man has gone through countless calamities, is he really going to fall here?" The world's eyes are full of unwillingness, but what if he is unwilling?

If you can't escape, you can't escape!

Seeing the mighty sword aura, he wanted to bury the five people, but seeing that the dragon ball was shaking slightly at this time, a mysterious wave of electric light and flint covered the entire body.

Time froze at this time, and the sword energy rushing in the sky couldn't help but froze for a while. It was this momentary pause, and the five people escaped desperately, and Zhang Bairen's body had already emerged.

Instead of chasing those five people, Zhang Bairen cast his gaze on his dragon ball, his divinity wrapped around the dragon ball, and explored every corner of the dragon ball.

There is no fluctuation!

Only the Demon Seed was constantly sorting and absorbing the fragments of the ancestral dragon, turning it into an embryo that was constantly breathing.

"It's not that someone forcibly shot, but the thought that belongs to this flesh body stopped the sword aura! The thought in this dragon ball is part of the flesh body, of course it can control the flesh body. But... why does this thought help the dragon race? Because the magic seed absorbs I lost the memory of Zulong and was influenced by Zulong?" The divine eyes were full of puzzlement.

There is no time to chase and kill the Dragon King of the Four Seas. It is not that the divine nature does not want to chase and kill, but the world in the body is constantly collapsing. The unfolding of the Zhuxian Sword Array has disrupted the operation of the laws of the world and affected the existence of the laws.

The divine mind appeared in the world, but saw the world in his family was dead, life seemed to be beheaded, and the void continued to collapse, evolving toward chaos.

The Zhuxian array was only unfolded once, but the unintentional power of the Zhuxian array had already killed the vitality of the small world.

Zhang Bairen’s hard work is entrusted in this small world. How can he give up easily when it comes to Zhang Bairen’s deduction and the evolution of laws?

"Suppression! Hedao!" Nian Dongjian's divinity merged into the world, and only a scroll of formations floated in the void.

Obviously, from the perspective of Zhang Bairen's divinity, compared with the Dragon King of the Four Seas, the World Honored One is far less important than his own world.


The sea trembled, and the Dragon King of Four Seas greedily breathed the salty smell in the sea, and his eyes were full of joy after the disaster.

If you have not been close to death, you will never know how terrifying death is.

"Come out?" The World Venerable looked at Zhang Bairen's physical body with lingering fears. The void stagnated at the last critical moment. The World Venerable couldn't understand why Zhang Bairen would keep his hands.

"Why did you keep your hand?" The World Zun frowned, and a thoughtful color flashed in his eyes: "It seems that Zhang Bairen has been rushed this time. He must have not achieved his supernatural powers before he has flaws! If it is not, how can the supernatural powers be? Will it stop? How can Zhang Bairen miss the opportunity?" The Blessed One is indeed the Blessed One, and the cause and effect have already been deduced in the mind.

"What about the rest? Why are there only two dragon kings coming out?" The world-zun's eyes were full of confusion: "What happened?"

"All dead! Everyone was killed by Zhang Bairen!" There was a hint of fear in the eyes of the East Sea Dragon King: "You don't even know how terrifying Zhang Bairen is. He killed all thirty breathers!"

"What? It's impossible!" The World Venerable exclaimed in amazement: "Which one of Jumang, Shebishi, King of Stoneman, or Zhang Heng is not the great power of Gedai, how could it be killed by 30 breaths? This is simply impossible. !"

When I say this, the Blessed One doesn’t believe it at all. It’s better to be extravagant than a corpse, or even a sentence. Although the Blessed One hates to suppress and punish him, he is a human race except for this evil, but he knows in his heart that he can defeat the opponent, but if he says to kill It's a fantasy.

"Thirty breaths, everyone is dead! Don't say you don't believe it, it's just what I saw with my own eyes. At this time, it's still like falling in a dream. I can't believe this thing is true at all!" Nanhai Dragon King's eyes Full of horror.

On the one hand, Prime Minister Turtle came back to his senses and said in amazement: "This kid is so against the sky? If he had such a method, wouldn't the world be unified long ago? What else is there for us? Everyone is just waiting to kill!"

"Although his method is powerful, it must be flawed. Otherwise, there is no reason to not use it." The Blessed Venerable's eyes showed a pensive color, and he looked at the fleshly body drowning in the lake water, and his eyes showed thoughts: "In his fleshly body There must be a shocking secret, but there are irreparable flaws that make this method impossible to display in the outside world. That's why I deliberately tricked everyone into saying that the Yang Shen was out of the body. It turned out to be a deliberate entrapment to everyone and want to weaken everyone's strength! "

There was a lingering light in the eyes of the World Zun: "I almost planted this time!"

I almost fell!

"What should I do now? Otherwise, take advantage of it not to wake up, and cut its body?" The North Sea Dragon King showed a hint of emotion.

The Dragon King of East China Sea rolled his eyes and cursed an idiot, but he had to explain: "His method may be flawed, but it may not be able to really show it to the outside world. If he pays some irreversible price, he will use that method. It's revealed, aren't you and me a dead place? Who is his opponent?"

"Don't be anxious, it's not us who are anxious. Those who have lost their clones are the ones who are really anxious!" The Lord sneered and looked into the distance: "They are here!"

It is indeed here!

Anyone who breaks a Dharma body, loses a hundred years of cultivation base, can't ignore all these kinds of things.

At the foot of Beitian Shidao, a man in his thirties was doing carpentry work in the courtyard. Suddenly his body was shocked, his eyes flashed a little, the dead skin and calluses all over his body began to metamorphose, and the three treasures of energy and spirit in his body continued to condense and condense. , The human body was smelted, and it was reborn within half a day. Three thousand green silks re-growth, turning into a young Taoist who looked like a crown, and disappeared into the void in one step.

"Zhang Bairen, you cut my dharma body, so that my dharma body had to awaken ahead of time. This time you must give me an explanation!" The young man in carpenter's costume wandered with imperial energy eyes full It is anger brewing.


The sea exploded and Zhang Heng's Dharma body descended on the East China Sea.

Taiyuan Wang Family

Inside the ancestral hall



A life card was turned into powder, and then the flesh that was sitting in the ancestral hall withered and cut off vitality.

Suddenly, several ancestors died unexpectedly!

"It's not good! It's not good! Your ancestors are dead! Your ancestors are dead!" The disciples who guarded the ancestral hall scrambled at this time, and their stern voice spread throughout the royal family.

Countless monks of the royal family changed their colors, and their faces turned towards the ancestral hall in amazement.

Looking at the ancestors who had been cut off, some were crying and some were wailing, and all kinds of life were constantly changing.

"Your ancestors have lost the good fortune that captured Zhang Bairen's body, and the death of your ancestors is inseparable from Zhang Bairen. Zhang Bairen must give me an explanation for this matter!" The head of the Wang family knelt down in the ancestral hall with a gloomy expression: "No hatred. Report, why did my Wang family establish a world?"

"Please take a portrait of the ancestor!" It took a long time to hear the Patriarch Wang raised his head solemnly.

It is not just the royal family of Taiyuan. At this time, the Cui family in Hedong, the Lu family in Fan Yang, and the Zheng family in Xingyang... all the big family furniture have their ancestors rushing to the East China Sea with their own treasures.

This time the loss was too great. All the Yang Shen and Yuan Shen who entered Zhang Bairen's body were all beheaded and killed. If the major families did not express their views, how could they gain a foothold in the future?

"Sure enough, it's not easy. Fortunately, the old man has resisted greed and has a bigger plan..." Someone secretly rejoiced.

ps: Thanks to the leader of "Mo Chenyan" classmate, please remember for now.

Thanks to the book friends for the reward, I don’t know the name...


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