First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1675: The world is shattered, Daoxin’s account

The consequences are too serious!

Zhang Bairen stared at his inner world with an ugly look. The reason why he used the power of thunder to get rid of the people outside was not because something went wrong in his inner world, and his divinity had suppressed the power of the inner world.

Neitiandi is dead!

It was just a formation of Zhuxian Sword Formation, who would have thought of killing the entire world.

"No wonder the Zhuxian Sword Array is not tolerated by the heavens and the earth. If the Zhuxian Sword Array is placed outside, the outside world will inevitably suffer severe damage over time!" Zhang Bairen frowned, and took the Zhuxian Array in his hand with a wave of his palm. With the immortal mood in the formation, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed satisfaction.

Just looking at the constantly dying Inner World, what joy in Zhang Bairen's heart instantly disappeared.

Although the Zhuxian Sword Array is important, to Zhang Bairen, the inner world is by no means inferior to the Zhuxian Sword Array.

Even speaking, the potential of Inner Heaven and Earth is far above the Zhuxian Sword Formation. After all, one is a Heaven and Earth, and the other is a tool for killing and cutting. Zhang Bairen naturally has his own exquisiteness in his heart.

Gently tapping the Zhuxian formation in his hand with his fingers, sweeping across the drying ground, the vitality of the immortal is wiped out, the congenital chaff is constantly dissipating, and Zhang Bairen's face is ugly.

This world is dead!

Even if he spends a lot of money to save him, he has already damaged his foundation and his future potential is very limited.

How to do?

How to choose?

After a long time, Zhang Bairen's eyes slowly closed: "Destroy the world!"

There is no choice but to destroy the world and re-evolve.

Nowadays, a hundred-mile-sized world has evolved for several decades, but the evolution of a real world is calculated over tens of millions of years. Zhang Bairen can't be more clear in his heart for who cares about whoever takes light.

How can you ignore the future development of the world because of the decades ahead?

No matter what it is, the foundation is the most important!

An ugly look appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes: "Return to the chaos! Since I can open the world, it is a big deal to open another world in the chaos in the future."


As Zhang Bairen's thoughts ceased, the chaotic storm outside the world was rolled up. At this time, the divine nature turned into the chaos master, rolling up the vast chaotic storm to the world.

The world's fetal membranes instantly shattered, the world was shattered by the chaotic turbulence, and everything in the world returned to chaos again.

Chaos has no life or death, no existence or destruction, but the dots of all things in the world.

Zhang Bairen squinted his eyes, staying silent in the chaotic storm, watching the world that he had deduced for decades turned into a fan, he was not sad at all.

The chaos returned to the ruins, the storm ceased, and everything turned into nothingness.

The Zhuxian array floats in the chaos, undergoes the chaos of the chaotic world, and the immortal aura derives more quickly, hundreds of times faster.

Zhang Bairen sat alone in the chaos for a long time, and then he left his own world, looking around with a pair of eyes. At this time, the monks had walked around for a long time before heading towards Zhuojun.

"Capital Governor, I will wait until the nursing care is unfavorable, and I hope that the Governor will forgive me!" Yu Juluo watched Zhang Bairen approach, and immediately began to plead guilty with a wry smile.

"Fine, you can't blame you for this kind of thing, just how do you two compete against the world's heroes?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yujuluo's arms: "Give me the little fisherman pearl."

"Captain, is Miss Nie reincarnated, or is the captain using Dafa to help her resurrect?" Yu Juluo showed curiosity.

For Zhang Bairen's road of good fortune, in fact, it is not only fish and fish, but many people are extremely curious.

Holding the Little Mermaid Orb, Zhang Bairen remained silent for a long time: "It is a calamity and a chance. If you want to restore the soul in the Little Mermaid Orb at the original speed, it will be difficult to achieve within a thousand years. I never thought that someone would spend a lot of money to help the Yin Niang restore her soul. ."

"This matter started because of Taoism, and the World Honored One has to give me an explanation!" You just waited.

Zhang Bairen turned around and crossed the void and headed towards Shaolin Temple.


Immeasurable Buddha Light Circulation

A purple light circulated in front of the gate of Shaolin Temple, revealing Zhang Bairen's figure.

"The Shaolin incense is getting more and more prosperous!" Zhang Bairen stepped on the steps with his hands and feet on his back. The monks on both sides seemed to be in two worlds with Zhang Bairen, and he did not see him.

Slowly climbing the bluestone steps of Songshan Mountain and walking on the mountain path, Zhang Bairen found that Songshan Mountain was indeed good, and his irritable heart gradually calmed down.


Suddenly Zhang Bairen paused and saw several figures walking down Mount Song.

"When did Taoism and Buddhism become so affectionate? You actually started to drop by?" Zhang Bairen carried his hands, his eyes scanned Zhang Heng, Lu Jingxiu and others, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The Governor!"

Lu Jingxiu was shocked, seeing the figure under the steps, and his heart shook.

"What's your name? I can't eat you anymore." Zhang Bairen slowly climbed the steps, his eyes scanning the old antiques at the door.

Zhang Heng coldly turned and left with a cold snort.

The others also followed Zhang Heng's appearance at this time, followed Zhang Heng, and walked out of Mount Song.

"Mr. Lu!" Zhang Bairen put his hands on his back and called out Lu Jingxiu who was about to leave.

"I don't know if the Governor has any advice?" Lu Jingxiu paused, turning his eyes to look at Zhang Bairen.

"I don't dare to teach you, but I think you are a sensible person, so don't do anything foolish!" Zhang Bairen said.

When Lu Jingxiu heard this, he looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "We are not enemies. We have not been from beginning to end. You have isolated yourself from everyone."

Without comment, Zhang Bairen slowly turned around and walked towards Songshan: "I know what I am doing, and I also know what you are doing."

Songshan Peak

Bodhidharma is already waiting

The Blessed One sits on the top of the mountain, holding the tea in his hands and blowing gently.

Daoxin knelt at the feet of the world-zun, chanting scriptures, his eyes quiet and peaceful.

Incense slowly rises in the sky, and the atmosphere at the top of the mountain is peaceful.

"The governor is here." Without waiting for Zhang Bairen to speak, the World Venerable stretched out his palm: "Tea is ready."

Zhang Bairen sat silently across from the world-zun, took a sip of tea, and listened to the world-zun's words: "This time, this seat is so profitable, it has been calculated, and the deity has accepted it!"

"Dao Xin abandons his body to reincarnate, is the governor satisfied?" The world-zun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen frowned, and took a close look at the Taoist chanting: "He is going to be enlightened? Are you going to use my hand to reincarnate?"

"The Governor should be clear that we are not enemies. The group of Yinsi and the demon gods outside of Kyushu are the real enemies! The Hinayana Buddhism is included in Mahayana Buddhism, and Daoism enlightenment will inevitably increase the power of Buddhism." With Zhang Bairen.

"Moreover, the deity is willing to compensate the governor for a lotus seed in the eight-treasure lotus pond, and help Nie Yinniang re-bring the body." The world-zun's eyes showed a painful color.

"Are you really willing?" Zhang Bairen's eyes lit up upon hearing this.

"Oh!" World Zun sighed, took out a jade box from his sleeve and pushed it in front of Zhang Bairen.

After taking the jade box, Zhang Bairen said, "Who made the calculation?"

Zhang Bairen actually didn't want to embarrass the Blessed One at this time. If he couldn't see such simple tricks and calculations, then it would be useless.

"I don't know! It's just those few!" World Honored sighed.

Zhang Bairen looked at Daoxin with a pair of eyes. At this time, Daoxin slowly opened his eyes and bowed to Zhang Bairen before sitting down cross-legged in a robes with a calm face.


In the next moment, Daoxin's Buddha light circulated around his body and turned into eight relics. After floating in the air for a period of time, it turned into a red light and went away.

"On the way to learn from the scriptures, I think you should pay attention to it, I'm afraid some people will be unable to bear it and want to do it." The Blessed One's words seemed to point.

Zhang Bairen pinched the calculation, and then shook his head: "Actually, I'm even more curious. How come those old guys at the Dao Sect have time to find you?"

"You should be clear about this," Blessed One said unhurriedly: "You know best what is happening in your body."

Zhang Bairen heard this silently, and after a while, he said, "This matter is unreasonable, at least it is not the time yet."

Zhang Bairen looked at World Zun: "Congratulations too!"

"Congratulations, what do I do?" The World Honored was stunned.

"Mahayana Buddhism is introduced to Middle-earth, and your Seven Treasure Trees will be consummated. At that time, the power will be increased thousands of times. At that time you will really be you. I also hope that you will not do stupid things!" Zhang Bairen looked with a pair of eyes The world-zun.

The world-zun's face remained unchanged when he heard the words, and the old **** slowly drank his tea: "You think too much!"

"I hope!" Zhang Bairen stood up slowly: "Zhang Daoling's righteous Taoist magic weapon is Fulu, Zhang Heng's Taoist magic weapon is a pagoda, your Taoist magic weapon is the Qibao Miaoshu, Lao Tzu's magic weapon is Jingangzhuo. Although these methods are useless on Xianlu, the protection of the road is first-class and powerful.

"What is the Taoist Protector of the Governor?" The World Honored looked at Zhang Bairen: "Is it Zhu Xianjian?"

Zhang Bairen smiles but does not speak One day he will surprise everyone.

Zhang Bairen left, but the tea was still rippling with smoke. Bodhidharma looked at Zhang Bairen's away back and said in annoyance: "Master, why should we compromise like this?"

"I have reached the final key to condensing the Daoist Dharma artifacts. How can there be any accidents?" The World Venerable looked at Bodhidharma: "After I condense the Dao Dharma artifacts, then I can restrain the Mahayana Buddhism when I become a Buddha. Zhang Bairen really stood up against each other."

"The disciple doesn't understand, Zhang Bairen will sit back and watch the master condense the magical tools, is his heart not so broad?" Bodhidharma twisted his rosary and said.

"It will be a matter of time before the Yinsi breaks the Guimen Pass. At that time, Zhang Bairen alone will not be able to support him. The Guimen Pass breaks, and the Kyushu barrier will inevitably be broken. Zhang Bairen hopes that someone will share the pressure for him." World Zun looked at You Ming: "The Yin Division is The greatest enemy of mankind has gathered half of the ancient demons."



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