First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1680: Wind from Leiyin Temple, Blessed One's calculation

"What's the matter?" Perceiving the mockery in Zhang Bairen's eyes, Empress Xiao suddenly felt a spirit in her heart. Although she was behind the mask, Empress Xiao knew that someone was going to be unlucky again.

"The World-Honored Man's method is too despicable, let me calculate with him!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and the eagles screamed in the sky, only to see a golden light flashing, and the clever eagle that revealed the magical power of the body fluttered and fell on the ground. Zhang Bairen's shoulders.

Qiao Yingzi's speed was too fast, and it was about a dozen breaths before Qiao Yingzi fell on Zhang Bairen's shoulders before he rolled up layers of sonic booms.

To the realm!

Who could have imagined that after many years, coupled with Zhang Bairen's blood and phoenix blood feeding, Qiao Yingzi has already stepped into the threshold of the Tao.

Qiao Yingzi was originally only the size of a fist, but now it has turned into the size of a rooster. His whole body is covered with golden hair, and the blood in his body has begun to return.

It's no wonder that after seeing Qiao Yingzi's rapid progress, the Eagle King was extremely imbalanced!

This is indeed the case. The Eagle King has been able to achieve today's achievements for hundreds of years. You are just a good master. After decades of walking the road for hundreds of years, it is strange that the Eagle King can balance in his heart.

"You go to Tianzhu for a while!" Zhang Bairen said.

There is Zhang Bairen's magic seed in Qiao Yingzi, and the two of them are connected, and Qiao Yingzi's body shakes and disappears into the cloud in a blink of an eye.

The speed was too fast, and it almost became a golden lightning.

"You can raise your baby with peace of mind, and I will meet your deceased!" Zhang Bairen stroked the back of Emperor Xiao's cheek: "It is now that the Cao family is destroyed."


Purple Bamboo Forest

Guan Zi was knitting the flower basket quietly in his hand, and the clouds rose all over his body, like a person in the painting, with dexterous fingers knitting the wicker unhurriedly.

"You came?"

As soon as Zhang Bairen fell, he listened and said freely: "Your breath has changed!"

Guan Zizai finally raised his head and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "If your soul hadn't changed, I wouldn't dare to recognize you, your breath now is very different from before."

"What's the difference? Isn't it all me?" Zhang Bairen disapproved, stepping on the lake water slowly.

"Different! Really different!" Guan Zi looked at Zhang Bairen earnestly with a pair of eyes: "Before you were like a silent volcano, and it seemed that it might erupt at any time. There is the power to subvert the universe and reverse the yin and yang inside, and the whole body is full of Domineering, making people afraid to look directly, a little out of breath, as if it was blessed by Tianwei."

"Now?" Zhang Bairen fell beside Guan Zizai.

"The wind is light and the clouds are pale, hidden in the great thousand; it's the grass, the wood, the sentient beings! You seem to have let go of something, suddenly enlightened." Guan Zi blinked and blinked at Zhang Bairen.

When Zhang Bairen heard the words, he went to the sun **** body. Zhang Bairen also noticed his own changes. The cause and effect, the karma and mission of the emperor in the past, seemed to have left him at this time, and the whole person seemed to be immortal. Can be feathered away.

Without asking where Zhang Bairen went, Guan Zizai just smiled and said: "As the chaos is happening today, Li Shimin has captured Wagang and Luoyang, and the Turkic soldiers are coming down the city, so you still have time to come and play here?"

"There has been a change in the road of learning, and I have to come and go!" Zhang Bairen sighed.

"What?" Guan Zi was taken aback, and his hand stopped: "Although there are calamities on this road, Taoism and Buddhism have their own calculations, but they are not in my eyes. The calamity you said is definitely not ordinary!"

"You just follow me for a while." Zhang Bairen pulled Guan Zizai, and the two turned into a breeze to dissipate in the air.


The figures of Zhang Bairen and Guan Zizai were revealed on a small hill, hidden in the forest, and looked towards the path below.

In the forest

A white horse walks like flying, and it walks on flat ground without any bumps.

Looking closely at the figure that Bai Immediately sat with, it was Xuanzang whose eyes were full of joy. In front of Xuanzang, Jing Wushuang walked like flying vigorously, his eyes were clear, his whole body did not leak any vitality, but he did not know when the golden hoop on his head had been removed.

"The white horse is transformed by the Southern Territory, right? Now there are some Taoisms, which are worthy of the spiritual veins clocked by the heavens and the earth, and the earth echoes where they pass. There is a great power in the world, no wonder it can be a year "Arrived in Tianzhu" Zhang Bairen looked at the leader Jing Wushuang: "How did he survive the devil and surrender the heart ape?"

"A few months ago, a bone demon came from nowhere, and Jin Cicada escaped from its shell several times, causing Xuanzang and Jing Wushuang to turn their eyes back, angering Jing Wushuang's heart, and wanting to break Jing Wushuang's way, but I don't know that this move is just perfect. After Jing Wushuang, this seat illuminates and helps Jing Wushuang's heart and ape to lower his mind. After the last calamity, he has cultivated the right way in one fell swoop, and he does not live up to the trust of the governor." Although Guan Zizai was an understatement, Zhang Bairen knew it. How dangerous is it, although there is the existence of the curse, but how powerful Jing Wushuang Yima is, it is not easy to be able to surrender.

If it weren't, Zhang Bairen had already used the Mahayana to subdue Jing Wushuang's mind. This time, it was through the blessing of Mahayana Buddhism that he had obtained the right fruit, otherwise it would be troublesome.

"Thank you!" Zhang Bairen said.

"When have you been so polite between you and me?" Guan Zi smiled freely and changed the subject: "You said that I have a calamity in Buddhism and I have been calculated. I don't know where?"

"You are a fan of the authorities, and you look at the Buddhism aura. Is it true that the aura is not growing, but is gradually depressed and depressed?"

Guan Zizai was taken aback when he heard the words, and now that he has obtained the Mahayana Buddhism, all the calamities have dissipated, and because of Zhang Bairen’s accidental death, all the powers of the world have all placed their eyes on Zhang Bairen, but no one noticed the Mahayana Buddhism.

Therefore, the road went smoothly, and Guan Zizai relaxed his vigilance. After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards Buddhism in shock.


As the trio made their way home, the Mahayana Buddhism auras did not converge, but quickly dissipated.

And as the three of them get closer and closer to the border of Tianzhu, the faster the energy will dissipate at this time. If the three of them step out of the boundary of Tianzhu, I am afraid that the Mahayana Buddhism will not be lucky, but will suffer. The backlash was exhausted, but it nurtured Zen.

"How could this happen!" Guan Zizai paled in amazement, with a little sweat on his forehead, and a touch of horror appeared in his eyes: "Where is the problem?"

The following sentence is for Zhang Bairen.

"Both Zen and Mahayana are Buddhism. When Mahayana rises, Zen disappears, and when Mahayana disappears, Zen grows! The qi between the two is connected, and this is the calculation of the Blessed One!" Zhang Bairen said.

"What kind of means did the World-Honored One use? Can he still go against the sky? He has changed the number of days?" Guan Zizhong's eyes were full of disbelief: "If he could change the number of days, wouldn't he have become an immortal? "

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Just look at my methods. In the final analysis, you are not experienced enough to take advantage of the old fox!" Zhang Bairen looked at Guan Zizai: "Are the classics of Mahayana Buddhism hidden in the library of Tianzhu? in?"

"Yes, I originally wanted to rebuild a library of books, but I was afraid of hurting the people and money, and the Zen library of books was good, so I put all the books in the library of books," Guan Zizai said.

After listening to Guan Zi-zai's words, Zhang Bairen smiled and shook his head. The next moment only a golden light from the sky dashed across the void, rushing straight towards the scholar.

"Who is so bold..." Seeing this scene, Guan Zizai couldn't help but wanted to shoot.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Just watch the changes!" Zhang Bairen grabbed Guan Zizai's wrist, and the next moment Jin Peng rolled up the scriptures and rose into the sky, waiting for everyone to react, the books in the sky have been counted. Make a piece of paper and fly in the air.

"Bold wicked animal, dare to prestige in front of this seat!" Jing Wushuang was furious, and at this time he reacted and wanted to catch up. It was a pity that Jinpeng was so fast that he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Don't chase it, quickly organize the scriptures, and don't be blown away by the wind." Sanzang hurriedly dismounted at this time and cleaned up the scriptures scattered on the ground.

"The scriptures without words!" Guan Zizai's face was blue at this time, his fists clenched, and the anger in his eyes seemed to ignite the void.

Tianzhu Tibetan Scripture Pavilion

Two monks are standing in the yard basking in the sun

One of them said: "Brother, Tang Sanzangguo is a fool. Let's do a little bit. As long as the personnel are needed, he will be forced to mess up his position, and there is no time to check the truth. Your trick is really cruel."

"Of course, to deal with such ordinary people, where is such a waste of effort? After today, Mahayana Buddhism is a joke!" The senior smiled coldly.

"Why did we give him the wordless scriptures instead of the Hinayana Buddhism? If we ask Sanzang to take the Hinayana Buddhism back, wouldn't our Zen directly seize the status of the Mahayana Buddhism?"

"Aren't you stupid? If the Sanzang once disassembled the scriptures on the spot, how could he not know the Hinayana Buddhism?" The brother looked at his fellow apprentice like a but Xuanzang would watch Mahayana halfway. What should I do if I find that there are no words in the Dharma? "Junior Brother asked back.

"The Lord himself applied the illusion technique on the white paper, can Xuanzang see through a mortal body?" The senior shook his head disdainfully.

"Let's do this, but we completely offend the Mahayana Buddhism to death. If we retaliate in the future..." The younger brother was a little worried.

"With the support of World Honored One, what are you afraid of?" The brother curled his lips.

"These **** are simply lawless, and these despicable means have also made them come out!" Guan Zizai turned into a golden light and went away: "Take me to Da Leiyin Temple and teach the Dharma again. How can the World Venerable calculate success?"

Looking at the back of Guan Zizai, Zhang Bairen shook his head: "How can there be no calamity in enlightenment? The Blessed One is only calculating with the help of calamity, so it is called Guan Zizai not aware of the accident! If I had cultivated the body of the world, I would feel I noticed that Buddhism's aura was wrong, I'm afraid the matter is over!"



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