First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1694: Fierce and mighty, with 3 heads and 6 arms



Suddenly the drum of war broke the calm, the sound of the millions of troops shook the sky, and the next moment with the sound of the war drum, the millions of troops were neatly aligned under the blessing of Chi You's secret method, carrying an unparalleled momentum, and killed towards Mount Song. past.

"Dare you!" The Blessed One's complexion changed, and his body's energy flow was unstable. The next moment I saw the boundless light of Buddha rising into the sky, and countless Buddhist monks reciting scriptures together, welcoming the army of millions.


The Emperor Fengdu, who had been shaky and scrupulous, suddenly changed his face at this moment. A pair of eyes looked at Chi You, who was among the millions of troops. Without waiting to say anything, Chi You had commanded the millions of troops to kill.


At this point, it is useless to investigate Chi You's recklessness. I have known that the Devil God is unreliable, but Emperor Fengdu has no choice!

How can you be the opponent of Buddhism based on your own strength alone?

Dao Sect, his ally, is standing in the position of Buddhism. What can he do? Can only cooperate with Demon God!

The army of millions of ghosts is definitely not a small number, but an earth-shaking power.

Just like the human race's millions of army, that is the force that can sweep the world. With the blessing of the millions of army, the black dragon roars all over the body, spiraling and twisting with incredible power, and slaps Zhang Heng with one palm: The covenant also wants to bind me? I think it is too simple."

"Emperor Fengdu, if you continue to go your own way, don't blame this seat for not showing any affection." Zhang Heng held the scriptures with a wandering color in his eyes: "You'd better think about it yourself."

"I've already started, what else to consider!" Emperor Fengdu roared up to the sky, the rocks under his feet began to melt, and red ground appeared in a radius of tens of miles.

"Emperor Fengdu has been engulfed, and now the foreign enemies are present, we should work together to cast down the demons and eliminate hidden dangers!" Bodhidharma's whole body was surrounded by golden light, and he became a group with Emperor Fengdu. The mountains kept shaking.


Millions of Yin Souls entered Mount Song, and the Buddha's light was shattered layer by layer. At this time, the army of millions of Yin Si was not afraid of death, as if they were robot puppets without spirituality, and rushed towards Songshan Buddha's light one after another.

When the Buddha light came into contact with the ghost, I saw the scream of the ghost, which was instantly lit by the Buddha light and turned into ashes.

Only under the impact of the millions of army, the Buddha light kept breaking open, countless Buddhist monks and monks were stained with blood, and all black blood flowed down Songshan.


Chi You roared and beat the drum in his hand in accordance with a strange melody. Under this strange melody, the void was constantly distorted, and then the mountain collapsed and the void was pulled apart, and the Pure Land world was forcibly pulled out by Chi You's secret method.

Pure land is the foundation of Buddhism, and pure land is Chi You's goal.

There are countless souls of Buddhist believers in the pure land. If these pure souls can be swallowed, it will be of great help to Chi You's magical power recovery.

Otherwise, how could Chi You go all out to help Emperor Fengdu and Buddhism right?

You must know that Buddhism is one of the best behemoths in the world, and it is not good for Chi You to go against Buddhism.

There are no taboos!

Chi You can be regarded as truly without taboos. He has cultivated himself into an immortal body. As long as he is not dead with others, no one in the world can kill him.

If he wanted to escape with all his heart, even Zhang Bairen couldn't catch it.


Fengdu has experienced many battles, and all Buddhist believers are the home of good men and women. How can they beat that vicious and evil generation?

Therefore, the Buddhist believers retreat steadily. At this time, looking at the twisted Pure Land World, countless ghosts roared and rushed up, but they were instantly purified by the Pure Land World’s protective barrier, and the ashes disappeared in the world.

The Buddhist scriptures on the barriers of the Pure Land World circulate, and the Buddhist runes circulate one after another, and the chanting sound resounds throughout the Songshan area, seeming to be able to save the millions of fighting spirits.

"It's interesting!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

He could see clearly that countless believers, novices, arhats, and bodhisattvas in the Pure Land World were chanting scriptures, and the power of pious belief was blessed on the barrier of the Dharma world, blocking the millions of Fengdu army from the Pure Land world.

One mind, no distractions!

Numerous Buddhist believers had no distracting thoughts at this time, only the sound of chanting the scriptures sounded between the heaven and the earth, and the countless ghosts and spirits approaching in a trance seemed to be vocalized by that scripture.

The immense Buddha's light shone over a hundred miles away. At this time, the kingdom of Buddhism descended, and the Songshan area was in harmony. Even the beasts and birds in the mountains were also enlightened by the sound of chanting, which opened up the Buddha's nature, showing reverence and continued to worship.

"It's so strong to save power, but it's a pity that Chi You is not weak. The millions of troops are neatly unified, and with the blessing of Chi You drums, Buddhism won't get any benefit!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

"Feng even started the civil strife at this time regardless of the overall situation, should we take action?" Yin Gui showed a wandering look.

"No hurry! The show hasn't started yet, so how can this scene be!" Zhang Bairen shook his head.

Mountain top

The Blessed One closed his eyes and crossed his knees, just kept chanting the scriptures, sitting there without any movement.

"Fengdu, you really want to go your own way, will it not be possible to go all the way to black?" Zhang Heng said with a sullen expression.

Hearing this, Emperor Fengdu was speechless, looking at the roaring army of millions, bleeding in his heart, wishing to roar: "Are you really blind? Didn't you see that the army of millions is no longer under my control?"

Fengdu’s millions of troops are on the offensive fiercely, and the Buddhism’s counterattack is not bad. Looking at the ghost army that is dying in ashes, Feng gritted his teeth: "The war has already begun, and I must not let my family fall here!"

The millions of troops here are everything to Emperor Fengdu. After decades of accumulated savings, if all of them are here today, I am afraid that I will miss Xianlu in my life.

"Kill!" Emperor Fengdu slapped Bodhidharma with a palm, and burned the raging flames with a roar.

Living toward death, Emperor Fengdu transformed into a flying drought, with the breath of law in his body, and the shadow of law in the flame.


Bodhidharma is immovable like a mountain. Bodhidharma created the two classics of "Yi Jin" and "Washing the Marrow". His martial arts cultivation is unfathomable. This man is the grandson of the old man, and he often sits and listens to the Dao in the world. .

At this time, Bodhidharma's golden body circulated behind him, and his physical body was the only one, and he did not back down to block the Emperor Fengdu from Mount Song.

"Fun Demon robes!" Bodhidharma's robes all over his body suddenly bloomed with boundless Buddha light, and instantly turned into wings of hanging clouds covering the sky and the sun, shrouded toward Emperor Fengdu.

The Emperor Fengdu didn't change his face, but blasted out one after another, breaking the void continuously, blocking Bodhidharma out of him.

The Fumo robes seemed to be a loach, and suddenly passed through the armpits of Emperor Fengdu, and opened from behind, trying to cover it.

Fumo robes are the supernatural powers of Buddhism. Of course, the Emperor Fengdu did not dare to ask Fumo robes to cover himself, but there was a twist and trance between his neck, and there were two more heads.

The meat bun under the armpit stirred, and the four arms slowly stretched out.

Three heads and six arms!

The ancient supernatural powers have three heads and six arms.

One head and one arm is twice the strength, and three heads and six arms are four times the strength.


Bodhidharma was blown away with a fist, the Fatian smashed back to its original shape, smashed a mountain in the distance, and fell into the gorge.

Originally, the strength of Emperor Fengdu was rarely matched by anyone in the world, but now he has quadrupled his strength out of thin air. It is feared that he has reached an extremely terrifying state.

"World Lord, today the Buddhism will be completely removed from the world!" At this time, Emperor Fengdu turned into an ugly face of flying and drought, and his whole body was fluttering with fiery red hair.

"Fengdu, since you are stubborn, you can't blame me! How can you disobey my celestial covenant?" Zhang Heng saw the three-headed and six-armed flying sky and drought, and suddenly an excited spirit, he didn't dare to take it out of his hand. A rune pen gently outlines the book that day.


The Emperor Fengdu suddenly shouted angrily, and saw that mysterious and unpredictable runes sprang up from his body, which continued to spread on his body, and wanted to seal him off.

"Damn it! You waited to help Buddhism to abandon me. Today, the king swears not to be reconciled to you!" The Emperor Fengdu slammed Zhang Heng with a punch. Zhang Heng didn't dare to resist, his body turned and evasive, just urging the heavenly book in his hand. : "Fengdu, let you taste the curse of my celestial master! The covenant you signed was created by my father's own hand. Can you disobey it?"

"Damn you!" Emperor Fengdu opened his arms, and saw the phantom of his arms circling all over the sky, forcing Zhang Heng to continue to retreat.

At this time, Emperor Fengdu had reached the peak of his strength, even Zhang Heng couldn't compete.

All of a sudden, Dao Sect Gao Zhen was forced out of the Songshan realm by the Emperor Fengdu.

"Devil, don't be rampant, I'll meet you!" The Qiu Xiu jumped up, full of energy and blood, and wanted to confront the Emperor Fengdu.

"It's just ants, dare to fight with me?"

Emperor Fengdu casually slapped it down only to hear that the universe burst, and then saw that the Qiu Wei Ke was slapped flying by the Emperor Fengdu and fell into the Songshan Canyon.

With a single palm, he defeated the world's most famous stunner!

This is the power of time. The Emperor Fengdu has been sleeping for a thousand years and transformed into a flying sky and drought. This is the full power of a man who has truly practiced at the pinnacle of a thousand years.

"Zhang Heng, this king is immortal today, so he must go to Beitianshidao for some advice!" Looking at the runes that were continuously deriving from his body, the flames of Emperor Fengdu's body flowed, and the runes were continuously burned.

Zhang Heng's complexion changed when he heard the words, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. The strength of Emperor Fengdu was so terrifying, if he really descended on Tianshidao, it would be a catastrophe.

"World Honored, are you still not taking action? Do you really want to turn Songshan into ruins?" Zhang Heng kept urging the runes, looking at the top of the mountain with his eyes.

"The calamity is here!" A wry smile appeared at the corner of World Zun's mouth: "I want to do it."


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