First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1701: Open the universe map

"grown ups!"

Tens of thousands of the elite of the Dongwu navy division looked at the water mansion army who turned and betrayed in amazement at this time, and Tai Shici called out: "Now the general situation is gone, I can't wait to avoid the edge..."

"No need to say more!" Sun Quan condensed the divine body and clenched the spear in his hand: "I'm waiting for being a god, enjoying the incense of the human race. Even if I want to retreat, where can I retreat? I can retreat, I wait for the one behind me. Where can the people retreat? I wait to enjoy the people's incense offerings on weekdays, how can I stand by and watch now?"

"My lord, there are tens of thousands of dragons, and there are countless masters. I'm just waiting for a mantis arm as a car. It's better to keep a useful body until the day comes!" Another general stood up, this person is Sun Quan's subordinate Huang Gai.

"Needless to say, my generations are at the right time, carrying wars. Since I enjoy the incense of the people, how can I sit and watch the people be ravaged by foreign races?" Sun Quan looked at the aquatic army that was attached to the same place, and his eyes turned murderously: "If Fang When the Hai Clan enters the customs, thousands of people in China and Earth will surely suffer misfortunes. It is not a pity for me to die alone, but I can't stop the incense from the Han Clan."

While talking, Sun Quan looked towards Zhuojun and seemed to see the young man sitting on the top of the mountain. This seemed to be for him.

"Stupid!" Zhang Bairen said faintly, and was scattered in the world by the mountain wind.

"Good! Good! Good!" Donghai Dragon King clapped his hands and said, "It's a man, I'm sure to send you on the road myself. Seeking benevolence and benevolence, how can this king not be perfect for you?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Prime Minister Turtle next to him: "The battle of the year is not over yet, so let him go."

Prime Minister Turtle gave a respectful salute when he heard the words, then walked forward unhurriedly, and sighed faintly: "Sun Quan, let's meet again."

"Yes, hundreds of years have passed, the prime minister is still the way he was back then" Sun Quan clenched the spear in his hand tightly.

"Why bother?" Prime Minister Turtle looked at Zhou Yu with a pair of eyes: "You are also a great generation, and the old turtle doesn't want to kill you."

"Race disputes are inevitable! Life and death are the laws of heaven. It is only natural that my Sun Quan died under the hands of the Prime Minister." Sun Quan mobilized his supernatural powers unhurriedly.

"You control the origin of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, and you are reasonably qualified to fight against me, but you are using your origins to suppress floods. You are by no means an opponent of the old tortoises." The Prime Minister of Guizhou comforted Sun Quan: "You must not resist, or If you obediently drop my Sea Clan, the Dragon King will definitely not treat you badly."

"Unless I die!" Sun Quan sneered coldly.

"Oh? Don't you want to know the whereabouts of your father? You don't want to know the whereabouts of your brother and your wife?" Prime Minister Turtle said unhurriedly.

"I will naturally look for it and don't bother with the prime minister." Sun Quan clenched the spear in his hand, with a look of pain in his eyes.

"Oh..." Prime Minister Turtle sighed softly, "I respect you as a great generation, and you must not be stubborn to the end."

"See the real chapter in your hand" Sun Quan flicked his spear, as if it were a mighty river, encumbering Wuxi's mighty force to point towards Prime Minister Tortoise.


Prime Minister Turtle closed his palms and locked Sun Quan's spear: "A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, don't force me!"


The spear turned, and the old tortoise couldn't hold it with both hands. He saw that the spear in Sun Quan's hand spun rapidly, and the void was shattered in pieces, pointing towards Prime Minister Turtle's chest.


Sparks flew everywhere, and Prime Minister Turtle was still like a mountain. Instead, the spear in Sun Quan's hand flew upside down, ejected in Sun Quan's chest, and knocked it out.

"Use your origins of the Yellow River and Yangtze River. If you use this magical power, you may still have a chance to fight with me!" The Prime Minister tortoise didn't hesitate, and once again covered the sky with a palm, it seemed to overwhelm the world. Qiankun solidified the void: "The end of stubbornness is death!"

Regardless of the chest injury, Sun Quan shook out his spear, and this time Sun Quan was smashed by the old tortoise.


Zhang Bairen looked at the picture scroll in his hand

This is the picture of the universe left by Empress Nuwa

"This is the picture of the universe left by Empress Nuwa?" Yuan Shoucheng looked a little jealous.

"Not bad" Zhang Bairen said calmly.

"It is said that there is a world hidden in the Universe Map of Empress Nuwa. If the governor can open the Universe Map and collect the Sihais, the dangers of the human race can naturally be resolved." Yuan Tiangang walked over.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the corpse body of Shebi is sealed in the universe map. Once the universe map is opened, she will inevitably alarm the corpse of Shebi and give him a chance. If the real body of Shebi is to escape, then it is. More trouble than the four seas, I'm afraid that no one in the world can control it!" Zhang Bairen caressed the universe map in his hand unhurriedly, and operated the art of creation, sensing the secrets in the universe map.

"The corpse of the extravagant corpse?" Yuan Tiangang and Yuan Shoucheng were stunned when they heard the words. The body of the ancient demon god, what good fortune should be hidden?

At this time, Yuan Tiangang no longer talked about opening the Universe Map. Once he was run out of the body of Xabi, no one could bear the responsibility.

Now there is no Nuwa Empress in the world. Once the corpse of Shebi runs out, who will suppress him?

"I'm going to retreat" Zhang Bairen said suddenly.


Yuan Shoucheng lost his color after hearing this: "Captain, what should I do about the flood?"

Without answering Yuan Shoucheng's words, Zhang Bairen disappeared on the top of the mountain and disappeared.

"What to do?" Yuan Shoucheng's eyes were full of bitterness. Looking at the raging Yellow River and Yangtze River, his eyes showed a bitterness.

"The chief governor refuses to take action. It must be annoying to the Taoist family and the family. At this time, there will naturally be the emperor and the family family. The matter is not at the critical moment. Let's wait and see the changes." Yuan Tiangang sighed helplessly. This kind of thing is not his ability to save the situation.

Inner world

Looking at the newly opened world, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of contemplation, and the next moment his figure had come out of the world, into the chaos of no land.

When he stretched out his palm, he saw the Zhuxian formation that was suspended in the world crossed the world barrier and fell into Zhang Bairen's hands. Then the palm shook at random, and the Zhuxian formation became a thousand miles in size.

Zhu Xian's sword aura was full of sharp edges, even in the chaotic world, it was also shattered by that sharp sword aura. All the chaotic auras were close to the Zhuxian array and were absorbed by the Zhuxian array.

Zhang Bairen stepped forward and walked slowly into the Zhuxian formation. The secret cloth was killed in the formation, but Zhang Bairen regarded nothing.

"This is my chance, the chance that the Zhuxian formation is great!" Zhang Bairen slowly opened the Universe Map in his hand: "If I can open the Universe Map of the Nuwa Empress, and then sacrifice my Zhuxian with the body of luxury than a corpse. The sword formation must be at least 50% sure to survive the thunder tribulation from the outside world. Then it took the opportunity to swallow the tens of thousands of soldiers from all over the world, enough to push my Zhuxian formation further."

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed the fire of ambition: "If you can swallow the tens of millions of the Sea Clan's army, you will develop yourself in the future. Although the murders you have made are a bit heavier, it is completely worth it."

If you want to call the Zhuxian formation to cross the calamity, the key is the immortal lines derived from the Zhuxian sword formation, and only the immortal lines can not be destroyed by the thunderous calamity between heaven and earth.

There is nothing more to make up for than the demon **** of Shebi Corpse.

After thinking for a while, the outside world of Zhuojun was distorted, and a trace of vitality slowly leaked out: "If you can trap the extravagant corpse elementary spirit design in the Zhuxian sword formation, this will happen."

"What we need to do now is to open up the Zhuxian formation and devour the body of the corpse before the four seas level the middle earth." Zhang Bairen sneered.

The way to open the Nv Wa Empress' Universe Map Zhang Bairen has known for a long time, as long as he casts the Nv Wa Empress's destiny art, he can touch the restriction left by the Nv Wa Empress and obtain the mantra to manipulate the Universe Map.

The reason why Zhang Bairen didn’t dare to open the Universe Picture before was that Shebi Zoe would run out and harm others. After all, Shebi Zoe could fight with Nvwa Empress, and Nvwa Empress could not kill a powerful existence. Once released, it would be a terrible existence. Misfortune cannot be prevented by Zhang Bairen being careless.

Until recently, when Zhuxian's divine fetus was hatched, Zhang Bairen had cultivated the Sun Yuan Ling Dharma Body. Only then did he have a bit of insight in his heart. No matter how much he did, he could send Sun Yuan Ling to suppress the extravaganza.

Thinking in his heart, Zhang Bairen's hand movement is not slow, the power of creation slowly invades towards the universe map, only to see the divine light flowing in the universe ~ After the layers of mysterious forbidden law feel the power of good fortune, Continue to derive slowly and then let go of the layers of restraint.

A piece of information enters Zhang Bairen's Yang God, and it is the legal decision to manipulate the universe map.

Zhang Bairen didn't care about the universe map. He had a world of his own. What he cared about was the extravagant body in the universe map.

After obtaining the tactics for manipulating the Universe Map, Zhang Bairen enlightened him for a while before Fangcai began to practice the Universe Map, and constantly burned into the Qi of his own Yuanshen, invading the restrictions in the Universe Map.

As the bans were opened, a breath of air poured out in the underworld, insignificantly following the Zhuxian formation map out of chaos, exuding Zhuo County outside.

Southern Xinjiang

Shebishi stood up abruptly, looking towards Zhuojun with a pair of eyes, her body trembling and shaking constantly.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the excited Shebi corpse, the sentence next to Mang was stunned: "Is the time for us to send troops? Or is the ghost gate opened?"

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Suddenly she looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, tears of laughter flowed out, her body leaned forward and back, and she kept trembling: "Someone opened the world map, and I felt the body of the immortal demon, and I felt the body. This seat is just around the corner."

Hearing the words of Sabi Shi, his expression changed wildly when he said: "Really?"

"Naturally, it really can't be true. The southern Xinjiang invasion plan is temporarily stopped. Once my ancestors get a physical body, I can push Kyushu horizontally in a blink of an eye and break through the ghost gates with my fingers. What's the point of Zhongzhou? Why should you and I act so carefully? "Sabi zombies burst into the sky with a mad laugh, turning into black smoke and dissipating in the world.

Looking at the back of Shebi's corpse, Jumang's expression became solemn: "Trouble!"

ps: The master of supplementary alliance.


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