First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1703: Swallowing the origin, the sneak attack of the corpse

The Zhuxian formation was hidden in the chaos and was deliberately hidden by Zhang Bairen. At this time, Shebi Zhe was just a breath of energy, and all the spirits and spirits were trapped by his own body. No wonder the other party could not see the fluctuations of the Zhuxian formation.

A triumphant smile solidified on his face, and She Bishi stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, his eyes were full of shock and unwillingness: "This is impossible!"

The end of the world is close, and his own physical body is within reach, but he is smashed by the opponent's sword energy.

She is worthy of being a Shebi corpse, even if it is Zhuxian Jianqi, there is no sword to kill it.

Looking at Shebi’s corpse with a suspicious smile on his face, Zhang Bairen was motionless like a mountain, and his eyes were indifferent like water: “Since this seat dares to open the map of the country, how can you take advantage of it? I have already set up a big battle here. You enter the urn! Today your physical body will complete me as much as possible, and if you complete my good fortune, let you see with your own eyes how your physical body is missing."

"Zhuxian Great Array, get up!"

Zhang Bairen pinched the tactic in his hand, and the next moment only four earth-shattering murderous intents from the southeast, northwest and northwest pierced through the chaos. A simple pattern slowly spread out under his feet, instantly enveloping the remnant soul of Shebi's corpse.

The endless Zhuxian Sword Qi, Slaughter Sword Qi, Juexian Sword Qi, and Immortal Sword Qi shuttled in the chaos, densely covering every inch of time and space, as if to penetrate the void.


The auras of the four innate gods emerged from the formation map, and then a chain of chains in the Quartet gods crisscrossed the void, instantly piercing the real body of the corpse.

At this moment, Zhu Xian's array is turning, constantly obliterating the power and law of Shebi Zujizhen. Looking closely at the chains, where are the chains, it is clearly transformed by a murderous sword. Every sword is With the shadow of Zhuxian's Four Swords.

The four swords just rightly separated the overall strength node orifice points of the corpse of Shebi, and then the Zhuxian formation turned, continuously obliterating the true body of refining the corpse of Shebi, and the infinite power was instilled towards the four innate gods.

The endless power was rolling, and the origin of the Xabi Corpse was a great tonic for the four gods. At this time, the entire Zhuxian formation seemed to be alive, frantically refining the power of the Xabi Corpse.

"Asshole, the thief dare!" Seeing this scene in front of him, She Bi Zhe suddenly burst into tears, and looked at Zhang Bairen with murderous eyes: "You dare to plunder the origin of my innate body, I fight you. I fight with you!"

Shebi corpse took a breath of energy to Zhang Bairen, and saw Zhang Bairen casually flicked his fingers, Zhuxian Jianqi smashed his energy into the air, and then shook his head disdainfully: "Fell into my great formation, you dare to do so. Arrogant!"

"Zhang Bairen, you dare to plunder my origin, the old man will never die with you!" Shebi Zhe looked at Zhang Bairen murderously with a pair of eyes.

"Oh? Not dying?" Zhang Bairen looked at Shebi's corpse with a smile but a smile: "Without the congenital body, I will see how you will never die with me!"

"The governor, please! Please let me go! As long as you return the old man's body, the old man is willing to sit down and work as a horse to repay the governor's kindness. As long as the general governor is willing to return my flesh, the governor orders I am willing to do whatever I do..."

At this time, the real body was controlled, and seeing his own breath of energy is absolutely not Zhang Bairen’s opponent, the incomparable Zhuxian Four Sword Qi of the whole body constantly shuttled, sealing off the three feet of the whole body, and the attitude of the corpse suddenly softened, and his eyes were full. It is a pleading: "The real body is the fruit of the old man's thousands of years of hard practice. Once the governor swallows, the old man's thousands of years of hard work will turn into powder. God has the virtue of living well. I hope that the governor will show favor! "

"Oh? Aren't you trying to draw my soul? Why is this kneeling down and begging for mercy again?" Zhang Bairen laughed playfully when he looked at a nearby begging, like a corpse like a zombie dog.

"It's all the villain's momentary words, the villain is so excited and confused! I'm confused! I hope the Governor will not blame it!" She begged.

"Haha, bluffing, you must be a wicked person, otherwise, how could you be sealed by the merciful and compassionate Nuwa Empress? You have been against me several times in the outside world. If you get your true body, how can I survive?" Zhang Bairen A cold smile: "The reason why I don't kill you is that you look at how I extract your origins little by little to strengthen yourself, and ask you to see my methods."

"Good! Good! Good!" She looked at Zhang Bairen blankly for a while, then sat there slumped, looking at the Zhuxian formation and the kingdom of God in the Zhuxian formation: "You actually use the four innate gods Just came to spur this big formation, and the connection became a kind of big against the sky. It is really powerful! The old man has lived for thousands of years, and he never wanted to fall into the hands of you, a child. It really is the wheel of cause and effect that should be unhappy. "

Looking at the sword aura around the body, the immortal aura diffused in the array, the four growing kingdoms of God, the extravagant pupils of the corpse are shrinking: "Everyone will look down on you. Who is your opponent?"

"Do you have any last words?" Zhang Bairen said lightly.

"The old man is willing to surrender!" Sai Bi Shi said.

"Your magical powers and mana are endless. I have no means to restrain you. How dare you be surrendered?" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "There is no doubt that you will die.

"The old man is willing to surrender, why don't you keep me alive?" Shebi Zhe looked at Zhang Bairen with bitter eyes.

"If you are not my race, their hearts will be different!" Zhang Bairen said.

"Good! Good! Good! What a vicious person! What a decisive person!" Shebi Zhe stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You dare to swallow my flesh and seize my origin. We will never finish! The cause and effect will eventually be rewarded. When, let's wait and see."

"Let's see? You're afraid you won't have a chance to watch!" Zhang Bairen flicked his fingers, and the heavenly Zhuxian sword energy instantly shattered the extravagant corpse spirit, and then was absorbed by the Zhuxian formation.

For years in the chaos, the four divine fetuses have grown to the size of their teens in a blink of an eye. The extravagance is not as small as the corpse for thousands of years, and at this time it has not swallowed half of them.

There are countless innate demon gods, and the Shebi Corpse is also a powerful person who can be ranked, and can compete with the Nuwa Empress.


The void shook, and Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of smiles. Four Zhuxian swords flew up at this time and inserted them into the flesh of the corpse. In an instant, they swallowed the corpse a thousand times faster.

As the swallowing accelerated, about three to five months of work, I saw that the thousand-foot-sized extravagant corpse shrank to the size of a few meters, and at this time the four divine fetuses have turned into fourteen-five-year-old teenagers. , Stand in God’s country and realize all mysteries.

The four chains were unraveled, looking at the body of Zhang Xu of Shebi, Zhang Bairen groaned slightly, and the image of Zhu Xian was distorted, and he sealed the body of Shebi.

"It might still be useful in the future, but I finally killed the scourge of Shebi corpse!" Zhang Bairen took out the formation, and saw that formation was rolled up and turned into a scroll suspended in the chaos, receiving the chaos of the air.

"Maybe we can overcome the catastrophe, but there is a chance!" Zhang Bairen looked at the Zhuxian formation in his hand, with a solemn expression in his eyes.

At this time, the faint immortal lines on the Zhuxian formation have occupied 10%, but it is quite mysterious. After all, the essence of the Zhuxian formation is the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, and its essence is immortal, plus the extravagant spirit and spirit. It’s natural to quickly transform into an immortal rune like this, because of the ritual and the hammer of the origin.

"It's not urgent if there is no transition. A few years have passed in the chaos, and the outside world has also passed for three days. I don't know what the situation is!" Zhang Bairen's heart moved, and the void appeared on the blue stone outside, and his eyes looked at the Yellow River battlefield. , The tragic murderous intent was earth-shattering and seized Zhang Bairen's mind.


At this moment, a hand pierced through Zhang Bairen's physical body, and then suddenly used force to tear it apart, and suddenly the blood rained all over the sky.

"The Governor!"

Yuan Shoucheng, who was guarding the tomb, was shocked, and the broom in his hand fell to the ground.

"Bairen!" Empress Xiao screamed miserably and fainted anxiously.

"The chief governor!" A black shadow rushed from the bottom of the mountain and hit the sneak attacker.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Zhang Bairen, dare to take my real body, today is your death date! Today is your death date!" Shebi Zhe stared frantically at the flesh and blood in the The robes scattered in the air kept grabbing.


Jing Wuming collided with Shebi Corpse, but Jing Wuming was hit by Shebi Corpse.

She has no mentality and will have no life, but with scarlet eyes looking at things scattered in the sky: "Where is the universe map? Where is the universe map of Empress Nuwa?"

"Lao Tzu's world map!" Shebi Zhe frantically swept away the relics in front of him, his eyes full of madness.

"Sabi corpse, you **** it!" At this time, experts from all walks of life in Zhuojun rushed to the center and surrounded the corpse of Shebi. His eyes were full of disbelief as he watched the rain of blood.

No one could believe that the Metropolitan Governor of Megatron died unexpectedly, and he died so useless.

"Subishi, today I must unscrew your dog's head to avenge the governor." Zhang Xutuo looked excited, rolled up the frost with a fist, and froze the void towards the corpse.

"Get away!" Shebi Zhe was busy looking for the universe map, where there is time to waste time with Zhang Xutuo.


Facing the power of the lunar yin, Shebi Zhe finally recovered, his eyes regained two clarity, and his eyes were full of murderous look at his frozen palm: "What an annoying power! You actually inherited the ancient lunar power Supernatural powers."

"Hmph, the old man is too lazy to take your life, you don't want to be ignorant!" She is all on the universe map, where there is time to waste with these ants.

As long as you can find the world map, you can restore the strength of the heyday, and you can turn this group of ants into ashes.

"Where is my universe map! Why not? Why?" She Bishi continued to search for the universe map, a look of anxiety appeared in her eyes.


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