First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1815: Sword Destruction 1 Domain

The    Zhu Xian array opened slowly, and it seemed to be shrouded in all directions slowly and quickly.

  The long-lasting and vicissitudes of life are circulating in heaven and earth

   A ray of murderous intent, the pure to extreme murderous intent enveloped nine heavens and ten places, an infinite universe, forbidden one side of time and space, and cut off one side of time and space.

The place where    Zhuxian Formation is set up is beyond the reach of time! Once he was killed by Zhu Xian's formation, he was really dead, and there was no chance of resurrection.

   Not even Daluo Shenxian!

Daluo **** was resurrected after being beheaded. It actually refers to the depths of the long river of time. With the help of past imprints, he re-summons the natal chaos scattered between the sky and the earth, and then pulls his three souls and seven souls back from the void again. resurrection.

   And the establishment of the Zhuxian formation is tantamount to cutting off that long river of time. Even if the Great Luo Mark still exists, it cannot come from the past to the present.

   is cut off because of his current time!

  Hua Zizai Demon was the first strong man who could'come out' from the Zhuxian Formation alive. With his eyes, he could see many unusual things in the Zhuxian Formation.

   It is precisely because I saw the tip of the horrible iceberg with scales and claws that I felt horrified and shocked, and my eyes were full of panic.

The little fur that   诛仙國團 showed only scared the Da Zizai Tianma.

   killed a tributary of time, what a terrible thing is this?

   No matter who it is, as long as he is buried in the Zhuxian formation, he will never be detached.

   Overcome the ages, cross the future, and suppress the present!

"This servant is simply more terrifying than the Heavenly Emperor back then. The Heavenly Emperor left a glimmer of life back then. This servant is simply the enemy of all living beings!" The Da Zi Zai Tian Demon stopped playing the clarinet at this time, and the Xianxian formation contained a mysterious sky. Luo, it's an immeasurable world, no matter how many ghosts enter, it won't be enough to fill your stomach.

The    Zhuxian formation was extending, and it seemed extremely slow, but it had already enveloped the realm of thousands of miles in an instant.

   The speed of the Zhu Xian array is not reflected in the speed, but in the power of the Zhu Xian array interfering in space, using the power of space to shuttle through the void, and the space is constantly folded under the power of the Zhu Xian array.

   is like a car flying on the road at the speed of light, but even if your speed is fast, people will directly tear the space to form a wormhole and jump from one universe to another. How do you catch up with such a speed?

   You can't catch up at all!

   is like this right now, even though the ghosts below can escape faster, but the Zhuxian formation has split a space and space, distorting the power of a space, how can you even if it is faster?

   Can you still be faster than the other party?


   Zhang Bairen looked at the far away Huazizai Demon, with a dignified look in his eyes.

Since his debut, Zhang Bairen has encountered countless opponents, such as Xuanming, Shebishi, Chiyou and other innate demon gods. They are much better than the Huazizai Tianma, but if they are jealous, they are not as good as the moment. The free demon is strong.

   Facing an invisible, immortal opponent, how do you surrender him?

   "Unless one day I can completely control the law of cause and effect, and then use the law of cause and effect to erase it completely" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look.

   But is the law of cause and effect so perfect?

   To see the petals of the law of cause and effect, not even half of it has grown. It is as difficult as heaven to fulfill this law.

  Causality involves time and space, reincarnation, space, karma, destiny, past and future, etc., and has reached a state of mystery and unpredictability.

   "Zhang Bairen!" Hua Zizai Tianma stood outside the Zhuxian formation, staring at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, as if to remember him firmly: "You will regret your decision today!"

   Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and remained silent after a long silence.

The Zhuxian array is strangling countless evil spirits. The original source that was damaged before is about to return to the state of Dzogchen at this time. Murder in the void is condensing, the Zhuxian array is slowly changing, and the immortal lines are slowly deriving. .

   "The Yin Division is a wonderful place for me! I really can't bear to be here!" Zhang Bairen sighed.

"Zhang Bairen, you are too much! You dare to slaughter innocent sentient beings, and you will be condemned by the heavens in the future!" In the distance, Wudou watched the countless army under his control and his people were strangled by Zhang Bairen, his eyes were red, and his eyes were full of richness. His murderous intent, his eyes are full of pain and struggle.


  Original shame!

   It's a shame to be forced to such a realm by an acquired ant.

   "That soul also contains the soul of your ancestors of the human race, why are you cruel?" Huo Dou angered Zhang Bairen.

   Zhang Bairen heard this silently, this is an unsolvable problem.

How to say?

   How do you call Zhang Bairen?

   After death, the soul of a person will be transferred to the Yin Division by the magical gods in the dark, and then reincarnated and reborn as a human being. In a certain theory, humans and the ghosts in the current Yin Division are of the same race, but is this really the case?

   There is no right or wrong in this matter!

   Zhang Bairen looked at the soul that was completely erased in the formation, and there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes: "Maybe my realm is not enough. When I cultivate to a higher level in the future, I can naturally see the truth."

   With the talking time, a powerful force from afar overwhelmed the universe, and came violently toward the cracks in the space.

   "See the King!" Wodou fell to his knees, his eyes full of helplessness: "The King, the villain is incompetent, and Zhang Bairen is raging in the Yin Department. He has to trouble the King to take action and hope that the King will condemn him."

"Zhu Xian Formation?" A figure was hazy and hazy, stopped in front of Zhu Xian Formation, then raised his head and looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Wusheng, but we have met again! Hundreds of years have passed, and you live and go back. Now, even the Zhuxian formation is not as good as before."

   "Who are you?" Zhang Bairen looked at the visitor with doubts in his eyes. Does this guy know him?

   "Hahaha! Your lords forget things too much, a sword made hundreds of years ago, the old man still remembers!" The voice of the people came full of sorrow.

   "Zhang Bairen, this is one of the ten kings of my underworld, the runner king, you are fortunate enough to see the great king Zhenrong, and you don't come to visit him soon?" Huo Dou angrily rebuked.

   "Oh? The King of Wheels?" Zhang Bairen scanned the King of Wheels below: "Your Excellency, dare to enter the battle?"

"Hmph, what you think is beauty, when I don't know the details of your Zhuxian formation?" The king of the wheel smiled coldly: "You exterminated all living beings under this king's domain and killed innocent people like this. Wouldn't your conscience hurt? "

   "Conscience? I never thought that the Innate Demon God would know the word conscience!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were surprised.

Seeing that there are no more creatures in the lower formation, Zhang Bairen's palm moves, and the Zhuxian formation slowly shrinks and rolls up, slowly being held in his hand, and rolling up: "I thought the innate demon gods are all A heroic character, you can walk into my Zhuxian formation, never thought that he was a courageous rat."

Kung fu Zhang Bairen, who was talking, slowly turned around, and stood in a crack in the space and scanned the Yinsi who was swept by the Zhuxian formation. It was indeed a gap. There was no vitality or evil spirits, and it was cleaner than Tim's. .

   "Ying Zheng has been fighting in the Yin Division for a hundred years, and it is not as many as you killed today. If you have the ability to enter the Yin Division, this king will give you a fair chance to fight." The King of Wheels looked at Zhang Bairen.

"No!" World-Honored one stopped: "You have slaughtered countless Yinsi creatures and angered the Yinsi Dragon Qi. At this time, the king of runners deliberately agitated you, and you must not be fooled. Give me half the time, I can resolve the dilemma before me."

   Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, and sneered after a meeting, but blocked the crack. You dare not come in, and I dare not go out.

   "Transformed into the emperor, you are the great magical power of my Yinsi. I don't know if there is a way to stop my Yinsi catastrophe?" The King of Wheels looked at the Yinsi emperor.

   He turned into a free sky demon after hearing the words, he meditated a little, and then said: "Lord, let me see what I do!"

When    was talking, I saw Huazi's divine light flowing in the eyes of the demon, the next moment the whole body burst out, blood and tears flowed in his eyes, a drop of blood dripped, and it turned into an endless sea of ​​blood.





   There was an earth-shattering roar, and four men with a height of ten feet and an extremely ugly face slowly stood up in a sea of ​​blood.

   Pouring a general body, revealing an immortal brilliance, this treasure is immortal and immortal, with infinite power brewing in it.

   The ugly eyes were full of killing and fighting spirit, and the ultimate murderous intent erupted from the four!

   For some reason, after seeing the four figures, Zhang Bairen had already confirmed that this was the Shura cast by the supreme method of Tantric Buddhism.

"My Shura is different from ordinary Shura. This Shura is bred by the blood of all living beings, and coupled with my supreme demon blood, there is infinite power bred in it." He smiled freely, "This Shura is immortal, as long as The sea of ​​blood will not wither, and Shura will not die!"

   The words fell, and four blood-red figures shattered into the sky and rose into the sky, exuding earth-shattering power, calling Zhang Bairen in circles.

   Zhang Bairen's face was solemn, and he started to earnestly rarefiedly: "Blood Sea Shura? It's really unusual...No, this Shura is not for me, but to destroy the two-world channel."

   Zhang Bairen's eyes suddenly showed a touch of anger: "Dare you!"

   The space channel is not suitable, Zhang Bairen also spent a lot of effort, once it is destroyed, it is difficult to open it again.

   The time and space cracks here are not stable. Once broken, there will be no stable period of ten and a half months. It is impossible to open a channel between the two realms.

   I'm afraid that by then the World-Honored One will have missed the chance of enlightenment, and it will be too late to say anything by then!

   Before the transfer of the Zhuxian formation map, Zhang Bairen took out the picture of the Nvwa Empress's Jiangshan Sheji, and smashed it down at the Shura below. ...


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