First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1825: Wisdom to the sky

There is no doubt that Zhang Bairen's remarks must have added fuel to the fire, making the originally tense relationship between Li Shimin and his son even worse at this time.

If Li Xiuning knew that her persuasion was completely counterproductive, she wouldn't know if she would slap herself with hate.

"Zhang Bairen, the monk has been waiting for a long time!" Zhang Bairen had just left the city of Chang'an for thirty miles and walked near Cuiping Mountain. He heard the chants of Buddhas ringing in the mountains and forests, and the noise of the chants came from all directions: "Amitabha!"

Zhang Bairen stopped, and slowly stuffed the jade rabbit into his arms, scanning the mountains in the distance with his eyes, and then said: "I don't know who is the master of the Buddhist school, Zhang Bairen is disrespectful!"

The void is distorted, and the four figures are from the southeast, northwest and the four sides, turning into a net of heaven and earth, occupying a favorable geographical position, vaguely forming a mysterious formation between the sky and the earth, locking Zhang Bairen in all directions.

Zhang Bairen looked surprised, with a curious look in his eyes. He looked sideways at people, but they were four skinny and skinny monks who looked like skeletons. Only a pair of eyes were clear, shining with divine light, and they looked quite scary. .

At this time, the four monks merged with the mountains and rivers at their feet, borrowing the great power of the world, and gathered hundreds of miles of the surrounding mountains and rivers to encircle and suppress.

Zhang Bairen narrowed his eyes slightly, scanned the sealed void, and then said: "Not easy!"

It is indeed not simple. Although the four monks are as skinny as firewood, they have the strength of a golden body that is not bad, and a mysterious Qi machine is conceived in their bodies.

Even under the texture of his skin, Zhang Bairen's eyes can tell that the golden light within him is flowing.

There was a solemn look in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and he could cultivate the golden body to such a realm, even if he had gone a long way in the ultimate realm.

"Weird, where did the old monsters come from between the heavens and the earth, they still come to me for trouble with such a deed." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a serious look.

"I don't know the names of the masters?" Zhang Bairen said calmly.

Although he values ​​the four powerhouses, he is not afraid.

Even if the Zhuxian formation cannot be deployed, the Zhuxian sword is not easy to shoot, so as not to accidentally break the Kyushu barrier, but...

His own universe map has also been repaired with some powers, not to mention his own Zhuxian Sword cannot be used, but it is still no problem for Zhuxian Sword Qi to break its golden body.

"Great Wisdom"



"Big Heaven"

Wisdom surpasses the sky, they are brothers of the same generation.

"Masters are so capable, why have you never seen a few masters in the world?" Zhang Bairen puzzled.

Even though Buddhism has a high level of truth, it has been fighting against Daoism over the years. Everyone knows the foundation. Now there are four old monks who don’t know the depth. Isn’t it strange?

"I waited for the four brothers to sleep and reincarnate until the true spirit was awakened by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and returned to the flesh. I waited for the golden body to endure the ground, water, wind and fire for thousands of years before I have the current cultivation base, but it is not. Strange things," Dazhi said unhurriedly.

Zhang Bairen understands!

Isn't Yin Xi's physical body the same? Yin Xi Zhenling entered the cycle of reincarnation to polish and enlighten the Tao, but left his body in the mortal to be tempered. It is normal for these four people to come.

Zhang Bairen's face was solemn, and a serious look appeared in his eyes: "This is the foundation of the sect. Tantra is still like this. What about the Taoist? What about Zen?"

The human race can eliminate the innate demon gods and occupy the most prosperous Kyushu land in the world, but it is not due to the large number of people.

"Why are the mages waiting for me?" Zhang Bairen asked the servant knowingly.

"According to the decree of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, take the head of the chief governor for use" Datong said unhurriedly.

"It's a pity that the governor should not be against my Tantric Buddhism." Dahui's eyes showed a touch of unbearableness: "It's a pity that this is my Buddhist decree, and the four brothers and sisters are not good to violate it."

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words. Can he say that the decree of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was pretending to be the emperor of great freedom?

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is fake, but the four high truths of Tantric Buddhism are true.

If you punish him ruthlessly, it will consume Buddhism energy, no matter whether it is Zen or tantra. It is the same as Buddhism today, after all, it is impossible to detach from Buddhism.

Zhang Bairen looked ugly: "Take my life? How many wizards have known, what happened to many people who wanted to take my life?"

"I will naturally know that the majesty and the magical sword of the governor's formation are amazing!" Datian said unhurriedly: "Unfortunately, this is the China of the Middle-earth. The governor will not expand these two treasures if he is concerned about the development of humaneness. Come. Lost the blessings of the two treasures, the governor is no different from the ordinary sun god. Any one of the four of my brothers and sisters is enough to wipe out your lord. Although the Dharmakaya monk and the ordinary sun **** are in the same realm, they are heavenly. The difference. But in order to show that he valued such masters as the governor, the four of my brothers worked together and gave the governor a lot of face."

Zhang Bairen is silent, you want to kill me and give me face? Why do these words sound so harsh!

"If I said that the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who passed the decree to you is fake, would you believe it?" Zhang Bairen was weak.

"The four of my brothers are not stupid. We brothers can tell if they are the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!" Datong shook his head: "The governor must not resist, let's go on the road obediently."

Zhang Bairen was speechless, what else could he say now?

"Maybe you can ask Bodhidharma for some proof," Zhang Bairen said helplessly.

"Dharma and Mahayana Buddhism have been in the same fashion, it is a shame to my generation!" Dazhi shook his head: "Before going on the road, did the Governor have any wish?"

"I have a future wish, can you help me realize it?" Zhang Bairen scanned Dazhi.

"The governor might as well talk about it" Dazhidao.

"I want to resurrect people who have lost their souls. I wonder if several people can help me achieve it?" Zhang Bairen's expression was serious.

Dazhi's face twitched, and he smiled bitterly: "The chief governor is not sincere. If we are not the four of us, even the world-honored person can't do this. Why should the governor bother me to wait?"

"Since the governor has no last wishes, let's go on the road!" The big sky on one side suddenly stretched out a palm, and the wind and clouds in the sky gathered, thunder and explosion. The air seemed to press against a heavy mountain, making people breathless.

This palm envelops the general trend of Cuiping Mountain, and it has the power of moving mountains and filling the sea, and even if the steel is under the palm, it will be turned into tatters.

"Oh, I still have to do it after all!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and the universe picture slipped from his sleeve and was caught in his hand: "Actually, I am quite curious about the strong dharmakaya. Although I have fought against the dharmakaya and the golden body, But it is completely crushed by the Zhuxian formation, and I have never felt the power of the law body."

"Where is the **** of Cuiping Mountain, I haven't rushed to break this four-person formation!" Zhang Bairen's voice was like thunder, shaking the entire Cuiping Mountain.

"Swish" the virtual air machine changed, and I saw a brawny man in golden armor shouting: "Bold and bald ass, dare to disrespect the captain?"

When the words fell, I saw the golden armored **** man lashing at the void, and Datian, who was making the shot, trembled, and his eyes were full of anger and turned around: "Cuiping Mountain God, dare you!"

The four people maintain the formation, and once the power of the earth vein is taken back by the Cuiping Mountain God, they will inevitably suffer the backlash of the earth vein.


The **** of Cuiping Mountain is the **** of Cuiping Mountain, and Cuiping Mountain is its body. Before the four people reacted, the ground veins had been scattered by the golden whip, and then a flush of flush appeared on the four monks' faces like golden paper.

What is the most fearful thing for people in the practice of imperial spirit and spirit?

The most feared is the backlash of heaven and earth qi machine!


Da Tian shot the most serious, half of the offensive, directly stopped, and then spurted blood from his mouth, revealing a look of anger.

What kind of person is Zhang Bairen, what a master, how could he let this opportunity go?

The universe opened in the palm, boundless power flowed, the power of the law flickered, and the world was turned upside down and blurred. The weather was unstable and too late to react. He fell straight from the void into the world in Zhang Bairen's palm without any ripples.

After conquering Datian with his fingers, Zhang Bairen was a little surprised when the process went smoothly.

Don’t say that Zhang Bairen couldn’t believe it. Dazhi, Dahui, and Datong were also stunned for a while. I never thought that Zhang Bairen's timing was so clever that he even shot with his fingers. It just happened that the Datian monk suffered from the backlash of Cuiping Mountain’s aura and couldn’t mobilize his body Qi and blood.

On one side, the other three monks looked ugly at this time, and the three of them suffered backlash at the same time, too late for rescue.

A look of surprise appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes, and he turned to look at the three eminent monks: "Did you see, God is helping me!"

"Hehe, if God helps you, how can humanity suppress your cultivation?" Dazhi shook his head: "The Governor is going to resist. Da Tian was subdued by you, it was just an accident."

On the one hand, the Cuiping Mountain God stood still in the void, and bowed respectfully to Zhang Bairen: "I have seen the governor!"

"Not bad!" Zhang Bairen praised.

On one side, the three high-ranking monks looked ugly, and Dazhi said: "Cuiping Mountain God, do you know the consequences of offending our brother?"

" I don’t know what the consequences of offending your brothers are, but I do know that the four of your brothers have offended the Metropolitan Governor. I’m afraid there will be no chance to get out of Cuiping Mountain. You say I offend a dead person. What consequences."

"Yes, since your three brothers are here, don't go, just stay with me, isn't it wonderful?" Zhang Bairen calmly threw the Datian monk into the universe map, and then looked at the three. Senior monk, do not hesitate.

"The chief governor has experienced hundreds of battles, and the fighting consciousness is beyond my brother's. Let's take action together, so as not to give the chief governor a chance to come back. There will be another moth, but it is troublesome!" Dazhi's voice was deserted, and Gu Jing Wubo, one The palm flicked towards Zhang Bairen and brought it all over his body.


Zhang Bairen flicked the universe map in his hand and scrolled toward the three sages: "Everyone, let me taste the universe map of mine!"

Although the universe map has been broken, it is still a world, the framework of the world is still there, but the laws are obliterated.

ps: Thanks to the classmates of "Xiu'er playing a piece of Dongfengpo" for the reward.

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