First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1827: The emperor of great freedom appeared


Seeing the overwhelming cold air, the two Dharmakaya powerhouses saw Zhang Bairen so determined, and suddenly knew that there was no room for maneuver, and immediately jumped up without saying a word, and even directly abandoned the physical body, and the Dharma body wanted to escape.


It's pretty good.

But if the mist of the water monster is so easy to dissolve, it will not be called the innate power, the power of the law.

Zhang Bairen rubbed his nails very seriously, but he didn't even look at the escape of the two Yang God Law Bodies.


Only a scream was heard, and the two Law Bodies were frozen to the ground as soon as they came into contact with the fog.


At this time, Zhang Bairen waved his big sleeves and returned the two legal bodies to the physical body, and then the universe map unfolded, and the two legal bodies were included in the universe map instantly with the sun god.

Unfolding the Universe Map, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of contemplation. At this time, the Universe Map was still a barren world. There were many cracks in the world, space cracks were raging, and the ground, water, wind and fire were rolling.

Even after several years of reconciliation by Zhang Bairen, although the Universe Map has improved, it is still the same as before, and the improvement is not great.

Looking closely at the gray ground, I don't know when there were four more dust particles.

Four insignificant particles of dust were added to the gray ground of Shanhe Sheji.

Zhang Bairen stroked the picture scroll under his hand with his fingers, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes, and slowly rolled up the picture scroll in his hand.

"Are you not afraid that the four of them would die in that lost world?" A weird look appeared in the eyes of Shui Beast: "Not to mention the turbulent flow of space in the mountain and river Sheji map, the edge of the world may be heated at any time. Langchao, at that time.... Otherwise, why do you think Shebi Zhe would rather abandon the real body and escape with a drop of essence and blood with the essence of life. He is afraid that the world of Qiankuntu will collapse and completely bury it in the void , Will never see the sun."

"It's okay, if I repair the laws of the world, how can the universe map be broken?" Zhang Bairen slowly rolled up the universe map: "The aura of the end of the world is also a kind of training and opportunity for its golden body, and it is also me. An explanation to the four monks."

"The other party is afraid that they don't appreciate it." The water monster turned into a crystal clear bead and drilled into Zhang Bairen's sleeve.

At this moment, Yutu poked his head out and gently caught the bead made by the water monster, with a curious look in his eyes.

"One day, I will appreciate it! This is also an important bargaining chip for me to hold Zen Buddhism in the future!" Zhang Bairen unhurriedly stuffed the universe map into his sleeve.




Just hearing a clap of applause not far away, Zhang Bairen was shocked. The other party was so close to him that he didn't even notice it in advance, which was truly shocking.

Not far away in the middle of the mountain, the emperor Da Zizai dressed in white stood there, looking at Zhang Bairen with a smile.

The emperor Da Zizai has no appearance, just like his heart, intangible, amorphous, and changing all the time. All men and women of all ages can see it, and even Zhang Bairen can see himself in it.

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a dignified look. He didn't think it was strange that the emperor Da Zi Zi could descend into the sun.

Where there are creatures, there must be demons. Where there is a heart demon, the emperor can come naturally.

"It's you who preached the decree of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, right?" Zhang Bairen put down the jade file in his hand, blew his nails, and then looked at the emperor Da Zizai.

"Yes, the Ksitigarbha king is now blocked in the Yinsi. Although he can stand nowhere, he can't go there! The Blessed One has gone to reincarnation again. Who can tell the truth from the false in the world?" Da Zizhao showed a smug in the eyes of the emperor. .

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, and only sighed slightly after a while, and a touch of emotion appeared in his eyes: "As expected, there is something unique about the demon. I wonder if there is a weakness?"

"If you can bury all the sentient beings, or kill the magical thoughts in the hearts of sentient beings in an instant, you can kill me! But when sentient beings start to think, I will definitely be resurrected!" The emperor Da Zizai looked at Zhang Bairen:" I am not sealed, immortal, and no one can kill me. If you want to defeat me, you can only cultivate a heart of glazed glass, not staining the slightest dust, and not provoke any thoughts."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen squinted at the emperor Da Zizai: "Sure enough, there is no solution!"

"We shouldn't have been enemies, but you just acted against me and wanted to prevent me from enlightenment." Da Zi showed a touch of helplessness in the eyes of the emperor: "You know, I am a small-minded person. How can I be tolerant as a demon? Degree? I will display all kinds of despicable, shameless, conspiracy and tricks, depending on whether you can crack my tricks."

"As long as you don't act on Qixi Festival, all means are at your disposal" Zhang Bairen's words were full of domineering.

"Haha" The emperor Da Zizai smiled coldly: "Zhang Bairen, I respect you for your extraordinary cultivation, you are a generation of geniuses, you might underestimate me too much!"

"I am also a generation of innate demon gods, with the dignity of the strong!" Da Zi showed a touch of anger in the eyes of the emperor.

Whoever is so underestimated will not feel good in his heart.

Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at the anger in the eyes of the emperor, and then smiled bitterly: "It's my fault, my villainous heart saves the gentleman's belly."

The emperor Da Zizai looked slightly awkward when he heard the words: "I admire you when you are born after you can achieve today's achievements! A weak woman and a little **** Qixi Festival, how can I do anything? But you have to know in your heart that it is not me The heart demon was born, but the heart demon first had my control. I don’t count the Qixi Festival, some people will not let her go. And the most important thing is that as the Qixi Festival comes into contact with the secular world, I am troubled by the fame and fortune. , Naturally there will be various emotions such as unwillingness, greed, pride, vanity, etc. At that time, the demons will breed, but it is not my calculation. You should not put the pot on my head."

"You mean someone is calculating Qixi Festival?" Zhang Bairen's expression changed when he heard the words.

The emperor Da Zizai looked at Zhang Bairen, as if thinking of something in general, and a strange light appeared in his eyes: "There is an old immortal who wants to be your cheap son-in-law, so he can use your aura to cross the robbery and become a fairy. There is also a group of old immortals who want It will ruin your state of mind."


Zhang Bairen clenched his fists, the wind and thunder brewing between his fingers, his eyes showed a touch of anger: "Who!"

Dragons have reverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them.

There is no doubt that Qixi Festival is Zhang Bairen's reverse scale.

"Hehe, don't tell! Don't tell!" The emperor Da Zizai looked at the show with an expression: "By the way, you pin a strand of love on Qixi Festival. This news is passed on by me. Don't blame me!"

"Bastard!" An innate **** thunder shot, flew out from its fingertips, and hit the distant rocks in an instant, and the emperor Da Zizai had gone away in the laughter.

"Bastard!" Zhang Bairen cursed secretly, his eyes full of solemnity: "It seems that things are a little troublesome."

It is indeed very troublesome. Everyone knows that their own thread of love is pinned in the blood of Qixi Festival, and they must find a way to calculate themselves, thus implicating Qixi Festival.

"go back!"

Zhang Bairen converged the world map and turned to Luoyang City.

For Zhang Bairen, two things are most important right now.

One is to find the traces of the ancient Buzhou Mountain. This Zhang Bairen already has a clue. The second is the restoration of Nv Wa Empress's universe picture, which for Zhang Bairen at this time, is the best magic weapon for defeating the enemy.

Without the four swords of Zhu Xian, his greatest reliance is the world map.

In the courtyard

Mother Dragon is holding Qixi Festival, looking at the direction of Donghai with a pair of eyes blankly, not knowing what she is thinking.

Zhang Bairen came to the courtyard, took the Qixi Festival in Dragon Mother's arms, turned and left with a gloomy expression.

Secret room

A water-blue, thumb-sized bead hung around Yutu's neck and ran back and forth, and the water monster, for some reason, even got into a ball with Yutu.

Do you want to plant demons?

Seeing Qixi's tender face and pure eyes, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed hesitation.

"Boy, you have to think clearly, once you really plant the Qixi festival, is Qixi still Qixi? That's just a clone of you!" Shui Beast said, with his wisdom, what can't be seen?

Zhang Bairen's face was gloomy, his fingers tapped on the case table, and there was hesitation in his eyes, not knowing what to do.

"There is a way, there must be a way to solve it!" Zhang Bairen closed his eyes, and the four gods of the gods and Zhuxian in his body began to quickly deduct various mysterious changes, revealing a little dignified color.

Can't plant demons, what else can I do?

"Can there be a way to hide your back hand in the depths of the Qixi Divine Soul, and then give those who want to calculate you a little surprise," Shui Wo Mo said.

"No, the spirits of Qixi Festival are too fragile. If I want to make hands and feet, I can only start from the thread of love and turn that thread of love into the soul, secretly lurking in the blood of the Qixi Festival to protect the Qixi Festival" Zhang Bairen looked gloomy. Come down.

He is not afraid of this group of people calculating himself, only that this group of people will take action to calculate Qixi Festival.

Zhang Bairen's face was solemn, and he kept deducing all kinds of tricks.


Zhang Bairen suddenly slapped his thigh: "I'm so stupid! Although I can't protect the Qixi, my Sun Dharma body can be blessed on the Qixi Festival through the power of the bloodline, and the soul descends through the power of the bloodline. In Qixi's body."

"Hahaha! Hahaha! I am Zhang Bairen really a genius!"

After staying in the secret room for seven days, no one knows what happened in the seven days, but after leaving the customs, Qixi Festival has changed its appearance, and the center of the eyebrows has a little golden yellow luster the size of a rice grain.

"I will leave it to you to look after Qixi in the future." Zhang Bairen looked at the dragon mother, who is a true dragon bloodline of the dragon clan and is definitely not weak.

Everyone just saw its status, but ignored its strength.

"I will let you go when you reach adulthood on Qixi Festival." Zhang Bairen looked at Dragon Mother with a pair of eyes: "A gentleman is hard to follow!"

"Okay!" Mother Long looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, just said a word.

ps: plus one more.

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