First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1845: The imperial conscripts, the soldiers approach the city

Go driving?

For some reason, after hearing this word, both Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong were surging with energy and blood in their hearts, and their thoughts changed accordingly, and a pair of eyes paled in shock: "There seems to be a bad feeling!"

"His Majesty"

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the throbbing in each other's eyes. Qin Qiong walked forward quickly, his eyes full of horror: "Your Majesty, the Turkic army can go south into the abdomen of the Central Plains at any time, Chang'an City. Without your Majesty’s guard, the world’s dragon energy cannot reconcile the wish. If the Turks have a chance to take advantage of it, we will all be human sinners! I hope your Majesty is making a decision on such major events and thinking twice. Although Zhuojun is important, Turks are the confidants Great trouble."

"No, you two just said the opposite. The Turks are not worth worrying about. I have already done my calculations. Before the Turks step into Middle Earth, I will tell them to be buried in the endless grassland! On the contrary, it is Zhuo County. Fighting both defeats and hurting both, then Zhuojun will take the opportunity to take the next path to destroy China and the Turks and rule the world. Who do I call to reason?"

How can people snore on the couch?

For Li Shimin, Zhuojun is a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. The whole person has been demoralized and must be destroyed.

Only by gathering the world's dragon energy, can he hope to pull out Zhang Bairen's magic seed into his soul, and have the opportunity to prove the supreme immortal way and achieve the supreme cause.

"Your Majesty, the minister always feels that the chief governor is not dead. Is it too hasty to dispatch troops to Zhuojun this time?" Yuchi Jingde looked hesitant.

"It's okay, Zhang Bairen must be dead! And it's still alive, I have seen it with my own eyes! As for the Turks, haha... don't worry about it. The only thing I worry about right now is Zhuojun. Now the Buddha and the Tao have entered the Yinsi conquest. This is my best opportunity, and I will never miss it!" Li Shimin waved his hand to stop the conversation between the two: "The thought in my heart is fixed, and I will never repent. Let the two Aiqing go down and pass on the decree."

Seeing Li Shimin's resolute expression, both Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde sighed helplessly, knowing that Li Shimin could no longer listen to their persuasion, and then bowed and retired.

Seeing the two withdraw, Li Shimin frowned, "Shooting the sun bow is troublesome! But fortunately, I have Xuanyuan sword in hand. Hahaha! Hahaha! Zhang Bairen is really a good person, knowing the worries in my heart, so I stayed here. Xia Xuanyuan sword helped me."

No one could hear Li Shimin's wild laugh. At this time, the grassland was already surging, and the crowded army of millions of black and white looked overwhelmingly boundless.

Thousands of troops have already filled the mountains, let alone millions?

"My lord", a black-clothed warrior came to Li Shentong's side, with a solemn expression in his eyes: "The Turkic army is here!"

Li Shentong was silent, and he was not blind. Wouldn't he be invisible to the millions of troops coming like a tide?

This time the poisoning of millions of grasslands is a major military matter. Of course, Li Shimin will not entrust it to outsiders, but entrust it to his uncle Li Shentong.

Jiangshan belongs to the Li family, and the Turkic army of millions is no joke. Even though Li Shentong has opinions on his seizure of the throne, he never dared to make fun of the Li family's Jiangshan.

He would be relieved of such highly toxic substances only if they were entrusted to Li Shentong.

"The Huolin River is not far away. The millions of Turkic troops are traveling southward for thousands of miles. Passing by the Huolin River, the whole army will inevitably repair buried pots and cook food. A million people are not a small number." Li Shentong slowly turned around, his eyes There was a touch of solemnity, and the palms were shaking slightly.

Millions of troops, millions of lives, how do you make Li Shentong calm down?

"Sin! For me, Li Tangjiangshan, Han Jia Erlang, you can only go and die!" Li Shentong looked ugly, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes: "For my Li family's great cause, how can I even carry a million karma? ?"

Li Shentong's eyes were full of solemnity: "For my Li family, for my humanitarian cause!"

To do great things, someone always has to sacrifice! Only with the existence of Li Tang can Li Shentong enjoy the dividends brought by all this. If Li Tang does not exist, everything will cease.

The mighty one million army went south, Geely Khan sat on the battle horse, vigorously scanning the army in the distance, with a smug look in his eyes.

This is his team! His proof of ruling the grasslands!

"Majesty, the Huolin River is in front of you!" A Turkic horse scouting quickly reported.

"Huolinhe? It just happened to ask the millions of soldiers to repair. It's just what the emperor said before, I don't know a bit of faith. After all, it is not a simple thing to poison the millions of soldiers." Geely Khan saw Huaien to the servant bone.

Hearing this, Pugu Huai'en frowned, and his eyes scanned the distance: "I would rather believe it if it is untrustworthy. Once the strange poison falls, there will be a vision. The king does not need to worry, just a million troops in batches. Stationed, drinking the river water in batches, and then I am waiting to take a look to ensure that the king's army of millions will pass the Huolin River safely."

"So, the king is relieved!" Geely Khan nodded when he heard the words: "If the order continues, no one is allowed to drink the water of the Huolin River without the permission of the king."

Millions of Turkic troops went south, and at this time Li Shimin mobilized the three armies and stood on the stage of worshipping the generals.

Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde, and other generals stood under the stage of worshipping the generals with serious faces at this time.

The guard in front of Li Shimin was holding trays with seals and tiger charms inside.

"Cheng Yaojin!"

"Chen Zai" Cheng Yaojin stepped forward with a respectful salute.

"I am pardoning you as a vanguard, and commanding a hundred thousand army to open the way" Li Shimin said with majesty.

"Zunzhi! Meet the main general!" Cheng Yaojin respectfully saluted.

"Wei Chi Jingde"

"The minister is here!" Yuchi Jingde stepped forward.

"I appoint you as the right general and be responsible for the affairs of the right wing."

"Chen Zunzhi"

Yuchi Jingde respectfully took over the seal.

"Qin Qiong"


After a series of pardons were completed, Li Shimin stopped his movements, and the whole body was tumbling so that people did not dare to face it: "Everyone, is it possible that the whole world is not the king's soil? With the qualifications and skills of the general governor, I have nothing to say. But... now that the general governor’s soul is scattered, and millions of Turkic troops are approaching the city, the only hope of my Han family is the unification of the world, and then I will use the emperor dragon to subdue Turks! "




Under the mobilization of interested people, the three armies shouted together.

"Li Tang will win!" Li Shimin's voice was like thunder.

"Sure victory!"

"Sure victory!"

"Sure victory!"

At this time the three armies shouted together.

"Go!" Li Shimin took the lead on boarding the horse and galloping away.


Only when Li Shimin was in trouble, he was known to the Zhuojun spies and passed the news back.

"Li Shimin really ate the guts of the bear heart and leopard, and even dared to take the initiative to attack my Zhuojun." Yu Juluo looked at the CITIC Newspaper, his expression dignified.

"A big battle is inevitable, but I'm a little puzzled. Is Li Shimin going crazy? The Turkic cavalry goes south, so he doesn't have to fight against the enemy. Instead, he comes to us to mix up and consume internal strength out of thin air" Luo Yi puzzled. .

Listening to Luo Yi's words, Yu Juluo shook his head: "Who knows what he thinks? It's just that Zhuojun can't afford him for nothing. Whether Zhuojun can be taken down depends on his ability!"

"A million Turkic cavalry will go south, when the time comes... I am afraid that blood will flow into a river and life will be charred. Li Shimin really does not ask Turkic cavalry?" Luo Yi puzzled.

"I heard that you have a team called: Yanyun Eighteen Horses? The blood that has been killed in the grassland over the years is flowing into a river. Wei Shi flees watching the wind, and even Gaoli evades Sanshe." Yu Juluo looked at Luo Yi.

"When Li Tang’s army of one million soldiers arrives, the general will see the power of Yanyun’s eighteen horses." Luo Yi’s eyes were full of pride at this time. Although martial arts cultivation is not as good as yours, in terms of training methods, you can even shoot horses. Not on me!

After half a month of rushing march, Li Tang's army finally arrived, and the overwhelming army flags were planted in Zhuojun.

At this time, Zhuojun is boiling, and the people in Zhuojun are good at martial arts, even ordinary women can stretch their muscles and practice some styles, let alone those young people who are full of minds and justice?

Zhuojun has been in martial arts for a long time, and when he heard of the arrival of Li Tang's army, not only did he not fear, but each grind his fists and feet, and his eyes were full of war.

Zhuojun is a city of freedom, and you can't help but swordsmen. There is a statue of Zhang Bairen in the city, and you don't dare to commit crimes.

At this time, no hundreds of people took out knives, guns and clubs, walking on the street to join the army, and broke off with Li Tang's army.

What is Zhuojun?

A paradise on earth, where everyone is equal, there is no oppression by nobles and bureaucrats, everyone has a field, everyone can eat their stomachs, and there is no heavy taxation. For those who have fled, this is a holy land and belongs to them. Bless the harbor.

But what happened now? It is unbearable that someone dared to invade their homeland!

Even if those young people have never been to Chang'an, they have heard of their fathers and grandfathers telling about the oppression of Chang' You can also imagine how miserable it will be to wait for them once Zhuojun is breached. End.

"My lord, I am waiting to join the army, and I am waiting to punish the thieves of Li Tang!"

At this time, the mighty crowd in Zhuojun city wandered and came to the city gate with murderous intent in their eyes.


Yu Juluo turned around, looked at the faces, and suddenly smiled. He felt that Zhang Bairen was wrong! Zhang Bairen acts too much for himself. He always considers the general situation of the world, but he has never considered the will of the people at present.

Everyone has a good time in Zhuojun. Who wants to go to Zhongtu and other places to suffer?

"I shouldn't push it into the fire pit!" Yu Juluo clenched his fists in his sleeves: "Zhuojun is a place of freedom and protection. No one can destroy Zhuojun and determine Zhuojun's future, even if it is big The builder of Zhuo County, the Governor, is not allowed! Absolutely not!"

"Hahaha, it's just a mere army of Li and Tang, please come back, wait for your heart, this general's heart is taken!" Yu Juluo laughed up to the sky.

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