First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1849: Yanyun 18 rides

This pot is really unclear. After all, Zhang Bairen had a criminal record back then. It can't be said that Zhang Bairen did it. [With_dream]

The five gods and imperial ghosts are well known in the world, but they can't control Yang Shen and Zhi Dao. Although the matter of the Demon Seed is secret, it is not a secret to the top powers.

With all the mighty means, it is always possible to transmit the news. Zhang Bairen's Demon Seed has already caused all the heroes to talk and change their colors, basically to the point of anger and resentment.

Once you are caught by a demon, you cannot get rid of it for life. How can everyone not be afraid?

This cauldron was pulled down, really making everyone confused, I don't know whether it was Li Shimin's meaning or Zhang Bairen's will.

Whether the demon seed can control the emperor, I am afraid that no one but the emperor knows.

"This is Zhang Bairen's control of my body, and he wants to blame me for all this! I am not satisfied in my heart. All this is not my original intention! None of my original intention!" Li Shimin's eyes were full of madness and anger, and his performance was brilliant. The full interpretation of the anger that was manipulated.

Seeing Li Shimin's expression, all the soldiers, civil servants, and military all looked stunned. A pair of eyes watched Li Shimin carefully, paying attention to Li Shimin's reaction, hoping to find the flaw.

Everyone has never been planted with a demon seed, nor is it the emperor. There has never been an emperor's dragon energy to suppress the demon seed. Of course, they will not know the authenticity of this.

"Your Majesty, didn't you say that Zhang Bairen is already gone? How come out to control your body?" Wei Zheng is a Confucian man, and he has cultivated a Confucian great Confucian. At this moment, thinking of the flaws, he couldn't help but ask. One sentence.

Li Shimin's face was stagnant when he heard the words, wishing to slap Wei Zheng to death. So many people in the Manchu Dynasty were watching. Following the mind of the emperor, even if there are doubts in his heart, even if there are doubts, you are troubled!

"What kind of person is the Governor General, even if it is dead, there are remnants of souls that exist between the heavens and the earth, and I want to use the demon seed to resurrect. Fortunately, I have the emperor Dragon Qi to protect the life soul, otherwise I am afraid that Zhang Bairen has already taken possession The magpie’s nest, I lost my body!" Li Shimin’s eyes were full of anger, he pulled out the Xuanyuan sword at his waist, and the dragon was all over his body. "You Aiqing, Zhang Bairen and Zhuojun are bullying me like this, and I will never let it go. Zhuojun City must be broken today!"

Li Shimin stood up vigorously at this time, his eyes swept across the officials, and the generals knew in their hearts that Li Shimin took the opportunity to attack today. Whether or not Zhang Bairen's "remnant soul" took action against him, this was just an excuse.

In the war of aggression against China, even the shameless little Japan had to find an excuse to pretend to be a teacher of justice, let alone the scheming Li Shimin?

An excuse, but just an excuse to boost morale, Li Shimin's move can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Not only did Zhang Bairen buckle the black pot of betraying the ancestral land, but also aroused the morale of the army!

As for whether Zhang Bairen took action, I am afraid that no one knows except Li Shimin and Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen is dead, so what is left to him, Li Shimin? When the time comes, there is still room for Zhang Bairen to stand up?


The violent storms do not extinguish the fighting spirit in the heart. Countless soldiers swayed in the wind and rain, but they all roared in unison, shaking the head of the empty cloud, and the rain stopped.

In the sky

The East China Sea Dragon King roared to the sky, and a loud dragon chant ran across the void, spreading over hundreds of miles in an instant. Seeing the East China Sea Dragon King opened his mouth, he wanted to swallow all the clouds and mist.

Pity! It is a pity indeed! This is not an ordinary cloud, but a magical power displayed by an ancient rain master.

Ancient Yinglong couldn't help but not a rain teacher, let alone a descendant of the dragon clan?

Back then, Emperor Xuanyuan defeated Chi You, thanks to the fact that he found the guide car, otherwise I was afraid that the battlefield of the competition would be rewritten again.


The Dragon King of the East China Sea grew his mouth, but he saw the sky rolling, but there was no movement.

"Idiot!" Lu Dian smiled coldly, and a flash of light across the void in his hand, and instantly shuttled through the clouds, causing a chain reaction in the clouds, but the breath had penetrated the void and turned into a series of thunders. The dragon slapped the dragon king of the East China Sea.


As the newly promoted Dragon King, and he left his realm East China Sea without authorization, the strength of the East China Sea Dragon King was greatly reduced on land.

A bolt of thunder and lightning had already smashed the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and fell into the distant mountains without knowing his life or death.

The tumbling thunder roared in the sky and the earth, and the ears kept blasting, making people panic. The army and horses slumped and fell to the ground.


The electric light shot and scattered in an instant, and there was a residual thunder light accidentally falling into the mortal world. Even though the Li Tang army was obstructed by an army, it was too electric, and countless soldiers fell to the ground.

"Trash!" Seeing that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was taken down within a round, Li Shimin suddenly yelled, then the emperor's sword in his hand was radiant and radiant, and he immediately slashed towards Yujuluo in the field, "Siege!"

The drums of war rang!

Jianguang split the rain curtain, facing Li Shimin's sword of fate, Yu Juluo had to retreat.

Li Shimin, who is blessed by the emperor's dragon qi, is simply not something that Yujuluo can contend.


The thunderbolt blasted, and the bow was like thunder. I saw the bright light rising from the rain curtain, and then the rain curtain in the sky was frozen in an instant. The raindrops and cloud heads all passed by turned into ice, and everything in the world was at that moment. Be frozen.

Have you ever seen a knife falling from the sky?

Haven't seen ice skates, have you seen hail?

The overwhelming hail fell and turned into the mainstream between the world and the earth. The Li Tang army smashed with his head and rattled. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were in a mess in an instant, looking everywhere to avoid the hail.

Although he has iron armor, you can't see the hail and crackle falling irregularly, and it is not that these hundreds of thousands of soldiers have iron armor.

One can think about it, with hundreds of thousands of iron armors, it is simply impossible with Li Tang's productivity. Only Li Tang's elite troops can be equipped with the best iron armor.

And thunder is thundering in the sky, are you looking for a hack in iron armor?

Under the fear of death, some soldiers had already taken off their iron armor, but they happened to be hit by the hail in the sky.

Li Tang's army was in chaos, but the real murderous intent rushed straight towards Li Shimin, only to see the void twisted, the arrow passed through the void, twisting the space in an instant, and appeared in front of Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was originally trying to take the opportunity to kill him, and the power of Cheng Zhijin and Qin Qiong kept Yu Juluo here, but who would have thought of a fatal crisis.

Shooting the sun bow, that is the supreme artifact that can hurt even the Emperor of Heaven during the Great Desolation Period, how can you fear Li Shimin's emperor dragon?


At the critical moment, Xuanyuan Jian returned to the guard, blocking the arrow's path, and instantly nailing Li Shimin's heart.


Li Shimin was knocked back five steps by the arrow's fierce strength, and his eyes looked at Zhang Xutuo in amazement, "Good artifact!"

"It is indeed a good artifact, but unfortunately, the owner of my artifact is not very powerful, and can't exert one percent of the power of the artifact, otherwise the arrow before is not as simple as pushing your Majesty back!" Zhang Xuluo's eyes were full. Is emotion.

In the city

Luo Yi wore black armor, and the eighteen warriors in black armor behind him rose in blood, and raindrops could not erode his body.

"Zhuojun is my home, so how can you let Li Tang thief get involved?" Luo Yi slowly pulled out the peculiar machete around his waist.

Yes, it is indeed a peculiar scimitar. This is by no means a weapon of Middle-earth, it looks more like a shaver.

The entire blade was bent into a crescent with mysterious and unpredictable patterns carved on it. Then a group of people broke through the sonic boom, exited the city gate in an instant, and entered Li Tang's hundreds of thousands of troops.

Eighteen people in an army of hundreds of thousands are just a drop of water falling into the sea, and it is inconspicuous!

What can eighteen people do?

The rain of blood flew, and the eighteen people who saw the martial arts, under the leadership of a supreme martial artist, caused almost fatal damage.

The iron armor was like thin paper in front of the scimitar, and the scimitar was unsheathed, and it drew strange arcs in the void, as if it was like a cat and a ox, and followed the gap in the iron armor.


The blood splattered, and the warrior in the iron armor died without a burial place, and fell to the ground instantly.

Eighteen people formed a formation, an unbreakable formation. Layers of scimitars slashed through the void, and they had swung dozens of times in an instant. All the cavalry who came together had not reacted yet, and they were all killed.

The sword light was too fast. In front of the magical warrior, the ordinary warrior was like a lamb to be slaughtered, waiting to be slaughtered.

It's like an adult slaughtering a group of infancy babies. There is no problem in squeezing them, and they are completely killed by one knife.

However, within a few breaths, Li Tang's hundreds of thousands of troops have been pierced through, leaving a place of dead bodies.

The people killed by Yanyun on eighteen horses may be insignificant relative to the hundreds of thousands of army, but the panic caused by the back and forth massacre is absolutely fatal.

However, in a short period of time the army has been pierced through, and then Yanyun turned around and came back with a carbine again.

"Dare you!" Li Shimin was eager to split his eyes. This time, Yanyun Eighteen Cavaliers wanted to behead Li Tang court officials, and came to the Li Tangman civil and military camp.

"Dare you!"

Li Shimin exclaimed in amazement, Manchao's civil and martial arts were also pale and shocked, his eyes were full of solemn expressions, and his figure trembled with fear.

In the face of being enough to take their own lives, no one can remain calm, and the landslide will not change color when Taishan collapses. That is because people have not reacted at all and have been smashed to death by Taishan.


Yuchi Jingde and Cheng Yaojin hurriedly withdrew back, breaking through the sonic boom and besieged Yanyun Shibaqi.

"Slay Yanyun Eighteen Cavaliers first, Yu Juluo will let me deal with it!" Li Shimin's eyes were full of solemnity.


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