First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1851: Your Majesty, it's not good!

King Wu deserves to be King Wu. At that time, King Wu’s battle against the gods brought up the greatest catastrophe between the world and the earth. He was a leader of the times. Although he has never seen his peerless style with his own eyes, he can see the leopard from the perspective of his legacy of martial arts.


Not so strong!

It's ridiculously strong!

In an instant, the place was full of blood and resurrected, and even the power of the sun-shooting bow was expelled by the scorching origin of the Phoenix. How could this battle be fought?

There is no way to fight at all!

Regardless of multiple injuries, under the blessing of the power of destiny, the blood will be resurrected on the spot. What about your name Zhang Xuluo? He is also desperate!

Yu Juluo is silent. Even if he can temporarily contend with Li Shimin, how many grabs can he use?

Ten tricks?

Or is it eight moves? Nine strokes? Is there a difference? Sooner or later, I will be defeated, but it is just a few breaths sooner or later.

"Zhuojun City, I'm afraid it really won't be able to defend it. No one except the general governor can defeat the immortal Li Shimin. The inheritance of King Wu is really too strong!" Yu Juluo held the long knife with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Zhuojun was his painstaking effort and a continuation of the Great Sui Dynasty. If Zhuojun were to die, the Great Sui Dynasty would really be completely dissipated in the long river of history!

Who was the winner when the phoenix blood was born?

The biggest benefit is undoubtedly Li Shimin, who has the inheritance of the King of Wu and the blood of the phoenix, which is simply even more powerful and completely makes up for the insufficiency of the inheritance of the King of Wu.

Although the Tao of King Wu is not the Tao of Li Shimin, it does not prevent Li Shimin from using the enemy!

"General Governor, where are you? If you don't come back, Zhuojun will be destroyed! Do you really bear to see the millions of people in Zhuojun plunged into the deep water?" Zhang Xutuo muttered, looking at his face. The proud Li Shimin had a touch of despair in his eyes.

To be honest, Li Shimin’s strength was not seen by Zhang Xiu, who has a bow in his hand. He can’t kill you with one arrow, but it’s okay to force your trauma back. But now?

What can Zhang Xuluo do when facing an open-ended Li Shimin?

He is also desperate!

There was silence in the field, neither side made a move, and obviously everyone had already recognized the situation in the field.

"The inheritance of King Wu is indeed mysterious. Unless you can shoot him to death with a single arrow, you will continue to live in Nirvana. No one can kill him!" A voice rang in Zhang Xutuo's ears, shocking Zhang Xutuo with a spirit. I was about to shout out the word'duro', but I heard Zhang Bairen say, "Don't speak out, this plan has not been achieved. Li Shimin has failed in his calculations outside the Great Wall, Li Shentong has died in battle, and the Turkic horses have gone south. Li Shimin's The trouble is big! As long as you insist on a stick of incense, the newsletter will come if you want to come."

After the words fell, Zhang Bairen's voice disappeared, but Yu Juluo was shocked and restored to his peak momentum, with solemn eyes in his eyes.

Zhang Xutuo’s aura changed, and of course he couldn’t escape Li Shimin’s eyes. Seeing Zhang Xutuo whose aura returned to his peak state, Li Shimin shook his hand Xuanyuan Sword. "The two of you still have to do unnecessary resistance? Zhuo Jun’s demise today is a foregone conclusion. Unless you can bring back the dead Zhang Bairen and get out of the mud!"

"Li Shimin, don't want to take advantage of your tongue. Our brothers are entrusted by the chief governor and will never lose the city of Zhuojun! If you can defeat our brothers, can you still defeat the tens of thousands of warriors in Zhuojun? You can also defeat Zhuojun's There are no hundreds of people? Freedom and democracy have been engraved in the bones and blood of the people of Zhuojun. How do you change?" Zhang Xutuo slowly pulled up the bow of the sun. "Even if I die in battle today, I will never retreat. "

"Good! Good! Good!" Li Shimin slapped his palm in praise and repeated three good words. "It really is very good! Very good! I am worthy of the loyal and righteous old general in the past, I admire it in my heart."

Not only did Li Shimin's eyes lack anger, but they were all smiles. What does the ruler care about most? What is the most important thing?

It is the kind of loyal and patriotic generation.

When the emperor did not want his subordinates to be loyal, no emperor would dislike this kind of loyal minister.

"If your Excellency is willing to enter my Li Tang, I will pardon the general as an admiral, and enter the Lingyan Pavilion for immortality! I will treat it as a pillar and a pillar!" Li Shimin had to say that he still has a heart, and at this time it is unexpected. Start to recruit two people.

Either Yu Juluo or Zhang Xituo, they are all the best in the world. Li Shimin thought that if he could account for his income, his life would be much easier.

"Hahaha, hahaha! Your Majesty’s kindness, the ways are different, we don’t want to conspire, we and everyone have great freedom, and there is no ruler and subject in Zhuojun that everyone is equal. Just abide by the rules and disciplines, and then call me brothers Subordinates, bow down to serve the powerful, but they can't do it!" Zhang Xutuo said decisively.

Li Shimin heard the words silently, and after a while, he said, "Zhang Bairen is not a minor harm. He is propagating the fallacy that everyone is equal in Zhuojun. It is absolutely self-defeating and cannot accommodate the world's elite families."

"Since the general refuses to surrender, then I will not force it." Li Shimin's words turned and looked at Yu Juluo in front of him. "How about the general?"

Yu Juluo doubted Zhang Xutuo's toughness at this time, but he, such a strong man, was already beyond the secular king's law. How could he be a minister?

"Your Majesty's kindness, the old man took it in his heart. As for serving people..." Yu Juluo shook his head. "The old man's head is very valuable. There is nothing in the world worthy of my service."

The two refused firmly, making Li Shimin look sad, and slowly raised the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, pointing to Yu Juluo, "How can the general block me?"

"Ten tricks can't be achieved" Yu Juluo sighed.

"After the ten moves, it is when the general is dead. As long as the general is willing to surrender to me, I will leave the general's life, otherwise...I will never show mercy to the remnants of Zhuojun!" Li Shimin said coldly.

"I would rather die than compromise!" Yu Guluo stroked the hilt in his hand, his eyes filled with solemnity. "If there were no general governor, I would have been a dead person decades ago. It’s gone! Zhuojun has been painstakingly managed by the chief governor for decades, and my life should be returned to the chief governor. Even if it is dead, we will never let Zhuojun fall!"

Li Shimin's face was moved when he heard the words, and after a while he sighed, "Then you can only see the real chapter!"

It is true that you can only see the real chapter in your hand. The strongest will be as hard as iron. Once the thought is set, there is no change.

"It's a pity that today two heroes are going to die in my hands. In order to show respect, I will never show mercy!" Li Shimin's words were full of murderous intent.

On the one hand, the bearded camel almost spurted blood, and you are going to kill you fucking. What's the use of respect?

"Your Majesty wants to kill people in my Zhuo County, so I look down on me too much!" A crisp word sounded, and Lu Yu was holding a sandalwood box, walking slowly into the field, standing beside Zhang Xutuo.

"It turned out to be Miss Lu Yu, you only need to hand over the Qixi Festival to me and make a marriage with my prince, and then I will retreat and will never disturb you!" Li Shimin's eyes looked at Lu Yu with full attention.

After all, even if he really took Zhuojun, Li Shimin would never feel uncomfortable, and his soldiers would lose a lot of losses.

There are millions of people in Zhuojun, and the folkway is strong and everyone is martial arts. As the saying goes, it is good to kill 10,000 enemies and hurt oneself by 8,000. It really took Zhuojun city, Li Shimin's soldiers still don't know how many soldiers are left.

"Hehe!" Lu Yu just smiled slightly, opened the box in his arms, and looked at Li Shimin with a mocking light in his eyes, "Li Er, the emperor's dragon spirit is not almighty!"

"The map of the Great Governor Jiangshan Sheji is here. It happens to restrain your emperor Dragon Qi, I am afraid that your Majesty can only return without success today." Lu Yu opened the box with a'patter', and the next moment I saw the light burst in the box. Shooting, a dragon gas rushed into the sky, and it even absorbed the dragon gas that Li Shimin had collided with.

"Jiangshan Sheji map!!!" Li Shimin exclaimed, and his eyes were red in an instant. "Give me the Jiangshan Sheji map, I will withdraw my troops, and will never harass Zhuojun forever."

"Haha!" Only Lu Yu laughed in response to Li Shimin. Lu Yu's slender fingers picked up the map of Jiangshan Sheji and threw it towards the void, and then the void vibrated in the next moment, and a cloud of mist was rolled up between the world and the earth. The golden mist was fighting against Li Shimin.

At this time, there was a force on Yujuluo's body on the map of Jiangshan Sheji, and it was actually asked to offset the pressure brought by Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid I will disappoint you this time!" Yu Juluo showed a bright smile, looking at the face of Li Shimin who was opposite.

"Not necessarily! Don't be happy too early. Only the emperor's dragon energy can exert its full power in the Jiangshan Shajitu. If you don't have the dragon aura, why do you motivate the Jiangshan Shijitu? It is indeed the time that I am about to conquer Zhuojun. The city, complete the unification of the country and the mountains, can also obtain the emperor’s road to the treasure of the river and mountains. From then on, I am the only one in the sky and the earth. Who is my opponent in the world? Turks and demon gods are no more than chickens and dogs!" Li Shimin looked up to the sky. Laughing wildly, the emperor sword in his hand was instantly cut out, and he slew towards Yujuluo.


With a crash the two are evenly divided. It is difficult to distinguish Xuanzhen.

"Lost the emperor dragon's pressure system, although your majesty has the supreme sword and is more destined, but it is still not my opponent!" Yu Juluo said calmly, and his eyes were full of peace. "Your Majesty should withdraw troops, this Zhuojun city You can't break it, and you can't take away Jiangshan Sheji."

"How is it possible! Without the emperor's dragon spirit, can it spur the pictures of Jiangshan Sheji?" Li Shimin's eyes were full of disbelief.

The void was constantly oscillating, and there were wind and thunder in the sky, and Li Shimin was inseparable from fighting with the fish.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes sounded from the horizon, and the sound of breaking through the sonic boom came.

The wailing sound came from afar, and accompanied by the samurai panic, the fierce horse collapsed at Li Shimin's feet, and the soldier on horseback fell to the ground instantly "Your Majesty! It's not good! The big thing is not good!"

"What happened?" Looking at the messenger, Li Shimin suddenly felt a sudden change in his heart. He knew this person and was the absolute confidant of Li Shentong.


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