First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1858: It's up

"The water vein is the one that I snatched back from the sea clan after nine deaths. The water vein is related to the shocking situation. How can I let Li Shimin go?" Zhang Bairen scanned the old turtle, his voice filled with endless cold.

"It's useless for you to blame me for this kind of thing!" Laogui said triumphantly: "This matter is written by Li Shimin, and it also represents the humanity and spirit of signing the contract with the gods. No one can go back! The Hai Clan's staying in the Central Plains has become a world trend. This is a contract written by the king."

While talking, the old turtle triumphantly took out a simple roll of sheepskin from his chest, and his eyes were full of triumph: "See it! See it! With the contract, humanity will not suppress me. Sea Clan, this is Li Shimin's decision. Li Shimin asked us Sea Clan. We have no coercion and temptation. Then Li Shimin himself begged us to sign a contract, and we have nothing to do!"

Prime Minister Turtle triumphantly waved the contract in his hand. As long as the contract was there, the humanity would recognize the existence of the Dragon Palace and would not suppress the dragon clan. All the aquariums that have received the Dragon Palace's pardon can show their full strength in the human domain.

This consequence and ending are simply terrible. For humanity, the formation of ancestral veins, and the possession of aura, the efforts decades ago, the efforts of the Huai Shui Water God and others, and the tragic deaths of countless soldiers were all in vain.


Zhang Bairen's sword light was very fast, exuding unparalleled murderous intent, and stirred up the ghost and **** contract in the hands of Prime Minister tortoise, wanting to turn that ghost and **** contract into powder.

"Hehe, old tortoise, I've been guarding you for a long time!" Prime Minister tortoise chuckled, flipped his palm and threw the ghost and **** contract into the Dimension Cave Sky. Zhang Bairen's sword light fell through his hands, and his eyes were full of jokes: "I just I know, your kid is definitely going to make a move. How can I give you a chance for these key things, old turtle."

"I'm afraid Li Shimin is not crazy!" Zhang Bairen clenched his fists and looked into the distance with murderous intent in his eyes. There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Li Shimin led the Li Tang master to the scene.

"Zhang Bairen... why didn't you die?" Seeing Zhang Bairen standing there with his hands on his back, Li Shimin's expression suddenly became horrified, and he felt his calf soft and almost sat on the ground.

"Hehe, very surprised? Very surprised? Even with your three-legged catwalk, you can kill me!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly.

Li Shimin stood still in the field, a little face turned pale, behind him Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde heard the conversation between the two, and they all moved in their hearts: "Your Majesty is going to kill the governor? And he has not succeeded?"

The two looked at each other, and both saw something bad in each other's eyes!

It's really bad!

It is fine to kill Zhang Bairen, but if you do not die, you will suffer from it, and the sequelae will be too great.

Obviously, Li Shimin was the farmer who went to fight the snake. Not only did he not kill Zhang Bairen, but he kept the other side unharmed, which was troublesome.

Looking at Prime Minister Tortoise, who was standing with Zhang Bairen, Li Shimin let out a sigh of relief: "What can you do even if you are not dead? I am not afraid of you! I am the ninety-five supreme, how can I be afraid of you?"

"Don’t talk about your personal grievances, you let the millions of Turks enter the Yanmen Pass for your own personal interests. This is one of the crimes. You ceded the human river to the dragon clan, which gave the Zhongzhou ancestral line a dragon aura, and at this critical juncture, there were branches and leaves. , This is the third crime. Li Er, can you confess your guilt? You pretend to be the emperor of my human race, and you don’t protect my human interests. You even attacked my humanity and luck. Regardless of the life and death of the Li people, you are not worthy of being the emperor!” Zhang Bairen said Full of cold and severe murderous intent.

"Haha, I'm not worthy of being the emperor? You, a person detested by humanity, have any qualifications to criticize me?" Li Shimin smiled contemptuously. He is still in a shattered jar. Anyway, the two sides have already ruthlessly torn the face. There is no need to worry so much: "I admit that I have made mistakes in my calculations, and have not poisoned millions of Turkic cavalry. Zhuojun City signed a contract with the Dragon Clan, and it was a last resort. My heart is bitter! My heart is helpless! My calculation of the Turkic defeat is the only one. The remedy is to take over the world of Zhuojun, and use Zhuojun's power to destroy the Turks, but you are ruining my major event again!"

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen just smiled coldly, and his eyes were full of mocking glances at Li Shimin: "No matter how much you say today, it will be hard to escape the guilt. If you can survive my sword, you will spare your life! "

Zhang Bairen was fierce in his heart at this time and murdered Li Shimin. As soon as he stretched his palm, he held the sword in his hand.

On the one hand, Prime Minister Turtle looked at the internal conflicts of the human race, he could see with relish, his eyes were full of playful abuse, and he stood with his arms and said nothing.

"The governor, slow down!" At this moment, a stream of light flickered from the horizon, and Yuan Shoucheng came to the court and stood in front of Li Shimin and Zhang Bairen.

"You are so old and troublesome, so you didn't have to give me a quick step. If it's too late, I will chop you together today!" Zhang Bairen's sword light flashed in his eyes, forcing Yuan Tiangang to be like a light on his back, breathless , With a wry smile and said: "The old way has three questions. If the governor can listen to the old way, even if he cuts me thousands of times, the old way will die without complaint."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen glanced at the crowd in the field: "Let's talk about it!"

"Dare to ask the governor, but sincerely for the human race?" Yuan Shoucheng bowed.

"This seat slaughtered millions of Turkic cavalry, and I killed all the vitality of the Turks. Why do you think this seat is responsible for such a big cause and effect?" Zhang Bairen scanned Yuan Tiangang.

"It is advisable for the remaining brave to chase the poor, and do not be the king of fame and learning! The millions of elites on the grassland have been slaughtered by the governor. This is the best time to conquer the grassland and enhance my humanity. Unify the grassland?" Yuan Shoucheng's eyes were full of emotion: "It's easy to kill, and there is no one in the world with the Emperor Zhuxian Sword, and even the emperor's dragon can be killed. But your majesty Bintian, the succession of the new monarch must not take three or five years. By then, the demon gods have returned to the grassland to regroup, and it will be difficult to miss the opportunity to unify the grassland."

"Yes, your majesty should fight and redeem for the human race, instead of dying here for nothing! Killed the emperor Li Tang, but he was quick. Since the governor is dedicated to humane me, how about letting the emperor Li Tang go and let him unify the grassland? Bodhidharma is also here, the Buddhism layout has been expanded, and the martial arts girl is about to enter the palace, how can Bodhidharma have trouble at this time?

"Even if the emperor is beheaded, the general governor will inevitably suffer a backlash from humanity. If the demons gather around, the general governor has a 70% chance of falling! The most important thing is that now Xuanzang is coming to the west, the general governor will think twice. !" Bodhidharma stood in the field, standing side by side with Yuan Shoucheng.

"Humph!" Zhang Bairen snorted coldly, putting away the sword in his hand, and looking at Li Shimin with expressionless eyes, he suddenly flicked away.

Bodhidharma said this to his heart. He killed Li Shimin by himself, and his humanity would inevitably fight back. Even if he had all the abilities, he would definitely not be able to contend with the power of humanity! Even if he does not die by then, 70% of them will suffer severe damage.

Those demon gods stared at themselves, Zhang Bairen couldn't afford to gamble. And he thought of a better way to kill Li Shimin, and let him jump around for a while, and later seized the foundation of Li Jiajiang, and then looked at his methods.

To kill, you don't have to directly raise your fist and do it brutally. Using some gentle means, it seems more efficient.

Obviously he can calculate Li Shimin's death unscathed, so why bother to lose?

"Huh~" Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, Li Shimin let out a long sigh, his eyes full of rejoicing: "Thank you very much."

"Your Majesty must not relax your mind and body. I see murderous intent hidden in the eyebrows of the chief governor, I'm afraid this will never end," Yuan Shoucheng said helplessly.

"So what?" Li Shimin slowly retracted his gaze: "When I dominate the grassland, the dragon will double, and then Zhang Bairen will definitely not be my opponent."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin looked at Prime Minister Tortoise: "Prime Minister, your Dragon Clan promised me but failed to do it, but the contract is innumerable. The Dragon King cannot break through wind, rain and thunder. It is considered a breach of trust in me. This contract is not appropriate."

"Your Majesty would like to repent?" Prime Minister Turtle suddenly became gloomy when he heard the words, staring at Li Shimin firmly, with a mockery in his eyes: "It's not that the Dragon King can't break the wind and rain, but instead of waiting for the Dragon King to cast the spell, the wind and rain It has stopped, no one can blame this."

Speaking of this, Prime Minister Turtle said in a negative test: "The ghosts and gods contract is written in black and white, and the words are clearly written on it. Your Majesty wants to regret the backlash of the ghosts and gods contract, but you have to ask me whether the sea clan's billions of troops will agree or not. !"

"You..." Li Shimin was angry, blushing and staring at Prime Minister Turtle, speechless.

Prime Minister Turtle looked at Dao Sect Gao Zhen, and then said coldly: "Xianer moved out of the world's water veins in three days, otherwise I will not blame the dragon clan for being polite."

When the words fell, I saw Prime Minister Turtle flick his The meteor turned and left in a stride, disappearing into the sky.

Stars flickered in the sky, reflecting the iron-green faces of Li Shimin and the Taoist monks. It took a while to hear Yuan Shoucheng squeeze out four words between his teeth: "Too much bullying!"

It's really bullying too much!

"Bastard thing!" Looking at the back of Prime Minister tortoise, Li Shimin couldn't help but yelled, then turned to look into the distance: "Go back, when we dominate the grassland, we will have a chance to settle with you sooner or later."

"The kindness of the Taoist master and the mage, I will never forget it, there will be a repayment in the future!" After looking at Yuan Shoucheng and Bodhidharma one last time, Li Shimin said solemnly before standing up and turning away, his figure disappeared into the night. .

"This matter is not over. Most of the governors have suffered such a big loss, and they will never give up easily." Yuan Shoucheng shook his head.

"He suffers? Li Shimin doesn't suffer? He has been wearing a hat for so many years and has raised his son for so many years..." Bodhidharma shook his head.

"The Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! Master's mouth accumulates virtue!" Yuan Shoucheng couldn't help his expression change and looked in the direction of Li Shimin's departure.

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