First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1868: Who is it for?

Persuading you to have a glass of wine, the west is out of Yangguan for no reason!

Outside this Yumen Pass, there is a zone where morality and law are irrelevant. Horse bandits are rampant and thieves are running around here. They are all men with sinister minds and fierce methods.

If the methods are not ruthless or fierce, how can you survive in the cannibalistic Western Regions?

Can't live!

Who are the people who robbed houses on the Silk Road in the Western Regions?

Important criminals wanted by various countries, gangsters who killed officials and rebelled, or thieves cultivated by fishing in troubled waters in the Western Regions, or even the Western Region army changed its skin and played the role of bandit in a blink of an eye.

"There are so many bandits in the Western Regions, how did your caravan from Nalan's family get past?" Zhang Bairen looked at Nalanjing curiously.

"With the sign of my Nalan family" Nalanjing looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You are afraid that you don't know how big your reputation is. The countries of the Western Regions still dare not plunder your edge, let alone gangsters?"

Nalanjing didn't say a word, especially since Zhang Bairen massacred a million troops in the Western Turks, Zhang Bairen's name has become louder and louder, and the bandits have become so discolored.

Someone in the distance was walking around with shadowy shadows. At this time, the Nalan housekeeper said: "Hanging signs~"


A water-blue flag was spread out in the desert, inserted into the carriage, and then walked forward without a word.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen turned to look at Na Lanjing.

"There are sand bandits' spies following, but after seeing the banner of Nalan's family, they have gone away." Nalanjing looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "There are the most powerful men in Zhuojun, and there are more than three to five, you But don’t underestimate the deterrent power of the Dao Martial Artist. Outside this domain, the Dao Martial Artist can sweep everything. Do you think that the Dao Martial Artist will come to be a hopeless sand bandit?"

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, and then looked down at the yellow sand under his feet. Of course, he would not put his eyes on the Dao martial artist, but it does not necessarily mean that the Dao strong is weak.

The most powerful person, it is definitely an existence that can break the wrist with a small country, even in Li Tang, how many wise martial artists are there in the entire Li Tang kingdom?

Not counting those droughts that survived the ancients.

The most powerful person is definitely a nuclear bomb-like existence, and even if the emperor is the emperor, he must be treated with respect and equal treatment.

Zhang Bairen's fingers tapped the jade belt around his waist. Xiao Fei was sleeping in Zhang Bairen's arms. Zhengxiang said after a while: "Finding a time to wipe out these sand bandits is also a merit."

"The desert is so big, the sand bandits come and go without a trace, where do you go to exterminate? And the desert has its own laws. If the governor interferes forcibly, it will break the rules here, but it will be more chaotic." The young monk King Kong said, he did not I hope Zhang Bairen will stir the wind and rain in the sand sea.

"Perhaps!" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal. The real Yangshen had three mountains and five sacred mountains, five lakes and four seas, and the desert was huge? But the land of bullets.




At this moment, the yellow sand under his feet trembled, and bursts of shouts came in the wind, and then a group of strangely dressed and nondescript horse bandits whizzed up from a distance.

Take a closer look, I am afraid that there are more than 3,000 people, and they are already considered to be large forces.

"I don't know which leader came? I'm waiting for the Nalan family caravan!" The Nalan family team didn't rush when they saw the horse bandits. Instead, they laughed and looked at the horse bandits, their eyes full of abuse. .

The Nalan family has been in the desert for decades, who is afraid of it?

It can be said unceremoniously that the few horse bandits who dared to attack Nalan's family for decades are now afraid that their bones and stubble will be gone.

"Nalan's family? Never heard of it. Whatever your Nalan's family, our leader has an order, no matter which caravan, passing by our territory, we must be filial. Those who dare to walk the Silk Road, who have no background? Let it go, do we brothers go to drink the Northwest Wind?" The leading gangsters are five big and three rough, and their words are full of arrogance.

The manager frowned and turned to the guard beside him: "Have you seen this group of bandits? I am afraid that the team of more than 3,000 people is not an unknown person."

"I haven't seen it. The bandits in the desert know the rules. How dare you plunder the tiger's beard of my Nalan family?" The guard leader took a close look at the group of sand bandits, and his eyes showed a hint of hesitation: "Weird.

"I wonder if your Excellency is the gust of wind?" The steward looked at the leader with a pair of eyes: "My Nalan's offering is not so easy to take."

"Whether you are at Nalan's or what kind of home, you always want Grandpa to eat. Let's not hide from you, grandpa will tell you a man, I am a tiger head man!" The big man smiled coldly.

"Tiger head man?" Zhang Bairen asked in surprise: "What do you mean?"

"The tiger is the king of beasts, this person's surname is king! It's a black word!" Tie Jun explained on the side.

"The chief king! Disrespect and disrespect!" The steward clasped his fists and said calmly: "I'm afraid that the chief king is not from the Western Regions. I wonder if he has something to do with the Wang Clan of Central Plains?"

"No, I'm waiting for the new forces that gathered three months ago. The leader of my family breaks the shackles and breaks through to the realm of Tao. It requires a lot of resources. Even if you are the king of heaven and I pass by here, you still have to leave behind to buy money. The leader looked at Nalan's housekeeper, who was calm and relaxed. Although his mouth was tough, his heart was also frustrated.

Everyone is discussing life in the Western Regions, so why haven't you heard of the name of the Nalan family?

If it hadn't been for the leader of his own that he had to rob the Nalan family and deliberately plunder his beard, you would have given him three guts, and he would not dare to come forward for benefits.

"Break through to the Dao? No wonder I dare to **** the tiger's whiskers from my Nalan family! But since the Dao powerhouse comes forward, it is not easy to return empty-handed" Na Lanjing said at this time: "Give him fifty taels of gold."

Fifty taels of gold is by no means a small amount, one-tenth of the goods in this trip.

The face of the most powerful is worth this amount!

Moreover, Zhang Bairen's state of mind matters, and Nalanjing doesn't want to be troublesome. In the future, there will be opportunities to settle accounts after the fall, and even a mere realm will dare to intercept the Nalan family's forces.

If an ordinary force hears the name of Taoism, it will naturally be scared to worship Nalan, but is the Nalan family an ordinary force?

"Fifty taels of gold, does your sir treat me as a beggar?" The chief looked at Nalanjing, who was wearing a hat.

"Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor is better to accept it. You must know that people die for money and birds die for food. Your lion speaks loudly, I am afraid that you will get dead flowers!" The young monk King Kong stepped out at this time and persuaded the leader of Ma One sentence.

He was not worried about the Nalan family, but worried that Zhang Bairen would get angry and stir up blood and blood in the Western Regions.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! You bald guy quickly get out, I'm talking to Nalan's family, where do you speak?" The leader surnamed Wang cursed.

"How can you scold someone, monk, I'm kind of good advice, how can you scold someone?" The young monk Jingang stared at the leader.

"Don't get out of the way, be careful Grandpa gives you a whip" The leader's whip exploded in the air.

The young monk Jingang touched his bald head helplessly when he heard the words: "Sure enough, the medicine doctor will not die, and the Buddha will be destined."

After speaking, the little monk stepped back, but he was not persuading him.

"How many taels of gold do you want?" Zhang Bairen spoke at this moment, and the words were flat and silent.

"Hehe, I don't talk to you, I only ask who you are waiting for and who is in charge," the man surnamed Wang said.

"I can call the shots" Zhang Bairen said.

"You?" The leader glanced at Zhang Bairen, who was surrounded by purple robe and hat, and saw the exquisite workmanship of the material, which was obviously rich or expensive, and said: "Eight hundred taels!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone changed color, and Tie Jun saw murderous intent, but he did not speak.

With Zhang Bairen and Nalan Jing, where is the turn for everyone to speak?

Zhang Bairen glanced at Nalan's goods, turned his head to the horse bandit and said, "The Nalan's goods, even if they are all sold, are only 500 taels. You must be too high. The Silk Road, not only did not make money, but at a loss! Blood loss. Your move to kill chickens and get eggs is too much. If you listen to my persuasion, for the sake of the Taoist martial artist behind you, Nalan’s family will pass here in the future. I'll give you fifty taels of gold. If not..."

When Zhang Bairen said this, he didn't say anything.

"Otherwise, how?" the leader surnamed Wang joked.

Zhang Bairen didn't speak, and said nothing. On the one hand, the Tiejun angrily rebuked: "Your Excellency, stay on the sidelines and meet each other in the future. It is better not to do too much."

"Eight hundred taels of gold is the price set by the big boss, but I have no right to change it. In the future, the Nalan family will pass by here, no matter how much the goods are, it will be 800 taels of gold after one encounter. Otherwise, the Silk Road would be difficult. "Open" The leader of the name Wang shook his whip unhurriedly.

Behind him, the three thousand bandits were nervous and trembling uneasy. Facing the caravan of Nalan's house, they said it was impossible not to be afraid.

"Don't consider what I said before?" Zhang Bairen said softly.

"Death or money?" The leader surnamed Wang asked impatiently.

"Give it to him!" Zhang Bairen turned his head, too lazy to continue talking.


The steward heard this without saying anything and immediately responded.

"Huh?" Seeing Zhang Bairen's promise so happily, the horse bandit was uneasy, looking at everyone in horror, "What are you going to do?"

"Kang Dang!"

The box containing 800 taels of gold smashed under the horse bandit's feet, and the dazzling gold gave birth to a golden brilliance in the sun, making people unable to look away.

In the old days, if they saw so much gold, the bandits would have rushed forward with anger, but at this moment, seeing the 800 taels of gold, it seemed like a knife, and plunged into everyone's hearts.

The leader surnamed Wang never thought that his favorite gold in the past was so hot and so frightening.

"What are you doing?" The leader surnamed Wang looked at everyone, with a touch of horror in his eyes.

"Eight hundred taels of gold, everything is here" Tie Jun said unhurriedly, "Everyone, please go back."

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