First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1871: Arrogant

The rise of Zhuojun is well known in the world, even ordinary passers-by know that Zhang Bairen's cultivation skills and methods are not even understood by Zhuojun, so you commanded our brothers to run to and embarrass Zhuojun. Aren't you seeking death by yourself?

"Is that exaggeration?" Looking at the bitter melon face of his subordinate, Hei Xuanfeng frowned, showing a weird look on his face.

"Exaggeration? It's not exaggeration at all, and the subordinates did their best to think of the terrible place of the governor. Although the adult is the most Taoist warrior, but to be honest, the most Taoist warrior has killed how many chiefs..." Said with a wry smile.

Since ancient times, Wen has no first and Wu has no second. Hei Whirlwind has just broken through to the Dao. It is just when he is full of ambition. How can he bear it when his subordinates advocate others to demean himself?

"Huh, it's fine if that Zhang Bairen doesn't come. If he comes... I'll see if he has three heads and six arms!" Hei Whirlwind clasped his arms and walked slowly to the table of the Nalan family, looking at him unhurriedly. Zhang Bairen, who was eating, and Luo Yi, who was devouring food, finally turned their eyes on Zhang Bairen: "Are you the principal of the Nalan family?"

Zhang Bairen silently ignored this person, but drank and ate the wine and vegetables on his own, and couldn't see his expression under the veil.

Feeling the gaze of the little boss behind him, and then looking at the careless Nalan family, Black Whirlwind suddenly became angry from it, he is also the most powerful person, no matter where he goes, he will be enshrined as a guest of the hall, and now he is People despise, how do you make them live? How can you hold on to your face?

"Bang!" Tea was flying on the table, wine and vegetables splashed out on the table, falling everywhere, the fine solid wood table was smashed into a hole by the black whirlwind: "The Nalan family is not allowed to take the Silk Road in the future, otherwise I see One to kill one!"

"What a domineering person!" Zhang Bairen's movements stopped, Luo Yi's eyes showed a good show, and he looked at the leg of lamb without hurriedly.

"No one has dared to pat the table with me like this for decades." Zhang Bairen slowly put down his chopsticks. At this moment, Yang Xiyue heard the movement and hurried over, staring at the chaos in that place, staring at the black whirlwind, not waiting. When she opened her mouth, she listened to Nalan quietly saying: "Oh, when have the rules of the Longmen Inn changed? No hands are allowed in the inn. Could it be an empty talk?"

"Brother!" Yang Xiyue glared at Black Whirlwind.

"Junior sister, this is a matter between men, don't intervene!" Black Whirlwind stopped Yang Xiyue's words: "Although I have never heard of Zhang Bairen's deeds, it has pressured the Silk Road for decades, and it is not easy to come here. . But far away can’t quench the near thirst. I will stay here in the future. I have the final say on the Silk Road. If the Nalan family dare to set foot on the Silk Road, I’m not welcome."

"Haha! I don't know how high the sky is!" Nalan said quietly, with a gloomy expression: "Could it be that the seven waves of people before my Nalan family were all killed by you?"

"Yes, I think your Nalan family is unruly and doesn't know how to be filial, so naturally I want to teach you a lesson!" Hei Xuanfeng smiled coldly.

Nalanjing held Zhang Bairen's hand very hard, and the knuckles became white and blue veins violently: "Six hundred and sixty-four lives, and my nephew! You just wait for the robbers to rob the goods, why kill people? ?"

Nalanjing's palm was trembling. Zhang Bairen grabbed Nalanjing's palm when he heard the words. He thought that Nalanjing was taking care of himself on the Silk Road. He never thought that the Nalan family had such blood feuds.

"Huh, it's just that I heard people brag about that Zhang Bairen, I feel a little uncomfortable! There are hundreds of people who are killed, and they will be killed. This Dunhuang is the place where the bones are buried, and countless people die here every year. What counts for a hundred people?" Hei Whirlwind said unhurriedly.

Zhang Bairen understood that this was the black whirlwind directed at him, pushing his anger onto the Nalan family, and the Nalan family was only implicated.

In other words, Black Whirlwind wants to integrate the golden rooster of the Silk Road, and wants to take advantage of the Nalan family with the hardest bones.

Zhang Bairen kept silent, but looked at Yang Xiyue with his eyes through the veil. He was watching Yang Xiyue's movements.

"Brother!" Yang Xiyue said.

Hei Xuanfeng smiled coldly, and stopped Yang Xiyue's words: "In the future, the Silk Road will be mine, and my words will be the rules, even if Zhang Bairen comes."

"Your arrogant tone, how much success do you have? How much do you dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with the governor?" A cold word came from outside the door. I don't know when the eighteen figures looked like ghosts, quietly. Blocked at the gate.

It was a member of Yanyun Eighteenth Cavalry Middle School who spoke. At this time, cold words came from behind the mask, and the entire lobby was deterred by murderous intent. Some of the past merchants who were waiting and watching often wandered Turks and Wei rooms. Out of the history of the eighteen people, he suddenly exclaimed: "Yanyun eighteen riders!"

Yanyun eighteen rides?

The lobby was quiet for a moment, everyone bowed their heads, afraid to look directly at the eighteen people.

Why did Yanyun Eighteen Horses come to the desert? Could it be that Yanyun Shibaqi did all the recent murders?

At this time, the needle dropped in the hall was audible, and the crowd was shocked.

Yang Xiyue also became serious, looking at the indifferent black whirlwind, lowered her voice and said, "This is Zhang Bairen's Yanyun eighteen rider."

"The eighteen people who see the gods are indeed a big hand, but... not enough! The best way and see the gods are the difference between the world, and the eighteen people who see the gods are the chicken tiles in front of the most powerful people. "It's just a dog," Black Whirlwind said slowly.

"What an arrogant tone!" Luo Yi couldn't help but said.

"I just told a fact," Hei Xuanfeng said coldly.


Luo Yi put down the leg of lamb in his hand and stood up slowly. He could sit and watch the game between Zhang Bairen and Black Whirlwind, but he would never allow anyone to insult Yanyun Shibaqi.

Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry is one-handedly trained, and has gone through countless killings, which is where his painstaking efforts have been. Its importance even exceeds his martial arts cultivation.

"Your Excellency has just broken through to the Dao, so he sits on the well to watch the sky and Yelang is arrogant, and he is not afraid of getting into trouble." Luo Yi slowly came to the center of the lobby and stood in front of Yanyun Shiba.

"I'm talking to Yan Yun Shibaqi, what's the matter with you? Does the Nalan family want to be nosy?" For Luo Yi, Black Whirlwind was still afraid. But it's just fear, the same as the most powerful, it is not a problem to escape.

"Under Luo Yi" Luo Yi voiced solemnly.

Youzhou Manager Luo Yi!

Everyone in the field lowered their heads completely, and Youzhou's director Luo Yi, who was a powerful man, were all merchants. Although there were their own forces behind them, they never wanted to involve themselves.

Whoever gets involved in this big trouble will be unlucky.

"I've heard of you, but what about it? Zhang Bairen, I'm not afraid, let alone a manager of yours?" Hei Xuanfeng said coldly.

"Haha!" Luo Yi slowly withdrew from the field: "If I take the shot personally, and it spreads out to ruin the face of the governor, you are waiting for three kinds of abuse, and you are also worthy of me to take the shot? , Spare you today."

After speaking, let the road go: "Boy, there are some people you can't afford!"


The sonic boom was rolled up, and the eighteenth rider Yanyun followed a mysterious formation, with a scimitar in his hand, and a wave of cold light slashed across the void, slashing towards the black whirlwind.

Ruthless, speechless, clean and not wordy, I saw the sword light bursting, and the void snatched endless murderous opportunities.

Under the suppression of Emperor Li Tang's Dragon Qi, Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry can still fight with great masters in Dao realm such as Cheng Yaojin, let alone the black whirlwind that has just broken through to Dao?

The two sides fought against each other, and the sonic boom was rolling, and the blades of the knife rubbed sparks in the air.


The black whirlwind continued to explode, the void turned into liquid, and the void continued to shatter.

To the realm of Dao, it is also called: Broken Void.

Just facing the uniform, like a human Yanyun eighteen riders, Black Whirlwind was a little bit careless, and quickly fell into interception and fell into a disadvantage.

The black whirlwind's punch often has not yet been hit, and the whole body has already started to tingle, and the flash of cold light is slashing towards his whole body.


The two sides collided, and the black whirlwind was unguarded, and a slit opened in the back, blood staining his clothes red.

"Take my weapon!" Hei Xuanfeng's eyes were full of dignity, and he finally realized that at this time, he knew that the Yanyun eighteen horses in front of him could never be seen as an ordinary monk at the highest realm.

In the world of law, one plus one is not necessarily equal to two, it is very likely to be equal to three or four.

The world of law is wonderful. Take the algorithm of Qimen Dunjia as an example. The algorithm of Qimen Dunjia is one plus one equals three. When initiating a hexagram, for example, when a man and a woman are combined, you can't just look at the appearance. You have to analyze the hexagram. If one child is produced, it is equal to three.

The algorithm is different The reason is naturally different.

The sum of eighteen people does not necessarily equal eighteen, but it is very likely to equal thirty-six or forty-eight.

"The master takes the weapon!" The clever leader, holding the long knife of the master, threw it over, and fell into the hands of the master in an instant.

With weapons and without weapons, these are two completely different gaps.

The light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed with a weird smile, and he scanned the frame of the master: "This man is not the opponent of Shibaqi."

If you don't blow, you can't black, this person is indeed not the opponent of Shibaqi.

Taking the weapon, the black whirlwind immediately descended like a tiger, facing the encirclement and suppression, murderous shots in his eyes, and the long knife passed by the void fragments into two pieces.

"It's interesting!" Shibaqi's eyes were full of playful abuse, and one of them said: "Brothers, let's not let the water go. Since this guy despise Zhuojun and despise us, everyone should teach him a lesson and let him know that the sky is great. What about the strong Dao? It's not that our brothers have never fought before. Only after the shot can we know who wins and loses."

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