First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1873: Things are not

Who is that?

The famous governor Zhang Bairen appeared in the Longmen Inn, and the governor seemed to have a leg with the proprietress of the Longmen Inn, and was even cheated by the proprietress of the Longmen Inn?

It's lively!

The news was like a violent storm, sweeping inside and outside of China in an instant. Such shocking news caused countless people's discussions in an instant.

At least the proprietress of Longmen Inn and the black whirlwind are on fire, and Zhang Bairen is still alive after cheating, and it is also a rare species.

"Don't go back to Zhuojun, let's go to Luoyang City to relax. You were in a hurry at the beginning. The yard in Luoyang City is fully furnished. Let's live in seclusion for a while." Nalanjing turned her moist eyes , A touch of playfulness appeared in his eyes.

Women are selfish, no one is exception!

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen glanced at Na Lanjing: "You can't go to the original yard. You are changing a yard, and you are surrounded by people like monkeys all day, which is really not good."

Now that the trail has been leaked, why would Zhang Bairen continue to live in seclusion in the original courtyard?

"The New Year is coming soon, how are you going to spend it?" Na Lanjing looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen was silent for a while, and then said, "Go to Jinding Temple!"

After all, Jindingguan had a constant relationship with him, and the ancestor of Shaoyang was always by his side, and he still had affection.

The ties between oneself and Jindingguan can't be cut off if you want to cut it off.

Luoyang City was not going to go, Zhang Bairen went directly to Jinding.

In the vast yellow sand

Yang Xiyue stood alone in the uninhabited desert, with her back facing the wind and sand, looking at the insignificant and endless loess, little tears crossed her eyes: "It's not like this! It's not like this! You never want to leave me!"

"Sister! Where did Zhang Bairen go!" Princess Huarong ran out of the inn and stood beside Yang Xiyue, panting.

"I don't know!" Yang Xiyue said lost.

"I told you a long time ago that I asked you to drive the black whirlwind out, but you didn't believe it. Now that the trouble has been caused, it will involve me too!!!" Princess Makeup said angrily.

"I'll find him, and the inn will leave it to you!" Yang Xiyue broke through the sonic boom and chased in the direction of Zhongtu.

"Wait for me, you don't want to leave me alone! I am not uncommon at Laoshizi Longmen Inn. Da Sui has already been subjugated. What's the use of the inn if I wait? What's the use of saving so much gold and silver? It's not that there are no males, how come it is our two female generations to show our faces!" Princess Huarong sneered, and followed Yang Xiyue in pursuit.

Golden Summit

The Golden Summit Temple, which was overwhelmingly burdened with the Great Teacher, has long since fallen. There are two or three big cats and kittens. There are only a group of ordinary people in the Golden Summit Temple, not even a monk who has stepped into the breath.

The backlash of heaven and earth karma is too big, so big that as long as you join the Pure Yang Taoist temple, no matter how good your seedlings are, you will be harassed by cause and effect, and you will not be able to gather big medicine.

Zhang Bairen and Nalanjing seem to be two mortal tourists, walking unhurriedly in the mountains, watching the scenery of the Golden Summit.

With Nalan's retreat, it is a piece of cake to want people not to notice the two of them. Not to mention a group of ordinary mortals?

The two climbed the steps all the way, went straight to the back mountain, and then saw the huge cemetery standing on the back mountain.

The cemetery is overgrown with weeds, and you can no longer see the tragic and majestic back then, the tragic situation of countless Chunyang Taoist disciples being slaughtered by Beitian Shidao.

Even the blood stains on the ground have been eroded by wind and rain.

"Merry is always blown away by rain and wind!" Standing in front of the tombstone in silence for a while, Zhang Bairen suddenly sighed, remembering the countless gratitudes and grievances of the past, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed emotion.

From the moment when he set foot on the Li Clan chariot and calculated the Great Sui, the decline of Chunyang Taoist Temple was destined.

"This is the cemetery of Chunyang Taoist disciples back then?" Nalanjing stripped away the weeds, and fluttered across the sky with grass scraps flying around, revealing the original appearance.

"I was indeed a bit extreme back then, but the positions are different, and the ways are different!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion, and there were too many familiar figures buried in this tombstone.

However, he does not regret it!

Continuing to walk towards the back mountain, Zhang Bairen saw the already somewhat decayed Inheritance Hall, a sun divine fire was still burning brightly, and all the wind and rain approached the main hall three feet, instantly disappearing.

This sun **** fire is the patron saint of Chunyang Taoist Temple!

Three old figures sitting cross-legged in the main hall, silently reciting the Tao Te Ching. Even though Zhang Bairen has cut off the cause and effect of Chunyang Taoist temple for ten years, and bought it for ten years, it is a pity that Chunyang Taoist temple still has no outstanding figures.

No one can change the destiny for Chunyang Taoism, destiny must not be deceived! This is definite!

Zhang Bairen moved slowly and walked into the lobby, looking at the spotless hall with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

"It turns out that Bairen is here!" After the reincarnation of Chaoyang Ancestor, his memory was restored at this time, and his eyes looked at Zhang Bairen brightly.

Zhang Bairen nodded softly when he heard the words: "All ancestors have been practicing hard here?"

"I'm waiting for repentance! If the three of me hadn't taken refuge in the Li Clan, and had done wrong with the common people of the world, my Pure Yang Taoist Temple would not have fallen to the current state." Shaoyang Patriarch's eyes were full of emotion.

The desire for greed is darkening, and everything has become the past and cannot be returned.

Zhang Bairen didn't say a word. He was able to escape the catastrophe by chance, didn't he rely on the four swords of Zhuxian?

"New Year's Eve is approaching, I brewed a jar of fine wine back then, so I can pick you up from the dust." The ancestor of the sunset showed a glimmer of light in his eyes: "Fortunately, your name is covered these years, otherwise I'm afraid of pure sun Taoism. The inheritance will be broken."

The Golden Summit View is definitely one of the best heaven and earth blessings, there is no reason for others to be jealous.

"By the way, during your absence, Bai Yun often came to talk to some of our old men. You can just take the opportunity to chat with him this time!" Old Ancestor Sunset said with a smile, the wrinkles on his face constantly shaking.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and then stayed with Nalanjing in Chunyang Taoist Temple.

Chunyang Taoist Temple has declined, coupled with the good scenery and beautiful environment, it is indeed a good place for self-cultivation.

Back mountain

In the pavilion

Zhang Bairen stood silently in the pavilion. It was here that year, to clean up the foundation for Zhang Baiyi.


No one knows what Zhang Bairen is so sorry for.

If it were not for Zhang Baiyi, Zhang Fei would not have to die!

Before Zhang Bairen waited long, the white cloud came. Compared with the previous year, the white cloud in front of him was much older, and crow's feet appeared at the corner of his eyes.

"Long time no see" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"It's really been a long time since we haven't seen each other. We haven't seen each other for many years. You are a busy man, but I dare not go over and disturb you, lest you cut me with a sword!" Bai Yun joked unhurriedly.

"Hehe" Zhang Bairen smiled awkwardly.

"Send you something" Bai Yun took out a palm-sized package from his sleeve and handed it to Zhang Bairen.

The Jinpa wrapped on the package is elegant in color, embroidered with life-like flying cranes and birds, which looks like something commonly used by girls.

"What is this?" Zhang Bairen asked in astonishment when he took the package.

"Chunyang left it to you! She had already counted her death back then, for fear that she would suffer an accident, so she kept this thing ahead of time" Bai Yun looked at Zhang Bairen.

Holding the package, Zhang Bairen was silent, bowing his head and stroking the package silently.

"I don't understand you more and more" Bai Yun sighed softly, "Are you really ruthless or fake?"

"Is it important?" Zhang Bairen asked back.

"You have failed Chunyang and many people's expectations!" Bai Yun said with emotion: "But fortunately, you can now carry the overall situation of the human race, everything is no longer important."

"Don't worry, I have found a way to revive Chunyang!" Zhang Bairen didn't open it, but stuffed the package into his arms

Bai Yun looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, full of disbelief: "Chunyang was swallowed by the demon god, and his soul melted, how can he be resurrected?"

"It won't be too long!" Zhang Bairen slowly turned around, and then said: "I will leave you a jar of fine wine!"

Of course, Zhang Bairen wouldn't tell Bai Yun that he urged the sun to reverse time and space. When the solar body controls the sun's annual rings, many things will be easier to handle.

What the Emperor of Heaven couldn't do back then doesn't mean he couldn't do it.

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case table and looked into the distance. Nalanjing had already brought a jar of fine wine.

"No matter where you are, you are beautiful, but it is free and easy!" A touch of emotion appeared in Bai Yun's eyes.

Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a while, he said, "It won't be long, I'm going to a far place."

"How far is it?" Bai Yun was stunned, not understanding the meaning of Zhang Bairen's words.

"As far as you want, you may not be able to come back forever! Or you can only see me in reincarnation!" Zhang Bairen drank a glass of wine, while Nalanjing shook her wrist and spilled the drink. Get out.

"Don't be kidding, it's an important moment for the Human Race to counterattack the The Yangshi will have trouble without your suppression!" Bai Yun said with solemn eyes.

Zhang Bairen smiled without saying a word, just took a sip of the drink.

Bai Yun is gone, a little drunk away!

Zhang Bairen was left sitting alone in the mountain breeze, looking at the scenery of Jinding View without saying a word.

"Why are you telling Bai Yun?" Na Lanjing came to Zhang Bairen's side.

"Things are not humans!" Zhang Bairen sighed with emotion, then turned and walked towards the grass cottage not far away: "Get a rest early."

Nalanjing's face was blushing: "Here?"

"What are you thinking about! This is a quiet place, don't think about it!" Zhang Bairen turned around and glanced at Na Lanjing, teasing him.


Baiyun looked at the scenery on the top of the mountain and stood silent for a long time in front of the gate of Chunyang Taoist Temple. After a long time, Bai Yun sighed and turned and left.

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