First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1876: World Escort

Today, Jingping is under Jingping. Of course, the so-called Jingping is also relatively speaking. The Western Turks lost a million young people, and the extermination has become a foregone conclusion. Li Shimin led hundreds of thousands of troops to the grasslands and went to the autumn tour.

Of course, there is no lack of intentions to circumvent the Dharma spreading to the east. With the fact that Zhang Bairen and Zhang Bairen are now torn apart, Li Shimin has become increasingly disgusted with Dharma. However, there is a covenant before, and Li Shimin is not good at blocking the spread of Buddhism, so he can only move outside the Great Wall to avoid the time when Buddhism enters Chang'an, thus defeating the prosperity of Buddhism.

Zhang Bairen does not lack time, at least for now, there is no lack of time.

It’s not a week to go here, the future is uncertain, and I don’t know how long it will take to come out again. It’s good to see the prosperous scenery of the Central Plains more.

Just after the New Year, the road was withered, and there was a heavy snowfall in the sky.

Zhang Bairen wore a tiger skin cloak and a rabbit hair hat on his head. His entire face was shrunk into the leather hat. The soles of his feet were on the squeaky snow, leaving clear footprints.

Taxue Wuhen? nonexistent! Zhang Bairen didn't run Taoism, but walked with the power of the flesh. Where is life in this world not practice?

Practice also practice, sit and practice.

At least for the moment, Zhang Bairen's steps seem to be steady, and his footprints are very clear, leaving clear footprints in the vast snow.

Beside him, Zhang Xu was carrying a sun-shooting bow wrapped in linen, and a bear skin was tightly wrapped around him. He wore a hat on his head and covered his entire head.

The hat is made of the best dragon skin, which can keep out the wind and cold. All the cold winds close to the hat will dissipate instantly.

"It's interesting!" Zhang Bairen showed a strange smile in his eyes, and suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance: "Unexpectedly, there are still people going out during the Chinese New Year."

The sound of horses' hoofs running and splashing in the snow caused Zhang Bairen's eyes to show strange colors.

"The Dao Fa of the General Governor has been integrated into the bones. The group of people is at least fifty miles away, and the sound of horseshoes is so rushing. I want to come here because there are important things to do." Zhang Xutuo said: "General Governor, if you want to hone your xinxing, just You must restrain yourself from being unable to perform Taoism and treat yourself as an ordinary person."

"But I am no longer an ordinary person. I want to turn my mood into an ordinary person. How easy is it?" Zhang Bairen shook his head, and the two continued to walk in the cold north wind.

Without the greenhouse effect, you would never know how cold the weather in ancient times was.

Hands in the sleeves, but the sleeves can only bring a little warmth to Zhang Bairen. No wonder people would not go out to play in the winter. In such cold weather, think of the unclothed people, Zhang Bairen's eyes Suddenly there was a touch of compassion.

Even the whole body's murderous intentions are scattered a lot.

"Capital Governor, there are people who died of freezing here" Zhang Xutuo strode forward and saw seven or eight figures lying down in the snow.

Zhang Bairen's face was solemn, with a serious look in his eyes. After a while, he said, "It's a pity! If they go to Zhuo County, they will never be frozen to death. Even if they are hungry and cold, this kind of thing will not happen."

The figure in the snow was just wrapped in a thin layer of single clothes, and his skinny face was full of iron, but there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"They died peacefully, and they would never see pain or suffering anymore. They only hope that they can be reborn in a good house in the next life." Zhang Bairen sighed with emotion, and Zhang Bairen continued to move forward.

What can he say?

Can't say anything!

He has done everything he can, and he has done everything he can to open up a pure land in Zhuojun, but what about?

Medicine doctors don’t die, and Buddha is destined! If they don't go to Zhuojun, do they have to ask grandpa to tell grandma to invite them over?

There is no such reason!

After half an hour, the sound of horseshoes was gradually approaching, and Zhang Bairen and Zhang Xutuo had already seen shadowy figures in front of them.

"What is the flag?" Zhang Bairen looked at the carriage in front of him, with a curious look in his eyes.

Just like in the novel, there is a flag on the carriage with a few large characters embroidered on the flag, but it is not true in Blizzard.

"It's the Escort! It's the **** team in the world. Those who don't rest at home during the Chinese New Year, but go out for darts. It is very important and anxious to come to this goods." Zhang Xutuo has a good look, and has been in contact with people in the world, just watching Blurred, they have already seen the details of the other party.

"The Escort of the World? It's a big tone, I think it is very famous!" Zhang Bairen said in surprise.

Dare to take the name of the world, thinking about coming to an extraordinary generation.

"Your Excellency is so lonely and ignorant, I'm afraid it's not a person in the rivers and lakes, where is there a big name in the rivers and lakes who don't know my world escort" A thick voice pierced the wind and snow and passed into Zhang Bairen's ears.

Looking at the snowflakes in the air shattered by words, Zhang Bairen showed a little curious expression: "It's interesting."

"It's really interesting!" Zhang Xutuo's eyes were full of approval: "In seeing God, this person is a top person."

These two sentences are secretly transmitted by the two, so the master in the dart board has never heard them.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, but two figures smashed the snow into the sky, came to stand in front of the two of them, and then bowed with fists in both hands: "The world dart board, the world dart! I saw two of them in the dart master Wang Wu. "

Wang Wu is a cultivator of the Bone Yi Realm, and he can already break through the sonic boom.

"Wang Wu?"

Zhang Bairen looked at the guardian in front of him, his face was handsome and energetic, even in the cold north wind, he still wore a single coat, and the cyan single coat hunted in the north wind.

Next to Wang Wu was a woman, a slender and slender woman. Even through the wind and snow, Zhang Bairen could peer into the elastic body in the thick robe.

Although the woman's face was covered by a furry rabbit mask, she revealed her perfect red lips, and she was so plump that she wanted to take a bite.


Zhang Bairen felt that she was fascinating, which is what described this pair of red lips.

The robe was a bit swollen, but the woman showed her slender and round fingers, but she was symmetrical and betrayed her mistress.

Especially the water-cut eyes, reflecting the sky full of ice and snow, and the black and white eyes seem to be three points purer than the ice and snow. It's just that traces of blood appeared in those pure white eyes.

"Somewhat interesting!" Ignoring Wang Wu's words, Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Zhang Xutuo: "A normal ordinary man, what should I do when he sees a beautiful woman like a flower?"

"Naturally pounce on it, just like a bee encountering a flower!" Zhang Xujiao said unhurriedly.

Hearing what Zhang Xutuo said, Zhang Bairen nodded thoughtfully, and ignored Wang Wu, but stepped forward and bowed to the girl: "This girl, Zhang Bairen, the boy, is polite!"

He turned out to be like a real mortal, like a wild flower and a butterfly glued to the woman.


Looking at the eyes of Zhang Bairen's rabbitskin hat, the frost that was constantly breathing had condensed on the periphery of the hat. The woman suddenly smiled, and a touch of relief appeared in her tired eyes: "What do you say your name is?"

"Xiaosheng Zhang Bairen" Zhang Bairen said with his hands folded, but it seemed that the wind in the air was too cold, and after the report, he scorched into his sleeves.

"Look at your weak language, not like a person in the martial arts, is it because your parents are from the martial arts? And it's still a fan of the governor!" The woman smiled lightly, and Wang Wu also showed a touch of relief in her eyes.

The real martial arts people, or as long as they are contaminated with the rivers and lakes, would never dare to desecrate those three words.

If anyone dares to take a "Zhang Bairen" for himself, it will be fatal!

Make sure that your name is spread out today, and there will be countless people coming to trouble you tomorrow.

For some people, although they hate that name deeply and can't sleep and drink blood, they still agree with that person's strength and contribution to the human race.

Those three words are not to be profaned, except for the person in Zhuojun, no one can be worthy of those three words.

"They are not in the rivers and lakes" Wang Wu said to the woman, looking at the breath and ice on Zhang Bairen's rabbitskin hat.

The woman nodded, her clear voice seemed to be the spring and Baixue in the mountains: "You should change your name."

"Why?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback.

The "dead" girl glared at Zhang Bairen with her black and white eyes, then turned and walked towards the carriage.

"Hey, girl...I don't know your name yet!" Zhang Bairen chased after him like an idiot.

"Go, go, where's the violent wave disc, saint-aunt is what you ordinary people can covet!" Wang Wu stepped forward, blocking Zhang Bairen's path, pulling Zhang Bairen's sleeves, Zhang Bairen's stress was unstable, a Staggering almost fell to the ground.

Feeling the strength of Zhang Bairen's body, Wang Wu helped Zhang Bairen to help him: "It's really not Let's go, don't follow us" Wang Wuhu smiled and raised a fist the size of a sand glass. : "Be careful to beat you into a pig's head."

"Your **** is too stingy. It's fate that everyone meets in this icy and snowy land. We can follow you a little safer, right?" Zhang Xutuo muttered dissatisfied.

"What you said is wrong. If you wait with me, not only will it be unsafe, but you will most likely lose your life," the woman turned her head and said.

"Wang Wu, let's go!" The woman shouted.

Wang Wu nodded, and then said to Zhang Bairen and Zhang Xutuo: "Hey, have you seen it? There is a fork in the road ahead. Where do you go quickly, go as far as possible."

After speaking, Wang Wu turned and left.

"The person is not bad!" Zhang Bairen murmured as he watched the **** going on.

"It's really good, the reputation of the World Escort is still very good!" Zhang Xu said.

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