First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1878: Nuwa Relic

The sound of horses' hoofs shook the soil on the ground, and the snowflakes continued to mix and tremble, turning into white and yellow, and then I saw wild laughter coming from afar, and only the sound of shaking in the air, the snowflakes were constantly flying at a certain frequency. :

"You guys, let our brothers catch up, hurry up and catch up finally."

The sound of horses hoofs rolled, but more than fifty men in black robes and iron faces were riding high-headed horses galloping.

The sound of horseshoes was rolling, and it seemed that thousands of troops were charging, and the icy snowflakes blew on the black and ferocious iron surface, making it more cold and penetrating, and echoing the pale snowflakes.


The horse's hoof was tightened, and the people stood up, but saw the knight on the horse leaping down, his eyes scanned the people in the field with scorching eyes, and then his eyes fell on the saint's body: "Girl, don't come here unscathed! Master him The old man misses you so much, you should go back with me obediently."

Saint Aunt’s eyes under the rabbit mask at this time, Gujing Wubo, was dead still, without the slightest expression, only the red lips opened slightly: "If you have any ability, please say hello, we are not muddled, saying so much. use?"

Listening to Saint Aunt's words, the leading man looked at Li Tie: "Li Tie, you shouldn't care about this bad thing."

"But I have taken care of the World Escort!" Li Tie stroked the steel knife in his hand at this time, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes: "Don't say anything, just say hello. What I eat in the World Escort is reputation. Bowl of rice, if I lose my credibility, what am I waiting for!"

The words are sonorous and powerful, loud and loud!

If this cargo is lost, the world **** won't have to be in trouble!

An **** who loses goods is like a sniper hitting the wrong person, and the consequences are fatal.

It is fatal indeed!

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the big box on the marked car, looking boredly at the situation in the field, it seemed a bit like a robber in a novel, but it was also interesting.

"Haha!" The leader smiled coldly: "Who is the blame for seeking death?"

After the words, she looked at the saint aunt: "The saint aunt has always been compassionate and compassionate to all sentient beings. How can he sit and watch the death of the escort?

The aura of Saint Aunt's body has been continuously gathered: "No matter what, treasures cannot fall into your hands. My Miao Jiang will never be controlled by anyone."

Miao girl!

Who would have thought that Saint Aunt turned out to be a Miao girl?

"I really don't know what a major event is, it will be more important than my own life." Zhang Bairen looked at the saint aunt with a pair of eyes: "If you want me to say, it's still a small life that matters, and you can give him the treasure of Lao Shizi. If you don’t go, it’s not worth it to take your own life for nothing."

Listening to Zhang Bairen's words, the saint glared at Zhang Bairen: "You scholar, hasn't the saint said about giving up one's life for righteousness? If this treasure is taken away by those guys, I don't know how many people will be killed or injured."

"Oh? I don't know what kind of treasure it is that can actually involve the lives and deaths of all living beings." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a hint of curiosity: "Tell me, the demon **** can't make waves in the human land. Is it possible with just a treasure? Overthrow the rule of humanity?"

Listening to Zhang Bairen's words, Saint Aunt rolled her eyes: "If the demon gods return to their peak period, can you overthrow the human land."

"What!!!" Zhang Bairen was surprised when he heard the words: "The Devil God is half dead, where is there any treasure that can restore him to his peak state?"

"You are lonely and ignorant, but you don't know the mystery of this treasure." The black collar smiled indifferently: "You don't know what the treasure is."

"What treasure is it?" Li Tie asked subconsciously.

"Never mind, I will tell you, so that you can retreat when you are in trouble." The black collar said unhurriedly: "This thing is the relic of the ancient **** Nuwa. If you are acquainted, you will retreat obediently, otherwise I'm afraid Huang Tian Lao Tzu can not protect you. All the world, except for a few people can suppress this matter, no one can suppress this matter. You are already in deep siege without knowing it, the green forests of the three provinces have been moved by the wind , Want to intercept this thing."

The relic of Empress Nuwa?

Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes, and he murmured in his heart: "It's so, no wonder my spirit is floating, it turned out to be on this treasure. Who would have thought that the relic of the great goddess, Actually fighting and fighting among a few warriors in the realm of God."

The upper-level masters would never look at the ants of this class. If they weren't the center of their own blood, they would not have noticed the birth of Nuwa Empress's holy object.

"Three provinces and green forests! Are you not afraid of being caught up by the big people in the upper echelons?" The aunt's expression changed.

"Hahaha, after killing you and taking the holy artifacts, I will set off to the Miao Territory soon. What about the great masters of Middle-earth even if they receive the news? Miao Territory is hidden in the depths of the 100,000 Great Mountains, with monsters inside. , Gu worms are countless, even those with great magical powers can find me and other traces?" The leader slowly drew out the saber around his waist, and the cold edge was revealed in the snowflakes: "Not to mention, you Do you think that the demon gods and elders will not bless me and wait? I won the holy artifact of the Nuwa Empress, and I waited for a great achievement. By then..."

I didn't say more, and I won't continue to say more, the leader of the horse bandit has already broken through the sonic boom first, with a long knife in his hand piercing the air, leaving behind a wave of air, and slashing towards the dart board.

Now that the green forests of the three provinces are moving after hearing the wind, there is not much time left for myself and others.

Seeing the action of the **** warrior, the air continued to break and explode, blowing the snowflakes between the sky and the earth into dust, and the eyes of the people who were scraping could not be opened.

Zhang Bairen didn't bother to look at this level of cultivation, and his flicking of his fingers was more powerful than this.

So at this time, Zhang Bairen was still sitting lazily on the carriage, and he had a ‘collapse of the Taishan without changing color’. People couldn’t help but admire him.

"Unexpectedly, you scholar is a bit courageous." Saint Aunt glanced at Zhang Bairen, a touch of approval appeared in her eyes, and then retreated far and stood beside Zhang Bairen.

"You won't make a move?" Zhang Bairen looked at Saint Aunt curiously.

At this time, the World Escort and the robber were fighting in one place, and the two sides directly launched the most tragic confrontation.

One is to win treasures, and the other is to protect jobs and reputation, and no one is willing to take a step back.

"Do you know how much gold I paid to the World Escort, so that I can see the strong man betting the dart?" Saint Aunt stared at the battlefield with a pair of eyes.

"How many two?" Zhang Bairen was curious about the price of seeing God.

"One hundred thousand taels of gold" Saint Aunt said lightly.

"Hiss~~~" Zhang Bairen took a deep breath: "Doesn't that mean that the realm of Taoism is worth 10,000 gold?"

"Haha!" Saint Aunt stared at Zhang Bairen as if looking at an idiot: "The realm of the realm is beyond the vulgar, already above the imperial empire, will be short of money? No matter how much money you have, you can't move the strongest person."

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen showed curiosity when he heard the words: "This is the first time I have heard of you."

After taking a faint look at Zhang Bairen, Saint Aunt sighed slightly: "I have not yet entered the annealing time, and the Yang Shen has not yet been cultivated. I am a powerhouse in the Bone Yi Realm, and I am no match for me. Going up is nothing but death."

In the next moment, Zhang Bairen only felt that his palm was warm and greasy, and then he saw a white jade hand inserted into his hand, and then his sleeves sank, and he listened to the exhalation of Saint Gu in his ear, like a mosquito and flies: "Don’t say anything. , I am the main target of this group of people, and this thing will be deposited with you for the time being. If I can survive this catastrophe, I will naturally find you to recover the treasure in the future. If I die and disappear, you will worship the door and wait. After you prove Yang Shen, you are opening the box."

Saint Aunt looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, her red lips were delicate and shiny: "At least your chance of survival is a hundred times greater than mine! If you become enlightened in the future, don't forget to resurrect me. This treasure contains the secret of Nuwa Empress becoming a fairy. ."

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, and after a while he sighed with emotion: "Do you think this group of bandits will let me go?"

"Your chance of escape is greater than mine" Saint Aunt just said, and then stopped talking and left Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen stroked his sleeves, realizing that it was a box, and then a weird smile appeared in his eyes: "I really can't find a place to break through my iron shoes. It takes no effort."

While speaking, Zhang Bairen turned and looked at Zhang Xutuo not far away: "My goal is achieved."

"But how the governor should end it is a difficult problem. Now the green forests of the three provinces have been eyeing the World Escort. A little carelessness is the scene of the destruction of the entire army" Zhang Xutuo said with emotion.

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, and after a while, he said: "Looking for an opportunity, I just open the box, and then everyone in the world will know that this treasure has fallen into my hands. Who dares to come to me to find bad luck?"

Zhang Bairen said and looked at the battlefield. At this time, the two sides were confronting each other with injuries, but it was not time to see the Can you dare to report your name? "Li Tie couldn't take the man in black in front of him for a long time, and there was a anger in his eyes.

It wasn't just this group of people in black who stared at his group, but there were so many masters in the green forests of the three provinces.

"You treat me stupid!" The black-clothed leader rolled his eyes: "No matter what you say, the World Escort is also one of the most powerful forces in the world. If you know my identity, will I face the world all day long in the future? Chase by the Escort?"

The leader in black is not stupid, how could this kind of thing reveal his identity?

Especially killing people to win treasures, even more desperate!

"Asshole stuff, a rat who hides his head and reveals his tail, as long as I am Li Tie today, I will never tell you to smash the sign." Li Tie's eyes became more and more cold. These hundred thousand taels of gold darts are indeed not so easy to take.

But if he agreed to someone else, there was absolutely no reason to go back. Even if he died, Li Tie would never smash his own sign.

What's more, he may not have no chance of winning.

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