First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1889: Pre-Qin causality

The coercion of the gods, to put it bluntly, is actually the coercion of the law, enveloped by infinite divine power, like the power of purgatory, it is fatal to the spiritual obliteration and suppression of sentient beings.

Divine power is like hell, and all spirituality under purgatory is too late to be born, and it has been suppressed by deterrence.

Zhang Bairen supported his arm with his left hand, his fingers tapped his eyebrows, and his eyes looked into the distance, where earth-shattering fluctuations erupted, and the strongest were fighting.

"Now that the external situation is unknown, I will sort out the Qi machine in my body first, hide my deeds and go out to find out the situation!" He has a congenital **** Dharma body, so Zhang Bairen is very sensitive to the Qi machine of the congenital god, and his eyes scan the distance. Void, he felt at least the aura of five innate gods.

Zhang Bairen's vitality converged completely, and instantly turned into a breeze to dissipate from the land of law, and then revealed a trace on a big tree in the Buzhou Mountains.

When you really fall into the wilderness, you will realize how much the heaven and the earth favor the Primordial creatures. There is a clear and extremely imprinted law flowing between the heaven and the earth. If people can understand the Tao here, they will surely advance by leaps and bounds and enter an incredible realm.

Zhang Bairen scanned the distance with his eyes and stroked his chin thoughtfully. After a while, he said with a surprised look: "Weird!"

It is indeed strange, according to Qi Huan's prudent temperament, how can he fight with the gods as soon as he enters this place?

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Dabu! It really is the thing of Dabu! You and other immortal survivors, the innate creatures contain incredible power in their bodies, which are too much to stimulate my blood!" Qi Huangong's eyes are full It was the color of ecstasy, standing in the jungle with a disheveled laughter.

With Qi Huangong as the center, all tens of miles in the radius were turned into scorched earth, and the vegetation was dead. On the ground, the corpses of monsters and beasts lay hideously and crookedly, one by one, extremely miserable.

At this time, the five figures in the sky continued to circulate, occupying the five sides, looking at the silhouettes at their feet with annoyance: "Asshole, if it weren't for the heavy damage to me back then, how can you allow a dead thing in your area to be rampant. "

"I said that your gods are powerful to the sky, the law of heaven and earth is infinitely powerful, who knows that you are all the same things" At this time, Qi Huangong showed a touch of abuse in his eyes, and his eyes were full of weird colors: "Hahaha! Hahaha! As long as I slaughter the creatures of this world, with the help of the blood of the creatures of this world, I can step into the realm of immortality. Who will be my opponent at the time of nine days and ten places? Just wait for me to swallow you to prove that I am immortal!"

"If you want to devour us, it depends on whether you have the ability!" A congenital **** pointed out his finger, and the law of heaven and earth obscured the sky, and the power of law was flowing, suppressing it towards Qi Huangong.

"Hahaha, I can't beat you, but you want to surrender me, but also wishful thinking!" Qi Huan's figure was distorted, and he had plunged into the earth in an instant, only arrogant words resounded through the world. , Reverberating in the ancient woods and mountains: "Hahaha, this place has no veins, I have arrived here, accept the nourishment of the veins of this place, and my cultivation will be thousands of miles, and one day I will no longer be able to suppress me, and then it will be you. Time of fate."

Drought mane relies on the power of the earth to nourish and become Tao, where the power of the earth is the beginning of heaven and earth, the origin of all things, the starting point of heaven and earth, and the power of its inland veins is simply the supreme sacred thing for the flying dry mane.

There is no need to search for any genius treasures, as long as you practice in this treasure place and give them enough time to truly step into the immortal realm, it is only a matter of time.

"Chasing! We must not give him time to practice, otherwise we will all be in big trouble!" Several gods scowled at the place where Qi Huangong disappeared with their **** faces, and they followed up with their supernatural powers.

Zhang Bairen looked at it interestingly, looking at the direction of the disappearance of several gods with his hands on his back, showing a thoughtful look: "Qi Huangong's injuries have not only recovered, but the whole body has become more condensed. Sure enough, people are not as good as the sky. No matter how I calculate, I still make Qi Huangong the climate."

"But the congenital gods are not easy to fool. One congenital **** Qi Huan can't handle it, let alone five shots together?" Zhang Bairen paid a silent tribute to Qi Huangong. The Buzhou mountain is indeed extraordinary, but that It also works on the premise that you have time to practice.

What Qi Huangong lacks most right now is time. The innate gods are not stupid, so naturally they won't give him time to practice, waiting for him to devour himself.

Zhang Bairen looked up at the sky, there were no sun, moon and stars, only colorful light circulating, he felt the energy of Empress Nuwa.

"The sky has shifted by three points" Zhang Bairen muttered silently, secretly calculating for a while: "It seems that the news from the ancient times is true."

Zhang Bairen slowly revealed his figure, then took a step towards the center of the world.

How big is this world?

How big is the supporting pillar?


At least Zhang Bairen can't see the edge. This sky-supporting pillar can support the universe and guide the movement of the sun, moon and stars. It is probably bigger than Kyushu.

As for how big it is, he doesn't know!

Fortunately, there is still the sun here, the sun's divine light ignoring the law and storm, shines in. Zhang Bairen has never been disconnected from the Sun Law Body.

Here, there are waves of powerful auras one after another, and the aura of the ancient monster beast is silent among the mountains. Obviously, the mountains are all things with a master, with monsters guarding them.

"Human Tribe!" Zhang Bairen suddenly stopped, and he unexpectedly discovered the Human Tribe.

After observing in secret for a while, without disturbing the other party, Zhang Bairen's figure was vague and went straight across the void, towards Buzhou Mountain.

"Wusheng, you really are willing to come in!" Zhang Bairen walked halfway, and suddenly a sigh sounded in his ear.

"Who?" Zhang Bairen was agitated, and when he heard the sound, thunder exploded in his ears, his eyes showed a touch of shock.

The divine light flowed one by one, but three figures stood in front of Zhang Bairen, who turned out to be three gods.

These three gods are different from the previous five.

"Eight gods!" Zhang Bairen was secretly startled, and he had already seen the eight gods before entering this place unexpectedly.

"How many damned innate gods are there in this place? How did they find me?" Zhang Bairen was shocked in his heart, but his face calmly said: "How many have seen me?"

"Don't you know us?" The three gods looked at Zhang Bairen curiously.

"Should I know you?" Zhang Bairen was a little speechless.

"Hehe, 100,000 years ago, you wanted to take the ore from Zhoushan and cast the twelve gold people. Could you forget it?" One of the gods looked at Zhang Bairen with fear.

"Huh? Hundred thousand years ago? Casting gold men?" Zhang Bairen suddenly thought of Qin Shihuang's twelve gold men, and looked at the disappeared Qi Huangong: "How long has he been in?"

"It's not too soon, it's only a hundred years!" said one of the gods.

"What?" Zhang Bairen was struck by lightning, and said in despair, "One hundred years? Has one hundred years passed?"

"No life, you haven't seen it for a hundred thousand years, but your cultivation is returning more and more. Back then, you crossed the boundary, how arrogant, it pressed all our gods to bow their heads, and even cut them with a sword. I wait for the origin, otherwise there is a small drought, how can our brothers not get it?" A **** looked at Zhang Bairen with a gloomy expression.

"A hundred years? Is it a hundred years?" Zhang Bairen didn't seem to hear the words of the gods in front of him, and muttered to himself, "What about Qixi Festival? How about Qixi Festival?"

"I said Wusheng, did you listen to what I said?" The **** looked at the desperate Zhang Bairen, with a touch of anger in his eyes.

It is really outrageous for you to be distracted when we talk to you.

"Do you guys want to keep me?" Zhang Bairen faced the innate **** and didn't dare to be careless, and he held the sword in his palm with a stroke.

"Hmph, if you are not afraid of death, just do it! We had an agreement with you back then, we signed a covenant, we will never do it like you, but you also promised us to eliminate the enemy and survive this calamity for us." Another **** said.

"Is there such a thing?" Zhang Bairen couldn't care about the outside world, so he could only survive the calamity before him.

"The ghost and **** covenant is here, you can see for yourself!" One of the gods threw out a scroll of ghost and **** covenant, and looked at Zhang Bairen unhurriedly.


Zhang Bairen grabbed the ghost and **** contract, then frowned: "It's true!"

It is indeed true, there is indeed a covenant between ghosts and Zhang Bairen feels the restraint and the power of causality.

"You helped us kill Qi Huan, and we will never embarrass you. How much you can take away depends on your ability. If you can't surrender, then you can also bring things from Zhoushan. One of the gods looked at Zhang Bairen: "I am not the mountain **** of Zhoushan. Although I have suffered severe damage due to the breakage of the mountain, I am not your opponent of Zhuxianjian, but if you want to get you back empty-handed, we can still do it. "

Zhang Bairen looked gloomy when he heard the words. After a while, he put away the sword of death and took out a scroll from his sleeve: "This is the picture of the nvwa empress, and you hold this picture and hang it at the dragon vein node of Buzhou Mountain. At that time, I was secretly forcing this to the Buzhou Mountain Dragon Vein node. It must be unbearable to see the dragon Vein. If you want to get into it and transform, then you will receive this with the world map, without any effort, how can you still need such a big fanfare? "

Zhang Bairen threw the universe picture to the opposite congenital god, and he was not afraid that the congenital **** would swallow it up. This is the picture of the goddess Nuwa, how could any **** dare to bear cause and effect?

"Nuwa Empress's legacy?"

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang Bairen's words, the faces of several gods were fiery, and there was a touch of greed in their eyes.

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