First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1892: Treasure

I don't understand the darkness of night during the day, just like the white that doesn't know the night in the dark.

The gods who lived in the ancient times did not know the suffering of living in the end of the world. Not to mention this fairy grass that has survived since ancient times, even the five thousand years of Lingzhi has disappeared from the outside world.

In the grassy forest, the birds and beasts ran away, and the birds and beasts that were too late to escape in the storm were all picked up by a gust of wind and blown into Zhang Bairen's world, becoming a part of his world.

One thousand li, two thousand li, three thousand li...In the blink of an eye, the aura storms that gathered around Zhang Bairen's body became stronger and stronger, and more and more spiritual objects were collected. It was already a world that was almost ten thousand li, and it seemed to be vast at this time. , Magnificent.

Wanli World is by no means a small number.

"Roar~" Suddenly there was a tiger roar, only to hear the thunderbolt and deafening: "Who disturbs the king's sleep?"

The thunder and lightning thundered straight into the sky and rose into the sky, exuding a magnificent aura, which made people a little unbelievable. The thunder and lightning seemed to be alive, shuttled in the void and called Zhang Bairen.


Zhang Bairen's actions came to an abrupt end. The universe in his sleeves was folded, and the sky full of storms disappeared. He frowned slightly as he watched the manic thunder that struck him: "What a powerful thunder and lightning, even if it is better than the thunder of the innate god, It's just a bit worse."

However, his Zhuxian formation map comes with innate divine thunder, and it is also the strongest divine thunder in the world, Zhuxian divine thunder, trapped divine thunder, absolute immortal divine thunder, and slaughter divine thunder.

It's just that this divine thunder is difficult to cultivate, even Zhang Bairen just barely gets started, to stimulate the Zhuxian sword formation. However, he later spent the Heaven Punishment in the Shiwan Dashan Mountains. The avenue flowers representing Heaven Punishment bloomed, and all the avenue flowers were completed by lightning. The petals of the thunder and lightning, which represents the punishment of the heavens, are half-empty and half-real, giving Zhang Bairen a substantial control over the thunder method. At this time, the control of the four innate divine thunder has reached the realm of Mahayana.

"Haha!" Seeing the thunder and lightning, Zhang Bairen's petals flowed around and absorbed the thunder in an instant, and then Zhang Bairen flicked his finger, and a divine punishable thunder struck across his fingertips, magnified countless times in an instant, and then rolled and rolled. Waves.

"Bang!" Void shook, and Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of surprise. After the collision of the Zhuxian Divine Thunder with the Innate Divine Thunder, he directly defeated the thunder and hit the sound source.

"Kacha!" The void was constantly shaking, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of surprise, only a whimper was heard, Qianshan trembled and trembled, and the ground collapsed and destroyed the void. In the smoke and dust, a one hundred meters high, black hair flowing around, flashing With the supple luster, the thunder and lightning continued to crackle between the hairs.

Then I saw the void shaking, Zhang Bairen's eyes fell on the tiger's ribs, and a pair of black wings flashed with scorching lightning. The lightning that struck Zhang Bairen before was emitted from those wings.

"It's interesting!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of surprise. He looked at the head the size of a tiger hill, staring at him with a pair of eyes, like two lanterns, and his grinning teeth made people scared.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen sneered: "Who monster are you, why do you do it with me?"

"Weird! Why are your auras different from what I am waiting for?" The black tiger stared at Zhang Bairen with a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen looked surprised, this tiger is so capable, he can even see that he is not a bad native.

"This place is the land of the king, you guys are screaming the storm in the king's territory, so that the king can't sleep, how can you tell this king not to be angry!" The tiger roared, and the void kept shaking, and then only listened to the tiger's roar With a sound, everything was shattered in the blast, even Zhang Bairen's Yang God was trembling slightly to explode.

"Good means!"

Zhang Bairen came to hunt for treasures, but didn't want to entangle with this tiger demon: "Since you are in your domain, you can withdraw from the poor road. You and I don't offend the river, so why bother with each other?"

Without waiting for the sonic boom to approach, Zhang Bairen's figure was already dispersed, and he wanted to turn into a streamer and go away.

"Want to go? How could it be so easy, you little ant dare to disturb the king's dormancy. If you don't teach you a lesson, how can this king control the mountains and rivers in a radius of thousands of miles?"

Zhang Bairen wanted to leave, but the Tiger King refused. One claw covered the sky and the sun, and instantly covered Zhang Bairen's head. The manic laws of thunder and lightning blocked the void.

"The power of the law! Is it true that the ancient creatures are like this, do they use the power of the law when they think?" Zhang Bairen was a little speechless, and the born creatures wanted to understand how difficult the power of the law is?

Haven't you seen the Blessed One who has been practicing hard for thousands of years and has only taken control of the power of the law a few years ago?

Zhang Bairen also didn't want to think about how many years has Taikoo Sheng been flexible?

The weakest is also calculated in tens of thousands of years. One hundred thousand years, millions of years, and tens of thousands of years are everywhere, and there are hundreds of millions of years of old antiques such as luxury than corpses. Human beings who have only lived for thousands of years, why? Comparable to Primordial Life?

"cause and effect!"

Zhang Bairen's face was expressionless, and the petals representing the law of causality fluttered at his fingertips in an instant, and then he was manipulated by Zhang Bairen to turn "causal transfer!"


The thunder and lightning that originally attacked Zhang Bairen was reversed by the law of cause and effect, and it bombarded thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles away, Zhang Bairen felt a powerful aura, not inferior to the Tiger King in front of him.

He has been here for a hundred years, where is there still time to entangle with the tiger demon?


The void vibrated, and then the next moment I heard a roar that shattered the clouds in the sky: "Tiger, what the **** do you want to do? You dare to be the first to provoke a dispute. Today this king will definitely teach you a lesson. I want you to know that this king is not easy to bully."

He heard a roar, and then saw the murderous intent circulating in the void, and a shadow rushed out to kill the Tiger King.

"Leopard King, listen to me..."


A claw as fast as thunder attack broke the Tiger King's words, and instantly drew towards Tiger King's face.


The Tiger King was angry: "If you fight, you will fight. Are you afraid that you will not succeed?"

An earth-shattering battle broke out. As for Zhang Bairen, the instigator, has been forgotten by the two kings.

The Tiger King and the Leopard King are old enemies, and the two sides have been grieving for a long time.

"Chang Bairen!" Zhang Bairen glanced at the two kings, and suddenly thought in his heart: "I wonder if these two kings' lair will have any treasures."

Looking at the two kings who were fighting fiercely, Zhang Bairen moved through the void and sneaked into the tiger king's lair.

As a king of one side, the Tiger King has never been guarded by a little demon, or in this world suppressed by a god, there will be no little demon at all.

As long as you can bear the majesty of the innate gods and activate your spiritual wisdom, you can endure the years and hardships, and you can become the king of one party after ten thousand years. Who will be afraid of whom?

It is a wishful thinking for people with insufficient energy and dull talents to become enlightened in this imperfect legacy.

This is a very tall stone cave, or the whole mountain has been hollowed out, becoming the tiger king's nest.

The wild beasts roared in the mountains and ran away to the distance. What is meant by immortals fighting mortals suffering? The two kings fought each other, and the beasts in the mountains ran away in panic.

After bypassing the terrifying beast tide, Zhang Bairen slowly came to the Tiger King’s Lair. Seeing the traces of thunder and lightning on the wall, Zhang Bairen showed a strange look in his eyes, and then slowly emerged and walked towards the depths of the Tiger King’s cave.

The entire Tiger King’s cave is 20 kilometers deep, and the night pearls hung in it, making the whole cave soft and comfortable.

"Yes! Where the Tiger King occupies, how can there be no heavy treasures?" Zhang Bairen looked at the high platform in front of him. That is the place where Tiger King occupies and practiced. There are hundreds of feet in size.

"Something is different, this stone always seems to give me a strange feeling!"

Holding the idea that he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go of one, Zhang Bairen flicked the void and twisted, and only heard a slight sound, the huge stone bed had been taken into his hands.

"Good weight!"

Zhang Bairen's sleeves sank, and the universe in his sleeves was almost crushed by this stone. It is reasonable to say that a small stone of a hundred meters, even a mountain of ten thousand meters, can not break the universe of Zhang Bairen's sleeves. But at this moment, Zhang Bairen's sleeves were almost crushed, and if it weren't for the early imperial envoy's magical powers, I'm afraid the stone had already been smashed out.

"It doesn't look like a stone, it looks like a tooth." Zhang Bairen felt the stone in his sleeve, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.


Whose teeth can have a hundred feet?

Zhang Bairen drove this unrealistic idea out of his mind in an instant, then turned into a breeze, and headed towards the Leopard King's cave.

"Huh?" The Leopard King's cave is similar to the Tiger King's cave It's just that there is a stone similar to the Tiger King's cave in this cave.

"This... these two stones must have a big problem!" Zhang Bairen looked at the stone in front of him, and then remembered the two kings who were like water and fire. There was a little thought in his eyes, and then he whispered: "I am afraid that the universe will not fit in my sleeve. ."

No one would believe that two hundred-zhang-sized stones actually forced Zhang Bairen's sleeves to the limit, which is unbelievable.

The universe can't fit in the sleeves, but the universe map and the divine world can.

"There is Qi Huangong in the Universe Picture. Although I sealed it, it is an unstable factor." Stability factor.

"No matter, you can feel relieved by stuffing such treasures into your own divine world!" Zhang Bairen flicked his sleeves, only to see the void inside the sleeves twisted, and the stone was drawn into the divine world.

outside world

Looking at the big rock, Zhang Bairen grinned, "It's all mine!"

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