First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1894: Mo Qi Huan Gong

Is Qi Huan dumb?

Of course he is not stupid, knowing what can be done and what can not be done. It is completely involuntary for such a scheming person to make such a big disturbance. It is a complete accident.

What can Qi Huan do with the bombardment of the power of law? He is also very helpless.

Such a big movement is definitely not what he intended, but there is no way, because the gods want to catch him, he can't sit and wait for death.

"But if I release you, how can I explain to the gods?" Zhang Bairen frowned at this time, with a look of embarrassment.

"Don't worry about this. I'm not stupid. I was discovered by the gods. Not only you are in trouble, but it is also difficult for me to get my life." Qi Huan Gong vowed: "I am not a fool, so how can I expose myself? Traces? After I have been gestated in the Buzhou Mountain Ancestral Vessel, the gods are not my opponents, and it will be the time when you and I dominate the world."

"But, how can I be sure that you won't retaliate against me after you come out?" Zhang Bairen blinked and blinked: "After all, I took the initiative to calculate you first and shut you into the world map. After you are transformed, you will step into the immortal state. , I am afraid it is not your opponent."

Qi Huangong was bitterly hated in his heart. At this time, he was holding back the murderous intent in his heart and was grumbling with Zhang Bairen. After listening to Zhang Bairen's words, he secretly said in his heart: "After letting me go out, when I complete the transformation, the first thing is to swallow you first. I dropped it, and then I was calling that big flower into my bag. You **** dare to calculate me, the ancestor will swear to you."

I thought so in my heart, but my face was full of sincerity: "You can rest assured, you and I are both humans, how can I harm you? Now in the next week, you and I are helping each other, and we are dependent on each other for life. Now all treasures are Occupied by the congenital gods and natives, you and I want to return with a full load, and have to stir up a storm. You alone are a little weak. You are extraordinary, even if I want to harm you, how can I Worthy of you?"

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, his eyes showed approval: "You are right, I really should let you out."

"Huh~" Master Qi Huan let out a sigh of relief, "A fellow Taoist can think like this, that's right! How can we be enemies?"

"But..." Zhang Bairen interrupted Qi Huangong's words: "Your Excellency also knows that Zhang Bairen has gone through all kinds of sins in his life, and I never trust anyone's words. There is no proof. If you want to reassure me, you need to call me. Only by leaving a means of checks and balances in your body."

"How are you doing?" Qi Huangong's face was frozen at this time, his smile frozen on his face, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen.

With a flick of Zhang Bairen's finger, he saw a magic seed exuding weird fluctuations floating in the void. This magic seed is different from ordinary magic seeds. This magic seed is completely gathered by the power of law and has infinite mystery. Power.

"As long as your Excellency blends this demon seed of mine into the source, I will let you out, how about it?" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly.

"Boy, you don't want to deceive people too much! How can you be threatened by this king?" Qi Huangong's eyes are full of gloom, as if water is dripping out, murderous intent is concentrated.

"Oh?" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly: "I don't care. The gods of Zhoushan have reached a contract with me. Whether all the treasures can be taken away depends on my own ability. But you are different. I missed today. If you have the chance, you will be sealed in the world forever. After hundreds of millions of years, there may be hope."

"You..." Qi Huangong's face twisted, pointing at Zhang Bairen, his body trembling, but he didn't know what to say.

"It's fine for you to decide by yourself, I won't stop you!" Zhang Bairen didn't rush, playing with the magic seed in his hand: "I was sealed by my eternal town in the universe, and missed the opportunity to become a fairy. , Or obediently integrate into this magic seed, you choose yourself! The universe map is in my hands, no one can save you. Even if someone can steal my universe map, but there is no magic formula to let you out. "

"You..." Qi Huan spit out fire in his eyes, the real fire turned into electric light squirting out of the seven orifices, and his expression was sullen: "You are despicable! Shameless! It is not the work of a gentleman to take advantage of others."

"Gentleman? I never think of myself as a gentleman." Zhang Bairen smiled and shook his head: "Besides, this is just a means of checks and balances. If you step into immortality, I can kill you? What can I do for you? Everyone knows that Zhang Bairen’s magic seed is powerful, but have you ever seen me control the most powerful? The real Yang Shen?"

"That won't work!" Qi Huan said angrily.

"Then you will be covered in dust for hundreds of thousands of years. Then I don't know if you can live or be corroded and weathered by the universe map" Zhang Bairen said as he said, he wanted to roll up the universe map in his hand.

"Stop it!" Seeing that Zhang Bairen wanted to put away the universe map without saying a word, Qi Huangong suddenly became anxious and hurriedly scolded.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bairen stopped moving and looked at Qi Huangong in surprise.

Qi Huangong's face was aggrieved, and after a while he said helplessly: "You're going to eat me!"

It is indeed a decision, falling into the world map, does Qi Huangong have any choice?

His complexion was suffocated, but Qi Huangong's heart was calm. All the anger he had had before was nothing more than appearance, and he did it on purpose.

"What? Your Excellency changed your mind?" Zhang Bairen looked at Qi Huangong with confidence. No one can bear hundreds of millions of years of loneliness, darkness, and luxury than a corpse, let alone Qi Huangong?

"Boy, you are so powerful in the immortal realm. My life origin is many times higher than yours. You want to control me with a demon seed. It's just a wishful thinking. Treating me to deliberately paralyze him, then find a chance. , Swallow it before it is ready, and then swallow the great flower in one fell swoop to help me achieve immortality!" Qi Huangong sneered in his heart, but his expression was gloomy and murderous: "Is there any consideration for this seat?"

The difference in the essence of life is like only people eating chickens, ducks and geese, but no chickens, ducks and geese.

The essence of Zhang Bairen's life is not as good as his own. The life of both sides is like iron stone and sand. The other party's desire to infiltrate and integrate himself is simply a dream.

"Give me the magic seed!" Qi Huan said aggrieved.

It is indeed aggrieved! Who can be so suffocated to hold a sore foot and have to bow his head without being suffocated?

What's more, how energetic Qi Huangong was before his death. He was the five overlords of the pre-Qin period. Has he ever been so aggrievedly questioned?

It's so deceiving!

However, thinking of future plans, Qi Huangong was a lot more relaxed, and even the depression in his heart disappeared a lot.

What is your way?

At this time, I was caught by Zhang Bairen's magic seed, which represented my family, and removed Zhang Bairen's guard. As long as the time is right in the future, Zhang Bairen can be counted to death by himself, and then he swallowed Daohua to complete the transformation.

In the future, who will control who, who will calculate who, or two.

With a flick of his finger, I saw a wave of fluctuations in the Universe Map. The Demon Seed was submerged in the Universe Map, suspended above Qi Huan's head, and then shot into Qi Huan's body in an instant.

"It's interesting! He actually blended into the Demon Seed?" Zhang Bairen watched as the Demon Seed was smoothly integrated into Qi Huan's body, blending with Qi Huan's vitality from death to life, it has become more and more unpredictable.

Qi Huangong turned into a flying drought. The origin of his body was reincarnated from death, and there was no fixed phase between life and death, and they could be transformed into each other, possessing mysterious power.

After that Qi Huangong merged into the source of the demon seed, his color suddenly changed, his eyes were full of fright, and the sky waved in his heart: "How is it possible?"

Zhang Bairen's magic seed was actually much higher than his own. Before he could react, it had turned into the original power in his body, completely mixed with the original source of life and death.

Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on the case table, his eyes looked at the cloud head in the distance, and after a while, he suddenly said, "Alright?"

Qi Huan's brow furrowed, and his expression was gloomy, standing in the world map, he felt that something was wrong.

"Well, you should know better than me." Qi Huan said coldly.

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen stroked his chin, and the picture of the universe fluctuated. He untied Qihuan Gong and released it.

Qi Huangong walked out of the universe picture with a gloomy face, and stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "You demon species are very mysterious."

"This is my ability to watch family meals," Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly: "Now you can go, but it's better to make full preparations and don't be found by the gods."

"You said, what would happen if I swallow you now?" Qi Huangong stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, murderously rolling in the depths of his eyes, it didn't look like a joke.

"Hehe, as long as you are sane, your Excellency will not do this. You have not recovered your origins Is it my opponent? Let’s start with me and startled the innate gods, you still A dead end, repeat the same mistakes!" Zhang Bairen took back the universe map leisurely: "Besides, I have a universe map. I can harvest you for the first time, and naturally I can harvest you for the second time. Your Excellency is my magic seed. Are you kidding me?"

Zhang Bairen's words were full of mockery: "What's more, we are allies, we don't want to win treasures in the mountains, we need you and me to help each other."

"Huh!" Qi Huan gave a cold smile, then turned away without saying a word, with a touch of mockery in his eyes: "You better pray that I will not be discovered by the innate gods."

"Where are you going?" Zhang Bairen called out looking at Qi Huan's back.

"You can't control it!" Qi Huangong was rather angry at this time.

As this demon seed melted into his body, Qi Huangong realized a kind of badness, very bad. But where did this bad news come from, he didn't know.

"No matter what treasure, find a place first, and see if you can force the magic seed out! This thing is in my body, this seat is really like a thorn in my throat, sleeping and eating!" The mud flowed under Qi Huan's feet, and he immediately drilled. There was no trace in the earth.

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