First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1899: Work together to inherit, the rules are reversed

The vicissitudes of life, hundreds of millions of years, even for the Innate Demon God, is a long history.

Nothing is impossible for all beings to change under the realm of heaven!

Back then, the human race had no minions and strong bones, but it was the ration of monsters and wild beasts. If it were not for the blessing of the gods, the human race would have been extinct.

Now that Zhang Bairen has realized his supreme gold medal and jade fault as a human race, and he has realized it in such a short period of time, the two demon gods cannot be surprised.

After all, this is the original law of the Dao of Heaven. Water and fire are one of the five elements, an indispensable element. There are infinite mana circulating and vibrating in it, hiding one of the highest secrets between heaven and earth. If Zhang Bairen spent hundreds of millions of years to comprehend, the two It's not surprising, but Zhang Bairen has realized in an instant, he has analyzed the supreme gold medal in a deep level, and the two of them are not shocked.

It's just like the primitive age. Suddenly someone understood how to make a spacecraft and asked if you were afraid?

Even Zhu Rong and Gonggong were shocked by Zhang Bairen's talent at this time. This is not an ordinary original man-made spacecraft. Not only did he build the spacecraft, but he also touched the core things in a day. Who is not surprised?

"Heaven is here!"

The two demon gods were shocked, looking at Zhang Bairen with their eyes.

It took about half a day before Zhang Bairen opened his eyes and looked at the two gods in front of him: "Two gods, I have fully understood this golden medal, and I don't know where to start this exercise."

The golden chapter is not that you can comprehend it and you can practice, just like you know how to make a spaceship, but you may not be able to make a spaceship. The key is to need raw materials. The raw materials for cultivating the two gold medals are the origin of the law of water and the origin of the law of fire. These two origins have been absorbed by Zhu Rong Gonggong. Except for the two great gods, no one can practice this gold. chapter. This is the fundamental reason for being unique and unparalleled in the world.

I can absorb all the sources of water and fire in the world, even if you know the gold medal, what can you do? If you have the ability, take a look at your practice.

A divine light appeared in Zhang Bairen's eyes, a pair of eyes looked at the distant void, and then his eyes fell on the two great gods.

"Sure enough?" Zhu Rong still couldn't believe it.

"Naturally" Zhang Bairen smiled confidently.

While working together, he murmured, "I've got it all?"

"Naturally, the great **** can test me" Zhang Bairen smiled lightly.

"No, you know it in your own heart. You need to know that you can accommodate the origin of water and fire later. If you can't fully understand the gold medal, then the suppression and refining will not be able to suppress the origin of water and fire. You will die! There is absolutely no reason to escape." Zhu Rong is a pair Looking at Zhang Bairen with his eyes: "If you can't eat the slightest details in the true chapter, then the water and fire will explode in your body, and you will never be able to transcend life and be erased by the law."

"Don't worry, the great god, there is no doubt about this golden chapter, the two great gods are ready to pass on the practice!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of confidence.

Daohua has absorbed the original gold medal, which means that he has also mastered the original gold medal. There can be no mistakes in this matter.

Zhu Rong nodded when he heard the words, and then looked to Gonggong: "Which one of us will come first?"

"Feminine and soft, water and fire are mutually restrained, but if you can find the point of femininity, you and I will definitely be able to take this opportunity to get out of trouble. The flame bursts, but it can't contain the ordinary energy, and can't rub the sand!" Zhu Rongjing Angrily turned to the real body: "I'll do it first."

After the words fell, I looked at Zhang Bairen: "I see that there seems to be a Qi machine in your body that is the way of the sun. You must have practiced the flame series before, and you are very familiar with flames. Later, if you can accommodate the source of water, then you can accommodate it. The origin of fire, based on your previous foundation, can be smoother."

"Wait!" Zhu Rong looked hesitantly and said, "If he accepts your origin of water, he will not tolerate my origin of fire. Wouldn't the old man catch the water with a bamboo basket by then?"

"No! No! I should absorb my source of fire first!" Zhu Rong was reluctant, and quickly interrupted Gonggong.

"You guys are nothing short of entanglement. Water contains all things and yin and yang. The only way to crack water and fire is to plant golden lotus in the water, and this kid has practiced the fire technique before, but he is not deceiving! If he is included in the water The origin, coming to control the origin of fire, it might not be out of chance!” Gong Gong said bitterly: “Besides, if I can go out, I will definitely find a descendant for you. What do you think?”

"Why don't you tell me to go out and find a descendant for you?" Zhu Rong felt unreliable and refuted Gonggong's words.

"You guys are just messing around!" Gonggong was anxious.

"What's wrong with me just messing around? I can't go out, and you don't want to go out!" Zhu Rong said angrily.

"My Taoism, mana, and magical powers are not weaker than you, so why are you in front of me? I should be in front of you!" Zhu Rong was not happy.

"Then according to what you mean, my practice is worse than yours? Would you like to try it again?" Gonggong said without urgency, neither insane nor innocent, "Furthermore, it doesn't count for what you said. I don’t count, you have to ask this kid yourself."

After the words fell, Gong Gong looked at Zhang Bairen: "Boy, tell me by yourself, which inheritance do you want to accept first?"

When the words fell, the two eyes fell on Zhang Bairen. Zhang Bairen was prepared without any rush:

"There is no need to fight between the two great gods. I have already understood the way of yin and yang very well. Reconciling water and fire may be extremely difficult for others, but it is easy for me."

The words fell and turned to look at Gong Gong:

"Please enlighten me."

"Okay, what you are waiting for!" Gonggong glanced at Zhu Rong triumphantly, and then said to Zhang Bairen, "You come with me!"

"Oh! Boy, don't regret it!" Zhu Rong looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, his eyes full of disappointment.

Is it so easy to reconcile the law of water and fire? You said that you can reconcile if you want to reconcile it?

For Zhang Bairen, the born soul, Zhu Rong didn't hold any hope in his heart. It is already rare to inherit one kind of law. If he inherits two laws, he will inevitably be shot to death by fire and water.

He thought that Zhang Bairen was talking big words.

Zhu Rong walked away with an unhappy face, his figure dissipated in the air, leaving Zhang Bairen and Gong Gong to the center of his eyebrows, and Gong Gong said unhurriedly: "You choose the source of water is the right path. That old man fires. The law is too overbearing and will affect your mind. If there is no law of water to suppress and contend, you will go crazy sooner or later. If he hadn’t hit the mountain in the past, the pillar would not be broken that day, and neither of me would encounter here. The calamity is too long to be detached. When you have accommodated my source of water and become the true body of water, then refining his source of fire, understanding the yin and yang, water and fire, is much easier."

Zhang Bairen respectfully saluted, and Zhu Rong said: "Sitting here and starting to run the real chapter, I will infuse the original law of the body into your body to help you cultivate your true body and control the law of water."

"Just before accepting the inheritance, there is one thing I need to make clear to you. If you really cultivate to become a true body, it will be difficult for you to become an immortal in the future." Gong Gong hesitated a bit, and he explained, although he hoped Out of trouble, but not bothered to deceive.

"It's okay! There are so many hardships on the road to becoming a fairy, how easy it is!" Zhang Bairen smiled unhurriedly.

Hearing what Zhang Bairen said, Gonggong nodded: "If this is the case, then get ready, I'm about to start!"

Although Zhu Rong and Gonggong two great gods were suppressed by Mount Bu Zhou, they could also mobilize the origin in the body. Then, the water blue originated from the ancestral orifice of the eyebrows, and then the void vibrated in the next moment, only the water was seen. As soon as the law appeared, Zhu Rongzhen's inner law began to fluctuate, and he was eager to fight back.

"Huh!" Zhu Rong hummed coldly, suppressing his own origin in an instant, just staring at the two coldly.

The origin of the overwhelming water followed the skin around Zhang Bairen's body. At this moment, Zhang Bairen's face was expressionless, and his body's vitality fluctuated constantly. Then he saw Dadao flowers blooming, and the petals that represented the law of water tremble slightly. The origin of water was absorbed in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, the speed of refining is so fast!" Gong Gong looked surprised. He was afraid that Zhang Bairen would not be able to withstand the impact, so he deliberately only extracted a ray of origin. Who would have thought that Zhang Bairen would have absorbed it without any effort?

Work together to increase the output speed, double, double...five times...ten times..., and then the source of the countless waters is like a river overflowing, rushing towards Zhang Bairen, but Zhang Bairen is like It's a bottomless pit, letting the law flow backwards, but there is no ripple.


It's really extraordinary!

At this time, Gonggong completely let go of speed Let Zhang Bairen absorb it on his own, even Zhu Rong on one side opened his eyes wide, and his eyes showed disbelief: "How is this possible?"

It is indeed impossible!

The principle of co-working was reversed from its origin, and it was accepted without any effort, without causing any discomfort. Looking at Zhang Bairen's steady and long breath, it was obvious that he had already entered a calm state.

"This is simply impossible. What is going on in this world? That is the origin that has been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years. Even if it is under the mountain, the origin is still constantly evolving, so how can it be left without waves? Bear it? Even the Nuwa Empress can't do it!" Zhu Rong said in amazement.


Just like an ant, it's incredible that it can't swallow an elephant anyway.

How can an acquired being able to withstand the mighty power of an innate god?

"Perhaps, he can also bear my origin, maybe! What's wrong with this world? Could it be that the postnatal life is so fierce?" Zhu Rong fell into contemplation and began to doubt himself.

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