First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2003: Patriarch

When the geese pass by, and the people pass by, how can such a strong man not leave his own worries in the long history of the great wilderness?

Even if the heart is unwilling, there are all kinds of aggrieved, but in this wild world, what can he do?

No way!

The strength is not as good as that of human beings, so he can only bear it abruptly.

Regarding the Bo Duo tribe, some people believe that, but some people sneer at it, thinking that there is no such strong person in the world.

Strong enough to be called the most powerful, do not even have the courage to look up? Don't be joking, is it good? Even the Taikoo Great Sage Zhurong and Gonggong couldn't reach this level.


Yuyi tribe

Gaoli Clan

A raging bonfire rushed into the sky, and an unknown monster was placed on the bonfire. The golden oil kept dripping and splashing, causing the bonfire on the ground to explode.

The seven or eight men, old or young, were sitting around the bonfire. At this time, everyone was sitting in a circle around the bonfire. Although the bonfire was raging and the barbecue smell pervaded the radius, the seven or eight people had no appetite, and all of them were sad. Sitting in front of the fire.


A piece of tortoise shell cracked in the fire, but he saw a gray beard and thin body, as if the old man with a hideous ghost bowed his head and gnawed his teeth at the broken tortoise shell, his eyes were muddy, flashing golden light from time to time.

for a long time

One couldn't help asking, "How about bone grinding and sacrifice?"

"Ferocious! Great omen!" The old man grinned, and took a breath-looking at the monks: "Since the old man took over my Gaoli clan, he has never encountered such a fierce trigram."

As soon as this statement came out, Cheng suddenly became serious, and everyone had no doubt as to whether the words of the bone elders were true.

In this great wilderness, the sacrificial ritual is the most capable person of a tribe.

It can communicate with ghosts and gods at the top, and demons can be brought down at the bottom. It inherits the culture of the clan and shoulders the important task of tribal inheritance. He is the elite and wise man among the people.

"Could it be that what the Bo Duo tribe said is true?" The patriarch of the Gaoli clan couldn't help but to turn his mouth. The tattoos and lines on his face wrinkled with his brows, making him extremely hideous.

"Don't be unguarded!" Sitting in front of the fire, the elder Mogu looked at the tortoise shell in his hand, and sighed after a long time: "My Gaoli clan has never suffered such a calamity since it was passed down from the ancient times. I can't make it to Gaoli?"

"Old ancestor, let's move, avoid this place for the time being, I don't know what the good fortune is?" An old man said at this time: "The Bo Duo clan said that the man just took something from the lake, and then turned and left. We are backed by the Fragrant Cold Spring. If there is a catastrophe, it must be related to the Fragrant Cold Spring. ≥ It is said that the Fragrant Cold Spring was the place where the ancient Golden Crow fell, and the person's envoy of the Sun God Fire may be related to the Golden Crow family."


Elder Bone Moment quickly put his finger on his lips, made a silent gesture, and then whispered: "Carefully say that d races are taboos. The taboos of the gods and d races have reached an incredible realm. His magical powers can be resurrected and returned by following the cause and effect in the dark."

Speaking of this, the Bone Grinding Elder slowly got up, threw the tortoise shell into the fire, and rolled up the monstrous flames: "Why don't I ask the ancestor **** for some advice?"

"Go with it! This time it's a matter of life and death for my tribe, but it must not be underestimated!" The patriarch slowly stood up and helped the old man to the ancestral temple.

The ancestral temple of the Gaoli clan is an ancient stone house. The stone house is covered with branches and vines. Behind the stone house is a tree that is as high as one hundred meters. The big tree is shining with the brilliance of the gods.

A group of people entered the stone house. The equipment in the stone house was rudimentary. There was only a table for the table. The table was placed on the table. In front of the table was a cauldron with incense.

There are straw mats under the cauldron for people to bow down.

The bone-sharing sacrificial priest knelt down under the tablet, praying continuously, and all the weird tones rose into the sky.

After a long time, I saw the tablet trembling slightly, and the old priest slowly opened his eyes, and a touch of sadness appeared in his eyes: "The ancestor said, the other party is not good, and he is responsible for great cause and effect. It is not my Gaoli family. If you can afford it, I'm afraid this Fragrant Cold Spring is not guaranteed."


All the elders and patriarchs were all pale.

"This is the will of the ancestor god, no one can change it without authorization!" The old priest slowly stood up and sighed, "Move!"

Give an order


Even though the young and old in the clan were unwilling, they had to move out overnight.

I don't know when there was an extra figure in the void, wearing a golden robe, and his whole body was shining with divine light, slowly pacing to the sky above Xiang Lengquan.

"It's here, I can feel that the origin of the Golden Crow lies under this!" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a hint of thought: "The Jiuli people are lucky, no wonder they can counterattack Shenzhou. It turned out to be secretly stealing the aura of the nine Golden Crows."

Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of weirdness, and the next moment the raging sun was rolled up, the whole lake was lit, and the raging sun was spread unscrupulously, burning half of the sky red.

"Sure enough, he is alive again. The scourge has turned back in time and space once again!" The ancestor **** of the Gaoli clan trembled, his eyes were full of fear, and the leaves around his body kept falling.

"There is still an innate sacred tree that has survived so far. I am afraid that it has not been destroyed for hundreds of millions of years. It is really rare!" The Sun Law Body seemed to perceive the fear of the ancestor god, and a strange color appeared in his eyes: "You Afraid of me?"

"Worship to the Emperor of Heaven!" The ancestors twisted and turned into a humanoid demon tree, paying respectful salute to the sun **** body.

Zhang Bairen didn't comment on hearing the words. A golden crow flew out from behind and rushed into the fragrant cold spring. In an instant, a radius of a hundred li turned into a magma country.

"It's been a long time since I saw the plants back then" Zhang Bairen turned around, staring at the sacred tree in front of him with a pair of eyes, showing a touch of emotion.

After hundreds of millions of years of gestation, even if a pig should be enlightened, the ancestor **** in front of him still hasn't emerged.

Feeling Zhang Bairen's gaze, the ancestor **** was trembling. Zhang Bairen stretched out his finger to tear off a leaf from the branch of the sacred tree. The painful ancestor **** grinned, but he did not dare to say more.

"The breath of hometown!" Zhang Bairen sighed.

not far away

Two figures are pulling

The bone-moulding sacrifice was pulling the patriarch of the Gaoli tribe, and the two continued to argue in the dark. They only listened to the bone-moulding sacrifice and lowered their voice: "Why are you here?"

"I'm just unwilling. What kind of expert is it that forced my Gaoli clan to regress!" The patriarch's eyes were full of resentment.

"Xiang Lengquan was originally not what I was waiting for. My Gaoli clan has stolen this place for hundreds of millions of years. Why are you still not satisfied?" The Bone Sacrifice smiled bitterly.

When the two of them argued for a while, Zhang Bairen put the leaves in his mouth and chewed them carefully. At this time, a golden crow flew out from the fragrant cold spring and was taken into the soul by Zhang Bairen. The fire was extinguished in an instant, and the yin and sun in the whole body were reversed. , Exuding a different kind of brilliance, the destroyed vitality and land were reorganized again.


Glancing at the patriarch of the Gaoli clan, Zhang Bairen's eyes flickered with sparks, and only heard a scream from the patriarch, the deadly yang divine fire erupted in his body, igniting it in an instant, rolling all over the floor.

The Gaoli clan shook at this time, and countless elders and monks flew out, staring at the sun law body with sullen expression on their faces.

"My lord, forgive me!" The old priest was so anxious that his body was trembling constantly, and he knelt down with a thump and kowtow to Zhang Bairen for mercy.



His words were too late, and the patriarch had turned into ashes.


The Gaoli tribe glared at Zhang Bairen, each with a sullen expression, and their eyes splitting, but they dare not speak.

"I know you are unwilling to wait, but what about it?" The Sun Dharma body swept across Cheng Qunxiong: "My husband can change his name or his surname, Zhang Bairen, the enchantment of Kyushu will be broken in the future, you can come to Zhongzhou to seek my revenge. "

"Okay! Your excellency is good! But it's deceiving me that the immortal strong of the Jiuli clan is not in the clan, otherwise, how can you let you be presumptuous?" The old priest smiled angrily: "When the immortal strong of the Jiuli clan returns, you must pay the price. "

"Are the strong Jiuli?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the The strong Jiuli were not there, where did they go?

Seeing Zhang Bairen's expression, the old priest knew that he had failed, but he stopped talking.

Zhang Bairen took a meaningful look at the old sacrificial priest, and the light of the law flowed in his eyes: "Do I know what's in it? The powerhouses of the Jiuli clan are afraid to gather in reincarnation. Isn't it true that they are conspiring together?"

"How do you know?" The old priest was shocked.

"I want to know, it's as simple as that!" After the words fell, Zhang Bairen pulled out one side of the ancestral god, and then stuffed it into his sleeve: "The breath of antiquity, it is rare to evoke a little memory of me, and it just fits into this palace. Place it."

The ancestors did not dare to struggle, and could only frankly shrank into Zhang Bairen's hands.

"Remember, if there is any dissatisfaction, on the day when the Kyushu barrier is broken, please come and find my revenge!" Zhang Bairen turned lightly and left, leaving behind the powerful Jiuli clan.

"How could Lord Tiandi put that group of ants in his eyes? Give him a chance for revenge?" Xu said with a little doubt at this time.

"Haha, you don't know. The four buildings of Zhuxian have the blood of the strong, and their power will only become bigger and bigger!" The Sun Law Body smiled and said, "Moreover, the great changes in Kyushu will not be far in the future. To be too weak, how do I face the attack of Taiyin and Yi? I have sensed the aura of those Xing rats, hiding in the dark and preparing to give me a fatal blow, how can I make the same mistake a second time? "

The Sun Law Body swayed and patted his head after a while: "Weird! Weird! I am the Emperor of Heaven? I am Zhang Bairen? Who am I? I am not me, but I am me again. I can't figure it out. There is no way to solve it!"

The Gaoli tribe was crying, the patriarch died, the ancestor **** was plundered, and the whole tribe was in sorrow.

"Open the passage of reincarnation, please return to the ancestors!" The Bone Moment priest gritted his teeth.

ps: Repay the leader more.

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