First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2010: Sword Breaker

Looking at the blood cloud in the sky, the Heavenly Punishment that was shaking and rolling in, Zhang Bairen felt that something was wrong with the more he looked at it. Why did the punishment seem to be against him this day?

"Swish!" Zhang Bairen's figure was twisted, and he strode 30 miles in one step, but he saw that the thunder followed like a shadow, closely following Zhang Bairen's blow.


The blood-red thunder poured into Zhang Bairen's body, and then Zhang Bairen's physical body turned into gray ash in an instant. There was only one petal exuding chaotic colors, flowing chaotic and hazy air currents, slowly floating in the void.

The petals representing the blood-red thunder are blooming brightly at this time, the endless prosperous way, the countless colors, at this time one after another circulates and shoots in the void.

The blood-red thunder was overwhelming, and the endless emptiness continued, like the nine-day Milky Way hanging upside down, continuously poured into Zhang Bairen's body and became the nourishment of the Dadao Flower.

The avenue flower blooms, representing the petals of **** thunder, which are blooming shiningly at this time.

"Hahaha, Zhang Bairen, you actually violated the number of days and opened up the pure land of birth in the Yinsi without authorization. Even if God will not forgive you, you will have to pay a heavy price!" The King of Wheels laughed: "This Yinsi was developed by the gods. Yes, but it is also a part of heaven and earth. It has been recognized by the great world, and has become a part of the transformation of life and death in the great world. If you go to war in samsara without authorization and reverse the yin and yang life and death, you are offending the heaven and no one can save. you!"

At this moment

Looking at the Ten Mile Void surrounded by Heaven's Punishment, all the heroes in the field were discolored, and the faces of all the human Taoists also changed wildly, and there was a touch of anxiety in their eyes, but they did not dare to interfere with the power of Heavenly Punishment.

"Reversal of the cycle of life and death? Nonsense!" Zhang Bairen Yang Shen stood in the Huanyang Flower, the Huanyang Flower exudes a colorful mask, which firmly holds it. Even if the outside world is rolling in and covering the sky and the sun is shaking the world, it can't shake it.

Zhang Bairen knew that it must be that scroll of handwriting that had tampered with the secret!

This fortune will inevitably be a disruptive force at some point in the future.

Heaven's punishment is Heaven's punishment. Even if Zhang Bairen has a part of the power of Heaven's Punishment, he can still only dodge and evade in the face of the true power of heaven and earth in the void.

The majesty of the sky is rolling, and it is by no means human can resist.

The avenue flower that represents Heaven's Punishment is rapidly solidifying and growing, and the endless perfusion of Heaven's Punishment has given Zhang Bairen a chance to peek into the Law of Heaven's Punishment.

The Golden Crow was crying and willing to help Zhang Bairen, but he did not dare to get within three feet of Zhang Bairen's body.


Dao Qi in the sky is unstable. Although the powerful people of the Yin Cao Difu have deliberately driven Zhang Bairen into a place where he can never recover, the punishment has become Zhang Bairen's protective umbrella.

Under the punishment, no external interference is allowed!

Any external force that dared to interfere will provoke Heaven's Punishment to kill!

Tianwei cannot be desecrated!

"This matter has a lot to do with it, I'm afraid it can't be done well. Heaven and Earth must erase me!" Zhang Bairen looked at the perfection of Heaven's Punishment petals, with a touch of ugliness in his eyes.

Just like a murderer, the police have to catch him even though he has gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties. If Zhang Bairen makes a mistake, he will definitely be bombarded and killed by the world.

The general trend of heaven and earth flows, and everything is definite. If there is an abnormal number to tamper with the secret of heaven, it will inevitably be set out by the general trend of heaven, and it will become ashes.

From the moment that handwritten script appeared, Zhang Bairen had known that he had become an anomaly between heaven and earth, and he would inevitably be bombarded and killed by heaven and become scum.

"Fortunately, my knowledge of the law of cause and effect is not superficial, and the law of time and space and the law of destiny are involved. The Four Swords of Zhuxian are specifically designed to deal with the killing and robbery between heaven and earth, and the law of killing and robbery was born!"

The sun, moon and stars gathered in his hands, and the mountains, birds, beasts, insects and fish, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and endless crowds of monsters and beasts, all turned into shadows and evolved around him, twisting and forming a weird long sword.

There are infinite worlds in the sword light, and all living beings in the vast world seem to be in that long sword, flowing with immortal power, and you can see countless creatures in the vast world at a glance. As long as you think in your heart, you can all be in that sword. see.

That is the sword of the world!

It is also called the Sword of Destiny, which represents the condensed and condensed sword of the lives of all the heavens.


Zhang Bairenyang God holds a long sword in his hand, and the magnificent sword light is like flying into the sky, cutting out endless shadows and entering the long river of destiny.

In the long river of fate, a wave was rolled up, then the sword broke, and the punishment was dispersed!

With this sword, he was not aiming at Heaven's Punishment, but at his own fate.

He is best at reversing the heavens and tampering with the universe. There are countless powers overlapping in the world of endless beings, turning into a long river of fate, containing the cause and effect of countless beings, forming all kinds of interweaving changes.

"Interesting! Interesting!" Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the jade belt around his waist, his eyes looked far away, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "The wind is calm!"

It is indeed calm!

Opening his hands, looking at the white, jade-free palms, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a thoughtful look:

"I didn't have a fate, but now I reverse the number of days and cover up my energy, so I can easily avoid the punishment!"

"Zhang Bairen, you are digging your own grave. Do you think that by covering up your own vitality, you can deceive God's punishment? As long as you and I etc. act to reveal your vitality, then you will be disciplined to die without a burial place!" The wheel king laughed, his stomach hurts a little, and he kept on laughing, "Just because you want to plot my custody? But you have pitted yourself!"

At this moment, the expressions of all the mighties in the field changed wildly, and Lu Jingxiu looked at Zhang Heng hesitantly: "Ancestor, won't you?"

Zhang Heng took a deep breath, his fingers twitched unconsciously, and smiled bitterly, "As you think!"

"Doesn't that mean that in the future, the general governor will be working with others, but he cannot reveal his own qi, otherwise he will be found at the door by Heaven Punishment, and if the opponent kills him, Heaven Punishment will kill him?" Lu Jingxiu His complexion changed wildly.

Can't reveal his own energy, that is to say, Zhang Bairen can't use all his strength to fight with others. If he can't use all his strength, it is tantamount to abandoning martial arts. Doesn't it mean that Zhang Bairen is castrated by more than 30% of his strength?

How to suppress all demon gods? How to impeach this turbulent human continent?

This is definitely not a good thing for Human Race.

Zhang Bairen walked through the void with his hands on his back, with the sky full of sun on his head, and looked sideways at the Lord of the Wheel: "If you are not convinced, just shoot me."


The king of runners cannot match the power of the Golden Crow!

The two hundred thousand warriors below were constantly sweeping the ghosts in the Yin Cao Di Mansion, and Zhang Bairen did not turn his head back in the direction he had come from.

Under the Golden Crow, there is the blessing of the big day will, who dares to offend?

"After three months, this place really reincarnated from death. Let's meet at first sight!" Zhang Bairen stepped out of the two-way passage, leaving the chaotic Yinsi battlefield constantly fighting.

The Great Thousand World was silent. Looking at the passage behind the Golden Crow, the King of Wheels clenched his fists, his complexion was red and purple, after all, he turned helplessly to the Yinshan battlefield.

The earth-shattering roar, shaking thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, I don't know how many lonely souls and wild ghosts were shaken to death, constantly venting the anger in the heart of the runner.

If you can't crush the sun, you can't kill the Golden Crow. If you can't kill the Golden Crow, you can't destroy the two-world channel guarded by the Golden Crow.

"Now that Zhang Bairen has blocked his qi machine and covered up all his days, his strength is greatly reduced, and he dare not try his best! If he is asked to open the two-world channel again, it is a wishful thinking!" Qin Guangwang wore a black diadem emperor's suit, all over his body It seems to be melted in the darkness, never to be detached from it, with a darkness that will sink people.

"What do you mean?" King Chu Jiang paused.

"As long as we can destroy the passages of the two realms, the Golden Crow will definitely lose the blessings of the great sun of the great world. It shouldn't be feared at that time!" Qin Guang said.

"The key is that no one can defeat the Golden Crow blessed by the will of the sun! You must know that if you want to destroy the two-world passage, you must first defeat the Golden Crow guarding the passage." King Chu Jiang shook his head.

"Hehe, Golden Crow can only guard one end and the other end..." A weird smile appeared in King Qin Guang's eyes.

"Bairen, you..." Zhang Heng looked at Zhang Bairen who came forward, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

It was obvious that Zhang Bairen was standing there, but he seemed to have completely disappeared from the heavens and the earth.

"Otherwise, you should summon the Golden Crow back. The Terran has one more place to live, it may not be so good, but if you lose your peak combat power and the Terran lacks a master of suppression, it will be truly devastating. Disaster" Lu Jingxiu hesitated.

Zhang Bairen shook his head. If God's punishment hadn't come, it would have been good for him to stand up or never called his heart.

But now a piece of handwritten paper actually provokes the punishment, what does this show?

This shows that fortune is related to the general trend of heaven and earth, and history is very likely to be rewritten in the future. This is a major event related to the future. Even if it is hardened, it must be established against heaven and punishment.

What did my past self see? Even if you don't hesitate to shock God, you want to make yourself do it?

Zhang Bairen puzzled!

"Since you want to open up a fortune dynasty, there should be my Yangshi people in the Yin Division. I don't know where these people come from?" Yin Gui looked at Zhang Bairen with scorching eyes.

"It's okay for tens of millions of sentient beings in Zhuo County to allocate a million to Yin Cao and become the pioneer of my human race!" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly.

"Although there is the Golden Crow suppression among the Yin Cao and there are 200,000 elite guards, but as the saying goes,'I have a priority in hearing the Dao, and a specialization in the surgery.' I am the best at catching ghosts. My Dao is willing to help you and help you stabilize the Yin Cao. The order of the kingdom, you don't want to thank me!" Bai Yun got out of nowhere at this moment.

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