First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2017: Li Zhi and Wu Cairen

"Qinling?" When all the gods heard the words, their eyes moved together, and they looked at the map not far away, showing the color of thinking in their eyes, deducing the feasibility of Chi You's words.

"Silkworm and Yufu, how lost is the founding of the country? You are forty-eight thousand years old, and you don't live with Qin Sai." Zhang Bairen held the jade cup, the crystal clear wine was constantly flowing, and the fragrance of the wine drifted ten miles.

"The fire monster is about to be born!" But when the ancestor Shaoyang came to Zhang Bairen's back, his eyes were full of weirdness: "You have mastered the water monster and the earth monster, you can naturally restrain the fire monster. If you can surrender the fire monster, the rest The golden monsters and wood monsters you download are just what you have in your bag. Fire can conquer gold and wood. Once the five major monsters gather, the world is vast, but you can get it. Since the ancient times, even though With such a power as Empress Nuwa, although she has the ability to suppress Warcraft, she can't subdue Warcraft. You are blessed and the first person in ancient and modern times."

"Really?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback when he heard the words, and then stuffed the wine glass into his sleeve. After a long time, he looked surprised and said: "It's also interesting."

"The ancestor knew where the Fire Monster was born?" Zhang Bairen looked sideways at the Earth Monster.

"The Western Sunset Land" said Shaoyang ancestor with a smile.

Chang'an City

Ouchi Palace

Li Shimin discussed with the demon gods how to use the Qinling dragon veins to suppress Zhang Bairen. Wu Shi stood in the pavilion waterside not far away, gently twisting a dry branch with his fingers, and a touch of emotion appeared in his eyes.

It's been a while since I came to the Ouchi Imperial Palace, but the life of the Imperial Palace is different from what I imagined, it's a world of difference.

Under the suppression of the Dragon Qi of the emperor, his cultivation base progressed slowly, almost nothing. Moreover, Li Shimin just brought it by his side for cultivation all day, and then he had no more contact with it, and even used it as a dispensable tool, without even a word all day.

She wanted to use Li Shimin to get rid of her black hands behind the scenes. Not only did she fail to achieve her goal, she trapped herself in the Oney Palace and became a palace canary, a bird in a cage.

No freedom!

"Shaohua is easy to pass away, and beauty is easy to grow old!" Wu Shi sighed softly, with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

"Meet your Royal Highness!"

The voice of the guard came from a distance, awakening Wu Clan from self-dominant resentment, and a pair of wonderful eyes looked into the distance.

Prince Li Zhi, dressed in a yellow dragon robe, was full of refined and gentle aura, which made people feel warm.

Warm man? Perhaps it is someone like him!

It makes you unknowingly invaded your heart by that warm and soft breath, and moisturizes the cold sea of ​​mind in the cold winter.

Wenrun is like jade, he seems to have a magical power, a magical power that people can't help being close to, without princes and grandchildren, and he looks humble and polite to everyone in the palace.

"Prince, your majesty is discussing matters, if you have something, go to the side hall and wait!" The servant blocked Li Zhi's way and respectfully saluted Li Zhi.

"I don't know when the father will come out?" Li Zhi smiled.

Inner servant: "How can the servants and maids presumptuously infer these important affairs of the court? It is better for the prince to go to the side hall and wait."

Li Zhi nodded when he heard the words, turned and walked into the side hall, looking at the empty hall, but inadvertently saw a familiar figure not far away from the zinc.

The gentle surging, unprecedented impact caused Li Zhi's heart to suddenly move, and a fire surged into his heart.

"Wait and wait on the side," Li Zhi said to the guard behind him, and then pretended to walk towards Zinc without knowing it. When he turned the corner, he pretended to be surprised, his face was full of surprise: "It's you?"

The woman from the Wu family was looking at Li Zhi and Li Zhi's childish acting. She felt funny in her heart, but she didn't change her face, and hurriedly said: "The Wu Cai has seen His Royal Highness!"

Li Zhi's acting skills are immature, and her acting skills of Miss Wu Jia are by no means comparable to Li Zhi.

At least, Li Zhi did not see that the surprise in the eyes of the Wu family woman was false!

"The talent is quick to exempt the gift, why do you need to be polite between you and me!" Li Zhi saw Wu Cai's salute, and hurriedly stepped forward to support Wu Cai's arms, feeling the soft and moist hands, and the fragrance blowing on his face, watching With the clear black eyes of the Wu family girl, she quickly released her palms, and said in a panic, "Wu Cai people don't want to be more polite * more polite!"

The woman from the Wu family smiled slightly and looked at Li Zhi who was as immature as her first brother. She felt amused in her heart. She couldn't help covering her lips, looking at Li Zhi with big eyes, and then said: "His Royal Highness also comes here to see your Majesty?"

"Yes. Yesterday, my father wanted to test my homework, so he took the initiative to come today." Li Zhi tried to maintain his emotions, but his eyes were involuntarily stuck to Wu's body. It seemed that Wu's body had a strong magnetic force. , So sticky that he couldn't move his eyes.

Wu Shi secretly smiled, of course she knew what the man's fiery eyes meant?

No woman doesn't like other men like themselves] Makes herself a generational difference from Li Zhi, and she is Li Zhi's nominal "mother level".

"Why is Cairen here?" Li Zhi's eyes collided with Wu Cairen, and he quickly retracted his gaze. I don't know what happened. Since the last time I met Wu Cairen, his heart seemed to be stuck. All the mind fell on her.

At this time, the woman of the Wu family was puzzled and muttered secretly. Since entering the palace, she has not been able to touch a man. Any man who touches herself will be turned into ashes. Why does Li Zhi have nothing to do?

In order to obtain the Wu clan, Li Shimin spent a lot of time finding all kinds of men. Unfortunately, as long as a man touched the Wu clan's scissors, he would be burned into ashes by the sun god. Li Shimin is no exception!

It's not surprising that Li Zhi was the only man who met her but was not burned by the sun's fire.

"Since entering the palace, the slave family has been taken by the emperor, staying day and night!" Wu Cairen was smiling bitterly.

Li Zhi's face turned dark when he heard the words, and the woman in front of him was ultimately his father's woman. As long as he thought of his father working on this bright and windy woman day and night, Li Zhi's heart was like a knife twisted, and he was sad to vomit blood.

What kind of character is Wu Clan? Seeing Li Zhi's complexion, he knew what he was thinking, and for some reason he blurted out:

"The prince don't have to think about it. Your Majesty took me by my side, just practicing! My body is not close to a man. As long as a man meets me, he will turn into gray. The prince is the first person to touch the body of a slave. Yeah!"

After saying this, Wu Clan couldn't help but flushed, and suddenly turned around and looked at the distant scenery, as if he had a rabbit in his heart, Peng Peng kept jumping.

"Li Shimin will get old sooner or later. As the prince, the prince will ascend to the throne sooner or later, and he will have to plan for his own funeral earlier!" Wu Cairen's thoughts kept turning.

The shy style was what made Li Zhi stunned. After a long time, he suddenly recovered, but he didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere in the water pavilion was embarrassing for a while.

After a long time

Clan Wu broke a dry plant and looked at Li Zhi sideways, with doubts in his eyes: "Prince practicing martial arts?"

"I have been in poor health since I was a child, and I have not yet practiced in the realm of easy muscles!" Li Zhi's face was full of shame: "I don't know how many geniuses have eaten, and my ancestor's old face has been lost. "

Wu Clan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then chuckled lightly: "His Royal Highness, please see."

The winter plum blossoms, and the dry winter plum blossoms with a strange fragrance, and light yellow petals bloom gently.

"This is a good cultivation base!" Li Zhi was stunned.

"How about the prince's martial arts accomplishment, why not follow the slaves and maidservants?" Wu Cairen said with a smile.

"Heavenly blood, with the emperor's Dragon Qi in his body, but he can't cultivate Xin Gong!" Li Zhi was about to agree happily when he heard the words, but his face went dark.

The woman from the Wu family looked at Li Zhi sideways, and couldn't help but roll her eyes. She just wanted to give him an excuse to get along with herself, so why couldn't this wood understand? Grab it?

"There are countless people in this world, and there may not be no methods that can't blind the emperor's dragon spirit. If you go to the emperor, maybe there will be a turning point." The woman from the Wu family turned and left, leaving Li Zhi looking at the woman from the Wu family. The back was speechless for a long After a long time, hearing a rush of footsteps sounded, the intoxicated Li Zhi was awakened by the servant: "Prince Prince, please come over!"

Li Zhi just woke up from a dream, and quickly walked with the servant.

Go to study

The demon gods have dispersed

When Li Zhi walked into the study room, he saw Li Shimin sitting in front of the desk and observing the map, as well as a woman from the martial arts family who was expressionless like a woodcarving, standing quietly behind Li Shimin, as if he had never seen Li Zhi walk in. Stand there with eyes closed.

"My child has seen my father" Li Zhi respectfully saluted.

"Get up, when has Xing been so polite!" Li Shimin cursed with a smile without looking up, "How was your schoolwork yesterday?"

"Father, please test," Li Zhi said slowly with confidence.

Li Shimin finally raised his head, looking at the confident Li Zhi with a pair of eyes, and then continued to lower his head and said: "No matter, you are so confident, you think you have done enough homework, what is the point of taking the test or not?"

"I will not test the Four Books and Five Classics today, I want to test your current affairs!" Li Shimin rolled up the map on the case, "How do you think of Zhuojun?"

The atmosphere in the study room was stagnant, and the Wu family woman's eyes showed a glint, and then slowly closed her eyes, but her ears stood up silently.

Li Zhi heard the words silently, and after a while he said, "Is Li Tang's heart trouble?"

"How to deal with it?" Li Shimin said.

"If you can use the power of thunder, it's the best!" Li Zhi said.

"If not?" Li Shimin said.

"The general governor of the mortal fetus will eventually die of old age, and the future generations will naturally be able to solve the crisis today" Li Zhidao.

Li Shimin nodded when he heard the words: "That's a good idea, but it's a pity that the demon has gained immortality, the magic of longevity, who knows how many years he can live!"

ps: The master of supplementary alliance.


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