First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2019: Stubborn little monk

To protect the flesh and the heart, the heart should be the top priority!

The woman of the Wu family has her own little abacus, making a crackling sound, and of course she has her own calculation.

Extreme West

Land of sunset

The yellow sand on the horizon blew gently and hit Zhang Bairen's white jade face. With slight pain, Zhang Bairen stepped on the yellow sand, leaving a line of footprints in the wind.

The extreme west is just the extreme west of the Middle-earth China!

To the west of Dunhuang Western Region is an endless desert. I don't know the edge of the desert. Even the real Yang Shen has never checked the border of this desert.

Slowly in the yellow sand, Zhang Bairen stood still: "What a desert! What a monk!"

In this vast and uninhabited area, Zhang Bairen saw a familiar figure, and Wa Liang's bald head reflected golden yellow luster under the scorching sun.

The King Kong circulates, and the young King Kong monk sits in the yellow sand to enlighten the Tao, the whole popularity has been reduced, as if he is a dead person.

But Zhang Bairen knew that the young monk King Kong was not dead, he just fell into the realm of the living dead in Buddhism!

In the whole body of the young monk King Kong, the gravel has melted at an unknown time, and a strange flame is rolled up, burning his true body.

King Kong!

The Diamond Sutra was wandering around the young monk, and the flame was not earth fire, let alone sky fire, nor karma fire. It was an unnamed flame, burning the body of the young monk from inch to inch.

"What a King Kong! If you continue like this, I'm afraid the immortal realm is not far away from you! You actually came to the top, a step ahead of your seat!" Zhang Bairen showed surprise in his eyes and stood not far from the young monk of King Kong.

The earth beast came out of the condensed soil, circled around the young monk Jingang, turned to Zhang Bairen and said: "Boy, the place where the fire beast is sealed is here. The flame is the origin of the fire of the fire beast. Little bald can not be refined in the breath of the fire monster, but he has some ability."

Earth monsters control the earth, and everything in the depths of the earth can't be hidden from it. The five monsters are old friends and naturally know each other.

Zhang Bairen saw that the little King Kong monk was surrounded by flames, but in the eyes of the earth beasts, it was just a breath of the fire beasts, which was a thousand miles away from the flames.

It's like a person can cook a fire, but dare not touch the flame.

"Fire Monster has a violent temper. Once it is born, it will inevitably make a big fight, and want to break the Divine Enchantment and return to the Great Wilderness. If you want to subdue the Fire Monster, you need to use thunder means!" The Earth Monster's eyes turned, showing a funny color.

"Also please ancestors teach me." Zhang Bairen is a very humble person, and he will never be aggressive if he doesn't understand.

"The fire monster is born, that is, there is no space in the palm as a constraint, and no earth veins for suppression. It is even more difficult to conquer it! If you fight alone, even if you kid can defeat the fire monster, but if you suppress and subdue it , But it's a wishful thinking, it's just fantastic!" The World of Warcraft said casually.

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, why didn't he not know what the fire monster said was reasonable?

"I wonder if the ancestors have enlightened me?" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"If you don’t have a universe map, it’s hard to talk about it. Now that you have a universe map in your hand, and you have subdued the water monster, this matter is simple! Since ancient times, fire and water have been incompatible with each other. The governor only needs to hang the map of the universe ten miles away, and then send the water monsters to provoke. With the fierce temper of the fire monsters, how can he stand the challenge of the water monsters? At that time, he will surely become the turtle in the urn! As long as he subdues the fire monsters, whether gold or wood World of Warcraft, for the governor, is nothing short of nothing."

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words, walked out a figure from behind, dragged the map of the universe towards the distance, to ten miles to the west, but saw that figure flicked, and the map of universe opened in the wind in an instant, covering the ten thousand li of void in front of him. The space and the void merge into one, as if the universe picture never existed.

"The governor is waiting here. I will stop at Yumenguan, lest the fire monsters rush into the middle earth!" The earth monsters squeaked into the dust and disappeared before their eyes.

"Slap" Zhang Bairen's gravel condensed and turned into stones and hit the back of the head of the young monk King Kong.


The stone burst and turned into dust, but the young monk King Kong opened his eyes angrily: "Who dares to disturb the Buddha's practice?"

At this time, the little monk rushed into the sky with anger, and the flames in his eyes flowed.

"The little monk is so tempered" Zhang Bairen held his hands and looked at the young monk King Kong with a smile.

"It turned out to be the chief governor!" Seeing Zhang Bairen, who was wearing a purple shirt and a warm complexion, the little monk instantly reduced his anger and turned into a shy smile: "I have seen the chief governor."

"You monk is really dead. Fortunately, you met me. Otherwise, I'm afraid that I will end up in ashes later!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of divine light.

"Huh?" The little monk touched his head: "I don't know where to start? How come the chief governor has time to come to this place where lifeless birds don't shit?" The young monk King Kong looked at Zhang Bairen in surprise.

Zhang Bairen smiled upon hearing the words: "You will find out later, but before that, if I were you, I would leave that place quickly."

Zhang Bairen pointed under the little monk.

Although the little monk didn't know why, he wasn't a fool either. He stood up like a fire and rushed to Zhang Bairen's side: "How do you say? Could there be a big battle here?"

"How do you know?" Zhang Bairen gave the little monk a surprised look.

"The place where the chief governor is, has never stopped!" The little monk looked at Zhang Bairen seriously.

Hearing the words, Zhang Bairen touched the head of the little monk, as if it were made of gold, with a hint of warmth, which was quite comfortable.

"You should thank me for saving your life. Otherwise, if you have the indestructible body and the immortal body, you will eventually become the ration of the fire monster!" Zhang Bairen grabbed the yellow sand under his feet. In constant speculation, a breeze blew by, and the yellow sand slipped away from his fingertips.

"Fire Warcraft? Isn't that a legendary thing?" King Kong was taken aback when he heard the words.

Zhang Bairen clapped his hands and turned to look at the young monk King Kong: "If I were you, I would see the opportunity early and leave this place as soon as possible, so as not to be affected by the power of the fire monster later. If you die, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

Zhang Bairen's fingertips the light of good fortune flowing, and the light of the law of good fortune bursts into the depths of the earth.

"What are you going to do?" Watching Zhang Bairen's movements, the young monk King Kong suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Originally, if it were calculated according to common sense, it would be difficult for the fire monster to get out of the seal without three or five months! But I can't wait for three or five months. I can't wait any longer!" Zhang Bairen's law of light flowed around and displayed The Seal Art of Empress Nuwa constantly disintegrated the seal below.

In an instant

The blazing flames were rolled up in the yellow sand out of thin air, and the little monk cried and called his mother. His voice was full of horror: "The governor, are you crazy? Do you want to destroy the world? Want revenge on the world?"

The little monk was straddling in the yellow sand, Zhang Bairen's body was spotless, and the moment all the flames approached his skin, he had been absorbed by his world body.

"General Governor, although I admire you and admire you, I will never sit back and watch you release the fire and beasts to destroy the world!" The young monk King Kong grinned at Zhang Bairen: "If you are willing to stop now and re-seal the fire World of Warcraft, the little monk won't say more, otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Zhang Bairen looked at the little monk sideways.

"The young monk can only give up this golden body, and learn some of the great tricks of the general governor!" The young monk Jingang's eyes are full of determination, and he said with a bitter heart: "The general governor, what are you dissatisfied with Dao Sect and Li Tang Dynasty? The matter can be moved out to make it clear, why should you release the Fire Beast and choose such a method of dying."

Hearing this, Zhang Bairen didn't comment, turned his head and continued to break the seal of Empress Nuwa.

Deep in the earth

Fire Monster seemed to have noticed the loosening of the seal, exuding bursts of earth-shaking roars, constantly hitting the seal around the body, and shocked that the yellow sand in a radius of fifty miles continued to ripple with layers of "water waves".

"General Governor, if you continue to be stubborn, the little monk can only be rude!" The little monk King Kong looked at Zhang Bairen's back, gritted his teeth, took out a vajra pestle from his arms, and rushed towards Zhang Bairen. Call back.

The void collapsed, and the void layers shattered.

Broken Void!

Who could have imagined that the little monk was like a seven or eight-year-old boy, containing the power of broken void.

Moreover, this force is infinitely close to the extreme of the void outside the broken, and has already begun to touch the threshold of the void inside the broken.

"Everyone looks down on you" Zhang Bairen said without looking back, UU reading www. The water monster appeared on Zhang Bairen’s back and turned into an azure blue'elephant' about the size of the little monk of King Kong. He suddenly raised his head and roared at Jiuxiao, shaking the endless desert and layers of ice. Circulation, the speed of the vajra pestle was delayed, frozen by the cold, and a layer of frost hung on the little monk's eyebrows.

A hoof of the water monster flew out and hit the vajra pestle, only to hear the pieces of the void shattered, and then the little vajra monk flew upside down in an instant, rolling up waves in the desert and smashing a big hole.

"The general governor, be merciful! The sea of ​​suffering is endless. If you stop now and suppress the fire monster, everything will be too late!" The young monk King Kong stood up from the dust unscathed, just looking at his house. The water monster before, showed a touch of helplessness in his eyes.

Without a word, Zhang Bairen turned his hands around, then suddenly retracted his palm and pulled out the hosta on the top of his head.

"The governor, if you don't stop, the little monk can only show his housekeeping skills!" The little monk Jingang held the vajra in his hands, his eyes were full of stubbornness: "The great world is prosperous, even if I am a martyr sitting, You will never be allowed to destroy the world."

. m.

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