First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2024: 1 knife on the color head


The sword light stopped abruptly at the neck of the South Sea Dragon King. At this time, the dragon mother looked at the naked body of the South Sea Dragon King with hatred:

"Hehe, killing you with one sword is indeed too cheap for you!"

The gloomy cold in the dragon mother's voice, endless murderous intent, the sword light in her hand tactfully, engulfed in frost in an instant, passed the South China Sea Dragon King's crotch.

With a scream, accompanied by the splash of red blood, the South China Sea Dragon King's crotch flew out, but Zhang Bairen's finger flicked, and a jade box flew out, loading the dragon whip of the South China Sea Dragon King: "Dabu! This is it! Great tonic!"

"Bah! Shameless! Indecent!" Mother Dragon glared at Zhang Bairen, her eyes full of anger.

"Bitch! Bitch! You dare to break my dragon roots, I must ask you to survive and die!" The Nanhai Dragon King was heartbroken at this time, and his scruples had long been thrown out of the clouds, and he kept yelling.

"Haha! Do you think you have a chance to escape from the heavens?" The Dragon Mother Longsword provoked the chin of the Nanhai Dragon King, and the words were full of gloom.

"Dare you! If you dare to kill me, the Sea Clan's secret guardian will just spare you!" The Nanhai Dragon King's eyes were full of fright, and he realized that the murderous intent in the Dragon Mother's eyes was not a fake.

"Hehe, wait until you die." Dragon Mother just smiled coldly, the sword light in her hand flew, but she saw the flesh and blood flying, and she cut thousands of swords in an instant.

"If you kill him in this way, it would be too wasteful. At any rate, you are also a great dragon king of the highest realm. Why don't you take it to boil the soup and improve the vitality and blood of my Zhuojun tribe? This scum can only eat its flesh and sleep. Its skin can solve your hatred!" Zhang Bairen looked sideways at Dragon Mother.

At this time, Mother Long only wore a single coat, and her beautiful figure was undoubtedly revealed.

"Hmph, I'm watching to dig out your eyes!" Mother Dragon glared at Zhang Bairen, but the sword light in her hand returned instantly.

"Hehe, I've slept before, so what's the point of looking at it?" Zhang Bairen smiled and looked at Mother Dragon.


Mother Long cursed, turned around and got into the bed, not wanting to meet Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen took out the jade box and looked at the Dragon King of the South China Sea, only to see that the Dragon King of the South China Sea knew that he could not escape his death. He kept yelling: "Bitch! You pretend to be noble in your daily life. If you dare to collude with the human race and harm my sea king, the ancestor will not let you go..."


The Dragon King of the South China Sea was sealed in the jade box by Zhang Bairen, but Zhang Bairen slowly stood up and looked at the gate of the crystal palace in the distance: "Will the shrimp soldiers and crabs outside be collected together?"

"It's up to you!" Long Mu said angrily.

With a flick of Zhang Bairen's finger, the jade box collected all the shrimps, soldiers and crabs from the outside world, and then fell into Zhang Bairen's sleeve, only to see Zhang Bairen stand up slowly, lifted the curtain, and looked at the graceful dragon veins: "The dragon king of the four seas is only left in the West Sea. Who, how do you want him to die?"

"How to die in pain!" Mother Long's eyes were full of irritation.

Zhang Bairen stepped forward to sit on the bed, pulled Dragon Mother into his arms, and kneaded Dragon Mother's shoulders. The Dragon Mother struggled at the beginning, and soon gave up resistance, closing her eyes and silent.

"I want to get rid of the Dragon King of the West Sea, it is difficult to say that it is easy to say that it is not easy. If I can lure the Dragon King of the West Sea into the bait like this today, and then unexpectedly conceal his unpreparedness, my own cultivation level will be higher than that, I don’t know how much. , Telling that the old dragon king died without a place to be buried!" Zhang Bairen whispered in the ear of the dragon mother: "You might as well send your cronies to pass the message to the Xihai Dragon King... so and so..."

Xihai Dragon Palace

Xihai Dragon King sat upright, drinking with some restlessness. At this moment, he heard only a rush of footsteps, but saw a crab walking hurriedly: "My lord, the maid beside Donghai Dragon Mother is coming anxiously. She said she wanted to report something important, she was waiting outside the door."

"Big matter?" Xihai Dragon King was taken aback, and quickly put down the jade cup in his hand: "Quickly invite her in!"

"The king! The king! The concubine is polite, and I hope that the king will save my mother and daughter!" But she saw a coral girl break into the hall and knelt directly at the feet of the Xihai Dragon King.

"It turned out to be the coral next to my sister-in-law. You hurried to this place in a hurry, what's the point?" Xihai Dragon King said casually.

"My lord, the Dragon King of the East China Sea wanted to behave against my mother, and he dropped the Yuhuchun in my mother's pot..." Coral was crying, trembling with emotion.

It is sad to smell, but sad to see!

"What!" The Xihai Dragon King suddenly shot the case, smashing the thousand-year-old sea city wood: "Is this serious?"

"How dare the villain make a joke on such major events? If the king does not go again, I am afraid that my mistress will be murdered!" Shanhu cried.


The sea exploded, and the dragon king of Xihai was gone before the coral was finished.

He has regarded the Dragon Mother of the East Sea as something in his pocket. And still such a despicable method?

Donghai Dragon Palace

The Xihai Dragon King rushed straight into the Dragon Mother's bedroom, looking at the disappearing maid, and the crying and pleading lingering in his ears, along with the lingering breathing, the lungs of the Xihai Dragon King were about to explode.

"Second brother, do you dare to be disrespectful to your sister-in-law! How long will your elder brother pass away, you dare..." Xihai Dragon King hurriedly pulled the curtain, but the next moment he heard a rush of wind behind him, without waiting for Xihai Dragon King's reaction, Zhenlong nails were already Insert it into the reverse scale.

The sound inside the bed stopped abruptly, Zhang Bairen clapped his hands, and patted the shoulder of Xihai Dragon King from the back: "The word **** has a knife on his head!"

The voice of the Nanhai Dragon King was full of anger: "Zhang Bairen, why are you here? Where is the Nanhai Dragon King? Where is the Dragon Mother?"

"Didn't you see? The dragon mother is inside the curtain!" Zhang Bairen opened the curtain and looked at the dragon mother who was tidying her belly. In response to the pitying eyes of the dragon mother, he held the dragon mother in his arms with his palms hard. Knead the dragon mother's chest.

"Where is the Dragon King of the South China Sea?" Xihai Dragon King looked at the fascinating dragon mother, and then at Zhang Bairen who was proud of the spring breeze, his eyes suddenly cracked.

"Since you have guessed it, why ask more!" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly, "What do you plan to do with the Dragon King of Xihai?"

"The queens of the Dragon King of South China Sea and the Queen of Dragon King of Xihai are all rare beauties in the world. If the governor doesn't dislike it, how about sending all his wives and daughters to the governor when my son is in charge of the world in the future?" Orchid.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

"Adulter, if you dare to harm me, you will definitely not die! You must not die!" Xihai Dragon King's eyes were splitting.

Zhang Bairen took out the jade box, received the Dragon King of Xihai, turned around and rushed over as he watched the dragon veins whose complexion had recovered.

"What are you doing!!!" Mother Dragon exclaimed.

"What do you say I do, of course you want you to give birth to a dragon for me!"

"……Son of a bitch"

The breathing sound kept ringing.

Deep in the sea

Donghai Dragon Palace

The East China Sea Dragon King sat in front of the case, the gold seal in his hand was twisted and turned into a mass of scrap iron.

"Great King, it's been an hour since Nanhai Dragon King has entered!"


"Great King, Xihai Dragon King is in again!"


Guards kept telling them by the Dragon King of East China Sea.

"Too much deception! It is simply too much deception! If this king does not punish these two thieves during his lifetime, he will be a son of man!" Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the eyes of the Dragon King of East China Sea.

The case before him turned into powder in a few moments.

Time was passing by a little bit, and it took a long time to hear a thunderous thunder from afar: "Dragon Mother Empress Dao!"


The Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly stood up and walked out of the palace quickly, looking at the cold-faced Dragon Mother, kneeling down and crying constantly: "It's a child who is incompetent! It is a child who is incompetent and cannot protect his mother!"

"It's over! Everything is over. From today on, the three seas of the South, North and West will be under the jurisdiction of our East China Sea Dragon Palace again!" Dragon Mother slowly lifted the East China Sea Dragon King on the ground.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was taken aback when he heard this, and was about to ask a question, but saw the mother of the dragon shook his head: "Quiet! Everything has become the past, everything has passed."

The Dragon King of East China Sea nodded solemnly, and turned to the guard beside him: "Go and pass the younger brothers of my family over and gather the other three seas. It is now."

Dragon Mother Palace

Zhang Bairen slowly put on his His eyes scanned the mighty East China Sea, and he pondered a little: "An unfathomable old tortoise, and there is an old antique in the depths of the East China Sea, who has escaped yet another incomprehension. The ancestral dragon of the trace. If you don’t disturb the four seas, how can you force you to show your feet in the chaos! The dragon mother may not be credible. When she unifies the four seas, it will be the day to kill me. The dragon mother is proud, How can you tolerate losing yourself? The reason why you tolerate me and cater to me like this is because the foundation of the world is unstable!"

Zhang Bairen stood up slowly, tapping his finger on the case, and then turned and left after a long time: "I just want to see what I want to see, otherwise the Dinghaishen needle, it may not be easy to take out."

Prime Minister's Mansion in the Depth of Donghai Dragon Palace

Prime Minister tortoise drank the drink, the master usually sat on the wicker chair swayingly, suddenly frowned, and looked to the left and right vigilantly: "Why do you feel something is wrong?"

The two dragon kings had not yet died, but were sealed by Zhang Bairen, so the four seas still remained unshakable. It's just that Prime Minister Turtle suddenly had a whim, but he has already noticed something wrong.

"It's not right! It's not right!" Prime Minister Turtle stood up babblingly, and walked out of his palace.

not far away


In a volcano

However, I saw a giant with a small mountain of heads. The head was immersed in the hill, and his eyes scanned the direction of the East China Sea: "Who am I? Who am I? Am I Kuafu or Taiping Taoist Master? Who am I? Why am I here? Here?"

Thunder bursts in the sky, and the sea is rippling endless waves.

Zhang Bairen turned to Zhuojun and stood on the top of the mountain. He said to the guard behind him: "Quickly pass on Zuoqiu Wuji and Qin Qiong and Luo Shixin."


Some guards immediately went away when they heard the words, and disappeared in the mountains and forests in a blink of an eye.

"The wind is blowing, but I don't know how much the wind can blow?" Zhang Bairen muttered to himself while standing on the top of the mountain.

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