First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2026: Did the captain tell me to think hard?

Dragon meat!

The crystal clear dragon meat melts in your mouth!

Zhang Bairen clicked his mouth, put down his chopsticks and turned to the warriors behind him: "Do it!"

When the words fell, Zuoqiu Wuji and others could not bear it for a long time, and ran over with the wooden basins one by one, and everyone lifted up the big tripod together and poured out the two dragon kings.

The dragon king is really a hundred feet long and ten meters thick. The cauldron looks very small, but Zhang Bairen used the technique of mustard seed-sumiing. If it was installed outside, it would have a dozen pots.

Big pot!

Under the innate sacred fire, even the keel was stewed to a pulp.

"Good fragrance! Big brother is hiding here to eat alone!" Lu Yu led the Gongsun and Yang sisters to follow the fragrance. Princess Huarong and Princess Makeup unceremoniously picked up a wooden basin and went straight to eat.

Dragon meat, especially dragon meat that has been stewed by various geniuses and treasures, is a rare supplement for practitioners and warriors.

Before Zhang Bairen had time to speak, he was completely blocked and went back. The female Li ignored Zhang Bairen and rushed to Dragon Meat.

Full Dragon Banquet!

Now the cold winter is here, but the mountains are in full swing. Everyone eats dragon meat, their whole body is constantly surging, their spirits grow rapidly, and they meditate on the spot or undergo martial arts transformation.

There is no bone scum left, only some soup, no dragon shape is visible.

Dragon meat is a great tonic, and dragon bones are the essence of the essence, and there is no leftover that has been swallowed by the warriors.

Until late at night

Only a loud roar was heard spreading, and all the warriors who had been stuck in seeing God for many years finally made a breakthrough.

Before Yumen Pass

Dao sects Gao Zhen looked at the qi, blood, and wolves rising from Zhuojun, and they all looked sideways: "The chief governor is good at writing. There are five Zhi Dao born at a time, and I don't know what the fate is."

"I don't know, the methods of the general governor are always unpredictable, who knows what methods they use!" A Taoist shook his head.


The blessed land that was abandoned at that time, with the end of the Sui Dynasty, has once again returned to its former prosperity.

In the depths of the Lingbao sect cave

The head teacher of Lingbao looked at the old tortoise with helplessness: "I said the prime minister, who can take care of so much under the palm of the emperor? Everyone is scattered like birds and beasts. My Lingbao disciples have been killed and injured countlessly, and all the background is the court. Search. The Baoding also disappeared, and I think it fell into the hands of the imperial court. The governor of the Great Sui Dynasty was the nobleman of the Sui Dynasty, and knew everything about the Great Sui. If you want to know the whereabouts of Baoding, why bother us? Ask!"

Prime Minister Turtle stared at Master Lingbao with a pair of eyes: "Really don't know?"

Master Lingbao shook his head: "I don't know!"

"Oh!" Prime Minister Turtle sighed helplessly, why didn't he want to go to Zhuojun to ask him? But is Zhuojun easy to mess with? You think that Zhuo County is a soft persimmon like Lingbao. If you want to go to Zhuo County to ask questions, it depends on whether your fists are hard enough.

There is no doubt that Prime Minister Kame is not as good as Zhang Bairen!

"Fine! I'll look for it myself" Prime Minister Turtle turned and left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of the old tortoise, the palm teacher of Lingbao slobbed disdainfully: "Old things, if you don't want to cause trouble and break my human plan, how can you let you be arrogant in front of this seat? This is my Terran territory, not your Sea Race!"

Master Lingbao sneered, and turned his head and walked into the cave, his voice disappeared.

The Nanhai Dragon King and the Xihai Dragon King were so unclearly missing, but Prime Minister Turtle had to look for them, not only to find them, but also to find out.

The Terran Shenzhou said it was big or small, and there were countless masters in it. Prime Minister Turtle was out of the Lingbao realm, looked left and right, with a look of helplessness, he could only turn around and head towards Zhuojun.

When the old turtle came to Zhuojun, it was already three poles on the second day. Only Zhang Bairen was sitting in front of the bluestone. The wood in front of him was constantly burning, warming the soup in the boiler above.

"Why is this old tortoise here?" Zhang Bairen took Lingbao's Baoding casually, sat there calmly, picked up the spoon and drank the dragon soup.

"It smells so good! What is your kid drinking?" Prime Minister Turtle came out from behind the blue stone, and he looked at him with a ghost, and he just got in front of Zhang Bairen, sniffing the aroma in the air, and said in surprise: "Thousands of years. The dried tangerine peel, the five million-year-old pepper, the ten million-year-old aniseed; the 3.2 million-year-old wolfberry, and... a great tonic!

Looking at the creamy and creamy soup in the pot, before Zhang Bairen could speak, Prime Minister Tortoise had already grabbed the spoon, rolled up the soup in the pot and took a sip: "Delicious! Tasty! It's so delicious, the ancestor I was a long time ago. I've drunk it! Today is a real blessing."

Zhang Bairen's face twitched, and he wanted to say something, but after all, he didn't say it.

"Why, drink your soup, you can't bear it?" Prime Minister Turtle glanced sideways at Zhang Bairen, picked up the spoon and kept drinking.

"Is it delicious?" Zhang Bairen's mouth twitched, with an urge to vomit.

How does it feel to eat human flesh?

Prime Minister Turtle is a dragon, but I don’t know the smell of dragon meat is normal! Just like people, they don’t know the taste of human flesh.

"Delicious! Old tortoise, I have lived for so long, and I have never drank such a delicious soup. Please tell my ancestors what it is made of, it is so delicious!" Prime Minister Kame was moved in his voice. , There is an impulse to be full of cows.

Will people know what human flesh is like?

"Drink more if you taste good!" Zhang Bairen subconsciously said as he watched the spoonful of Prime Minister Turtle.

Prime Minister Turtle simply lifted the cauldron, hugged it while eating alone, and hummed a melody in his mouth: "My ancestor, I have lived for so many years, it's nothing!"

a long time

The Turtle Prime reluctantly drank the last spoonful of soup, and then licked the spoon and the bottom of the pot seriously, then raised his head to look at Zhang Bairen: "What kind of soup is this? Even if it is nine turns, it will not be changed. ."

Zhang Bairen was silent, he didn't know how to speak well.

Could you tell you that you eat dragon meat? Is the Four Seas Dragon King you're looking for?

"By the way, I patronized eating meat and almost forgot what was going on. In those days, the emperor Sui slapped Lingbao. Can the governor know where the Lingbao cauldron is?" Prime Minister Turtle put down the cauldron, turned to look at Zhang Bairen, licked his tongue and said: "I'm afraid it's the donkey meat on the ground, the taste is nothing but this!"

Zhang Bairen twitched at the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and then dully said, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know that it was the turtle grandson, who dared to attack me from all over the world, and took away the South Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King. My ancestors, I searched for the fragments of time and space. Before I died, I only saw a big tripod. After several thoughts, I remembered that tripod. The furnace is made of treasure!" Prime Minister Tortoise gritted his teeth with hatred: "The governor led soldiers to encircle and suppress Lingbao, did you know the whereabouts of that Baoding?"

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard this, and after a while, he said, "I don't know! When the Lingbao was encircled and suppressed, I was ordered to hunt down the Taoist priest, but it was not me who reaped the property."

Prime Minister Turtle sighed when he heard the words, and after a while he said: "You have vast magical powers and boundless mana. Can you tell who has taken my Sihai Dragon King? Are the Nanhai Dragon King and Xihai Dragon King alive?"

Zhang Bairen's mouth twitched when he heard the words, and then pointed to Prime Minister Turtle's stomach without saying a word.

Prime Minister Kame was taken aback, and then he suddenly said, "You want to say that I still have to rely on myself for this matter? I want to investigate it with my heart?"

Zhang Bairen lowered his head, the Prime Minister Tortoise was helpless, and after a while he said: "I have never heard of the truth of the Tibetan Lord Bodhisattva in the Yin Cao Jifu, and I can know about the Zhou Tian by listening to the beasts, and I have to ask the Governor to recommend it."

Zhang Bairen ejected a letter and fell into the arms of Prime Minister Turtle.

Prime Minister Turtle got the letter, stood up smilingly, then reluctantly licked the bottom of the pot, and threw the iron pot on the ground: "It's so delicious, next time it's so delicious, remember to call me!"

Prime Minister Turtle left, leaving Zhang Bairen standing in the field messy. After a long time, he let out a helpless sigh: "What a pity!"

"Puff" then Zhang Bairen fell to the ground, hugging his belly and laughing.

Yin Cao Difu

The two barriers could not stop such powerful people as Prime Minister Turtle.

Pure Land World

Di listen suddenly restless, turned his head and looked out the door

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva slowly opened his The endless compassion flow in his eyes: "It turns out that it is Prime Minister Tortoise who has arrived. Please forgive the monk for not being able to welcome him far away."

"It's okay, the Buddha has cultivated into a golden body, and his merits are complete. There are not many in the world worthy of the Buddha! What's more, I have to ask for help this time, and I hope the Buddha can help me."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva frowned slightly when he heard the words and stroked Diting's head: "Your Excellency has lived for an unknown number of years. He was born before Diting, beyond the limits of the week, and there are things that Your Excellency could not do?"

"Oh, people are powerful and poor!" Prime Minister Turtle smiled bitterly: "Trouble the Buddha to show his supernatural powers and find out the whereabouts of the Dragon King of the South China Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea for the old turtle."

When the Buddha heard the words, he looked towards Di Ting, Di Ting lowered his head, and his ears were on the ground. It took a while before he whispered in front of the Buddha.

When the Buddha heard this, he raised his head and looked at Prime Minister tortoise. Without a word, he looked straight at Prime Minister tortoise. He saw that the old turtle was a little hairy: "What? But is there something wrong?"

"Is the prime minister teasing this seat?" The Lord Buddha stared at the old tortoise, his eyes filled with layers of fire.

"Where does this start? I just asked you to find the South Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King for me. How can I tease you?" The old turtle was stunned and hit the sky.

The Lord Buddha stared at Prime Minister Tortoise with his eyes and sighed when he saw that Prime Minister Tortoise was not a fake.

"What's the matter? Why does the Lord Buddha look like this?" The old turtle began to hair in his heart: "Could it be that the other party is dead?"

The Lord Buddha wanted to say, but he didn't know how to say it, so he could only say to himself: "The Governor is too wicked!"

But he didn't want to lie or lie to others, and then helplessly, he could only stretch out a finger and pointed it at Laogui's belly.

Seeing this, the old turtle was stunned, and looked down at his stomach, then his complexion was stunned, revealing the color of comprehension: "That's it!"

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