First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2028: Unsupported

Zhang Bairen looked at the deep bottomless trench under his feet, the broken Yuwang building, and his eyes showed a light of law: "If I take action, I will burn the mountains and the sea, and discipline you to die without a place to be buried!"

The harsh words are transmitted in the sea, but they are gradually absorbed by the sea to offset the spread.

"Hehe, you junior is good at being able to detect the existence of my ancestors!" An old, secluded voice sounded, but when the chains rattled, the void rippled in layers.

"Who are you?" Zhang Bairen's voice was like thunder, and the words were thorough, carefully discerning the origin of the chains.

"Who am I?" The voice fell into silence, and after a long time he whispered: "No support!"

"No support!!!" Zhang Bairen was surprised when he heard the words.

Who is Wuzhiqi?

In the days when Dayu controlled the waters, he was a strong man who could compete with King Yu. Even King Yu could hardly take his life. His ability was earth-shaking. Even if Zhang Bairen faced such old monsters, he never dared to be careless.

"My ancestor, I have proven the immortal realm. I have worked hard for thousands of years in this sea water, and I have used the repressive power of King Yu to polish myself, and my aura has converged to the extreme. My ancestor is puzzled. How did you discover my trace! "The Water Palace of King Yu vibrated, and the gravel on the ground continued to splash, rippling layers of ripples, shaking Zhang Bairen's body.

"I got caught!" Zhang Bairen said silently, after a while.

As soon as the words came out, the shock of the Shui Mansion ceased, and Wu Qi's words fell silent for an instant, and the deep sea fell into a dead silence.


The next moment, like an earthquake, the Water Mansion of King Yu kept swaying and turning: "Boy, you dare to play with me!"

"It's not that I'm playing you, it's that hundreds of millions of years have passed. You can't hold your breath. Who can blame it?" Zhang Bairen tweeted, looking into the distance, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, revealing a touch of disdain.

For hundreds of millions of years since the beginning of the world, all the strong who can survive from the ancient times to the present day rely on not force, but their own brains.

"Boom!" Wuzhi Qi was exerting his force, suddenly shaking King Yu's water mansion, and in an instant the precious light rushed into the sky, but vaguely saw a colorful divine light topping the sky to suppress the ages, and Wuzhi Qi was constantly struggling under that colored light. Rolling, but not getting out of trouble.

The vast colorful light broke through the darkness, penetrated the sea, and then plunged into the cloud between his fingers, and countless high truths in the Middle-earth China were visible.

The indescribable auspiciousness, the inexhaustible treasure.

The colorful light transpires for hundreds of miles, and as long as the person is not blind, everything is clearly visible.

Middle-earth China


Deep in the cave

Tao Hongjing, who looks like a seven or eight-year-old boy, hesitated: "The treasure is born, such a world-shocking vision, I'm afraid... I'm afraid... If I act, I will inevitably cause cause and effect, and will cause the immortal machine to be delayed again. I am afraid that it will be troublesome. ."

Tao Hongjing was hesitating and hesitated. An ancient censer was slowly burning beside him. After a long time, an edict flew out from his hand, and then the whole person slowly closed his eyes.

Soap court


Everyone opened their eyes, but saw the flashing light in the void, galloping towards the East China Sea.

"Treasures are born, and must not fall into the hands of the Sea Clan! Now that the Sea Clan is in great power, if you call it a treasure again, I am afraid that the human race's life will become more and more sad!" A sense of breath is gathered in the space, and then it penetrates the sun and the sky, the fire in the noon and the yin talisman, and then crosses the Nine Dragons for seven days, turning into a yang deity into the void, disappearing.

"Do you think I will give you a chance to get out of trouble?" Zhang Bairen looked at the bright light rising into the sky, with an ugly look in his eyes.

"If you want to take away the Dinghai God Needle, you will inevitably break the seal. Once you lose the suppression of the Dinghai God Needle, my ancestors will surely get out of trouble!" Wu Zhi Qi's voice rushed into the sky: "What's more, nowadays treasure The light is amazing, I'm afraid I can't help you."

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words. After a long time, he lightly stomped his foot. Layers of runes spread out under his feet and spread rapidly. He wanted to cover the entire King Yu mansion: "Since you have such strength, why not sooner or later? What happened to make such a big move today?"

Zhang Bairen is a little strange. It stands to reason that if the unsupported Qi has that strength, he should have escaped long ago, so why bother to waste time here? Willing to be sealed.

"I am a born alien. I know the right time and place, and the mystery of the word fortune. I have achieved perfection hundreds of years ago, but I know that the time is not with me. I have been here for a hundred years. Sure enough... First, Jiang Shang Later, there are Lao Tan, Yin Xi and Zhang Daoling. Then Shi Huang gains the Qi of Heaven and Earth, combines twelve golden people, captures twelve innate gods, breaks into Yin Cao with the help of inanimate, and fights endless Yin Si! Wang Xizhi and Xie Daoyun are all sons of the times." Wuzhiqi mocked: "Thousands of years before, and thousands of years later, now the most scrupulous Blessed One in this seat is reincarnated into reincarnation, and the Emperor Donghua will return in a few decades. , Now that the general trend has come, those heroes of the human race are hiding in the reincarnation waiting for the arrival of the shocking miracle. They dare not act arbitrarily. Who can come to me in the whole world? But it is a good time for me to be born."

Zhang Bairen heard the words silently, and it took a long time before he looked down at the seal under his feet. The dense runes derived from good fortune actually solidified the shaking King Yu's Water Mansion:

"You are afraid that you are showing someone!"

"Who?" Wu Zhiqi continued to agitate the sea, impacting the water mansion of King Yu, exuding immortal light.

"You said that there is no one in the world, but why don't you count me?" Zhang Bairen looked down at the water mansion below his feet: "Your Excellency thought that you could escape from your own hands?"

"You? You're just a kid who is lucky enough to be counted. You deserve to be seen by my ancestors? There are no tigers in the mountains and monkeys are called kings. If you have the blessing of luck, you will have no disadvantages. If you lose your breath, you will be alive. Fall into the dust! Patriarch, I can't see your future. I think it's a short-lived ghost, not worth it!" Wuqi's words were full of mockery.

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and after a long time he smiled slightly: "You are defeated!"

The large formation of runes under Zhang Bairen's feet unexpectedly re-blessed King Yu's mansion and suppressed the unsupported riot.

"Zhuzi, An dare!" Wuzhi Qi was furious, and his words were full of irritability.

"You pretend to calculate the number of days. You know 500 years before, and 500 years later. When you have the strength to be born, you will not be born, but you have to rely on the number of days." Zhang Bairen shook his head. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Taoism never had high truth. If the great virtue is born, if it follows the original historical trajectory, it is naturally the best time for Wuzhiqi to be born.


Now there is one more self in the long history, and one more unknown self! He had changed everything, gradually forced out those old antiques who were sleeping in the cycle of reincarnation.

"You don't want to fix the sea god's needle? If you seal me, I'm afraid you will never get the sea god's needle forever!" Wu Qi's voice was full of anger.

"How can I get the sea **** needle in a small area? What can I do if I don't have it? With my Zhang Bairen's strength and heritage, as long as I give me time, I can calm the seas and wait for leisure!" Derivative, I don't know how many tens of thousands of miles of trenches have spread, and everything about King Yu's water mansion has been frozen.

"As long as I live, I will come back to bless the seal every one hundred years, until one day I will become a golden body, turning you into a guardian god!" Zhang Bairen's voice revealed the coldness.




There were bursts of thunderous crashes from the ice, and Wu Zhiqi was angrily hammering Zhang Bairen's seal.


With Dinghai Shenzhen suppressed, but the strength of the unsupported Qi is greatly compromised, how can he break the seal?

"Good monster, I had already calculated it a long time ago. This stone tablet handwritten by King Yu himself is the hub of the entire water house. If the stone tablet is broken, Dinghai Shenzhen will lose the blessing of the power of the earth veins, and then the unsupported Qi will break the seal. This stone stele is where the key hub lies. Under it is buried the golden seal of King Yu, suppressing the dragon veins underground in the East China Sea. Therefore, each generation of the Four Seas Dragon Kings can only mobilize the blessing of thousands of miles of water ~ ~ can not get ten of the sea. The strength of success! Therefore, the Sea Clan has been retreating steadily in the face of the Human Race, and it has continued to fall into a disadvantage!

"It turns out that the Sea Clan’s inability to attack the Middle-earth China and the constant suppression of the Middle-earth powers are all because of the role of the Dinghai Shenzhen! King Yu really has vast magical powers, with infinite power blessing him, and he actually relies on one person. Power, forcibly for the human race to delay the stability for thousands of years!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands and scanned the frozen water mansion under his feet: "I wait for the descendants of the next generation, how can my greed for a treasure cause the blood of the seniors to be lost?"

"But the chief governor in person?" Prime Minister Turtle came from a distance with an ugly expression, and looked at Zhang Bairen standing on the ice, standing ten feet away.

"It turned out to be the prime minister" Zhang Bairen gave a salute.

Prime Minister Turtle looked ugly, and his eyes were full of anger: "I still say who is stirring the wind and the rain in the East China Sea, and even dared to be arrogant in the East China Sea. It turned out to be the governor. No wonder, except for the governor, who has this ability to arrogant in the South China Sea. ?"

"The Prime Minister praised, the East China Sea is not owned by the dragons, but by the sentient beings under the world! No matter the treasure or the site, it has been home to the virtuous since ancient times!" Zhang Bairen's words were full of mockery: "I have had enough virtues so far. In my opinion, everything in the world belongs to me! As long as I want it, Li Tang Palace is mine, and the whole world is mine!"

"My dragon race has straightened out the four seas for hundreds of millions of years, and the virtue and position are matched. I am the lord of the heavens and the four seas. The general governor's words are too domineering!" Prime Minister Turtle looked ugly after hearing Zhang Bairen's words: "The guy who entered the realm of heaven and man. All crazy!"

"If you want to take the sea god's needle, I won't stop the old tortoise. The governor will just go. This thing is originally the relic of King Yu, but the old tortoise is reasonable," Prime Minister Turtle said slowly.

"Really?" Zhang Bairen stared at Prime Minister Turtle: "Are you really willing to give me the Dinghai Shenzhen needle?"

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