First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2032: Prime Minister Kameyo's layout 20 years ago

The war rolled up, facing the powerful and domineering Zhang Bairen, all the demon gods all came together to attack.

Dao Sect Gao Zhen was silent at this time, looking at Zhang Bairen, who was swaying freely in the siege of the demon gods, all of the time he lowered his head and fell into silence.

Zhang Bairen's toughness, on the contrary, strengthened everyone's obsession to seize treasures. Zhang Bairen can face the demon gods and stand in an invincible position, sway the demon gods horizontally and horizontally, and force them back. Isn't it possible to suppress an unsupported Qi?

The Terran masters never helped, and Zhang Bairen didn't care about it. There were so many experiences of this kind of thing, and on the contrary, it was no surprise.

"This is too difficult. If you want to kill him, you have to unlock the seal and release the ancient alien beast Wuzhiqi! Although Wuzhiqi was severely wounded and sealed by King Yu back then, thousands of years have passed and it has already been restored. At the peak state, otherwise there will be no power to wipe out King Yu’s seal! I should take the action, flatten the mansion of King Yu, and release the ancient beast Wuzhiqi out, so that Wuzhiqi will contain Zhang Bairen, this time I will call him. There is no return!" Shebi's corpse turned into crystal clear bones at this time, but there was no half of the flesh and blood. One claw grabbed the void and exploded. Zhang Bairen's whole body was shaking and shaking, and the world was shaken.

The two sides fought one after another, and even though the Shebi Corpse had an indestructible body, the various methods of Zhang Bairen that could be faced were suppressed.

"Unexpectedly, you will recover so quickly. When your cultivation is completely completed, the flesh and blood of your whole body will come out, and then you will be at the peak state." Zhang Bairen scanned the body of Shebi corpse, and its bones flowed and flashed. The divine light is constantly circulating and vibrating, revealing a strong vitality.

After the flesh and blood derivation is completed, it is the day when the corpse resurrected and returned to its peak.

"Bang!" Zhang Bairen pointed out, shattering the sternum of Shebi's corpse and knocking it out.

"Zhang Bairen, today is the day of your death, and this is where you buried your bones!" The sea shook and rolled up waves. The next moment I saw a sharp sword shining with thousands of stars, gathered from the stars. Out, splitting the East Sea waters, splitting a mighty whirlpool, and instantly slashed towards the seal where Zhang Bairen was.

"Ulchi Wende, you actually realized the sword of the stars! It's amazing! It's amazing!" Zhang Bairen shook his palms and praised him, and then worked together to shake his body, and the mighty sea water behind it turned into an ice dragon towards the sword of stars. Strangling away.

The ancestor Shaoyang stood in the distance and never made any moves. In other words, in this battle of strong men, one more and one less than him, the impact is not great.

"I'm actually wondering that the general governor has all sorts of methods, why don't you show it!" Yuan Tiangang didn't know when he came to Shaoyang Patriarch.

"For example?" The ancestor Shaoyang said unhurriedly.

"For example, as long as the tengu is thrown out, the gods will have to retreat! Daoist masters will also flee in embarrassment! For example, the world map, for example, the Zhuxian formation map!" Yuan Tiangang was puzzled.

Zhang Bairen holds so many good cards in his hand, why is he playing so badly!

"What do you know, the trump card is for the real enemy" Shaoyang ancestor gave Yuan Tiangang a white look.

"Aren't the demon gods count as enemies?" Yuan Tiangang was taken aback when he heard the words.

"A group of half-handicapped people are also worthy of being called powerful enemies? An immortal sword is enough to kill them all!" Shaoyang ancestor shook his head: "But what about the consequences? The Kyushu barrier is broken, the strong outside Kyushu Breaking into China, a greater catastrophe has just begun. Before the human race has solved the underworld problem, the Kyushu barrier must not be broken."

"Good steel is used on the blade, and the hole cards must be used in the battle that really determines life and death. Zhu Rong's true body is enough to deal with this group of disabled people!" Shaoyang ancestor shook his head and sighed: "The world of great controversy has just begun. The truly terrifying powerhouse is still behind."

Yuan Tiangang was silent.

"What's more, when he stepped into the realm of heaven and man, he may not really want to protect the Dinghai Shenzhen..." Old Ancestor Shaoyang said silently.

"What do you mean?" Yuan Tiangang was startled, his hair horrified for an instant.

"Try the beauty of the four seas, explore the details of the four seas, that's all!" The ancestor Shaoyang shook his head: "The world of great controversy is about to begin, and the fracture of the Kyushu enchantment is expected. If you still don't know the details of the old neighbor , I am afraid that the human race will not survive since the ancient times! Although the heart demon of the emperor is powerful, but the Taoists have high true sun and divine insights, but they only move the boat along the river. Although it has some influence, it may not be what you see. So big!"

Yuan Tiangang was shocked when he heard the words: "Is this a play performed by the chief governor and Taoist ancestors?"

"It's not an act, because someone really got stuck in!" Shaoyang ancestor sneered.

"Don't worry about him, smash the ice under his feet and release the unsupported Qi under King Yu's mansion. Then someone will clean him up." A man wearing a dragon robe and a mian on his head came slowly into the air. , The purple brilliance of the whole body is endless, constantly tempering the muscles and bones of his body.

"Ancestral Dragon, I didn't expect you to be reborn again, and your strength recovered so quickly!" Looking at the stepped figure, Zhang Bairen's pupils shrank, and Zulong's strength was somewhat unexpected.

"Zhang Bairen, you are so clever and confused for a while, thinking that you are exhausted, but you don't know what is in the game!" Zu Long looked at Zhang Bairen with a mocking face: "You killed the Azure Dragon King, but you gave the ancestor the best way to resurrect me. With this body, with the blood of the Azure Dragon, my ancestors can recover my strength more than a thousand times faster."

Zhang Bairen's pupils tightened when he heard the words, and his eyes looked at the old tortoise: "You did it on purpose! You pushed the 28 stars to forge great cause and effect, and gave birth to the first dragon king since the ancient dragon clan, which caused the blue dragon star to reincarnate into the dragon's womb. It’s for today! To welcome back the Ancestral Dragon and to shape the most perfect body for the Ancestral Dragon."

"Yes, you are still as smart as you were in the past. The Azure Dragon Constellation is reincarnated, as long as the Ancestral Dragon swallows the background of the Azure Dragon Constellation, and then uses this to control the 28 Constellations and become the Lord of the 28 Constellations, with the help of the 28 Constellations. You can restore your strength for a few decades!" Prime Minister Kame said unhurriedly:

"Even if you didn't plan to kill the Azure Dragon King, I would secretly calculate the old tortoise to make the Azure Dragon King die, leaving the foundation in the body for the ancestors to dig."

"Good calculation! Good calculation!" At this time, even with Zhang Bairen's mind, he couldn't help but exclaim that he was good calculation, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

This is the gap between the countless old antiques and the emerging powerhouses. The emerging powerhouses have calculated and calculated, and it is impossible for them to come out for more than ten years. And these old guys who have lived for an unknown number of years are based on the ages, who can see through?

If you don't pay attention, you will start!

"It's just so easy to explain. At that time, the Azure Dragon King was the hope of the dragon clan, and the Four Seas Dragon King ignored the crisis and stood under the wall of danger. All these are your methods." Zhang Bairen didn't hesitate, the horror in his eyes gradually Hide away.

What if the Zulong is resurrected?

I have already accumulated a general trend in Middle-earth China, but it is a bit more troublesome and only a few variables have been added.


In the deep sea

The ornaments in the dragon mother's hands were crushed by it, turned into powder and dissipated in the sea. Her eyes were gradually stained with blood, and monstrous hatred rose in the sky: "Blood debts and blood! You will pay the price after all!"

"It's easy to calculate, but that's all. No matter who is here today, it is difficult to change the overall situation!" Zhang Bairen smiled indifferently.

"I don't see it, the big fish has come out! If the ancestor dragon is not forced out, it will be a disaster for my human race after a few decades when he regains his peak strength!" Shaoyang ancestor looked at Yuan Tiangang.

"Then the Dinghaishen needle, should it be pulled out or not?" Yuan Tiangang was a little confused.

"Naturally pull it out! Since the Ancestral Dragon is resurrected, the Dinghai Shenzhen Needle will be refined by it soon. It will be cheaper to stay here instead of the Dragon Clan. In this case, it is better to stay in the hands of my Human Race!" Shaoyang Ancestor frowned: "Just I am afraid that the situation today is not good. If Zhang Bairen does not make a big move, I am afraid it will be difficult to quell the chaos."

"Haha, the toad yawned, what a big tone!" Zu Long smiled coldly: "I said that today not only the Poseidon Needle will be taken You will be suppressed under the Water Mansion of King Yu and replaced. Wuzhiqi became the one who was suppressed."

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen smiled coldly: "Try it!"

Zulong looked sideways at the Dao Sect Gaozhen of the Human Race: "Everyone, within fifty breaths, can you pull out the Dinghai Shenzhen!"

"Thirty breaths are enough!" The ancestor of Lingbao said with confidence.

Zu Long nodded when he heard the words, and turned to look at Zhang Bairen: "Thirty breaths, do you think you can't stop it?"

"If the ancestral dragon was at its peak, I would naturally retreat, but unfortunately you are not!" Zhang Bairen's clothes floated with the sea, like an immortal, showing a touch of disdain.

"If we add our brothers, I wonder if we can retreat to the general governor?" Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde came together at this time, the two of them were humanely and enshrined, and at this time, the dragon gas in the sea had dispersed, and naturally there was no obstacle to entering and leaving the sea.

"The two are here. I want to come to Li Tang, the emperor is not far away. It seems that the legacy of the Empress Nuwa is really touching!" Zhang Bairen clenched his fists tightly: "I'm afraid Li Shimin is not crazy, so he joined the Demon God to besiege. To me, it's crazy!"

"General Governor, I don't know if this Dinghai God Needle can share a piece of the pie underneath?" The sea water swelled in the distance, but I saw the guilty bearded guest and the red whisk coming together. At this time, the treasured knife in the hand of the guilty bearded guest was stained with red blood, which is obviously all the way To kill.

"Hehe, even you are greedy about this treasure!" Zhang Bairen looked at the stunner.

The guilty bearded shook his head helplessly: "The blood in Hong Fu's body has changed, and the sea **** needle cannot suppress and purify the source of the corpse poison in his body. Today, I can only offend him, try the method of the general governor."

"Good! Good! Good! All of you are very good indeed!" The jade crown on Zhang Bairen's head burst into dim light at this time, a pair of eyes swept across the crowd, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed.

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