First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2035: Death of Ulchi Bundoku

Since Ulchi Wende was defeated by Zhang Bairen, he has been comprehending the small Zhoutian star magic day and night, and one day he will sit and forget. The small Zhoutian star magic has evolved into the great Zhoutian star magic. When the Yang Shen traveled in the starry sky and lit his natal star, he inadvertently approached the Lunar Star, which shocked the Lunar Will gradually awakening.

Taiyin thoughts can know the things of the ages. The cause and effect are all between the thoughts. Thinking of Ulchi Wende and Zhang Bairen's **** and deep enmity, in the calculation to the unfinished cause and effect of ancient times, Taiyin thoughts Next week is the star battle array.

As long as Ulchi Wende painstakingly cultivates and illuminates his own three hundred and sixty-five main star life souls, there will be countless powerful people in the world, and there are only a handful of people who can kill their lives in the past and present.


Ulchi Wende lived up to the expectations of Fairy Taiyin, and had just mastered some of the fur of Zhou Tianxing's great formation, so he came to seek revenge for Zhang Bairen.

He underestimated his opponent too much, underestimated Zhang Bairen's ability, underestimated Gonggong's true body.

"If you are given a thousand years of time to light up the main star of your life, I am afraid that if you cannot master the special laws, it will be difficult to kill you! But now you are actually jumping out on your own initiative, don't blame this one for cutting the grass and rooting you. In the budding state" Zhang Bairen looked at the will of the stars that had been cut, the light of countless laws flowed in his eyes, and a finger popped out gently, ignoring the distance of time and space in an instant, defeating the will of thousands of stars.


Ulchi Wende turned into flesh and blood, and his Yang God still remained, and he wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

"There is no chance!"

Zhang Bairen looked at the divine light that escaped, and a puff of white frost exhaled from his mouth and nose, and it turned into an overwhelming snow storm. Everything he passed by was frozen, and the sea was frozen.

When the frost passes, everything turns into dust.

Countless marine fish and shrimp, shrimp soldiers and crabs have all turned into ice sculptures, dissipated in the void and disappeared, melted in the sea, and completely returned to the sea.

The light of Yangshen's life was indeed fast, but it was not faster than Zhang Bairen's breathing, and not faster than the frost he exhaled.

Frost is not only Frost, it is the power of law!

The law between heaven and earth exists everywhere, everywhere! Although the speed of the real Yang Shen is fast, it is not as fast as the power of the laws.

Hearing a scream, the **** Ulchi Wendeyang was swept away in the frost in an instant, then turned into powder and dissipated in the void, only the purest source of the void remained, reincarnated and reborn.

This source is the foundation of heaven and earth, the root of all things, indelible, and one with heaven and earth, without increasing or decreasing.

Even the innate gods cannot be wiped out.

However, the source of the void that wiped out all the imprints was just the source of the void. Even if he was reincarnated, he would be another person, not Ulchi Wende.

Unless the Ulchi Wende certificate is in the Wonderland of Da Luo, then one day I can use the Da Luo fruit position to retrieve my memory!

Unfortunately, he didn't!

Daluo's fruit status is not something anyone can prove!

Ulchi Wende was dead, completely wiped from the world, but it was better than ordinary mortals, leaving behind a little original void power.

"It's a pity a seed!" Zhang Bairen was in his realm at this time, disdainful of absorbing the magic seeds of Ulchi Wende, but let him reincarnate without mentioning it.

"So fierce and mighty!" At this moment, Zhang Bairen killed a real Yang God with his fingers, and immediately frightened many monks in the field, and even the demon gods couldn't help but feel a sudden shock.

"Zhang Bairen, you are cruel, but you are not weaker than the devil" Chi You's eyes were full of mockery.

"Oh? Really?" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal.

"Kill!" Zu Long shot at this time, surrounded by a group of purple divine light protection body, accompanied by storms and thunder and lightning, shrouded Zhang Bairen: "Zhu Rong Gonggong is dead, the hatred of the ancestors and Gonggong was counted. From your body, today ancestor, I will make a break with you!"

Zulong's hand is surrounded by purple air force, one claw is surrounded by the stars, and the twenty-eight stars are all echoing together, and the will of the stars is projected down, and the whole body of the Zulong is transformed into a four-image canopy, and they all face Zhang Bairen. The whole body is locked.

Zhang Bairen had evolved three heads and six arms at this time. Facing the attack of the ancestor dragon, the air currents that were understatement did not dare to be careless.

That is the rule of Zulong!

The Zulong Law can be manifested at will.


The ice shattered beneath his feet, and King Yu's mansion could no longer be hidden after all, and it was revealed.

Zhang Bairen's expression changed, and his head on his back accelerated his playing. Accompanied by the curling flute sound, the innate divine water turned into a mighty torrent and marched towards the dragon army's tens of thousands of troops.

Surround Wei and save Zhao!

Zhang Bairen never doubted the strength of Zulong, and he didn't want to be entangled by Zulong, so he could only avoid it steadily.

"Zhuzi!" Seeing this scene, Zu Long wanted to scold his mother angrily, and his eyes showed a cold and stern light: "Zhang Bairen, you are also the top power in the world anyway. Wouldn't it be against you to attack a group of weak people? Identity status?" Zu Long was anxious and ignored Zhang Bairen, so he could only shake the law of the whole body to immobilize those innate divine waters.

Don’t forget, Zulong is also the ancestor of playing in water, and he is playing with the innate divine water!

Zhang Bairen can mobilize innate divine water, so can Zulong, and he can control it better than Zhang Bairen. People's ability to control the innate divine water is innate.

"Ding!" Zulong's purple qi turned into a ray of sky, shuttled around his body. Above his head, an illusory dragon ball circulates indefinitely, blooming with divine light to suppress the innate divine water.

The Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball body was in the Dragon Qi of the Li Tang Dynasty, and used the power of the dragon Qi to repair and restore its strength, but even a projection was enough to solve the catastrophe before him.

"If you are not of my race, your heart will be different! If you kill, you will kill. What's the point?" Zhang Bairen's words were full of indifference.

"Lunatic! Lunatic! Sure enough, all people who step into the Avenue of Heaven and Man are lunatics! Seeing all beings as ants, they are lunatics!" Zu Long gritted his teeth with hatred: "Ten thousand dragons, I will hold him, and you will pull out the Dinghai Shenzhen. !"

"Zulong is not in a hurry, I'll help you!" Xuan Ming's whole body turned in cold air, constantly freezing the innate divine water in the solidified void.

"Zhang Bairen, and I'm eating a Zhanxian Flying Sword!" Another celestial light flew out, and the Zhanxian Flying Sword inside the body cut out again.

"Frozen!" Zhang Bairen took charge of the real body of Gonggong, constantly cracking the attacks of the demon gods.


The Zhanxian Flying Knife struck Gonggong's real body, but it was of no use. Gonggong's real body recovered with his fingers, just as if a knife had been struck across the river, without any interruption in the flow.


"Chunlei!" Ju Mang shot, a green brilliance burst out, calling Zhang Bairen.

"Tiger soul knife, cut!"

Chi You split the sea with the Tiger Soul Knife in his hand and slashed towards Zhang Bairen.

The war broke out. Facing the attacks of the demon gods at this time, even though Zhang Bairen was in charge of 80% of Gonggong's real body, he felt a little stretched.

Zhang Bairen is in charge of 80% of Gonggong’s real body, but don’t forget that this is the sea, and the emperor’s dragon energy suppresses it. The weakest of the demon gods has also recovered 70% to 80% of their strength. They are not weak. Zhang Bairen can resist the emperor’s dragon energy. It's already rare to be suppressed without losing.


Thousand waves on the sea

Accompanied by the melodious tune, the heavens and the earth do not know where they are from, and the innate divine water of Mimi flows out, turning into a large array of nine tunes and eighteen yellow rivers, eroding away silently towards the countless sea tribe army.

The Four Seas Dragon King was tense at this time, constantly mobilizing the sea clan army, wanting to turn into a ten thousand dragon formation.

East Coast

Li Shimin stood on the shore holding the Xuanyuan sword, Wei Zheng stood beside Li Shimin with a pale face:

"Your Majesty really wants to take advantage of the danger and kill the chief governor?"

"What does Aiqing think?" Li Shimin looked at Wuken Sea and the huge waves with a touch of solemnity in his eyes.

"The general governor can suppress, but he can't kill it! In the future, if things fall short, the demon race will counterattack, and your majesty can seal the general governor and release himself as a backhand for the comeback! It is also counted for my human race and for the descendants of the Li family. There is a way for the younger generation!" Wei Zheng looked sincere, and his words were full of anxiety.

Li Shimin shook his head when he heard the words: "Wei You still don’t know me! Middle-earth China is now my Middle-earth China, the country of my Li family. Is it that I am so confused that I actually did it? The matter of raising tigers? No one knows the importance of Dinghai Shenzhen better than I. Although Zulong agreed, as long as I can seize Dinghai Shenzhen from the heroes, I will give Dinghai Shenzhen to me, but I know that Zulong will never Will allow Dinghai Shenzhen to flow out."

"What does your majesty mean?" Wei Zheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Shimin excitedly.

"After all, I and the governor are internal grievances within the human race. My Li family is also a member of the human race. Although Wangtu's hegemony is important, my Li family cannot be a sinner of the human race!" Li Shimin stroked the Xuanyuan sword on his waist: "Dinghai Shenzhen must be required. Pull out, I will solve the hidden dangers of the world! If we can take the opportunity to suppress the Ancestral Dragon's body, with a dragon ball alone, the Ancestral Dragon will not have a thousand years of painstaking cultivation and would never want to restore the cultivation level as it is today. Thousands of years, enough shock to come, The Kyushu barrier is broken, establishing the general trend of my human race!"

"I will never be a sinner of Human Race!" Li Shimin turned and looked at the void behind him: "King Yu Jiuding, have you ever found it?"

"My Majesty, King Yu Jiuding is already nearby. Only after an order, I can cooperate with Dinghai Shenzhen to completely infuse the Ancestral Dragon into the Jiuding, the land of Jiuzhou enchantment in Yongzhen." Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui joined forces. Then, standing behind Li Shimin with a look of excitement at this time: "If I can establish my Li Tang national fortune and dragon vein with the ancestral dragon flesh body, my Li Tang must have a long life and a long life, and become an immortal heaven."

"Haha!" Li Shimin smiled coldly: "The next step is to suppress Ancestral Dragon, take out the Dinghai Shenzhen, and completely establish my Li Tang power."

"The prime minister, it's not good..." At this time, the general behind the dragon clan heard a scream, but he didn't know when it would rise, and the mighty congenital divine water began to permeate, surrounded by the tens of millions of army.

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