First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2037: Dummy

When the sea **** needle is inserted one inch into the ocean, the origin of the sea clan will be suppressed, the strength of the sea clan will be suppressed by one point, the rights of the Dragon King and the lord of the sea clan will be restricted by one point, and the power to be exerted will also be restricted. It will be one point less.

Now that the Dinghai Shenzhen needle has been pulled out by one point, the origin of the sea mobilized by Zulong is one point more, and the strength is naturally increased by one point.

Along with the lamination, at this time the ancestral light of the ancestral dragon skyrocketed, and the sea of ​​flying sand and rocks all over his body was calm and the waves were close to Qianzhang. Then he saw the ancestor dragon's fingers flicking, and the void vibrated endlessly, fragments shattered towards Zhang Bairen.

"This is a layered conspiracy elaborately designed by Ancestral Dragon. When the Dinghai God Needle is pulled out, it is not only the unsupported Qi, but also the mighty force that Ancestral Dragon was suppressed in the time of immemorial age! Now it is a dilemma. When the Ancestral Dragon returns, the Dinghai God Needle stays in the sea and will be refined by the Sea Clan sooner or later. The Human Race will be in trouble. Not only will the Ancestral Dragon return to its peak state, but also the Dinghai God Needle that restrains the Sea Clan will be lost! But now the Dinghai God Needle is pulled out, The strength of the Ancestral Dragon will continue to skyrocket and recover, and the strength of the Sihai Dragon King will continue to increase!” Zhang Bairen’s eyes flowed in the light of thousands of laws: “In this case, it is better to take the opportunity to pull out the Dinghai Shen Needle. The Dinghai Shen Needle cannot be left to the Sea Clan! This is the only thing my Human Race can do. Restrain the treasures of the Sea Clan!"

Zhang Bairen's figure flickered, stepping across the layers of void interception, and heading straight to the Dinghai Shenzhen: "Dinghai Shenzhen, I want it!"

Perceiving the strength of Zulong, Zhang Bairen knew that he couldn't drag it anymore! Continue to drag on, I am afraid that as the strength of the Ancestral Dragon and Sihailong King recovers, the ownership of Dinghai Shenzhen will begin to be uncertain.

Although Zhang Bairen didn't know his power in the Wanlong Great Formation, Zulong was able to use it to deal with himself, he must have ten percent confidence.

Would Zulong have such confidence in a simple formation?

Moreover, with the release of the origin of the four seas, the power of the Wanlong Array has increased by several times. This is an unpredictable unknown. All previous calculations are invalidated at this time. Zhang Bairen’s purpose is to pull out the Dinghai Shenzhen. Dinghai Shenzhen is left to the old dragons.

"Dinghai Shenzhen Needle, I want it!" Zhang Bairen stepped out, and the sea water solidified and stopped wherever he passed.

"Stop him! It's better to let Li Shimin get the Dinghai Shenzhen, and never let the Dinghai Shenzhen fall into Zhang Bairen's hands!" Zu Long's complexion changed wildly, and with a roar, the purple dragon ball all over his body instantly condensed into a solid body, and then shot out with a purple tail. Zhang Bairen hit him hard.

"Bang!" Zhang Bairen embraced his hands, and a mighty vortex was formed in an instant, and the purple dragon ball shot out, and fell into the vortex in an instant, bursting out thunder.


The vortex in Zhang Bairen's arms was frozen in an instant, the purple dragon ball, and the lifelike lightning were all frozen by the ice at this time, and he could no longer move.

"Jiqionger!" Zhang Bairen continued to step forward, ignoring the Ancestral Dragon who was chasing him, and went straight to the Dinghai Shenzhen.




Along with the earth-shaking thunder, the earth collapsed and the mountains destroyed the sea, and the depths of the seabed seemed to have been ploughed over. With the pulling out of the Dinghai divine needle, the hideous trenches began not to break open. I don't know how many sea creatures died at this time. The ash dissipated in the storm.

"Interesting! Interesting!" Zhang Bairen's mouth curled slightly, because he found that with the pulling out of the Dinghai Shenzhen, the seabed seemed to be the end of the world. The weaker sea monsters and aquatic people were destroyed and transformed by the manic seabed storm. Make a pool of blood.

The Zhuxian Array is absorbing the blood of Sea Clan sentient beings, slowly undergoing transformation, and immortal lines are developing with difficulty.

An inch

Two inches



Two feet

As the Dinghai God Needle was pulled out, I saw a tiny ant-like figure under that Dinghai God Needle, carrying the Dinghai God Needle and rushing towards the sea.

The chains rattled, but saw the chains fluttering in the wind, revealing murderous intent. One end of the chain was tied to Wuqi's body, and the other end was wrapped around the Dinghai Shenzhen.

"King Yu, you despicable villain, you can't hold you back! You can't hold me down! Now that this seat is born, you must die without a burial place! Annihilate your race!" Wuzhiqi roared, Compared with the huge Dinghai Shen Needle, its body is insignificant, like a dust hanging on the Dinghai Shen Needle.

But it was this piece of dust that actually carried the Dinghai God Needle abruptly and pulled the Dinghai God Needle out of the dragon's water veins.

"Damn it, how long is the Dinghai Shenzhen?" Zhang Bairen looked at the born Dinghai Shenzhen, his eyes straightened.

At this time, the Dinghai Shenzhen needle that was pulled out was already a thousand feet long, and it could roll up terrifying storms in the sea by shaking it casually. But even so, I saw that Wu Zhiqi was dragging the Dinghai Shenzhen to fly in the sea, and the Dinghai Shenzhen was still buried deep in the sea, and he didn't see any energy.

"Come out! No support at the peak!" Zu Long's eyelids are a little uncomfortable, and he keeps beating, and there is a touch of caution in his eyes: "If at the peak, there is no support in the area, naturally I will not be regarded by the ancestors. ,but now……"

"However, no matter how powerful Wuzhiqi is, he is only a reckless man. It is not to be afraid. Zhang Bairen is the enemy! This man has a deep heart, and he has forbeared forever. His wife and children are dead, but he still does not see the slightest move. This person is unfeeling and inexhaustible, not far from the real way of heaven and man! Heaven and man are the incarnation of heaven and the enemy of all living beings!" Zulong looked at Zhang Bairen's back, and saw the dragon ball in the ice shook suddenly, turning into an instant. Zhenfen, the pieces of cold ice shattered and appeared beside Zulong.

"King Tang, Zhang Bairen's strength is now overpowering the past and the present, even if the ancestors are invincible!" Zu Long's voice is full of gloomy: "The only chance to kill Zhang Bairen is to work with you and me to hold Zhang Bairen and wait. Once the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation is completed, they can be **** in the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation."

"What then? Zhang Bairen is an immortal body, so what can I do to trap him?" Li Shimin flicked the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and said divine light in his eyes.

"How? Naturally there is a way to kill it. Whether Zhu Rong's real body or Gonggong's real body, it is not Zhang Bairen who cultivated hard by himself, but this real body merged with his body to form a great supernatural power. If you can break his true body and punch him out of his body, you can take the opportunity to cut his body and send him back to the west!" Zu Long's eyes burned and said: "My ancestor can promise to give you the Dinghai Shenzhen, but you have to help me. Bind Zhang Bairen."

When Li Shimin heard the words, the dragon spirit around his body was boiling, while Yu Chi Jingde said: "Your Majesty, since ancient times, the power of humans and monsters has not been incompatible. Don't listen to this old monster to be bewildered! Your Majesty should join forces with the general governor to kill this old monster, punish the Four Seas Dragon King, and seize Dinghaishenzhen is the truth!"

Li Shimin heard the words without saying a word, looking at Zhang Bairen's motionless back with a pair of eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking about, and then a grinning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Okay! Just like the ancestor said!"

"Your Majesty!" Buddhism Dao Gaozhen all paled at this time.

"Om" purple energy shot, Xuanyuanjian cut out in an instant, breaking the turbulence in the sea, splitting the stagnant Qi in the void, and even the Wuzhi Qi who pulled out the Dinghai Shenzhen couldn't help but stop at this time. During the action, both eyes looked at Li Shimin, revealing an unforgettable hatred: "The King of People!!!"

Zhang Bairen stopped and looked sideways at the sword light cut by Li Shimin. His eyes met Li Shimin. In an instant, Zhang Bairen smiled slightly: "The emperor's character, you claim to be able to control everything, but you don't know that the old guy has already seen through. No matter your calculation, I will help you!"

Zhang Bairen staggered, avoiding Li Shimin's sword, and the **** of punishment thunder shot out from his hand, as if it was missed. After Li Shimin's cuff was crossed, his dragon robe turned into gray in an instant, and the purple dragon ball body slowly flowed Out, rendering a purple halo, covering Li Shimin layer by Do you dare to do it with me? "Zhang Bairen looked at Li Shimin.

"You and I will have a battle sooner or later, if that's the case, it's better to tell a high and low victory!" Li Shimin, wearing a yellow shirt, smiled at Zhang Bairen: "I have a dragon ball increase, and my strength has increased by 20 times. war?"

"But this is the place of the Sea Clan. You have lost the blessing of the emperor's dragon qi, and Li Shimin without the emperor's dragon qi blessing is just an ordinary warrior! Not to mention that your strength is increased twenty times, even if it is a hundred times, I am not afraid!" Zhang Bairen A cold smile.

"Hehe, let's just kill you and eliminate the troubles of our heart. Who will fight you alone?" Zu Long drew out a divine sword, smashed the sea water to Zhang Bairen's Baiqiao lock.

Zhang Bairen shook his head with a look of disdain: "You will never be able to compete head-on with me without recovering 70% of your strength!"

Zhang Bairen seemed to be slow and fast, and in an instant he ejected his right index finger, which happened to hit the side of the Zulong sword.

Zulong's face was gloomy, and his smile solidified on his face: "The law of cause and effect! Since you have cultivated the real body of Gonggong, how can you use the power of cause and effect?"

"As long as I and Ancestral Dragon are there, plus the demon gods, you don't want to get close to the Dinghai Shenzhen today." Li Shimin's sword flashed, and the emperor sword in his hand turned into a real dragon and grabbed Zhang Bairen by the neck.

Zhang Bairen shook his head, stretched out his right hand, as if grasping the universe, in charge of everything, forcibly set Li Shimin's long sword three feet away, and a wall of air firmly blocked Li Shimin's long sword, as if it was a small distance away. It's the ends of the world.

"I know what you think in your heart, you and me will have to rely on your own means after all!" Zhang Bairen was not angry at Li Shimin's attack, but said something inexplicable.

"Hehe, you may not know what I think!" Li Shimin laughed.

ps: make up one more.

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