First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2047: The monstrous disaster, the mysterious turtle, the candle dragon

Dinghai Shenzhen suppressed the six sources of the Sea Clan, suppressed the power of the sea, and suppressed the Sea Clan bloodline.

Now that the Dinghai God Needle was pulled up by the First Emperor, the Sea Clan's origin sealed in the void was released, and the Sihai Dragon King suddenly discovered that his control over the Sihai skyrocketed, hundreds of thousands of times.

Countless sea clan shrimp soldiers and crabs, whales, and crocodile races are all performing magical powers to dance and make waves. The secrets of magical powers and innate secrets of the past could have exerted the power of one, but now they have exerted the power of five or ten.


At this time, with the pulling out of the Dinghai Shenzhen needle, the sea kept swaying, like a washing machine, rolling up a mighty vortex, and the four sea water veins were suppressed for hundreds of millions of years. At this time, they were born free, cheered, and the sea was rippling. The fish and shrimp's body was involuntarily thrown away by the boundless sea, and couldn't hold back his body shape at all, let alone counterattack?

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a lot of divine light, looking at the Dinghai Shenzhen needle rising into the sky, a touch of shock leaked out of his eyes.

How long is the Dinghai Shenzhen?

At this time, the Dinghai Shen Needle revealed its body, measuring 99,999 feet, with rust stains on it, and the vicissitudes of life for hundreds of millions of years. Obviously, even though the Dinghai Shen Needle was made by the immortal, it still experienced the vicissitudes of life.

At first glance, Dinghai Shenzhen couldn't see the edge at all, and it was already out of the sky.


The Dinghai God Needle shook, and was pulled out by the First Emperor, and placed it on the ground, shaking the entire East China Sea.

"Guo Shi, this treasure is regarded as the meeting gift I gave to the Guo Shi, and I also ask the Guo Shi to accept this treasure, so as not to cause chaos in the future!" Shi Huang looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Bairen is not polite, Shi Huang is in the Yin Cao Jifu, what use is this Dinghai Shenzhen?

Zhang Bairen took a step forward and came to the Dinghai Shenzhen. He looked at the rusty body covered with green seaweed, and there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes: "This thing is so huge, how can it be moved?"

On the one hand, the Four Seas Dragon King and the Prime Minister of Turtle had never taken a shot to **** the Sea God Needle, and the other was that the Sea God Needle was too huge to be robbed by everyone. Whether it was the Dragon King of the Sea Seas or the Prime Minister Turtle, they all put out their minds of snatching when they looked at the sky above the Emperor Qin Shihuang who suppressed Promise.

Secondly, Prime Minister Turtle's eyes flickered at this time, and a pair of eyes stared at the endless sea tribe origin emanating from the pinhole of the custom sea god, and a little expectation leaked from the eyes, and then he jumped into the sea pit and disappeared without saying a word. trace.

"It looks like something is wrong." Zhang Bairen watched the old turtle's movements, and suddenly a bad feeling rose in his heart.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! You are fooled!" The ancestor dragon in the dragon ball in Li Shimin's abdomen was laughing upright at this time, and the ancestor dragon laughed wildly: "Zhang Bairen, you are waiting for it!"

"Zhong Ji?" Zhang Bairen, Li Shimin, and Qin Shihuang looked at each other. You look at me and I look at you, and there is something inexplicable in their eyes.

"Hahaha, now that the Dinghai God Needle has been pulled out, it’s okay to tell you to wait. In the past, Empress Nuwa killed Xuangui and supported the world with her limbs. Xuangui suffered a disaster for no reason, resentment rushed into the sky, and she wanted to launch the world extinction. In order to destroy the world, you only know that the Dinghaishenzhen needle is to curb the development of my aquarium, but you don't know that the old turtle's body is under the Dinghaishenzhen. Now after hundreds of millions of years of suppression, his will will inevitably be gradually awakened, by then Laoguishui The world is flooded, the inland, mountains and rivers are all submerged by the sea, our sea clan will surely dominate the world and become the only race in the world!" Zulong laughed wildly.

"What? There is this?" Zhang Bairen's expressions changed.

"The most important thing is that my ancestors, my compatriots and brothers, Zhulong, conspired with Laogui for the sake of my sea clan’s plan, and was also suppressed by the Nvwa empress under the Dinghai Shenzhen. Now that these two are born, my sea clan’s general situation is already difficult. Block! First squeeze the Middle-earth China, and then flood the great wilderness. This time Shocking Rui comes to the world, my dragon will definitely be the leader!" Zulong’s frantic laughter sounded, regardless of Zhang Bairen or Shihuang, at this time. They all changed color all the time.

Whether it is the candle dragon or the mysterious turtle suppressed by the Nuwa Empress, it is by no means an easy role.

"Pop!" Zhang Bairen buckled the Dinghai God Needle, unfolding the universe in his sleeves, and even put the Dinghai God Needle into it.

"That's nothing but Prime Minister Tortoise deliberately designed the layout back then. The remaining means used King Yu's hand to use Wuzhi Qi to contain your attention, that's all! To borrow a word from your human race, it is called'Mingxiu Plank Road Darkness Chen Cang' is just like this!" Zu Long laughed wildly.

"You!!!" Li Shimin became angry, and the dragon qi all over his body revolved, constantly suppressing the dragon ball, speechless.

When Zhang Bairen heard the words, he looked at Shi Huang with a pair of eyes, and the two looked at each other. After a while, they said: "Whether it is the candle dragon or the mysterious turtle, it has been suppressed for hundreds of millions of years, but it is not a dream to wake up for a while. , We still have time."

"I am reckless!" Shi Huang said with a slight annoyance: "Zheng, always troubles the national teacher."

"It's okay, I can't turn the sky!" Zhang Bairen raised his head, looking at the sky with his eyes, feeling the three big monsters and tengu tumbling in his sleeves, and a sneer appeared in his eyes: "How about being born? I am, your majesty can just take care of the Yinsi, and you must not be distracted."

The five big beasts have collected three of them, and the five elements will be consummated only when oneself is conquering two. By then, the five big beasts will gather, and there will be another change.

With the Zhoushan Mountain, the Sun Law Bodies, and the Zhuxian Formation Diagram and the Universe Diagram to protect the Tao, how can I be afraid of those ancient antiques?

"What I want to do now is to quickly condense the Law Bodies, and get a golden body as soon as possible, and then step into the immortal realm!" Zhang Bairen looked at the mighty vortex formed by the pulling out of the Dinghai Shen Needle, and then looked at the Four Seas Dragon King who swallowed the origin of the sea in all directions. , There was a murderous in his eyes.

"The only thing I can do right now is to reinforce the enchantment of Kyushu. The national teacher has a Zhuxian formation to destroy the world and all things. What I can do is to give the national teacher a chance to make a full shot!" The first emperor's body slowly condensed and roared. , Turned into a black real dragon, and three Yuwang Ding unexpectedly appeared in the sleeves.

"Unexpectedly, the remaining three King Yu Dings were in the hands of Your Majesty." Zhang Bairen looked at the hands of the First Emperor, and King Yu Ding was taken aback.

"This was left to me by the national teacher back then, and Zeng said that I would definitely need it. I never thought that the national teacher had the foresight, and it was counted as a catastrophe hundreds of years later." Ying Zheng flicked his fingers, and the three King Yu Ding flew out. In an instant, I fell into King Yu’s barrier:

"I used the power of twelve golden men to reinforce King Yu's Ding. The national teacher must remember that there is only one chance to make a full shot! These three King Yu's Ding can keep the Kyushu enchantment from breaking!"

Zhang Bairen heard the words in silence, and after a while, he said, "Your Majesty doesn't want to go down and take a look, then what is under the Dinghaishen needle?"

"I don't want to!" Ying Zheng looked sideways at the reincarnation passage behind him, but at this moment, he saw the sound of war drums, and the murderous intent in the reincarnation passage overwhelmed the sky, and then saw the overwhelming Yinsi army rush out, neatly and uniformly in front of the first emperor. .

"Kill" Shi Huang looked at Meng Yi.

"Your Majesty has an order, there is no mercy to kill!" Meng Yi raised his hand, and the 100,000 army behind him was neatly aligned, and they lined up to kill the sea clan army.

At this time, the tens of thousands of the sea clan army had long been defeated. After being suppressed by the waves of the Dinghai Shenzhen, they had already revealed their prototypes. Facing the powerful and powerful immortal army of the First Emperor, they only had to be slaughtered.

The Four Seas Dragon King hovered, looking at the one hundred thousand army, but did not dare to intercept it, but desperately swallowed the origin released from the sea.

"Your Excellency is also a well-known strong man in the world, and even slaughtered the weak and weak of my sea clan, isn't it the demeanor of a weaker?" Zu Long's words were full of mockery.

"If you are not of my race, your heart will be different! Killing will kill. Killing some beasts is a matter of course!" Shi Huang's words were full of disdain.

"Good! Good! Good! What a beast! What a beast! When the candle dragon is born, you must die without a place to be buried!" Zu Long was so angry that he didn't know what to do, and he wanted to help the slaughtered sea. The clan, but was firmly bound by Li Shimin, and he was not given a chance to escape.

The Zhuxian array picture turned into a silk thread at this time, and the blood-red silk thread wandered around in the void, constantly devouring the boundless spirits and spirits in the sea, as well as those flesh and blood, and even the origin just released from the four seas.


However, I saw a hundred thousand army gathered together to kill intent, and some sea clan whales had already turned into the Dao, the whole body was mixed with bones and bones, and the vitality turned into blood and wolf smoke. A single face shot crushed hundreds of army into black smoke. , But the black smoke instant rebirth ~ ~ continued to pounce on the Whale General without fear.


The overwhelming Gu worms rolled up, and instantly fell into the countless army of the four seas.

What does it depend on to raise Gu?


High-quality flesh and blood!

Throughout the Divine Land, everything has its own owner, and there are indeed not many people who can refine Gu for Wubufan. No matter that power or ancestor, they will not sit back and watch the people in their own territory suffer.

Wu Bufan has endured for decades, and now the Hai Clan has suffered disaster, and it is the best time for him to start.

I saw that countless strong men of the Sea Clan turned into white bones, and their thousands of troops turned into nothingness while breathing, becoming the nourishment for Gu worms.

"It's also interesting. If this Gu worm is uncontrollable, it can eat the four seas into the Dead Sea in ten years." Shi Huang looked at the sky full of Gu worms with a hint of interest in his eyes.

"What an undead legion, although Gu worms are powerful and mysterious, but how can they have to kill the legion!" Zhang Bairen looked around and saw that the Gu worm was in contact with the undead legion, and it passed through the body of the undead legion without any trace. ripple.

"The Undead Legion is a treasure made by the national master personally, and the terracotta warriors and horses drawings are also planned by the national teacher to find the dragon and set the veins. If it is broken by the gu worm in this area, doesn't it appear that my Great Qin Empire is incompetent? The national teacher is incompetent?" The emperor's words are full of emotion. No pop-up novel network ()

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