First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2053: Beast, she is your sister!

Zhang Bairen's words are full of contempt. Although he values ​​Li Hegu's literary talent very much, he has developed a strong and upright spirit at a young age, and can face his own coercion. With such performance, he is already a rare youth leader.

Although he has a love for talent, it is impossible for Qixi to get married, so it is better to cut off this person's thoughts as soon as possible to avoid self-defeating.

"Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, the governor did not deceive the young and poor. Could it be that when the governor first came out of Zhuojun, he had already overwhelmed the world's wealthy side?" Li Hegu raised his head, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bairen. , The eyes are full of stubbornness.

"Hehe, what a thirty-year Hedong, thirty-year Hexi!" Zhang Bairen's words were full of mockery: "If I let my words go, the court will not dare to admit your fame, and the family will not dare to use your talents, yours. The future is nothing more than a word from the governor, young people must not make mistakes!"

"Just say it all, you are so good, don't mistake yourself! Young people, your future is boundless, don't ruin your life because of your temporary willfulness." Zhang Bairen played with Yuzhan, his words were full of warnings.

"Father, how can you treat Big Brother Li like this? Brother Li and I are in love with each other. In this life, I don't want to marry, but I hope that Dad will make it happen!" Qixi Festival broke in from outside the courtyard and stood in front of Li He. A pair of eyes stared at Zhang Bairen.

Behind the Qixi Festival, Xiaowen and Nie Yinniang chased in bitterly, their eyes full of helplessness.

"Why are you here? This is a matter between Father and Young Master Li, you go back and stay there!" Zhang Bairen looked hard when he saw Qixi rushing in.

"Chinese Valentine's Day" Li Hegu looked at Qixi with joy.

Qixi stared stubbornly at Zhang Bairen, his eyes did not give in, like a chicken with high morale.

"Do you have to force me? It's the best choice to tell him to retreat! Do you have to force me to kill?" Zhang Bairen said indifferently, but she heard the whole body of Qixi Festival burst instantly, she knew Zhang Bairen could tell. Just do it. The men who have been close to her over the years have died without a hundred or eighty.

"You are forcing me! If Li Hegu dies, I won't live anymore, just let him go!" Qixi's fingers clenched his sleeves with white fingers, begging in his voice: "Father! My daughter has never been in these years. If you have asked you anything, please promise your daughter this time, okay? My daughter's lifelong affairs, I want to be the master."

"Chinese Valentine's Day!" Lu Yu changed color and stepped forward to reprimand: "Listen to your father, don't be fooling around! Your father has eaten more salt than you eat. Listen to your father's words. "

A strand of Zhang Bairen's love is pinned on Qixi, and only a few people in the world know that once Qixi is emotional and breaks his body, waiting for Zhang Bairen will be a dead end.

Once in heaven, there will be no repentance!

Qixi did not speak, but looked at Zhang Bairen with stubborn eyes.

Zhang Bairen was silent. After a while, he sighed softly: "There is no house in the Li He Drum Family, no one on the ground, and I need other people to help me eat my food. How can I support you?"

"Daughter is not afraid of hardship! Daddy rises and ends up contending for a major career, why can't Brother Hegu?" Qixi refused to admit defeat.

"There is only one Zhang Bairen! There is only one throughout the ages and cannot be copied!" Zhang Bairen lowered his eyebrows, and quickly deduced the countermeasures in his mind. Then the electric light flashed in his heart, and he had an idea.

"Daughter don't care, dad, if you don't give Big Brother Hegu a chance, how come you don't know if he can surpass you?" Qixi said with anger.

Zhang Bairen looked at the silent Li Hegu, looked at the people in the courtyard, and suddenly slapped the table:

"Do you have to force me? Now, I am not afraid to be known..."

Zhang Bairen's eyes flowed in anger, and he pointed to Li He's nose and yelled: "Birds, Qixi is your sister. Do you want to be rude to your sister?"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the shocked field was shocked like a thunderbolt, and they were all shocked, and their eyes were full of shock.

"What is the governor talking about?" Lu Yu looked sideways at Xiaowen.

Xiaowen scratched her head and seemed to suspect that she had heard it wrong: "I don't seem to hear clearly!"

"The governor must not be joking. If such evasive words are spread out, I am afraid they will become the laughing stock of the world!" Li He calmed his mind, but refuted Zhang Bairen's words.

"That's a joke, I won't hide it from you until now. You are the reincarnation of this Dharma body, you polish the Dharma body in reincarnation, and you are born as heirs; although you and Qixi are not brothers and sisters of blood, they are really different from the same father. Mother’s brothers and sisters, in my generations of cultivation, the blood is one, and the origin is the second. If you two have the same origin, if you are combined, it is bound to be incompatible with the law of nature, but it is against the common sense!" Zhang Bairen’s words are full of solemn and grief: " Nie fate! Nie fate!"

"Impossible! How is this possible!" Li Hegu's words were full of disbelief: "You lied to me, you must lie to me!"

While the Qixi Festival was faltering, he looked pale and looked at Zhang Bairen: "Father, you are joking, right?"

"I'm kidding? That's joking with you?" Zhang Bairen looked at Li Hegu with a pair of eyes: "You were born in Lijiacun, seventy miles away from Chang'an City. When his father was seven years old, he went out and was swallowed by tigers. His mother died of dystocia. When I was young, I grew up eating Baijiafan, relying on herding cattle to make a living."

"These things are not difficult to find out with the power of the chief governor!" Li Hegu's face was pale at this time, and his whole body began to sway with righteousness.

"When you were seven years old, your father once fed you an egg, but that egg was the only one you had eaten before you were seven, isn't it? There is an imprint on your thigh that was bitten by the seven-step snake. , Your father personally sucked it out..."

One by one, Zhang Bairen said clearly, only the father and son can know things, but Zhang Bairen said one by one.


Li Hegu only felt that his legs were weak, and he sat on the ground blankly, staring at Zhang Bairen with dull eyes. He only felt that the sky was spinning around Qixi, and he fainted.

Lu Yu's eyes were quick, and he hugged Qixi Festival in his arms. At this time, Zhang Bairen became more and more grief-stricken as he talked. He suddenly shot the case, and looked at Li Hegu sadly:

"A beast! A beast! She is your own sister, and you are actually inferior to him!"


Li Hegu listened to Zhang Bairen’s family secrets, and he believed in Zhang Bairen’s words for seven minutes. Hearing Zhang Bairen’s cursing, his whole body collapsed, and he felt that his eyes were dark and fainted. He insisted: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! This won't be true, this won't be true!".

"Father, you lied to me, right? You lied to me, didn't you?" Qixi also woke up at this time, said in a sad voice.

"Never mind, I will tell you two to give up today!" Zhang Bairen stretched out his palms, and each took a little bit of the congenital qi from the bodies of the two. The pure sun and real fire in his hands did not move, and he smelted the two congenital qi.

The congenital qi in the fingertips is ever-changing, each showing its shape, becoming an aura, but the phantom in the aura is lifelike, generally the same as Zhang Bairen.

"Words can be faked, but the ancestor's air cannot be faked!" Zhang Bairen said in pain: "The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. You two must always recognize the facts."

"Puff" Li Hegu collapsed righteously all over his body, and he fell to the ground with black eyes, banging his head and bleeding.

Qixi wailed, and there was no rest.

"Send him back to the Bailu Academy and give him a gold million tael, which is also the cause and effect!" Zhang Bairen sighed slightly while looking at the blood stains on Li He's chest.


Someone helped Li Hegu to go away with Qixi, leaving the crowd in a mess.

"Are you true before?" Lu Yu walked forward with sadness.

"Of course it's fake. I just started preparing to sacrifice the Dharma body. How could the Dharma body reincarnate ahead of time? I did this, but it didn't matter what the two of them were thinking!" Zhang Bairen took a sip of tea and moisturized his throat.

"Then how do you know such secret things about Li Hegu? Such things are not personal experience, so it is impossible to know" Lu Yu puzzled.

"Hehe, I have proved that it is Da This matter is not difficult for me." Zhang Bairen smiled and said, "As long as I want, the eight generations of Li Hegu's ancestors can be picked up."

"The qi training technique can't be faked. The ancestors of the two are indeed the same. Both are your blood." Lu Yu puzzled.

Zhang Bairen smiled when he heard the words, his eyes filled with weird colors: "The magical wonderland is ever-changing. I master the art of Nuwa Empress' creation. How difficult is this for me?"

"As long as I ask these two to decide on the status of siblings, and then look for an opportunity in the dark to quietly kill Li Hegu, causing him to die in disaster, and to wipe out the troubles without a trace, this will happen. That's it!" Zhang Bairen carried his hands on his back, a touch of pride appeared in his eyes: "I am really smart."

"The child of Qixi Festival, the days are going to be tough!" Nalan sighed quietly: "I blame you, Qixi is so young, and he has endured what he shouldn't. Your father is so vicious."

"Born in my Zhang family, this is her fate. Although she bears everything she shouldn't bear, she also enjoys the resources and education that the princes and grandchildren did not enjoy." Zhang Bairen sighed: "Without giving, where Is there a return?"

"Tomorrow you will determine the reputation of the brothers and sisters, and you will send someone to spread the matter throughout the world." Zhang Bairen looked sideways to Jing Wuming.

Egret Academy

When Li Hegu woke up, it was late at night, and the candlelight was faint in the room, and Yan Lu was sitting under the candlelight and reading.

"Are you awake? Are you better?" Yan Lu looked sideways at Li Hegu.

Li He looked at the window curtain blankly.

"That's your sister! If you dare to dream, it's a beast!" Yan Lu said unhurriedly, "What's so sad about having a sister!"

"Puff!" With a phrase, "Beasts are not as good as animals", Li He fainted again with a puff of blood.

ps: Sixth more.

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