First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2056: 3000 Dharmakaya

As I spoke, I saw golden light from the horizon, flying in all directions as if I didn't need money.

"How many times?" Zhang Heng subconsciously said.

"Thirty-six Ways" Tao Hongjing couldn't believe it.


Zhang Heng was taken aback when he heard the words.


seventy two……


three hundred


Four hundred


five hundred


Streams of light in the sky continued to fly away, illuminating the night sky, and all the powers of the heavens, from the innate demon god, to the great sage of the demon race, were all staring at the sky with sluggish eyes.

Accompanied by the stream of light in the sky, there was silence between heaven and earth at this time, deathly silence.

Until the sunrise east, a ray of the rising sun cut through the darkness before dawn, and the light of Zhuojun finally stopped.

Chang'an Chengtou

Li Shimin stood there stiffly, his lips trembled constantly, and after a while he said, "How many Dharmakayas?"

The Ancestral Dragon, who had been chattering in his body, fell into silence strangely. After a long time, he muffled: "Three thousand! No more, no more, three thousand! That is to say, this person has three thousand dharmakayas going through reincarnation at the same time. His practice speed is three thousand times that of my waiting! One day is my waiting for nearly ten years of hard work!"

It's hanging up! This is the real opening!

"The speed at which he cultivates a golden body is also three thousand times faster than what I waited for!" Wei Zheng didn't know when he came to the city, his eyes were full of bitterness.

"Three thousand Dharma bodies, who can kill him? I am afraid that the devil will also despair! Those three thousand Dharma bodies reincarnated as the heavens, birds, beasts, insects and fish, or all living beings, who can find it?" Zhang Heng's mouth was constantly twitching: "I Is the count wrong? How could anyone cut out three thousand incarnations?"

"The big mistake has been made, no one can reverse the general trend, and is powerless!" Zu Long's voice is full of regrets: "Unless the world is destroyed, who can kill him?"

Li Shimin was silent when he heard the words, just holding Xuanyuanjian's palm, but he couldn't help but tighten again.

Tao Hongjing was silent, standing in the pavilion for a long time without saying a word, his eyes were full of confusion: "Perhaps it's dazzled?"

"I must have read it wrong!" Yin Gui rubbed his temple vigorously, seeming to wake himself up: "Three thousand avatars, who can cut out so many avatars?"

Not only the great powers of the human race were silent, but even the demon gods in the wild fell into silence at this time.

"Zhang Bairen, what a Zhang Bairen! Outside of the emperor, this person is the first person in the world, gathering three thousand dharmakayas, gathering immeasurable fortune, there is no reason to be immortal!" There was a confused look in the eyes of Shebi's corpse: "There are such characters. Forever in the world, where is the future of the gods? I can't see!"

The atmosphere in the court was silent, but Mang suddenly stood up when he saw the sentence: "Go!"

"Where to go?" He closed for a moment.

"Go and see Li Shimin! The only one who can fight against Zhang Bairen and wrestle his arms right now is Li Shimin! I will help Li Shimin to send Zhang Bairen to the reincarnation. It will be a time that can be delayed for a while!"


Uncle Yuan's nephew was dumbfounded, looking at the figure in the purple robe standing on the top of the mountain, speechless for a long time.

"The general situation has come! The real general situation has come!" Yuan Tiangang said with a wry smile.

"Unfathomable! Tianwei is really unpredictable!" Shaoyang ancestor stood at the bottom of the mountain, looking at Zhang Bairen on the top of the mountain, his eyes were full of thoughts, and his eyes were full of surprise: "Throughout the past and the present, three thousand dharma bodies can be cut out at once. Yes, this is the only one!"

"How is it?" The ancestor Shaoyang climbed the mountain and came to Zhang Bairen.

Yu Juluo and the others also woke up from the sluggishness. They thought it would take Zhang Bairen how long it would take to cut off the dharmakaya, but never thought that Zhang Bairen would cut off three thousand dharmakayas in one day and night.

Such feats will inevitably have no one before and no one afterwards.

The avenue flower on the chest turned into a chaotic air and was sucked into the ancestor by Zhang Bairen. At this time, Zhang Bairen closed his eyes and fell into a mysterious and unpredictable state. The qi machine around his body was constantly changing, and it seemed to be completely coordinated with the heaven and the earth. Part of the world.

"Yes! Yes! Although the Taoist magical powers have not increased, there is a blessing in the dark, and you can sense everything about the three thousand dharmakayas in your thoughts. The life path of the three thousand dharmakayas is mine. Experience, sentiment," Zhang Bairen opened his eyes, a ray of light pierced the void, and the flames of wisdom dazzled people unable to open their eyes.

"Just wait for these three thousand dharmakayas to experience in samsara and help me condense the golden body, and then I'll be done!" Zhang Bairen shook his body, revealing a touch of relaxation.

"It's a pity that the incense that has been accumulated for decades has been exhausted in one go." Zhang Bairen's words were full of regret.

"The population is there, the faith is there!" Shaoyang ancestor said with a smile.

Sweeping through the bleak golden body in Zhuojun City, Zhang Bairen sighed, Zhuojun’s carrying capacity has too much memory for him: "A big feast, congratulations for three days!"

"How did you do it? You cut out three thousand dharmakayas?" The ancestor Shaoyang showed curiosity: "Old ancestor, I have lived from the ancient times to the present, and I have only met one pervert, and that squad has cut a full one. One hundred and seventy-four Dharmakayas are just a fraction of you. How did you do it?"

"When the chance comes, I will do it naturally!" Zhang Bairen said with a smile.

Looking at Zhang Bairen's smile, the ancestor Shaoyang asked for a boring one, turned around and hugged his arms and said: "This time, it's all right, cut out three thousand dharmakayas, ancestors, I don't have to worry about your safety."

Zhang Bairen swept across the women who came down the mountain with a wry smile: "My ancestor, if you block me for a while, he said I haven't left the customs yet!"

There are three women in one drama, but now there are more than three women?

Sister Gongsun, Sister Yang Xiyue, and another Nalanjing!

After the words fell, Zhang Bairen ran away in a hurry. The five women seemed to get along in harmony, but what a character Zhang Bairen is, he can naturally sense the jealousy of a little bit of fierce competition.

Moreover, he really needs to go to retreat to organize his own practice, because he is about to split his personality at this time.

Three thousand dharmakayas and three thousand thoughts were constantly coming to his deity, and Zhang Bairen had to retreat and straighten out the will of those three thousand dharmakayas.

Three thousand dharmakayas are Zhang Bairen, but Zhang Bairen is not three thousand dharmakayas.

Although these three thousand dharmakayas were Zhang Bairen's thoughts to reincarnate, but the mystery in the womb obscured the perception, just like an ordinary man, passing through his short life, and then reincarnation forever and endlessly.

Until one day, Zhang Bairen awakens his dharmakaya while thinking, and the three thousand dharmakayas will also be awakened and become his external incarnation.

It can be said that the three thousand dharmakayas were ordinary three thousand sentient beings before their fate was awakened. They are no different from birds, beasts, insects, and fish. They are just a lot lucky. With the blessing of Zhang Bairen's body, they can grow up smoothly.

"Ancestor, didn't Bairen leave the customs? Where did he go?" Na Lanjing stepped forward and paid respectful salute to Ancestor Shaoyang.

"He, he did finish cutting the Law Bodies, but he still needs to retreat and sort out some harvest! You also know that retreat is a long day, where can it be so fast?" Shaoyang ancestor turned around and turned towards Go down the mountain.

"I just saw that person talking here," Gongsun Xiaoniang whispered.

"That's right, obviously he was here just now, but he didn't see us, what does that mean!" The aunt said dissatisfied.

"Sisters, as women and women, we must obey the three obediences and four virtues. Zhuojun has to rely on the support of the husband in every industry, you must understand him!" Nalan said quietly.

"Cut!" Xiao Niang rolled her eyes, turned and flicked her sleeves and left: "Little fox!"

Because of Nalanjing's practice of the Water God Scriptures, her whole body looked gentle and watery, filled with a touch of gentleness, as if it was soft around her fingers, and could melt and contain everything.

The Yang sisters secretly laughed on one side, and then turned around to seep, leaving Nalanjing standing there shaking her head without a word. After a while, she sighed, "Women, why bother women!"

"Sister Gongsun practiced swordsmanship, and she's better than twisting her temper. It's strange to be used to seeing your three wives and four concubines. Nalanjing, who is gentle as water, is two extremes. Yang Xiyue and Princess Makeup almost missed you because of Nalanjing calculations. Arm, I also have a knot in my heart for Nalanjing. If you don’t come forward to resolve the If you don’t have a good life in the future, you will be tossed to death!" Shaoyang ancestor did not know when he came to Zhang Bairen. There were weird smiles in his eyes.

Zhang Bairen shook his head: "What can I say? Fortunately, I have cultivated three thousand dharmakayas. If one person divides them into one, it will be enough!"

The ancestor Shaoyang was speechless, and after a while, he looked at the sky speechlessly: "Sure enough, extravagant, more Dharmakaya is willful!"

Ordinary people's Law Bodies are polished in reincarnation, and those who dare to wake up their Su Hui at will, but when it comes to Zhang Bairen, saving and being careful does not seem to exist.

There are so many Dharmakayas and wayward!

"Boy, you have to be careful. Those women cut off the law body. If you accidentally put a hat on you in samsara, you won't have time to cry! The law body in samsara is her and not her. You need to be more careful! The entanglement of love and hatred between the Emperor of Heaven and Taiyin and Yi is a lesson from the past!" The ancestor Shaoyang meant something.

Zhang Bairen frowned, "I really can't help but prevent it! Fortunately, my law of destiny and the law of causality are already in flames. As long as my body is drawn over, I can be with Nalanjing's body."

"However, the ancestor has never said about the entanglement between the Emperor of Heaven and Taiyin and Yi!" Zhang Bairen looked at Patriarch Shaoyang curiously.

The ancestor Shaoyang knew that he had made a mistake, and he smiled: "It's all from the past, and I don't remember it clearly, so what do you do?"

When the words fell, Zhang Bairen was not given a chance to ask more, but the ancestor Shaoyang dissipated as a breeze, leaving only Zhang Bairen sitting in the mountains, watching the fireworks in the world.

"Congratulations to the Governor for enforcing the Dharma Body Attainment, this Attainment combined with Da Luo Daoguo, even if there is a fall in the future, it will be resurrected and returned," Yuan Shoucheng said with a smile.

Zhang Bairen shook his head and cut off the Law Body, just for some calculations, leaving a way for himself, nothing more.

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