First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2060: Prelude to the Founding of the Country (Part 1)

Two hundred thousand believers, and still in the deadly world of the Yin Cao, seem especially precious.

Although the ghosts can also be converted into their own believers and provide themselves with the power of faith, but you can refine dozens of ghosts, which is not as good as the incense of a stranger.

At this moment, Zhang Bairen looked at the big sun in the sky, faintly blending with the world in front of him, and the big sun golden crow refining death energy, turning death energy into vitality, nourishing the world in front of him.

Vitality nourishes the soil and nurtures life, yet it feeds back the good fortune of life to the Golden Crow, helping the Golden Crow grow stronger.

In the dimness, the dimensional barrier of nothingness is slowly deriving, turning into a layer of veil, and with the growth of vitality, it is completely isolated from the dead world.

"Can Cong and Yu Fu, how dazed the founding of the country; you are forty-eight thousand years old, and you don't live with Qin Sai..." In the dimness, the poems read one after another seemed to pass through time and space.

"The Governor, the tribute has been placed!" The two Taoists, Jin Bui and Yin Buried, turned into streamers at this time, hovering in front of Zhang Bairen to respectfully salute.

As the first force to take refuge in Zhang Bairen, Lianshan Road naturally moistened the big cake of the Yin Cao Difu.

"Have a million people been ready?" Zhang Bairen looked at Zuo Qiu Wuji.

"Return to the general governor, most of whom are willing to enter the Yincao Netherworld are elderly people over the age of fifty... These elderly people are not afraid of death, and are willing to strengthen Zhuojun, contribute their own strength, and become the pioneer of the rise of Zhuojun!" Zuoqiu Wuji took a roster and handed it up: "There are only half a million old and weak, willing to enter the Yin Cao Netherworld, putting death and life away."

Taking a look at the roster, Zhang Bairen looked at Zhang Heng: "In three days, I want to see the remaining half a million people and enter the Yin Cao Kingdom."

"Yes! This matter is not difficult, even if you leave it to me! It's just that the migration of half a million people is not a small move, and you have to borrow the captain's race bag to use it" Zhang Heng smiled.

"Hehe, the race bag is a weapon to kill demons, but it is not good to use it to pretend to be people! I will lend you the world map, allowing you to control the world map for three days." A streamer flew out from Zhang Bairen's sleeve and landed Zhang Heng's hands.

"Thank you, Governor" Zhang Heng said his goodbyes, then broke through the void sonic boom, turned into a streamer and went away.


The void shook, and the heavens swayed and swayed. Looking at the 200,000 elites who were constantly fighting the Yin Cao army, Zhang Bairen lightly fell on the altar.

The platform is thirty-three feet high and has octagonal angles. Thirty-three flag streamers are hung on each corner. Thirty-three lanterns are hung on each flag streamer. Each lantern is carved with dragons and phoenixes. The lines.

"The founding of the country! Finally reached this point!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes.

Yang Shi

Zhang Heng returned to the Northern Heavenly Master Dao and turned to the boy and said: "Through my decree, all the Taoist people will buy brothel women with a lot of money, and all those brothel women will be bought, and it is considered to save them from the sea of ​​suffering."

The boy was stunned when he heard the words, touched his ears, and seemed to suspect that he had heard it wrong: "Ancestor, the women in the brothel in the world are afraid that there will be no less than 300,000. Why do you buy so many brothel girls?"

"My Beitian Shidao family can't afford it, can't I join the other Taoist temples to buy it? You don't have enough gold and silver, just go and borrow from the major families!" Zhang Heng said in a hurry.

"Even if we can afford the price, those old bustards may not be willing to let go. We bought all those women, should they still do business?" The boy's eyes were full of doubt.

"So, I'm going to talk to the bosses behind those brothel, you tell me the decree, and ask all the real people of Yangshen to come forward, presumably those bosses are still happy to do this business!" Zhang Heng smiled coldly.

The Dao Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has long been entrenched. Once the entire Dao Sect is activated, it will be the power to subvert Li Tang. How dare those local officials and wealthy individuals violate the Tao Sect’s laws?

Since Zhang Bairen promised to do things beautifully, this is an act of immense merit. One freed all the women of the world from the sea of ​​suffering, and the other met Zhang Bairen's requirements. Why not do it?

The Taoist decrees came out, and the earth shook in an instant, and countless family members and furniture were all shocked, and they had some guesses about the movements of the Taoist.

"Zhang Bairen is about to start a country!" Looking at the intelligence in his hand, Li Shimin sighed, and threw the paper on the case table.

Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling and others were silent, and the atmosphere in the hall was silent.

After a while, Du Ruhui raised his head: "Your Majesty, this might not be your Majesty's opportunity."

"How do you say? Our hands can't be inserted into the Yin Cao, how can we profit?" Li Shimin raised his head and looked at Fang Xuanling.

Fang Xuanling smiled softly: "Your Majesty's battle with the chief governor is approaching. How about adding a bet?"

"How to bet?" Li Shimin was surprised.

"How about Li Tang's thousands of miles of gambling with the mountains, rivers and Yin Cao of Zhuojun?" Wei Zheng took over Li Shimin's words.

Li Shimin was silent when he heard the words, pursing his lips, and after a long time said: "You Aiqing think that I have a certainty of victory? I only have a 30% chance to fight against the most supervised battle!"

In fact, Li Shimin did not say that these 30% opportunities were the result of Zulong's full cooperation.

"The soldiers are not tired of deceit, if at that time, the devil goes to seek revenge on the capital, no wonder we" Fang Xuanling said with a smile.

"Yes, in this way, your Majesty should be five to five points with the governor!" Du Ruhui smiled and said: "If I can win the kingdom of Yin Cao, I, Li Tang, will complete the feat that the pre-Qin did not accomplish, and it will be immortal in the future and shine forever."

Li Shimin was silent when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "My body, I know, the human race can be without the Li Tang Empire, but it can't be without the general governor; I just want to defeat him, but I can't kill him."

"Haha, three thousand dharma bodies, who can kill him? Your Majesty thinks too much!" Fang Xuanling smiled.

"The Dao Sect is converging on the brothel girl. If we want to establish another kingdom in the Yin Cao Mansion, should we stop it?" Yuchi Jingde hesitated.

"It is a good thing to open up another ancestral land for my human race to become the origin of my human race's life! Why stop? I don't want to bear the eternal infamy and become a generation of faint kings!" Li Shimin slowly stood up and said, "Go on. The various ministries assist Zhuojun with all their strength and try their best to facilitate this!"


The ancestor of Shaoyang narrowed his eyes and looked at the setting sun on the horizon, holding the wine gourd in his hand, the mellow fragrance of wine drifting away.

"Ancestor, you said that on August 15th, the governor and the emperor will win and who will lose? The governor and the emperor are the pillars of my human race, do you want to persuade them?" Yuan Shoucheng came to Shaoyang Ancestor: " It's always good to be able to avoid a catastrophe."

The wine gourd in the hands of the ancestor Shaoyang flew out, smashing Yuan Shoucheng and staggering: "You, the way is not enough, always kindly do bad things. This Zhuojun is afraid that it will not be able to keep it, and it will soon be replaced by a new owner."

Yuan Shoucheng was shocked when he heard the words: "The ancestor meant to say... that... the emperor Li Tang will win?"

"It's possible." Old Ancestor Shaoyang narrowed his eyes: "The old guys in the East China Sea are not fuel-efficient lamps. Will they not intervene in the battlefield then?"

"Have you ever thought about the national title?" Nalanjing came to the altar and stood beside Zhang Bairen, looking at Zhang Bairen, who closed his eyes and calmed down, with a touch of silence in his eyes.

Nalanjing, who was gentle and watery, seemed to have a quiet power in her body.

"The sun and the moon are clear, it's better to call it: tomorrow, how about it?" Zhang Bairen never raised his head, still closing his eyes.

The sun and the moon are taken from the sun and the lunar, the emperor and the lunar fairy!

In the future, I want to seize the sun and the moon, reverse the long river of time and space, and call it a plain word, which is the most appropriate.

"Ming?" Nalan Jing was taken aback, and after a while, he was surprised: "Good name! Good name!"

It is indeed a good name.

In three days

But seeing Zhang Heng returning with the world map, smiled at Zhang Bairen and said: "The chief governor, the Dao Sect is fortunately not insulting, this matter has been completed, and I will pay the decree."

Zhang Bairen took the universe map, looked at it for a moment, and then shook his palm, but saw that the map was distorted, and a million people fell on the ground in an instant.

"My Zhuo County has already registered ready-made officials ~ waiting for a long time. Later, we only need to follow the order of these millions of people, delimit their residences, and solve the problem of rations for millions of creatures, which can stabilize people's hearts. , Gathering incense popularity, when the dragon spirit can be derived." Zhang Bairen fell, but saw that the 200,000 warriors who fought in the distance had returned, began to register and reorganize the population of one million.

The popularity of Zhuojun’s culture is unprecedented. Basically, the new generation of young people are familiar with the four books and five classics, and it is really not difficult for the 200,000 strong bones to control the order of dividing millions of people.

However, in half a day, millions of people have been settled down, and the 200,000 strong have all divided their regions and cracked the soil to seal the king.

At this time, the two hundred thousand warriors were trying to persuade millions of tribes to join their own camp.

What's the use of land alone? Only with population can land be valuable.

The earth has a radius of 100,000 miles, and the warrior is 200,000. It sounds a bit small, but it is not small in reality. On the contrary, it is more than enough, and most of the territory is still free.

Two hundred thousand warriors divided up a million people, and it seemed that they were not enough.

With a population of one million and five hundred as a village, people are naturally full of joy that can attract people, but people who cannot attract people are complaining, and the two sides are constantly fighting.

Two thousand villages were built, and the state capital was set up to govern the villages of each road. In this way, even if the warriors crack the soil and seal the king, they cannot threaten the central control.

With two hundred thousand warriors and two thousand kings, the probability is very small.

Of course, the throne has not yet been determined at this time, although the village has a rudimentary form, but it needs to take turns in charge of warriors from all walks of life. In the future, the two thousand people with the greatest merit should divide the land and each one will receive a village.

"What do you say about eating and drinking? The ration of a million people is not a small number! Once it reproduces, it will be an astronomical figure!"

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